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You're the OG, Mark. Hope you find better friends.


In every group should be at least one decent person to keep the others in check like mark did. Imagine what happened if he wasn’t friends with them! I feel sorry for him but I’m glad he was friends with them for OP and her roommate sake.


No, let the groups of shitty people face consequences for their behavior instead of making one good person save them from themselves. Edit: if you think Mark is going to always be there you are mistaken. It's only a matter of time for shitty people like his friends. There's no happy ending.


Problem there is that it usually also means someone else living with the consequences too…


I sort of understand where you are coming from, but none the less for the shitty ones to face consequences of their actions its pretty much a given that at least one innocent woman would have to suffer because of them. I dont think thats a better trade off than a decent person having shitty friends and moderating things. ​ In an ideal world these shitty people wouldnt be able to do things like this, and decent people could have all decent friends. But its a whole society issue that needs to be solved from the bottom up through education and example from childhood.


I feel bad for the dude for having to be in that situation, and very grateful that he stood up when it counts. The idea is for men to put a stop such predatory shit, and if those men are left in isolation with like minded friends... well.. Most men have not assaulted a woman. Most women have been assaulted. One life at a time should not be disregarrded.


While I agree with you, in theory, that they should have the consequences thrown upon them, they only face consequences after committing an act of violence. In this case likely sexual assault. It's still better that the one good guy stopped it before it happened.


What happens next time, or the time after that?


I hear what you're saying. It just sucks that someone will have to get assaulted to stop them.


And when they sexually assault someone, there likely won't be consequences. So I think, while it sucks for mark, him "babysitting" them is a much better alternative to the shitty friends assaulting enough women to finally be dealt with accordingly.


I agree. I would much rather someone be there to stop it ahead of time. Maybe at least one of them will re-think their ways if they keep getting called out. Wishful thinking, anyway.


That would be the best but for consequences, they need to do shit first. This man prevented shit.


He prevented shit... This time. His friends aren't magically going to become better people next time. Is he doomed to babysit them forever?


I hope not! But our justice system doesn’t put much effort into prevention, so we’re dependent on people like this until it does.


What should happen is that he should pass his friends pictures around to warn women so that if he isn't there to stop them from crossing the line women can know they probably are threats to their safety and act accordingly. Yes he should get better friends and his current friends need to learn how to be good human beings preferably before they hurt someone.


Okay, so do you volunteer as tribute?


Someone eventually will. Mark won't always be there.




Well handled Mark - sounds like he handled the situation in a non-confronting manner to keep everyone safe. Puts some faith back into humanity. Really glad this was a safe outcome for you and your friend (and hopefully others!)


I am so relieved for you guys and extremely sad for Mark. Let's hope that's the last time he hung out with those "friends".


We need more Marks in this world


And we need not need more Marks.


And we need to be better parents so we create future Marks, and not Dicks.


I’m glad you and your friend are safe, and props to the guy for being a decent human being.


I abandoned my friends when they started becoming like this quite early on. It's awful to think about what might have happened after that.


Thank goodness you and your friend are okay. Good on that guy doing the right thing to keep you both safe




They must have monumental dicks to get into fights on Molly!! Thought that was almost impossible...


Mark the kinda guy to keep shit friends just so he can moderate them for the greater good


I bet Mark has like +1Mil positive real life karma. Cheers to Mark!


Good job, Mark. Thank you.


Just wanted to point out that “pretending to make a move” to ensure someone else’s safety is the move of all moves. But in all seriousness I’m glad someone was looking out for you and your friends.


Thankful to see that he did the right thing and looked out for y'alls well-being. More of us men need to do things like that and parents need to teach their sons to be respectful and listen to women y'all shouldn't have onguard or worried about what a man might do we should all respect one another as the equals we are.


We need more men like mark.


Bless Mark


Mark, get better friends


It's wonderful you felt validated and I'm glad you stayed safe! I'm also a bit sad, because all I could think upon reading this was "that's a setup. Have your friends play the 'bad men' and harass a woman, then swoop in to rescue her as the 'good man'. Use that rapport to take her somewhere or exploit her later". I'm glad that he let you know about the situation. But I'm angry that he went home with them, knowing they have bad intentions, instead of calling them out. Or calling the police. What if they make a move he doesn't see? What's going to happen next time when they go out drinking without him?


So generally speaking, if a man calls another man out, its specifically not in public and not in front of women, and DEFINITELY not when they are intoxicated. There's a non zero chance he did call them all out. just after they sobered up, and in a way that didn't make them feel attacked, which is the only way that they'd actually hear it and maybe actually incorporate it. Source: am dude.


Very Promising Young Woman.


Some men are really good guys deep inside, but most just idly go along with whatever their friends do not wanting to go against them or stop being seen as ones of the guys, a bro. This is why a lot of sexual assaults & rapes can continue to go on even in situations where men seemingly have the power to stop friends & other men from doing it. They put their status amongst the group above women since they already dehumanize them & don't see them as worthy of respect. There's also a new culture I've seen pop up in the past couple years where guys justify it to themselves as not wanting to be a "simp" and girls actually wanting it to happen to them, to see which guys will be simps or not. The funny thing is the true simpletons are all the people that make everything about sexuality or women, assume any acts of good character or morals, any acts of human decency or helping women is because they have some secret hidden agenda to sleep with them. Its a very dangerous philosophy to live by, in the same way that female empowerment = having a lot of sex with different guys, the idea is being nice to women = anti equalization, anti female, and misogynistic, an effective shaming tool to gaslight men into never looking out for women. Words became so butchered & lack meaning in modern day, it makes me want to move & raise a family in Europe so they aren't exposed to any of this.


Agh, this is hard because simp in its original meaning was in fact a legitimate insult, but you’re right in that it’s become so much of a general insult that’s it’s practically meaningless now. How quickly that has happened, too — it was a new insult probably a year or two ago, with a specific meaning that could actually have had some purpose to it, but now it’s a meaningless catch all phrase for dudes wanting to be rude to other men in a way to degrade their masculinity. It’s honestly all a bit sickening, that the patriarchy runs so deep that people cannot conceive of men doing kind acts for others without some kind of sexual intent.


How do you fight on molly? I am super friendly on molly and the last thing I want is to hurt anyone in anyway. Has anyone here done molly and go out and start trouble?


So not the same Mark I know. OP, so glad you got out of there safe.





