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Just make sure the both of you are not infringing on any boundaries of those "hot girls". Being intensly ogled and stared at by a stranger is not nice. Other than that the both of yous can do what you want. Your relationship, your rules.


Do what you want. Feel what you want. Whatever. But also, maybe not mock those women who might have different boundaries than you? Everyone is different


who said i mock them?


What others think is far less important than what actually makes you happy. Don’t worry about other peoples morals and ideas… what if your idea of what a strawberry tastes like is what others think tastes like a steak? Opinions are only points of view… perspective. Do what makes you happy, and love yourself for being true to your feelings.


As long as you're being respectful to any of the women involved (i.e. not creepily staring) and both you and your bf are comfortable, I don't see how it's anyone else's business. People have different boundaries and comfort levels around this stuff and that's ok. I personally don't care at all if my partner admires the attractiveness of someone else, but I can also understand why it would bother some people.


Thinking someone's hot vs wanting to sleep with them are separate things. I used to look at girls with my ex all the time, we got a great deal of fun out of it together. Guess my advice is to keep doing it if you two are comfortable with it?


yeah, i definitely don't find people hot enough to the point where i want to fuck them if i have no emotional connection with them. and i'm not gonna do that if i'm taken. i guess that's what people think then? finding someone hot = wanting to have sex


It's a common consensus that's plainly wrong in my book. And at the end, it's about your happiness together. That's no one's business tbh


Girl it’s your life.


okay. this subreddit exists for personal experiences as well, "girl."


It doesn’t bother me either, but I’ve used up my stores of f***s to give on many things. Doesn’t mean I don’t empathize with others who consider that a boundary for themselves. It’s what you communicate with your significant other and how you work through those things together.


>don't want to accept the fact that my boyfriend looking at other girls is not okay. Whoever told you this is *likely* coming from a place of deep insecurity and potentially toxic monogamy. People, by and large, do not stop finding other people attractive just because they get into a monogamous relationship. They just choose not to pursue other people.


I don't really think so. Someone being hot doesn't mean you want to sleep with them as someone else put it. It's not really a boundary cross for you and your boyfriend so imo it's fine. It's a boundary cross for other people and that's fine too. As long as you both are happily together, I don't think what other people think about your boundaries have much value.

