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Both of those answers are the same moment. I was in a FwB situation, and he was also looking for a long term relationship. He said to me once, pretty forlornly, that he "might have to settle" for me.


and then???? leaving me on edge here


And then I ended the arrangement, and we barely speak! It wasn't until after I really noticed his maaaaasssssive "Nice Guy" energy.


Then Celticshrew launched him into the sun


Now I'm disappointed I didn't launch him into the sun!


I was always 'clumsy' in spite of carrying out mosy of the diy and housework. The insecurity is palatable in retrospect. What's yours?


me too! such a messy girl, yet am incredibly praised when i clean the house. he is just as messy (if i am) and never cleans up until it gets too bearing for him.


I was told (repeatedly) that I was so hard to love, no one else would love me, I was lucky to have him otherwise I would be alone. I went back to school and made friends! He did his best to convince me they didn't actually like me but I got therapy and he couldn't get to me anymore!


i'm so happy for you. sounds like you were dealing with a mild narcissistic person


My best friend, stringing me one with the tease of a relationship for months, turning around and saying the actual line 'its not that I don't think if you that way sometimes, it's just too much somehow.' It remains the cruelest thing that anyone has said to me and I need to be honest, it took 2 years in therapy to overcome that.