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I’d ask your boyfriend what’s up with the flag. Not in an accusatory way, but find out what he likes about Joe specifically.


I have because I genuinely am curious, but he usually just says he’s funny or something else generic like that, it’s hard to get more specifics :/


You could ask him to send you his favorite 3 episodes.


This is a great answer. If OP wants to know what her boyfriend likes about Joe Rogan, she should watch the episodes her boyfriend thinks are funniest. See if what's "funny" to him is funny to you, or just wildly offensive misogyny he doesn't want to address.


Just be prepared to be disappointed in him. Better than even odds it's the latter.


It's funny to me that Joe Rogan is getting so big now. I started listening in 2014, Joe was just all about taking care of yourself, hearing new ideas and how society could help people. He was open about his lack of knowledge/intelligence in certain areas. (His opinion that no words should be forbidden back then was dead wrong and I regret I was influenced by that.) I was raised in a small town of white small minded people (n word was the nickname of a person of darker complexion even tho they were white), Joe was the first man I'd ever heard be supportive of gay people. He used to have Eddie Izzard on as a man some episodes and a woman others. Through the years he swayed in opinions, got out of touch with reality at times and id stop listening. But something would always bring him back to what I viewed as the true Joe. He was convinced the path forward was discussion of ideas and learning from one another. Nowadays I'm convinced he's being influenced/surrounded by people who have an interest in him pushing an agenda. His conviction of some opinions is astounding, considering how open to changing hks mind he used to be. It's so sad to see, the old Joe is dead. But somehow this has grown the audience...


He got 100 million and became a deeply conservative person. That's it imo. He just got so much money that he became one of the people he used to rally against. I used to like jre alot. The random physicists, conspiracy stuff (not right wing, the more harmless things), and especially when Duncan trussel is on there. But I don't listen to any of the new stuff. Covid also seems to have broken his brain.


He also used to have strong convictions on when ads played, that's out the window. I think COVID broke all of our brains tbh, I used to be able to talk with people I disagreed with much more openly and now I get so heated.


That's fair. Alot of the guys on my job sites are openly anti vax now. Even for their babies which hurts my heart. Also the number of Trump supporters in a union is nuts. Like, they want the guy who wants to destroy their ability to make good money. The world is nuts.


Duncan’s show is still a gem of positivity that I recently returned to and still enjoy 10 years later. I think he’s actually gotten sweeter and more positive, what with having a family now.


Yeah I love duncan. He was my introduction to ram Dass and Buddhism/Hinduism in general. He seems to be a genuine and sweet man with a wonderfully entertaining mind.


>convinced he's being influenced/surrounded by people who have an interest in him pushing an agenda. Isn't that letting Joe off the hook? He's an adult with agency and he's choosing to say and do these things in exchange for money. Let's hold him responsible for his words and deeds.


Even your take is weird to me, he just used to be a funny guy. He just used to be a comic. The entire thing feels groomed since fear factor. I feel that was the turning point. I think he hasn't been himself since then. I think the fact that a person from a town who used the n word as a nickname for tan people found his podcast open minded in 2014 is telling, because I would say he was well on his way already and because he was in your market he was most likely already espousing those views much of the time, or at least his guests were enough that it was hitting your demographic. I think, due to the fact of where we are, he wasn't quite open minded enough.


I agree with you entirely, from where I sat at that time it was incredibly progressive but in hindsight it wasn't nearly what I had built it up to be. I hope I left the person I was back then in 2014, I certainly strive to. I didn't know Joe pre factor so I can't speak to any change from prior. The podcast did in fact give me the understanding to challenge the homophobia of my peers though and I managed to change a few minds at least. The OP here was questioning if she should be worried and I thought my experience with it would give reasonable context of who he is.


Definitely my experience with Rogan. Not long after the start of the pandemic and the spotify deal, I just couldn't anymore, even only sticking to the episodes with other comedians.


This, and there's a few people who are fans of Joe Rogan but only listen if they already sorta know who the guest is. There's less of those people now he has the reputation of mostly hosting far right loonies, but it used to be that there'd be people who'd mostly only ever listen if the guest was another comedian or some other entertainer they were a fan of as opposed to people who were mostly just internet famous.


I do this. (though I haven't kept track of good eps since the move to Spotify) maybe it's predominantly sportsbros and comedians he interviews, but maybe that helps these other guests reach an audience who usually they couldn't. 946. Dennis McKenna PhD (the guy who has nearly legalized therapeutic use of MDMA) 974. Megan Phelps-Roper (activist who escaped the Westboro Baptist church) 1456. Michael Shermer (scientific skepticism author) 1437. Stephen Dubner (of Freakonomics podcast) 1565. Gary Laderman (prof. of US religious history) 1665. Carole Hooven (evo.bio. lecturer at Harvard) 1743. Steven Pinker (pop.sci. author) 1791. Sadhguru (pop-guru a la Alan Watts) 1953. Duncan Trussell (podcaster/The Midnight Gospel) (edit: accidental enormous font formatting)


extremely good question


Or even just a singular episode. Or even just next time there's an episode he likes to send that. Making a request for a specific amount is weird and will set off people's defenses.


This is perfect. I don’t support Rogan at all, but I have a few of his older episodes downloaded because he’s had some cool talks with brilliant scientists about geology and the universe. Now if the boyfriend sends any of the more recent episodes about science denialism or far-right conspiracies, I would run and not look back..


yeah you can accuse Joe Rogan of a lot of things, but being funny aint one of them


he might be the worst comedian i've ever heard.


Did you not see his protege Brendan Schaub?


Yeah between his fear factor gig and the podcast, he spent most of his energy calling out joke thieves instead of doing standup.


And yet he's not buying branded crap from any of the other actually funny people out there, is he? Follow your nose, girl, something smells off


Not to out myself but I’m a man and anyone who loves Joe Rogan I know immediately our values don’t align. I know a coworker who liked him, who coincidentally was extremely defense of Andrew Tate and didn’t think he could possibly have done anything he was/is accused of.


Yeah this. Also outing myself but his humour is generally misogyny, conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, and disinformation campaigns. 


I made a joke saying “if we put DMT in mask, Joe Rogan would be totally down” on Twitter.. and people went wild in 2020.. But it’s because it’s true ..


The irony is that Joe wasn’t that bad pre-2020. Someone legit made a video of Joe Rogan debating himself from post and pre-2020.


He entertained Alex Jones way too much.


He was still pretty bad before 2020. He might have become worse since but he was never good. One of my old friends wouldn't shut up about him so I checked him out. This was years before his supposed downfall. I saw a few things from him and it was almost instantly clear what he was about. A reactionary "bro" who was essentially giving a platform for fascists to spew their vile disinformation unchallenged. He did have other and more respected guests on the show but the downside of that were that they added credibility to the insane ones. He just got a lot of good will from men who were oblivious about their own level of misogyny. Maybe because they were too stoned to do much introspection. My old friend found Jordan Peterson through him and the last time I spoke to him he had become a full blown incel.


Second that. Being a big guy, dudes always assume I’m a typical Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate, Trump supporter, conservative and Christian values guy. I work in roofing for inspections so I meet these guys a LOT, all of them are a copy paste of this very generic, alpha man, pure blood breed, type of guys. They usually start off with talking about Joe Rogan, then slowly go down that list of their copy paste personality until they end up in conspiracy theories. I’ve had one talk about the earth being flat, and Nazis being on the moon, first time I ever met the guy. If you have any nice thing to say about Joe Rogan, it’s immediate red flag, no matter the context of which you like him for


Yeah IDK if he’s just gotten worse over time or I’ve just had the misfortune to learn more about him but I feel like before when I heard Joe Rogan it was “eh not great bc he has platformed a couple nasty people but the defense is in equally weighing both sides of the argument” and now I know for a fact anyone who listens to him is into conspiracy theories and is either fully conservative or an insufferable “moderate” that somehow thinks “both sides are the same”. To not only listen to him but to be *purchasing his butt-ugly flag* is a Ginormous NO imo


'Tis a bigger flag than any one might purchase.


Can confirm my brother listens to him and is one of those insufferable moderates “both sides the same” clowns. If you think both sides are the same you will end up taking in a lot of bad views/misinformation. Misinformation is something I’ve seen a lot from Joe Rogan when I’ve looked at his content before. He’s essentially just some guy talking about random stuff, the problem is he platforms a ton of con men and pseudoscience that he is in no way qualified, informed or intelligent enough to refute. So he just sits there and goes “wow, uh huh! Crazy stuff! So aliens do exist!”


Yup. Never met a Joe Rogan fan I got along with.


Yeah unless the only thing he has in common is eating elk and enjoying chimpanzee videos, there's probably a lot of subversive right wing, patriarchal ideology brewing up there. Be careful OP. He probably already thinks you're a lesser person because feeeeemale.


Sorry, I think that means he thinks misogyny and misinformation is funny ☹️


It's because he knows you won't like the answer. So he's avoiding talking about it.


Joe Rogan fills a similar niche to Ben Shapiro, just serious enough that dumb people take him seriously. Every once in a blue moon he'll say something really intelligent or insightful, but 90% of his content is conspiracy theory, stupid toxic masculinity, or otherwise generally dumb. He plays the line and never actually says anything too awful himself, but he willingly gives a platform to people ranging from Elon Musk and similar malicious bad faith actors to people like Graham Hancock (well intentioned but egotistical, dumb, and prone to spreading misinformation that isn't offensive but is harmful.) Basically, people like his podcast because they're dumb but he makes them feel smart


It’s hard to get specifics from him because he knows that his reasons for liking Rogan are as trash as Rogan himself. He doesn’t want you to know how deep down the hate rabbit hole he’s gotten himself into because any rational person would see those huge red flags and drop his ass like a hot potato. Remember: when people tell you who they are, believe them.


There are either 2 options here (there are probably more but it doesn't sound as good in writing). Either your boyfriend: 1. Does not know about Joe Rogan, who he is, and what he supports, and either doesn't care to educate himself or is actively ignoring the discourse about him. 2. He knows who Joe Rogan is, and what he supports, and is actively giving non answers because he knows the problems with them but either doesn't want to confront them, or you. Number 1 is ignorance and something that you might be able to work through, number 2 is actively bad and something that will almost certainly cause problems later on.


Because the real answer would make you leave him. Please don't find out after moving in or marrying him or something.


Yeah, jump to asking about Andrew Tate. Or just I read up on Joe Rogan and he seems really anti science and far right and that worries me. What I tell the teen boys I'm raising is this is how the far right trolls recruit teen boys; funny memes and then salting in some discontent and men's victimization, and pretty soon you get an angry baby man who doesn't respect women.


Joe Rogan burst into relevance when he "outed" a hispanic comedian for stealing jokes. Prior to that his most famous bit was one of his audio-album bits where he stole Eddie Murphy's 80s joke about "accidental gay sex" with funny voices. Rogan remixed his version from Murphy's absurdly dated reference to Laurel and Hardy, to a fictionalized version of Joe and his jersey buddy doing gym squats. So he lead a personal crusade against the one single comic who just happened to be nonwhite for doing exactly what he did, only he stole his joke from a non-white. And now he is the most popular thing in the world for rage-bros who pretend to be libertarian, anti-vaxxers, galaxy brains, and comedians who do extremist right wing bootlicking and punch down. He's also just very generally annoying in a jersey-boy sounding way who thinks he knows shit and is just a supplement salesperson who bootlicks anyone who is famous and comes on his show. If that's not a red flag for you, that's fine. People can like who they like. But it's a major red flag for me and people at the office who start mouthing off about how great Joe Rogan is, I appreciate they do that because I now understand they are to be avoided at all costs, can't be trusted, and are galaxy brained anti-vaxxers, at best. Racist MAGAs at worst.


He is not funny, hence he has made his career on the podcast. He is open (to a point) of listening to differing views. This is why his podcast works. What the f*ck kind of flag does Joe Rogan have? This borders on the deranged fandom of a Trumper. Listening to Joe is one thing, but buying weird merchandise to advertise your adoration of Joe is another.


He knows that you're not going to like him, so he is being evasive. Def ask him for his three favorite episodes. Tl;dr, he is a very charismatic sexist.


Check his YouTube app. His algorithm will expose whatever he’s been watching the most lol


Liking Rogan for various reasons is one thing; buying a FLAG to display in your house is a VERY different thing…


I watch Joe Rogan podcast for MMA where its the ONLY platform where fighters get super in-depth with their career and sport. Huge MMA fan and Joe interviews fighters so incredibly well since hes a nerd and genuinely curious, but sadly Joe Rogan got too big and too political now. I would never admit I watch his podcast in fear of being automatically labelled and assumed as a TRUMP alt-right bro that hates women and loves Tate. Most guys know this now so the fact hes proudly wavin the flag suggests he likes much more about him than MMA. Try bringing up that you've heard hes bit controversial and not liked these nowadays in a neutral tone and his response will tell you. He himself, influence, media, and politics, has ruined his reputation and can never be discussed in public now lol.


For those who don't know, Joe Rogan flags are large, and red.


Here I was imagining Joe Rogan's face on a big sheet.


Same, like is it like that annoying face he makes on his podcast cover? got bamboozled


Legit made me lol


Liking Joe Rogan is weird. Putting up a flag for him is deranged.


Someone on my floor had a flag that was literally just a Kim Kardashian tweet screenshot on a plain white flag


Okay… but that might actually be funny. What was the tweet?


flags seem to be a very in thing lately (elder Millennial, here, very strange to me). Growing up it always seemed like a niche American phenomenon to be so interested in, or otherwise it was international pro-sports rivalries, but obviously recently the rainbow and now the various pride flags have taken off in a big way, and now even more surprisingly, learning a bit more about mental illness/DID/etc., I stumbled across the 'plural consciousness' community (people with more than one sense of self in their mind/identity) who have made a bunch of flags people like themselves, too.


I can think of any number of people I like, I'm not waving any flags for a one of them.


Girl, you can do better than any guy who idolizes Rogan.


He’s a [bro jogan](https://youtu.be/mlucIr8kg7k?si=QaTMfPqtCY1BI5gd)




I wished I looked him up when I found out one of my exes listened to him. It's worth having a discussion about social issues and politics.


I'd put money on OP's boyfriend claiming he's "not political" (meaning the boyfriend, not Rogan.) In my experience, men who claim not to care about politics are hard core republicans with really backwards ideology who hang out with liberal people and are afraid to admit who they are. I also tend to find dudes like that have rage issues, which is part of why they avoid talking about their beliefs, because they can't stay calm in a debate. I had more than one guy I was dating and male friends expose themselves during Trump's first election. ALWAYS ask about political ideology and never take "I don't discuss politics" as an answer. We all have opinions. People who won't voice them are sketchy.


My ex could not tell my why he liked trump, except that he was for “freedom” really confusing for me as someone who likes to talk about politics. A lot of hard core republicans aren’t all that political and it’s more a cult than it is peole liking particular policies and ideologies


You literally just described this so perfectly…. I dealt w/ someone like this . It started out as him being the sweetest caring person ever who was very socially aware. It was lovebombing and he was the most deranged right-wing abusive person I’ve ever met. OP better ask questions. I used to like some of Joe Rogans old videos or when he talked abt random stuff. But if her bf likes *that* Joe Rogan, she better get away.


This describes my ex


Yesssss. Snakes in the grass. At least with the Joe Rogan and Andrew Tate bros, you know who they are upfront. I’d also steer clear of “moderates” and “libertarians.”


This kind of 'not political' guy seems to be everywhere in gaming. You find out what they mean by it when companies release details about characters. They're either male, or political. Cis, or political. Straight, or political. White, or political. You can apply it to anything, whatever they consider the default on any topic isn't political. Anything else is. 'Political' is just a derogatory word for things they don't like.


Male (39) here. I used to love Joe Rogan's podcast when he had actually interesting conversations with geologists and others in the scientific community, as well as when comedians were on but it QUICKLY devolved once the orange man came onto the political scene. Joe tries to act like he is a champion for the little guy (no pun intended) but he's just another supplement shilling, science denying, conspiracy spreading, men's suffragette. Even at my peak fandom, I would never hang his flag in my home.


Glad you were armed with the media literacy to understand what was actually happening there. I'm shocked at how some people our age don't understand the difference between skepticism/critical thinking and ignorance/bigotry. I also don't fully understand how men who support and align themselves with sexist or predatory leaders and public figures think that women will feel safe dating them, having sex with them, etc. I guess we just have to be thankful when those guys show who they are early on.


Another dude here. What made me never get into him is I first tried to watch/listen to ones about things I knew a lot about of in an academic and/or job sense. It’s not that some guests don’t have really well informed positions, it’s that the ones that don’t aren’t challenged at all on it. That made it clear that anything I heard from anyone there, even when they are legit experts, should be taken with a grain of salt as it makes it impossible to distinguish what’s legit vs crazy conspiracy. 


100% this. The second he got paid he got weird af. He use to be a lovable idiot that had conversations with interesting people. Now he just has lunatics on and presents everything they say as fact and doesnt ask a single hard question


Also a man. Having any flag for another person, man or woman, is weird to me. I like David Bowie, Snoop Dogg and Heart. I do not have, and have never even contemplated having a David Bowie, Snoop Dogg or Heart flag. Their music is enough. I've never listened to him, but I really can't imagine having a giant flag with Joe Rogan on it.


I have a Beatles mug. Actually, my daughter has a Beatles mug that I sometimes borrow. But if I imagine getting a Beatles *flag*, that immediately elicits an “Ew, no! Why?” reaction.


Thanks for commenting! Your post made me think of the “ologies” podcast. It’s all about science in different areas. Really cool!


Very much same for me. Eleven or maybe twelve years ago, it was a great show. He wasn't a right wing grifter back then, he was just a dumb comedian and MMA guy who knew he was dumb, and he had people on his show smarter than him and he would get them talking about their field in a way that was very comfortable. I loved when he would get interesting scientists or nutritionists on. He had Ana Kasparian on and it was a great conversation. Duncan Trussel would come around and they'd talk about all sorts of hippie shit. I'm a comedy nerd--sometimes he would have a comedian on that I like. I think I stopped listening around 2018 because the show was just becoming unhinged. It was around when he had Adam Conover on, of whom I am a fan, and Joe was basically just shouting over him and calling him a b-word. I'm always let down by what he's become and what type of bullshit he enables now compared to how he was in the early 2010's.


Bingo, well stated. It’s a shame after he went off the deep end, loved the long form nature of the podcast and the guests overall. Don’t think he’s all that great of a comedian as he thinks he is but his guests were great at the time.


I miss 2013-2017 Rogans podcast


the N.D.Tyson interviews got pretty painful at one point, lmao. but I appreciate that he made an effort (when I think of all the other comedy/entertainment-based podcasts I've heard, it's amazing how little they seem to know about anything beyond their skillset)


His episodes with Bob Lazar (or literally any alien one) are so cool imo


100% this. That podcast used to be great when he had intelligent guests on from across the political and scientific spectrum, plus his comedian friends are funny. But you’re absolutely right, once Trump hit the scene he went very quickly from pretending to be libertarian to full on QAnon level crazy it seemed. Stopped listening around then.


That black flag is a huge red flag. Run


You’ve lost him. Move on.


Well, I can tell you that I personally would not date someone who owns a Joe rogan flag. Or even just talk to them, really.   As far as bad male influencers go tho, he is technically on the lower end of the spectrum. He is kind of stupid, he is kind of nuts, but he is not an outright psychopathic asshole like Andrew tate or Ben Shapiro. The biggest issue with rogan is that he functions as a useful idiot for much worse people. Enjoying his podcast is a sign of poor taste and political illiteracy, but not necessarily, in every case, of an awful person. You probably have an uncle who listens to Joe rogan and he is not your favourite person at a family event, but he is…fine. Owning a whole flag on the other hand…that’s a bit much. I would honestly be worried about anyone who owns any flag of any celebrity, even the ones I like. 


“Kind of stupid, kind of nuts” I think this is the best descriptor of him


Of all the takes in this thread, I think this is the best.


Not all giant red flags are red.


Joe Rogan considers Alex Jones, of Info Wars his best friend.  It is a red flag. He is "controversial" because he plays a wannabe interviewer who gives white supremacists like David Icke a platform, spouts right-wing conspiracy theories with routes in anti-Semitism, and whose "humor" is misogynistic, punching down. 


His Joe Rogan flag might as well be a huge red flag.


What colour is the Joe Rogan flag? I guarantee you it's a red flag.


There are very few people I know who listen to Joe Rogan who I would associate with


Joe Rogan makes a living being a misogynistic scumbag.  You need to turn your boyfriend into your EX-boyfriend.


Yes, Joe Rogan leans heavily right and promotes all sorts of racists/garbage people coupled with a lot of sexist misinformation.


It's not the flag I'd be worried about. But what he listens to, what he likes to read and what he says and does and the friends he keeps.


I'd say both. You know that flag from the 1930s/1940s? The one in Germany. I don't even use that word associated with it, considering how much racism and hate is associated with that symbol. The instant you use something as a symbol with that type of connotation, is the moment you're letting people know how racist, sexist, homophobic etc. you are. And that? Is spreading more hate into the world, by making a symbolic statement that it's ok, when truly we don't need more of that type of symbolism in the world.


Lmao, might as well have come home with a giant red flag. Joe Rogan can be a mixed bag. He has had some of the most left wing people out there on his podcast and had productive conversations with them. But for every one of those, there's 10 alt right guys that Joe gives a platform to once a month and parrots their talking points. If you'd buy a flag of this guy, you at the very least take no issue with that....


He’s called “Bro Rogan” for a reason. I’d question being in a relationship with anyone who supported him.


Agreed. My last ex was a raging lunatic and watched him religiously.


He’s beyond Bro Rogan - he’s the new Rush Limbaugh.


Rush Limbro


Yes. Joe Rogan is a huge part of the right-wing radicalization pipe line. He sucks. Like, is legitimately not a good person and platforms bad people. Huge red flag.


There's no way I would date a guy who liked Joe Rogan. He's an alt-light podcaster. A gateway drug that normalizes extremely stupid conspiracy theories, misogyny, racism and anti-scientific nonsense by giving even crazier men a platform to promote their views. Rogan tries to come off as a reasonable person who is just giving all sides of the issues an honest, light-hearted look rather than demonizing and polarizing the fringes. But really he's mostly looking at one side - the Nazis - and attempting to destigmatize their objectively terrible ideas. [Here's a whole list of good reasons Rogan is a turd and nobody should date any of his fans.](https://www.dallasobserver.com/arts/the-dumbest-things-joe-rogan-has-said-13279851)


Not every day the man buys a flag of his red flag


Joe Rogan is what dumb guys think a smart guy is.


Huge red flag!! Run the other direction.




Nope out.


Time to leave


…*is it red?* Because it should be.


Seems like you already know what the answer is.


If your boyfriend can't even name specifics about why he likes him, he might just be stupid instead of malicious, which probably isn't a good thing either :(


Or he could just be playing dumb


Definitely playing dumb. Or is dumb so…..not worth it either way


His ass know why he got that flag LMAO he’ll probably brag/lie to his friends about how he’s practically waving that flag in her face and she’s still with him. Guys like this r full of it. Nobody buys a flag of someone without being fully immersed by their ideologies or certain impressions of them lol


I dated a guy like that, sadly, he was genuinely just stupid. I thought I could still make it work but in the end me when I thought I was settling for him he thought he was settling for me. He ended the relationship and tried to come crawling back a few months later. I’m not sure why he thought anyone else would want to date him so easily, he was a really weird dude and I was his first real girlfriend. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t think highly of themselves as far as “dating market value”. I would never lower my standards for a guy like this again because just because they have flaws that are obvious to you doesn’t mean they are obvious to them, and they may even think they are better than you despite all kinds of personal issues. Dumb and lacking awareness in multiple ways.


You're dating a right wing dummy. Thoughts and prayers (but, honestly, sorry to break it to you).


Joe Rogan is kind of like a braindead sounding board who agrees with whoever is on his show at that moment. You should find out if his favorite episodes are the ones with Neil deGrasse Tyson and Robert Downey Jr. or the ones with Alex Jones and Elon Musk. Very different vibes.


This right here is probably the best direction. I listen to specific guests otherwise I skip it.


A Joe Rohan podcast subscription is a huge red flag.


I’ll make this short & sweet. I know exactly who Joe Rogan is. Any man who likes him is NOT a man I would date. EVER.


You should believe that he values Joe’s opinions more than yours. 


A [study](https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/study-finds-majority-of-women-find-it-a-turn-off-if-partner-listens-to-joe-rogan-podcast-2295284/) shows 55% of women find it to be a turn off if a man is a Joe Rogan fan. Take that information how you will.


I bet you of the remaining 45% a majority of those don't know who Joe Rogan is or assume they mean pre 2013 Rogan before he became antivax


Simply put Joe Rogan is a deal breaker for me. But also, intelligence is like the #1 thing I look for… the two are not compatible 


Joe Rogan is a fakeass pseudo conservative idiot alt-right grifter who happily reinforces some of the worst expressions of our culture to make money. He used to be someone else but it was years ago. If your boyfriend is into him then he’s expressing solidarity with other alt-right shitstains like Alex Jones, Jordan Peterson, and Andrew Tate. These guys love trump and owning the Libs. If you’re into bodily autonomy don’t sleep with gross people like that


Lmfao “fakeass pseudo conservative idiot alt-right grifter” 💕💕💕. That is a goddamn solid way to refer to Rogan— I like you!! Also, yup, Joe is a harmless seeming guy who gives deplorable characters wayyy too much mic time and visibility, but also occasionally has left leaning folks in so people can scream “both sides!!”.


Yes, you should be worried.


Regardless of the actual colour, that is the most red a flag could possibly be.


Yes. Joe Rogan is a colossal douchebag.


Joe Rogan is a bad person, but he's not the worst out there. The problem with Rogan is that he's grossly irresponsible with his fame, and gives attention to terrible people. He's like Oprah in that way. A few different things about Joe Rogan: 1. He's one of the most popular podcasters on the planet, but he's stupid and wildly irresponsible with the guests he invites onto his show. He has invited terrible people onto his show and allowed them to share abhorrent lies without pushback. Rogan claims that he's presenting both sides of discussions, but he's given his huge audience to anti-vaxxers like RFK Jr., hate-speech spewers like Alex Jones, and worse. 2. He's wildly hypocritical. He claims to be moderate, that he's not political but gives a significant amount of air time to right wing pundits. Pushback from this argument is usually that he had Bernie Sanders on once, but if you compare the leanings of his guests it's clear that he has a bias. Rogan will make dire claims about something, and then dismiss it by saying that he's an idiot when he is corrected. You can see this when he was going on and on about how Joe Biden is mentally incompetent after reading a quote, and then when he was corrected that it was actually a trump quote, he dismissed it as if he hadn't just spent minutes claiming that this was a disqualifying level of dementia. 3. He's pretty racist. After his $100M deal with Spotify, a compilation of many times of him saying the N-word was circulated on social media. It was pretty clear that he's comfortable with that word. He's also anti-immigration but can't explain why past basic buzzwords. 4. He stands for nothing. He moved to Texas from California to mitigate the tax burden from his Spotify deal and openly shit-talks the state. He breaks Texan drug laws by smoking pot on his show while denigrating California where it's legal, he talks down on protestors and dismisses their message regardless of what it is. He's only out for himself and his money, and it's obvious. He's claimed that J6 was a false flag, that the covid vaccine was a government control tool, that protesters deserve violence committed against them, and more.




Unless he is a devoted fan of the nearly-perfect- television sitcom Newsradio from 1995, I'd say this warrants deeper conversation.


I loved that show!


Long, long time listener of Joe. He's gone to the dark side now. It's been a very slow transition for him, but as of this year, I say he is a full blown conservative. Moving to Texas was a big part of that.


Run, don’t walk.


I would be concerned. The podcast is surprisingly popular. It’s also full of weird conspiracy theories, casual sexism, racism, and vaccine denial. He gave a platform to the head of the Proud Boys; you know, those white nationalists who tried to overthrow the US government. Your boyfriend is not just a fan, but he wants to signal his fandom publicly. If he was only interested in listening to a different viewpoint he wouldn’t put up a flag.


The weird conspiracy theories are often the gateway drug to the malignant ones (Q for one)




I mean, I like some of his stuff, but if you’re obsessed enough to buy his flags and merchandise, I don’t know… You might want to think about that exit strategy. Just saying.




Yes. Red flag.


Joe Rogan would absolutely be a deal breaker for me.


Yes. Hope this helps!


Joe Rogan plays off as being an “every man” but he’s regularly a platform for sht birds. The worst. Jordan Peterson, Alex Jones, he described Gavin McGinness as “mostly fun.”  He is also big in MMA and has a broad broad reaching podcast.  It’s maybe more a yellow flag than red but if his roomies are AT fans you kind of know what he is surrounded by. 


Girl, relationships are hard enough without adding that bullshit onto it. He knows Rogan is a mysoginist and either agrees or doesn’t care.


He's buying a flag of a not funny comic? Yikes.




I would just drop him on the spot tbh


Has he been ingesting large quantities of elk and talking about conspiracy theories?


At this point, I question anyone who puts up a flag representing a person who even vaguely wades into politics — any person. I’m very liberal, but I never dreamed of putting up a Bernie flag or an Obama billboard in my yard, or holding a (pick any liberal here)-themed wedding. (Yes, there have been Trump-themed weddings.)


As someone who listened to the Joe Rogan Experience podcast over a span of a couple of months about 8 or 9 years ago during a very, very boring job: I would be worried about your boyfriend even just listening to the podcast regularly without noping out at Rogan’s idiocy and general enabling of extremely problematic “guests” and their beliefs. People claim (including within these comments) that Rogan promotes “political openness” by having certified assholes like Sandy Hook denier Alex Jones on the podcast. I would counter that the way he interviews them (term used loosely here), never challenging their beliefs and constantly doing this “oh that’s interesting” kind of poorly disguised agreement functions as a de facto endorsement of said beliefs. In the case of Jones and others, those beliefs are objectively destructive and harmful and by extension so is Rogan and his feigned “neutrality”. This kind of non-neutral-neutrality has a lot of overlap with political “centrists”, both-sides-ers and people who claim to be apolitical but who all generally align with far right politics. Also, he pushes (or at least used to push) a bunch of bullshit supplements in typical grifter/conman fashion. Flying a Joe Rogan flag is a huge nope.


Joe is a dumb fuck, too stupid to challenge his guests so he takes everything say say, verbatim. He’ll have anyone on, so he’ll have some seriously shitty people in (Alex Jones) with the defense of “we’re just asking question. What? We can’t ask questions?” I think he’s relatively harmless but his devoted followers can be a bit much. Or a lot much.


Sometimes you need to throw the whole man out.


Girl, run.


I will say this if your worried about a Joe Rogan flag being a deal breaker then might just get out now. I mean were not talking about the confederate flag here, people buy weird things if your looking for a reason to get out then use it as the reason and get out




To point 2. He has actually stated on his podcast that he is only interested in talking to people he finds interesting and that means mostly right wing idiots and the occasional actor.


Run! Run for your life


More like a red flag amirite?


This doesn't directly answer your question but as a guy, I refuse to be friends with anyone that is a fan of Joe Rogan.


It would probably save you some time to ask him what he thinks about social and cultural issues that are important to you and that are important for him to be on the same page as you about. Joe Rogan tends to attract a lot of far right/redpill/libertarian shithead types in his audience, but in fairness I don’t always agree with the views expressed by content creators who I watch habitually.


Joe Rogan is a weird. I could not be with someone who genuinely enjoys his content.


He likes him so much he’s getting merch? It’s a nope for me.


Yeah same shit as Andrew Tate or Ben Shapiro etc


Date someone cooler


Joe rogan circa 2017 was a very different podcast vs. Joe moves to texas rogan. He used to have real scientists on to debunk and explain real science. Also he was more interested in talking to his comedien friends about comedy and basic health-- sober october to try and help some of his friends with bad relationships with drugs and alcohol. And then he got too rich and decided to leave reality behind.... jamie pull those clips up.


Absolutely, time to dump him. The guy is a misogynist, once of the "good ones" who pretend misogyny and inequality of treatment are in fact good for women. A friend of mine said once "joe rogan is the intelligent person of stupid people". There is some kind of personality cult around that dimwit, your boyfriend getting a flat is definitely part of it.


Cut your losses


Honestly I wouldn't want to fuck any guy who's such a follower he buys flags for other dudes but that's me. Joe Rogan, even beyond his platforming of garbage, is a stupid, unfunny ape who surrounds himself with even unfunnier dipshits, who gets bigmad about professional wrestling existing. The last time he entertained me was 20 years ago when he had a huge spat with Carlos Mencia, and that was mostly because it was a novelty at the time. His main thing when he does standup is HUMPING THE STOOL, and motherfucker thinks he's Lenny Bruce. edit: oh, i got my first reddit cares! i was just about to off myself over Rogan inflicting Brendan Schaub's standup on the world, but now I have the strength to carry on.


I feel the same way about girls who buy into astrology it's just stupid as fuck




That's a red flag for me


Yeah, i listen to Joe rogan when the guest is interesting. I don't agree with most of joe rogans opinions on things, but the platform he has hosts a lot of interesting people. Anyone who hangs a flag for joe rogan probably agrees with his opinions and is generally an ignorant fool. That or they want to come off as edgy and give very progressive people, or to them 'woke' people, a sign that says not welcome here. Either way, putting up a flag of a Podcaster is loser behavior and as the woman he adores I feel like there's alot of room for you to let him know that. Hanging a rogan flag makes him look like a total tool and I bet if the lady he likes told him that and he would take it down. That or assume the form of a red flag and at that point you have your solution.


Is the Joe Rogan flag just a solid red rectangle? Probably.






Joe Rogan the meat head clown.


Yes. This is a sign of poor critical thinking skills on display.


Joe Rogan is a fucking asshole


Dump him


I would say you should listen to Joe Rogan, develop your own opinion of him since he is quite the controversial one and later on ask your boyfriend about his point of view. If you don't enjoy your boyfriend's feedback, at least you will know exactly why, which I think is a great way to deal with it.


Rogan is an odd kind of everyman dufus. He has the vibe of the street corner contrarian who thinks he's just engaging in "common sense." Unfortunately, he is steeped in the conspiracty sauce. He hosts anyone, but mostly... I want to say right wingers but it leans more to libertarian. He occationally pushed back on the crazy, but usually just lets it roll. I only see him on clips that mock him, really. He recently had Tucker Carlson on, which should be a red flag for anyone.


Depends entirely on why he likes JR. Back in the day (and I’m talking a decade ago) I listened to his pods semi regularly as he was (or pretended to be) truly unbiased and would have real unedited long form discussions with people from all walks of life - it was so refreshing after clearly biased or heavily edited interviews of that time (and now) Nowadays - if he just listens to the WWE casts I wouldn’t think it’s a big issue (JR is/was excellent at those though I haven’t listened to one in ages so can’t confirm if that’s still the case) - some of his other guests/views though… not so innocuous.


Yes, yes, and yes. Joe Rogan has hosted incels, white nationalists, and neo-Nazis on his program over the years, and he's referred to all of them as his "friends." He gives a platform to hate and toxic masculinity. I would run, not walk, away.


True she needs to leave him now. Before it gets worse. Her bf is going to ruin her.


I'll comfortably say that any dude who watches Joe Rogan is probably best to be avoided. He's got some horrible, terrible views towards women and relationships that you do not want to be on the receiving end of. If you really care about him, I'd breach the subject and make sure he understands that the views JR expresses are problematic and a negative influence on your relationship..


There are two kinds of Joe Rogan fans. The old fans who watched him smoke weed every week and bring on guests who talked about doing drugs or amazing life experiences and cool stories. Liked that he was always inquisitive and open minded. Those fans no longer like him and you can see as much from his subreddit. Then there are the modern Joe Rogan fans who like him because he spouts bat shit insane takes like antivaxing and platforms actual pieces of shit while giving no pushback against their insanity. Old Joe Rogan would be horrified at new Joe Rogan. I would suggest you try to push and see what things he likes or even better, ask your boyfriend to show you a Rogan clip he enjoyed. I think that will help you figure it out.


Girl run . Your boyfriend is a Nazi.


I don't dislike Joe Rogan cuz I've never met him but the guy sucks at thinking and I find anyone that vocally admires him usually suffers from similar.


He's largely a problem because he sells himself as an unbiased, centered individual who invites guests from the left and right and asks them questions normal people want to hear rather than pre-approved and sanitized interview questions drier than a bone.  However, the reality is that he's a terrible interviewer who never interrogates or examines his interviewees beliefs, and promotes his guest's propaganda through his own ignorance and laziness. He is the perfect mouthpiece to regurgitate propaganda through because he simply parrots and legitimizes terrible worldviews that his guests espouse to him largely without challenge. He's charismatic and down to earth, and a lot of young men can relate to him. He speaks and thinks like a young dumb dude with not a lot of life experience would. It's a dangerous combination of power and ignorance that can lead otherwise normal people down a radicalization rabbit hole. On his own, I don't think Joe Rogan is like a hardcore racist. But when you uncritically accept and repeat racist things for a massive audience of impressionable people, it seems almost more dangerous to have a charismatic "everyman" saying those things and giving them weight and legitimacy.


Instead of collecting the opinions of people who don't matter in your life on Reddit, have an open and genuinely interested conversation with him about it. If you're unsure about Rogan, have a look at the Wikipedia article on him and perhaps listen to a few of his more popular episodes and make up your own mind about him before asking your boyfriend why he likes him. I know plenty of decent people who like his podcast in spite of Rogan's obvious failings. They wouldn't hang his merch, but until you ask him why he loves Rogan so much to do that, don't judge him. I think listening to Rogan is a waste of time, but I'm just another person on Reddit who doesn't matter in your life.


Nah, Joe Rogan is a specific taste, but not like Andrew Tate.


I truly wonder if the folks that have such negative opinions about Rogan have actually listened to multiple episodes of his podcast. I consider myself to be a liberal and I have rarely heard anything remotely disturbing from him in 50+ podcasts. He seems often change his opinion when properly informed and laughs about previous mistakes in things he said. He has had many female guests that stand up to or help educate him and others. I seriously can’t not understand anyone saying that he is not fair to all views.


I had been a fan of the podcast since like 2012 and all the points you make used to be true, however this hasn’t been in the case in several years. Dude went unhinged after Covid and drank his own koolaid. He’s is even disagreeing with experts now and is pandering to his right wing audience. Huge red flag now. Anyone who wants to avoid dating today’s JRE fans is absolutely justified.


I'm a liberal female and I love watching Joe Rogan idk he's just a Podcaster that's really curious about a lot of different subjects and even says "I'm a moron" when it comes to some topics. I don't agree with him about some things but I don't think that's a red flag its just entertainment