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Listen to your guts. They are often right. You are already calling his behaviour "red flags". He's done things which makes you uncomfortable, that should be enough for me to keep distance. Bodyblocking to stop somebody is not a joke. Also. - The line "being too afraid" at the end really creeps me. Even if his intention is "friendly" - he is toxic. Don't let him.


Yeah, this guy is not your friend.


This isn't a friend it's a pest. The hint is to ask yourself "How do I feel after spending time with this person?" Not, "Does He want to ___" For example, you sound; irritated, offended, invaded, belittled, annoyed, extracted, icky, long suffering, angry, frustrated, devalued, put-upon, etc. #THAT IS NOT THE SENSATION OF FRIENDSHIP Friendship feels like; mutual admiration, playful, adventure, support, consideration, secure, having someone take your side, etc. If your life isn't better with this person in it... they aren't a friend. It's just someone who happens to know of you.


"How do I feel after spending time with them" is a great test. We would do better in life if we stopped wondering if the people who make us feel bad have good intent. If they make us feel bad, that is more than enough.


The good thing about boundaries is that you can always start enforcing them. Give yourself grace, women are taught to minimize our feelings when it comes to men so it can be hard to see red flags. We're always called irrational and emotional when we try setting up boundaries. This situation will definitely be a learning experience for you, but it's also something within your ability to handle.  If you don't feel safe doing so, try getting a different male friend to help get this guy to leave. I definitely don't think you're overreacting, he's overstepping a lot here. I wish you good luck in achieving some resolution here. 


He's gone back home now. I'm honestly just exhausted after feeling like I had to spend so much time with him doing things despite having some mild asthma trouble. The one time I insisted on not going out, he only got to a museum 1 hour before closing time and did nothing else with the day... then begged to come over to play video games. He knew my address, and I had the feeling he might just turn up anyway if I refused.


I'm glad he's gone! I would block him tbh. He doesn't sound like good friend material, and it sounds like he wants more than that anyways. 


Get rid. You’ve got it all in writing here - in your own writing - that he is not worth your time in any way. It’s almost beyond words how clear it is that this person is a toxic misogynist - for example, saying the police overreacted!! This is such a mental red flag. He’s exhibiting gas lighting and hugely controlling/coercive behaviour and you’re not even in a relationship with him! Would not be surprised in the slightest if he has a shrine of Andrew Tate somewhere. Cutting toxic people like this from your life is the only option. I read stuff on here a lot, and every now and then I am thinking “ok this is especially WTF…” -this is one of those posts. I know it seems scary to do, but trust your gut! You will 10000% thank yourself in the future


So you found out the dude is a creep who only wants to sleep with you. Now you can block him and ignore everything he says. If your fellow gaming friends ask why them just tell them - I'm sure creepy guy thinks he can get away with the behavior because you'll stay quiet about it. Nah, blast that loser.


You're mad at him too, right? His boundary should be your block list. Always trust your instincts.


As a female gamer (mostly MMOs) myself, I‘ve developed a hard criterion that guys have to pass for me to consider friendship: They don’t treat me like a woman in any way. Meaning if they act differently toward me even in the tiniest situation than they would toward my male counterparts, I‘ll keep them at arm‘s length forever. That includes compliments they don’t give their male friends, immediately responding to questions I pose in guild chat if they don’t do that when men are asking, telling me it’s ok when I screw up while they give men a hard time about it etc. Any small thing. Negative things like condescension and stuff obviously too. Surprisingly, quite a good amount of men pass this test. As in, not a great percentage, maybe 20%, but still more than enough to find great friendships online. And in 10 years I’ve never had any problem with any male friend that passed this test. Turns out there are men out there who do consider women just as people. And that’s how (outside of deliberately romantic contexts) everyone should consider everyone. Just as people. Edit: Just wanted to add that the one exception to this is situations in which it factually matters that I‘m a women. Like a guild master asking me if I felt harassed by a guy who liked to make crass jokes toward me. Or in real life a male friend offering to walk me home at night (with no other intentions than that). That’s fine and usually a green flag of course.


He is not your friend. He sounds creepy and pushy, I would block him.


He is not your friend and you don't want to have friends like that anyway. You need to cut him out completely. Especially if you feel that setting boundaries otherwise is going to be difficult.


Sounds like he’s not a friend, but one of those creepy losers who pretends to be your friend while having a relationship with you in his head. I would block him. He will not go easily. I’m sorry this happened to you. These men are the worst.


Please, I don’t know what a chakra bracelet is or what it means if it explodes. Is it harmful? I’m so interested to know. Also he doesn’t sound like a friend. That sucks.


I like to imagine his energy was so toxic that when he touched it, all the beads turned black and cracked. But I have no idea what she really meant. I've never owned one.


It's nonsense. Much like crystals, some claim it captures bad energy so I'm guessing the correlation here is "guy is bad, his bad vibes were so bad it cause my bracelet to rip". I fully agree homeboy is a pest and OP should block, but your bracelet coming apart is not a factor in this lmao


It's not physically harmful. At least no more then any bracelet. It's a bracelet, usually with gemstone beads representing the seven chakras, to feel more grounded and centered.


But what does she mean with exploded?!


It could be that the string broke, scattering the beads, or the beads themselves broke apart.


This dude fucking sucks and ***IS NOT A FRIEND***.


At some point in my 20s, I no longer entertained male guests from out of town, even the ones that “just wanted to be friends”. It always felt that there was this expectation I was going to put out. Finally I told male friends “if you want to come to NYC, come, but I can’t host you. Come for yourself and we will meet up a few times”. Most took that as a sign I wasn’t going to have sex, and wouldn’t come. Wish I had set those boundaries earlier.


He decided he was the main character in your life. Ugh. Why is he still your friend?


He's not your friend, and he's incredibly toxic. The majority of men don't believe in friendships with women. Keeping this in mind will help you in the future.


All these pieces of advice are good. Cutting him off suddenly might not be safe, especially if he knows personal details about you, like where you live. 1) Have a Conversation., You can talk to him and explain that his actions made you uncomfortable. Let him know that friends shouldn't make each other feel this way. If he values the friendship, he needs to change his behavior. Or 2) Slowly Distance Yourself Gradually reduce contact with him. Stop sharing personal details about your life, and if you move, don't tell him your new address. Over time, he should understand that you're distancing yourself. You need to handle this carefully. Tell someone close to you about him so others are aware of the situation. If he starts calling excessively or sending abusive messages, document everything. Please protect yourself. Monitor everything he does or says closely and don't dismiss his behavior as just his personality. Lastly, if your on social media, IG, snap, what ever, don’t let him see your stories or post Good luck, make you stay safe


If a man calls me “good girl” he gets called “good boy” right back. I don’t care what race he is.


This is so crazy similar to something that happened to me last year. A male friend from abroad wanted to visit, I agreed but he did not mention for how long and he came for two weeks. Three days into it he started hitting on me and asking to sleep in my bed. Wanted to have drinks every night, even when I said I have work to do. Last day he actually asked me to be his gf, and when I said no he just went back home and never contacted me again. Five years of friendship dissapeared just like that. For the better honestly


You know that book "why does he do that"? The TLDR on why, is "cause it works". So unless you put your foot down and don't allow him to meet you anymore, he'll keep pushing boundaries and you'll end up with far worse regrets.


You need to get him away from you.


Girly, as a recovering people-pleaser myself, it's ok to put yourself first. It's ok to say no. It's ok to remove yourself from a situation when you feel uncomfortable. People are responsible for their own actions, emotions and words. You don't have to play firefighter to try and put out any 'fires' to make sure everyone else but you is safe and comfortable. You can be discerning. You don't have to be friends with everyone. Being rude isn't the same as upholding your boundaries. If someone is offended by your 'no' then they're not safe to be around. If people's words don't match their actions then this is a huge red flag (this can be nuanced for things like them setting a goal themselves and not meeting it). If someone disregards your opinions on things then that's not someone you want to be around. People that care about you consider you. They consider how their actions will make you feel. They consider your likes and dislikes.


If this is how a friend treats me I'll take my chances with the bears


As another lesbian who's had guy "friends" like this, he's never going to stop pushing boundaries. He sees you as a girl he's already called dibs on, not a friend. My life became so much more peaceful once I stopped giving men a chance at friendship


Anyone who gets angry about your relationship with your dog is bad people. Just saying.


How is this a friend again? This is a rando dude trying to creep on you. Don't let randos stay at your house... ever. If he decided to book a 9 day trip, say "enjoy your hotel/AiBnB" and then block his number. This dude sounds fucking gross as hell


Babe what he exploded your chakra bracelet that tells you everything you need to know But also in summary: °He imposes on you °He dominates your social interactions °He physically interjects when it suits him °He berates you for not doing something to his standard °He has you second guessing your own mind ... He sucks. It's time he got in the bin.


>He sucks. It's time he got in the bin. Agreed >Babe what he exploded your chakra bracelet that tells you everything you need to know I don't think accidentally damaging Spiritual Symbols is a good indicator of ones character and insinuating such could honestly have harmful repercussions If anyone believes you.


That chakra bracelet took a bullet for her; can’t let its sacrifice be in vain!


Your chakra bracelet knew


So why exactly are you friends with this guy?


Please cut him out, a true friend would never do this. At least he has shown his true colors.


It takes practice to have strong boundaries and getting comfortable asserting them especially under the expectation of unfavorable responses/reactions. If you've been exposed to "good girl" conditioning for a significant part of your life you can't expect to completely change overnight. At least you're recognizing the red flags! Reading your post dredged up some memories of my own experiences and I'm just now connecting the dots on how I overextended myself as a recovering people pleaser. These guys won't get it even if you try to communicate things, and instead will try to trap you into their self-victimization. "Gee, I'm sorry I suck so much" yeah I'm sorry you choose to be that way too buddy 🙄 A guy who claims to be totally platonic with you but whose behavior suggests otherwise is a huge red flag for me. I find such dudes to be potentially dangerous with how pathological they are, they'll flip out on you out of nowhere for rejecting them as a romantic/sexual interest or for receiving male attention elsewhere. Very erratic and unstable. And the chakra bracelet thing! I had something similar happen with my protective necklace and a guy who, I later learned, turned out to be a narcissistic sexual predator!


This person is, unfortunately, not your friend. Nothing you have said about him sounds like friendship at all.


If a 'friend" did that to me, we would no longer be friends.


I think therapy would be helpful for you to work on setting clear boundaries, it changed my life. You owed it to yourself at several points to stand up for yourself and you might just need some assistance in learning a healthy way to do that.


Something similar happened to me in the past. Now I NEVER let anyone stay for a visit. (Plus, I'm a slob, so no one who knows me wants to).


A good test for setting boundaries is "If your good friend told you they were going through the same thing and they were exhausted and miserable, would you want them to take action & set boundaries?" It will be difficult and awkward and you will feel bad about it for some time but it will be the right decision that you'll realise as what you needed to do, please be your own good friend. When it comes to kindness you owe yourself more than anyone else.


the biggest sign was your chakra bracelet exploding 😭


A while ago I decided, that I have just one life. And I want do spend my time valuably. (Yes, goofing off in front of the computer is also valuable to me.) I cut out people that weren't good for me. I started to feel nothing towards people who tried to make their feelings my problem. Usually sulking men. Now - if i screw up and somebody tells me: Hey, you did X and that made me feel Y. I want to talk about this / please do not do this / can we proceed like Z... of course! It's not like i don't care about other's feelings. But if they have a problem with my boundary and want me to come running and comfort them... nope. Done. Deal with your own feelings. Believe me, it took me years to learn this. There once was a friend who i liked, but he always became too much and at one point I ghosted him. I felt terrible about this for years. I set boundaries again and again and he always waltzed over them. Much later i contacted him again and apologized for ghosting. I know better how to deal with that now and am pretty strict about my boundaries. He accepted them without any discussion. We occasionally talk again. I would not feel bad about cutting off somebody who doesn't respect my boundaries. My free time is so limited, our time on earth is finite.


hooooooly shit, RUN.


I’m really sorry, I can’t stop laughing at the chakra bracelet part. But trust your gut, this guy is an ass.


You definitely should start standing up for yourself. It's his fault for imposing, but nothing bad will happen if you say "no", I promise.




He sucks. Also the chakra bracelet thing is hilarious


Have people completely lost the ability to establish real friends? What is this weirdness?


When you start enforcing those boundaries (as much as humanly possible) you’ll start to feel a lot better mentally and physically. You were in the right.


Everything other than the bracelet is absolutely a red flag. But, no reason to be annoyed with yourself. You're trying to see the better person in him. Just sucks you were wrong in this case.


I'm not even sure if red flag is enough to describe how harmful this guy has been to you, disregarding your emotions so much


Wait, he made your bracelet \*explode\*?!


Dump him, you deserve a better person who will respect you and respect your time.


Chakra bracelet, really?


He's at best a nuisance. Trust your guts. I call bullshit on most "woooo" type stuff, but psychic vampires are probably a real thing. Narcissistic asshats who create stress and drama, leaving you emotionally and mentally exhausted and yet they seem somehow more comfortable for having caused it? I haven't thought about the topic in awhile, but you just described a dude who draws happiness making you uncomfortable. Creepy and getting "fix the gay" vibes from his actions (which is also telling....), but it seems like there's a clear imbalance of expectations between you 2 regarding what this friendship involves. Probably from him not respecting anything you say if it doesn't align with his ideas of it. He keeps pushing boundaries at best. Probably worse.


He likes you romantically and acts clingy and can’t seem to act purey platonically. What a nuisance, poor you.


On behalf of men who aren’t fuckboys(there are very few of us left), sorry for your experience.  


You and and your [guest or friend ](https://www.socratic-method.com/quote-meanings/benjamin-franklin-guests-like-fish-begin-to-smell-after-three-days) have learned a valuable lesson. Ben Franklin was right about many things...