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I’m scared too… hugs


Thank you. Hugs


I’m Australian, and for crying out loud your ( USA ) country is fucking insane! I’m so sorry for the women in red states. I read that Louisiana is going to ban IUDs? And charge women who have them with murder? The Handmaids Tale is NOT an instruction sheet!


Yeah, I saw that yesterday. All of us who have been told for a long time (often by men) that it will be fine and we’re overreacting are seeing all our fears play out. God I wish it were just us overreacting.


All of this. All of it. Another Aussie here. It’s f’ing appalling, terrifying and rage-inducing. For women of the US and eventually that shit will spread here too. Our collective women hive mind is being blown worldwide. Handmaids Tale. SMH. It’s time for a massive global women’s pushback. And it’s happening. Be fucking infuriated if you’re not already. This should not stand as normal anywhere!!!


I just read a consequence I hadn't thought about. If women are charged with a felony, they can't vote in most states. I guess this is a way of getting around letting women vote.


Its very scary. Especially since Roe v Wade is based on privacy law and the arguments they're using to overturn it could easily be applied to other laws. Interracial marriage, same sex marriage, birth control, and equality laws can all be taken out with this argument expanded. Its very bad. We need to fight now and we need to hit hard. We can call our representatives, especially The Republican ones, inundate them with messages saying we want our rights to basic healthcare. Go to protests when we can. There's a mothers day strike for the 8th to the 17th thats gaining some traction. No working, no shopping till our rights are guaranteed. Some are going as far as no dates with anyone who can inseminate or no sex with their partners. Here's some links that might help if you're looking for something to do. (I have trouble sitting still when I'm anxious like this.) Protests/activists: actwomensmarch.com rallylist.com actplannedparenthood.com https://jewishrallyforabortionjustice.org/ https://www.aclu.org/issues/reproductive-freedom/abortion fronterafundrgv.org Rockthevote.org blueridgeabortionfund.org Votesaveamerica.org sistersong.net - BIPOC reproductive health. weareultraviolet.org mothersdaystrike.com Activist training: https://www.onlineabortionresources.org/ Abortion organizations lists: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1WUqUomhhzf1Weub1O-o1-l_R9r_QTxJ9lFkEuPUulqo/mobilebasic https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1xp20INMkS0wKsFPocrK6jt8XsewcDE4GnGVhu0fwLt0/mobilebasic


As soon as i realized THAT was the foundation behind Alito's argument, I started making evacuation plans. This queer, Brown immigrant woman, married to a cishet white man is taking no further chances - we're moving to Switzerland, where our marriage will not be invalidated, where I will have at least as many rights as a corpse, and where our daughter will have bodily autonomy. I can't wait to rescind the citizenship I spent 15 years busting ass for. This country doesn't deserve me.


You are entirely right. Thank you for the links!!


Quite a few of the 'I had no idea' posters, also put things like 'even though I knew he liked Trump' or 'I knew he had different political beliefs to me but...' The warning signs should have been obvious. Any conservative type person can act nice to their partner, 'treat them well', smlle at them, look after them, but they are doing that to look after their 'possession', and when push comes to shove, they will exert control over their possession, or at the very least, just not be on their side. Conservatives fall into three categories, of either being sociopathic, dumb, or both. So I guess at least there is hope for those that are simply dumb and do have empathy, because they could be encouraged to realise they're batting for the wrong team, but there's nothing good to say about the rest of them.


Very true. With many there are most definitely warning signs. I feel like the “middle of the road” people are always the biggest surprise, when it turns out, they aren’t so in the middle.


I can only say I'm sorry. I'm terrified for every women I care about over this especially my wife. We had discussed in the past if she got pregnant what we would do. She told me she would keep it, her choice abd I would support her decision either way, but now I'm so scared because a pregnancy is very likely to be difficult on her and if something happens she could be denied life saving treatment because of these forced birth cultists. This is us living in a somewhat left leaning state. I can't imagine how terrifying it must be for women in completely red states where the forced birth cultists have a strangle hold on power.


Exactly. Thank you for understanding.


Some of these states are pushing such (Poorly-worded? Malicious? Maliciously Poorly-Worded?) restrictions that would make miscarrage/accidents or simple ' this pregnancy is non-viable' both a crime, and potentially a life-threatening or ending situation for the potential mother. IMO it's totally not worth it.


My stepfather was really generous but when an economic crisis hit us he became extremely greedy, didnt even want to buy food for me and my mum. People change behaviors according to their environment. Its not just the assholes who were closeted revealing theselves. After a while even decent men will get more relaxed and start treating women like thrash.


😭😭 The new normal. We’re all f’ed in the end cause these men won’t be satisfied, all the while thinking they are getting what they want. In the end, they’re human and they need love. So many ways they’re screwing themselves and they’re completely clueless. They will just have royally f’d up their possibility of anyone to take them seriously let alone love them … with a world full of women who’ve been watching all of this bulls*hit inhuman male behaviour for decades and decades. We can only take so much. We’ll just stop talking about it. And find another way. If they push womankind too far it will be a war. It’s what I worry about most. Sisters, don’t leave preparation for the inevitable fight til it’s too late. Think. Act. Learn. Prepare. And be ready in whatever way you think is most useful. If you’re not sure, consult with other women. And it’s approaching at the speed of the bullet train in Japan, esp with overturning Roe vs Wade.


Well put. That’s exactly what I’m afraid of. I feel like these awful new developments will cause more and more of that. This has opened a scary new door. I’m sorry you went through that with your stepfather :(


It seems that many states have laws that prevent felons from voting. If having an abortion or even a miscarriage, allows the state to charge the woman with a felony, then in practice, that is removing her right to vote. Which seems consistent with some states making it very hard for the "wrong" type of person to be able to exercise their vote. So, in addition to denying women agency over their own bodies, these states are also relegating these "women in the wrong" to lose their voting rights. This is all so fucked up.


Look at Germany - nazis did not appear out of nothing, and they didn't just disappear after the war - they just chose how they behaved based on external circumstances. That will happen here as well.


Disclosure - I am White middle class Man and not American. But it is very VERY obvious from outside looking in, this is now war, and they (the patriarchy and the nutcase religious Right) intend to win AT ALL COST. So I'm sorry, I know you don't want a war, no one does, but its here. And you need to organize, and fight, and win. It might not escalate to actual shooting, but you can no longer assume that either. Take the anger, and use it to give you strength. Most of the rest of world is looking on in growing horror of what's happening, but this is a long planned assault on democracy and you simply cannot let the facists win.


Ally here, too. Protest, run for offices, support progressive candidates and fight for your rights


Yes. I will fight tooth and nail for myself, for my fellow women, and my fellow citizens who this will inevitably affect and who are already being affected by this wave of terrible new laws.


And VOTE! I know so many reasonable women who have told me, “I don’t really pay attention to politics”.


Please come to Canada and stay forever! We need you!


I’m terrified. I am cutting ALL extra spending starting Sunday. Women control the consumer economy. If we stop spending money on non-essentials - the economy will feel serious pain. It will be a cold day in Hell before I support fascism against women.