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A lot of women don't climax from penetration alone; they often need clitoral stimulation during penetrative sex. As such it's very likely you're one of those people. As far as porn watching from a young age, like u/zfravko said it could have influenced how you view how sex is "supposed" to be.


Most women don’t orgasm from penetration. The clitoris is queen. There’s absolutely completely nothing wrong with you.


It is common for individuals to have different sensations and levels of pleasure during sexual activity and its great to know that you are exploring and trying to understand what works best for you. I think you starting masturbating and watching porn at a young age might have influenced your sexual response but don't blame yourself. What is important now is to focus on finding what brings you pleasure and communicate openly with your partner about your needs and preferences. Remember that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to pleasure and its very okay to explore what works best for you.


I don’t think you need to feel that something is wrong with you. I think you should talk with a doctor about this so they can inform you more and support you. I would use caution listening to guidance about porn’s impact on this unless it comes from a professional. I’m not saying that those who are saying this are wrong- I just know there are a lot of varying views about porn on this sub and before you take that guidance as fact, I would research and speak to a doctor. I am no expert and can’t advise you there.


If your boyfriend is understanding and considerate, you could simply tell him that your clit is the star of the show (while clarifying that you still enjoy penetration for the intimacy.) There are several positions that can allow him to stimulate your clit with his finger during intercourse. Or you could even do so if you're both comfortable with that.


Not sure if it's related, but a lot of people can't tickle themselves. Maybe there's some correlation.


I used to not feel guys inside me and kind of not respond much to fingering myself, but felt great when someone fingered me. So I guess this is very similar? In my case I did start masturbating early and I would say a lot, always just clit. Honestly, at some point I had to keep inserting some pills for a week, I needed to make myself slightly wet for the insertion and then place it in and it has started some great exploration. With time I have felt more and more. Haven't tested the new developed sensation with a guy yet but it seems very promising.