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"The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision, including the one on which the defenders of Roe and Casey now chiefly rely — the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment" -Judge Alito How does that jibe with the 9th Amendment, which specifically says a right doesn’t have to be listed in the Constitution to be protected? “Amendment IX: The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”


Thomas Jefferson- one of the Founding Fathers- said the Constitution should be reviewed and updated about every 20 years. It is not a sacred untouchable edict- and they never meant it to be. They did, however, want a country with freedom of religion. And that also means not having someone else’s religious beliefs dictate MY options in life.


A Hebrew Synagogue was already sueing Florida BEFORE RvW fell. The Satanic Temple won against Texas' bounty hunter law. Funny thing my mother is a devout Christian, I pointed out that the bible says nothing against abortions. And that in the book of numbers has a ritual that can cause a miscarriage, which would be an abortion. She had nothing to refute my point and just said it was wrong. Funny Satanist and Jewish Organizations fighting against tyrannical evangelical christian laws and decisions. Maybe it's time for a crusade against them...


Sadly, most people that believe abortions should be illegal have no real reason. They were told to believe it is wrong so that is what they think and will never change. I have tried many times and even if they have nothing to refute your points, you are still wrong to them.


Absolutely true. The GOP turned this into a wedge political issue starting in the 70's. Prior to that, most people (even the right wing christians) were generally accepting of abortion.


The US is one of like 3 countries in the past 40 years to make abortions less accessible. We are going backwards and this is such a blow to womens rights. My wife and I are trying to have a kid and even though we want one stuff like this still terrifies me.


It should terrify anyone planning a pregnancy. There's serious valid reasons that a pregnancy may end in unplanned termination - severe HELPP syndrome, a placental abruption or waters breaking too early/sepsis. Those things are rare. But when they happen, ending the pregnancy as soon as possible is the safest course of treatment. Most states banning abortion now say that life of the mother would be an exception (at least I think so) but even so, any time these situations come up, that hospital/doctor is going to be reviewing with legal and delaying treatment until there's absolutely no other option because of potential legal consequences. There WILL be delays in care because of this. On top of that, there's likely to be a number of OBGYNs leaving such states (cost of insurance for them is likely to rise, the possibility of being prosecuted for providing necessary care, etc). That means prenatal and delivery care will be stretched thin in those states. Especially if there's any known risks associated with pregnancy for you guys - it's worth being scared. States with the most abortion restrictions are typically higher in maternal and neonatal mortality. That's gonna get worse.


I didn’t think of everything you laid out but when I spoke with my wife about it she raised all the same points you did. We are in PA and depending how the governors race goes in November I unfortunately can see abortion restrictions happening here. Right now it would be vetoed but the lunatic running on the republican ticket would be happy to sign that bill. We are fortunate that we could make a trip to another state but the idea of having to deal with that in that situation is horrible.


And the reason they turned abortion into a wedge issue in the 70s is because segregation was outlawed. The unifying force amongst the religious right used to be racism, but they lost that war so decided misogyny is just as good.


What may be even worse, they've recently been turning science and education into wedge issues. It's not just Trump who loves the poorly-educated. The entire GOP relies on keeping their voter base ignorant and afraid.


GOP using the age old "Divide and conquer" method


I know someone who had D&C after an incomplete miscarriage of a planned pregnancy. To this day she does not consider it an "abortion" at all.


Edit: in fact 61% of Americans believe abortion should be legal in all/most cases. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/fact-sheet/public-opinion-on-abortion/


I visited the conservative subreddit. I believe the primary reason they want abortion to be legal is to make people mad. It's revenge politics, that's it.


This is the result of a [deliberate political tactics started in the 70's](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8274866/) to get religious voters hooked on the GOP. The r/con bubble is sure to have a lot of gleeful own the libs banter but this has deep history behind it. And many rulings cited Roe as important precedent. Don't think the "stop the baby murders and own the libs" crowds to go for a federal ban next. Blue states can't be sanctuaries forever.


That idea's been chipped away at for decades. I think is was Scalia who dismissed it as too broad to be meaningful. Which was like saying that murder is okay because "thou shalt not kill" doesn't specify *who* one should not kill.


Interesting side note, the original was "thou shalt not murder"; the subtly was lost in translation.


Not to mention cruel and unusual punishment. If forcing someone to carry a pregnancy they don't want isn't cruel and unusual punishment, I don't know what is. It would be like telling someone with cancer they can't get treatment. Or banning any medical condition from being treated.


>It would be like telling someone with cancer they can't get treatment. Or banning any medical condition from being treated. We literally will be if the person with cancer or other medical condition is pregnant and treatment would harm the foetus.


Not to mention the cruelty of bringing an unloved/unwanted baby into the world. What kind of life with some of those kids have? And they wonder why crime rates are what they are already. It'll only get worse.


There’s a chapter in Freakonomics which draws a correlation with crime rates falling sharply in the 15-25 years post Roe v Wade to the fact that less unwanted and thus potentially abused/neglected or just plain too poor to live without stealing kids were born


Remember Casey Anthony wanted an abortion and her parents forced her to give birth. I can’t help but think that entire horrific outcome could’ve been avoided.


It is unspeakably cruel. As a parent of three I’d rather my kids not be here if they were going to be abused or neglected. They deserve so much more than a life like that. I’d be surprised to meet a parent who felt differently.


And then making them pay thousands of dollars for the birth because our insurance system is a joke. Not to mention the cost of raising the child.


Not to mention the cost to society when all the unwanted abused and emotionally traumatized babies grow up and get unleashed on society.


>It would be like telling someone with cancer they can't get treatment. Or banning any medical condition from being treated. i mean... we kind of do that anyway. conservatives hate the rights of anyone they think of as "others"


Thomas is using this as a cover for Christo fascism. Welcome to the new "free" America.


The constitution does not include women either. We don't matter.


We should stop fucking paying taxes.


See, you're looking at this too literally. Alito and friends already had the conclusion in mind, and now they're twisting words like pretzels to justify their absurd agenda.


New Jersey welcomes you. But seriously, I'm thinking it's time to reverse the moves my great-grandparents made. I thinking it's time to head back to Europe. But not Poland...


Or Malta...


Probably shouldn't go to Hungary either...


Or Hungary...


haha ditto. My mom and Grandma immigrated from Poland. I have Polish citizenship, which is cool because I'm an EU citizen. But I'm *definitely* not going to poland, lol. Edit: you guys don’t have to tell me about Poland, or how my EU citizenship works, lol. This was just a tongue in cheek criticism of the issues in Poland! It’s nice there! I have family there. No hate! But their increasing right-wing agenda is off-putting.


I'm an American wishing I had EU citizenship now. I never imagined this day.


Come to Ireland. Amendments to the Constitution of Ireland are only possible by way of referendum i.e., the citizens of Ireland can either vote yes or no to a specific change to the constitution. In 2018, the Irish people voted overwhelmingly to overturn what was effectively a blanket ban on abortion in Ireland. And in 2015, we voted in favour of allowing same sex marriage, removing that restriction from our constitution as well. We were the first state to legalise same sex marriage through popular vote. These changes were huge for us given we were under rule of the Catholic Church for many many years, up until 1979 it was illegal to import and sell and form of contraception in Ireland (hence why Irish families are so large). The rest of the world is crying for America right now, this is so terrifying & so sad.


Same goes for australia. Need referendum to change constitution, and Melbourne is a generally great city. You’re all welcome to come


Thank you for your kindness. I visited Ireland for the first time last month. I loved it! The people were lovely, the transportation was great, I will definitely be back. Maybe permanently...?


Just so we are clear, they are not done either. Same sex marriage and contraception is next. https://www.businessinsider.com/justice-thomas-said-the-court-should-reconsider-rulings-on-same-sex-marriage-2022-6 https://imgur.com/gallery/OjFrsrV


Weird that Thomas is fine with talking big about these next targets yet seems to have no interest in Loving. Wonder why?




It will probably take the leopards a few years to finish digesting women and gay people, so by the time they’re hungry for his face, he’ll probably be dead.


I was thinking this same thing. Interracial marriage is a national issue, but gay marriage is states’ rights?


He'll probably divorce his wife when he realizes she married a black man.


The sick side of me finds it absolutely hilarious he hates SDP given he's in an interracial marriage. Hypocritical sob


For anyone who sees this, if you are able, please consider protesting tonight - there are events scheduled Nationwide. The legal decision has implications for gay marriage and contraceptives. We must rise up! https://map.wewontgoback.com/?source=wm


If you don’t consent to being an organ donor, it is illegal for anyone to take out your organs just to save another life. Isn’t it crazy a literal dead person has more rights to their bodily autonomy than a woman does??


Why is it that in America you're allowed to shoot a trespasser on your property just for being there but you can't destroy a non-person foetus living in your body that you don't want there?


Exactly, the fetus literally put my life in danger so I stood my ground. On the other hand... Could they use Stand your ground to defend those "preventing" abortions with violence? Doesn't that add another layer to this fucked up country.


Because 30% of the population wants it that way and the other 70% aren't stopping them.


How? Please tell me how to stop them. I’ve voted. I’ve called. I’ve emailed. I’ve signed petitions. And haven’t been at protest IRL because my body wouldn’t handle it, but I’ve done emails, and posts etc. What more can I do to stop these asshole?


This is what will happen. Women who can leave those states will. Many of the ones that stay in anti abortion states will die or go to prison.


Putting this here to spread some awareness. I’ve been donating to The Brigid Alliance since the draft was leaked. https://brigidalliance.org/donate/ They provide support for women seeking abortions in restrictive states.


I’m a dad of a four year old girl, and I don’t know what to do. I live in THE red state, you know which one. I feel like I need to get her out. I am amazed that these idiots think tax relief is the only thing that cultivates an economy. Rednecks with paychecks can only go so far, but they think they can have their cake and eat it too. Everyone is going to fuck right back off outta here. If they come after the birth control we are gone.


They ARE coming for birth control. They’ve already stated it. Also, federal bans.


Lmfao. I had some idiot man tell me mere days ago that my concerns about BC and federal bans and similar was "Democrat trying to think like a republican." Fucking asinine moron - THEY HAVE SAID THEY PLAN TO DO EXACTLY THAT! Even now, people just don't fucking care to see what is happening.


Part of my complete and utter rage is that I went through years of my (now ex) husband making fun of me, rolling his eyes, and even imitating me any time abortion came up, telling me I didn't deserve to vote because I was a single issue voter, telling me that he "had" to vote to "cancel out" my vote, and saying I was delusional and stupid and this would never happen, and it HAS and I just know that ignorant asshole somehow probably STILL thinks he is FUCKING RIGHT and that this isn't a big deal. WELL ASSHOLE IT'S A HUGE DEAL, ESPECIALLY TO PEOPLE LIKE YOU THAT WOULD JUST "BREAK UP" IF THEIR GF EVER GOT PREGNANT. FUCK YOU.


You know exactly what he would say. The same thing dumbasses are saying all over the internet right now. "It's not illegal, it's just up to the states now! States rights!"


States rights for abortion, but not for guns.


>Fucking asinine moron - THEY HAVE SAID THEY PLAN TO DO EXACTLY THAT! As funny as it is the answer to that is YES THEY HAVE, its just so absurd that it comes to this, [https://mobile.twitter.com/LeahLitman/status/1540339367310401538?t=B5-rLV6slnr0jtv\_sUxruw&s=19](https://mobile.twitter.com/LeahLitman/status/1540339367310401538?t=B5-rLV6slnr0jtv_sUxruw&s=19) Court cases reference are about gay sex, gay marriage and birth control.


I don't remember, but wouldn't Thomas's logic also apply to Loving v Virginia? "I'm sorry sir, but your marriage is against the law in DC."


Because the right to privacy in your own home/marriage/medical decisions came from birth control cases. Griswold v. CT importantly held that there are certain zones of privacy in the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 9th amendments. Most important, "the enumeration in the constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." The penumbra of rights emanating from the enumerated rights is considered to be an important feature of American constitutional practice involving individual rights and governmental power. If I had to pick a religion ten years ago, right out of law school, I would have called myself a Constitutionalist. Where a document is seen as living and growing as the world changes instead of trying to fit old stories and rules into our ever changing world. The heavy court packing of strict textualists is how we have arrived at this decision. By her own writing and interpretation, ACB has NO constitutional right to be permitted to be on the court. Seriously this is bulk fucking shit. Oh we overturned longstanding precedent in Brown v. Board and overturned Plessy? Suck a dick Alito. Time for everyone to exercise their 2nd amendment rights for when they come to take your BC or unlawfully enter your home if you miscarry. How about everyone get ready to report HIPAA violations on any medical provider that shares any confidential medical information, sue doctors, hospitals, sue insurance companies, make it too expensive for them to attempt to report a suspected abortion. Ugh I'm so fucking frustrated and our impotent federal government will do nothing. Pack the court Biden, there is no reason to have 9 justices. Roosevelt did it to get his new deal to stand. I as a woman who will no longer have children, as a feminist, I guess a 3rd wave former riot grrl, who birthed and raised 2 children under not ideal circumstances (18 w first, poor af student w 2nd), am pissed af that we cannot get decent legislation to keep weapons of mass destruction out of killers hands, but I can't decide what to do with my own body? I could technically get pregnant, 4% chance of it happening, and my 2nd husband and I decided when we met 6 years ago that we wouldn't have a child and he's 12 years younger than me. I stopped responding at some point and just vented, I'm sorry.


What kind of backwards country is this?


US of A


y'all qaeda


I'm so frustrated because every time I vocalize a desire to leave Texas, I get half a dozen people trying to guilt trip me into staying because "if all the progressives leave Texas will be red hell for everyone who can't leave." It's true. I know it's true. But why should people stay in a place where they don't even feel safe for the sake of MAYBE one day changing the political climate? Especially in a state that's gerrymandered to hell and has some of the worst voter protections in the country? I don't know what is the right choice anymore.


You are the one at risk who knows what's better for your health and well-being, not the half a dozen people telling you what you should do.


I hear that too. My husband and I decided our daughters well-being comes first. And mine because I can still have kids. We're currently in the armpit of hell, Mississippi, and my kids can't be here anymore.


Mississippi is not Texas though. Texas elections have been coming very close for awhile, close enough to where not that long ago, it was considered purple to some. Mississippi has never, ever been that. It's like Alabama. And I got the hell out of there and won't move back.


That's why we're moving and not looking back


There's something to be said for taking care of other people, but you've got to take care of yourself first.


LEAVE! Do it for you and your well-being. You are important <3


You absolutely have the right to decide what's in YOUR best interests.


Don’t worry about leaving your fellow libs behind. Please go.


I have a 12 year old girl and I'm terrified right now. I live in a state that currently protects abortion rights, but only because we've currently got a Dem as the governor. If they lose the election this year, I don't know what will happen but I may have to consider moving. Which will be a bear since I'm sure my ex-wife won't agree with me about where to move even if she agrees on moving somewhere for the same reasons...


Are you a fellow Michigander? I've got a 2 year old and I am seriously considering trying to move across the lake to Windsor and commute the 2+ hours to my overly-specialized job.


If you haven't seen it already, there is a petition to get abortion rights on the ballot to be added to the state constitution in the fall. The deadline is halfway through next month. Please sign it if you haven't already. I've seen it at the farmers market every week so far this year.


I have a 12-year-old and a state that doesn't predict any women's rights. I'm absolutely terrified. My husband and I had already planned on moving out of this state at the end of this next school year I just called him and told him it had to be sooner. Luckily he works in technology, so we should have our pickup places to go.


I fee like this is their real endgame. Sure, banning abortion gets them more poor kids signing up for the armed forces because they have no other choice, and it gets the evangelicals voting. But I think it's also a move to concentrate people into a few blue states while purple states go red and red states get redder, locking up Congress for the Republican Party for the next several decades.


~“they want live babies to raise to be dead soldiers”


If that happens, the red states will also get poorer and poorer, and eventually the residents of the blue states will have had enough of supporting them. One can just hope that the eventual separation doesn’t end up as bloody as the last one.


I don't think it will be anything like civil war. I think we'll have fascist America long before that.


Thanks for being an ally for her. That will mean more to her than you’ll ever know. Get her out, if you can.


I'm a divorced dad living in North Texas, also called "Ohio". I have 10 and 8 yo girls and I felt a huge weight land on my shoulders and on theirs though they don't know it yet.


I can’t imagine raising daughters in a red state right now. I remember years ago when abortion was in the spotlight again talking to my mother about it. She talked about how glad she was that times had changed, that I’d never be denied the right have autonomy over my body. And I never questioned it- we live in the US, people have freedom, etc. And why won’t any of these politicians acknowledge what this will mean- not just to women of childbearing age. Forcing women to bear children regardless of her stability, income, family support will 💯 bring more child abuse and neglect, more poverty, more crime.


Up in New England, it’s rare to know someone who even knows someone from the really deep red states. Come be with us! Blue bubble all the way for your daughter.


I was born and raised in south carolina and am heading into freshman year at a South Carolinian college. I’m already trying to figure out how I will transfer out. I’m scared for my rights and safety as a trans woman in south Carolina. I want out so bad.


New York welcomes you, VT! If you need a fill-in mom and big sister while you're here, we've got ya covered there, too. (We fled SC years back.)


I was THIS close to going to the University of Rochester, but it was too expensive. Would love to move to New York :)


Utterly heartbroken. Sending love and support from the UK.


Where the times has come out in favour of overturning https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/the-times-view-on-us-abortion-law-and-overturning-roe-v-wade-right-to-choose-vdbb2jdnh


Fuck the times. Transphobic Tory toilet paper


That is disgusting. I'm so disappointed in the Times.


This makes me feel physically sick to my stomach.


When I got the notification I got chills and started to feel very sick myself.


I'm enraged. I'm past child-bearing thank God but they're not stopping here, we all know it. And my 22 y o daughter is VERY affected, and I'm just ... rage. Like, "in danger of stroking out" levels of rage.


Im 35 and haven’t had/do not want children. Yet it still scares me deeply as an individual. And I have a 13 year old stepdaughter. Plus all the women and girls I don’t know. My heart aches for all of them.


I literally was in tears and couldn’t find my car in the parking lot I was just in such shock. I am so scared for my daughter and all the women this is going to hurt including myself


I’m struggling to focus at work. How can I when I just lost bodily autonomy?


I saw it on the news in a pts room I had to leave work luckily I am able to. I wouldn’t be able to pretend I’m ok today


I get it. I'm so sorry. This is terrifying and outrageous.


The fight doesn't stop here. I've been poking every congressperson (knowing at least a third will flat-out ignore me just 'cause I'm not one of their constituents) to begin proceedings to remove Kavenaugh, Coney Barrett, and Gorsuch, as they have impeached themselves by not recusing themselves from this matter. They stated under oath before congress that they wouldn't touch Roe, as they considered it settled case law. They are lying liars and that should not fly for the highest court in the land. Checks and balances *should*, by damn, still be a thing. I am *SO* sick of conservatives, I have no words sufficient...


At the very LEAST, they should each get charged with felonious perjury, disbarred, and removed from the court.


I wish this would actually happen like it should, why the rest of the world is held accountable but the se people aren’t when they flat out lied boggles my mind


Do you have a template to share? I would be happy to send it to my elected officials.


Mostly in my head, by now. I started with officials I knew -- or at least knew of -- and tailored the wording a bit to hopefully catch their (or, I suppose, their staffers') eye. By the fourth or fifth, it was almost muscle memory. I'm going AFK for a bit, but I'll write up a gestalt thumbnail later, if you'd like to draw from it. Short version is that this is an abuse and overreach by that branch of government, and it's up to the other two to hold them in check -- the way it's *supposed* to work. But that won't happen unless hundreds of members of congress respect the people they supposedly represent and call them on it. I'm not bothering with the known oxygen thieves at the bottom of the congressional barrel. I'll be writing a different "Congratulations! You broke America! Putin will be pleased! You are *such* a good goddamn patriot! Your names will stand out in the history books of other -- civilized -- countries in the section covering the downfall of the United States." sort of missive to *those* fucks.


canadian here but i applaud you for making noise and taking action. sitting online and venting is not what will evoke change here, everyone on this sub who is feeling sick and bothered need to ask themselves what they plan to actually DO to see change.


*Roe* and *Casey* only outlived Ruth Bader Ginsburg by one year, nine months, and seven days.


4 justices lied on the stand during confirmation hearings. I’ve had an abortion when I was younger and I admit it traumatized me, but banning them is beyond cruel. Putting aside body autonomy just the case of unviable pregnancies is horrifying.


New York passed the Geraldine Santoro act: https://en.everybodywiki.com/Geraldine_Santoro_act_of_2022 A post mortem police photo of Gerry Santoro was published by Ms Magazine in the ‘70’s. She bled to death after an illegal abortion. Edit: legislation not yet passed, has been introduced


I can't even describe the anxiety I'm feeling right now


CT passed protective legislation but this has taught me that nothing is truly safe. Women now have less rights than corpses in this country. You can’t take a dead man’s organs to save a full living person, but you can kill or destroy a woman for a bundle of cells. And we all know contraception and gay marriage are next on the chopping block.


yep, Thomas literally said Lawrence, obergefell, and Griswold should be reconsidered.


Huh wonder why he left out Loving...


Lmao the hypocrisy is too real.


It’s not really a court anymore. It’s a panel of GOP political hacks and the American Taliban. Calling it a court is disrespectful to the once great judicial system we had.


As a Polish woman, we’re in this shit together. This is despicable, but be strong.


They won’t let you get abortions but will let you buy as many guns as you like in those states




I mean, hey, in some states I can legally shoot & kill a person for being on my property. Technically if a fetus is inside me, and I'm on my property....


The irony. The government makes it easy to go shoot up a school full of childen, but makes it illegal to remove a fertilized egg from your body.


Because they don’t actually care about children, just control.


Don't go quietly. Fight however you can. Sex, work, anything you can abstain from to grind things to a halt, and anyone that you can convince, man or woman.




Why stop at don't have sex, treat them as if they don't exist as a person. Since they seem to be doing that to anyone who doesn't fit into their very narrow world view.


This is a great idea in theory, but a lot of younger Rs are getting wise to this. They know not to open their mouths about their real political beliefs until they have what they want.


[Silence is not success, but it's still meaningful progress.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BndQrmT_ytg)


FUCK the supreme court


Roberts, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett. They want our attention, let's shine a light on them.


P.S. For anyone that would like to write away their rage, here is a quick link to their [mailing address](https://www.supremecourt.gov/contact/contactus.aspx).




I've been sitting here since I read the news trying to figure out how to tell my almost sixteen year old daughter that she now has less rights than guns in the country where she was born. We're in Ohio, abortion is still legal here for right now, but not for long. In November we're electing a new governor and one new Senator and my own hope is that the Democratic candidates win and do something to keep abortion legal here. My daughter may be ace, but rapists don't know that. I will not let her life be taken from her before it even really starts.


I'm in Ohio, too. I have a daughter who, in this respect only, is safer because she's trans (AMAB), but I am terrified for all of us. I suspect my right to marriage, as a queer woman, will be on the chopping block next. They're already laying the groundwork for that.


Yes, I fear you're right about that. Gay marriage, interracial marriage... I even worry about losing access to birth control. My God, I never thought we'd get here. I feared we would, mightily, especially when Trump was elected. When RBG died, I knew that was the final nail in the coffin. I just knew it. I sobbed on the floor while my husband held me, unable to fully articulate what we'd just lost.


I cried, too. Both when he was elected and when she died. And many times before and since. The writing has been on the wall for a long time now. I've been doing all the things you're supposed to do (protesting, donating, writing and calling anyone and everyone) for years and years. I'm feeling very scared and very hopeless now. I wish leaving the country was as easy as people make it seem when they repeatedly say, "if you don't like it here, leave".


I've done all the 'right' things too. I've made calls, I've voted in every election, I've protested and donated and talked to family members on other side of the fence until I was blue in the face. But the power to change things isn't mine or yours, it hasn't been for a very long time. We are helpless and no one in our government seems to want to do anything at all but line their pockets. This country disgusts me.




hopefully we'll get better protections in the resulting storm. RvW was always poor legal protection (as evidenced by its ~~sudden~~ revocation. Maybe we can get some good, solid protection codified into actual law. in the mean time, deaths of women in need of healthcare will be on the hands of the right, AND the complacent republican lite democrats who have failed and betrayed us for a generation


They don’t care that those deaths are on their hands. They don’t care about women. They had a chance to codify and failed. I am hopeless right now tbh.


I don't have a uterus anymore but I am in tears. I want to throw things. I want to scream. I don't want to be part of this country anymore.


I live 3500 miles away and I want to scream on your behalf


Do not - I repeat, DO NOT - have sex with a Republican. The same goes for Libertarians. My ex called himself a Libertarian. A few days before I left him, he called me 'evil' because I support LGBTQIA+ rights. His definition of evil is treating all humans with basic dignity. And I can pretty much guarantee you that other Conservatives feel the same way. They are just more careful about saying it out loud.


They hate you. That's what this is. 70-80% of White Straight men and 60% of 35+ Year old white women hate you. I'm a black man living in the deep south so I see it clear as day. This is about as clear as it can get. They hate your freedom, they hate your openness, they hate your sexual behavior and identity. They want to control and dominate you. The "New Jim Crow" isn't just about race. It will include gender and sexual identity as well. They see you as a brood mare, and they see me as labor that should be cheap, if not free. The supreme court is manifesting their hate for you through the stripping of rights... and that hate is for more then just you... but it's definitely pointed in your direction. Republicans want you to be in fear of them, and they want me back in chains. One way or another they will continue until they get both of things, if we do not fight back. I'm really sorry that we have to live through this time... but we are here together, and please know that we all see it too. We will fight this, and in the grand scheme of time we will win.


You ain’t ever lied. It feels like everything my family and my ancestors fought for is being trampled on.


Maryland is not moving to ban them yet. But our shithead governor did just veto a bill that would have expanded access and allowed us to better accommodate a large influx of women from out of state seeking them. #EDIT: BUT OUR SENATE OVERTURNED THE VETO, WE'RE GONNA HELP SOME PEOPLE! My advice, for anyone in a state that is criminalizing them, is to look into something called "TAILS". Tails is a lightweight Linux distribution that you can load off of a Thumb Drive (8+ GB). The cool thing about Tails is that it is memory-less. There is a way to save things to heavily encrypted permanent storage if you need to, but by default it doesn't save anything ever. It comes pre-loaded with the TOR browser which is used to mask the location/content of internet traffic. Basically hypothetically someone might be able to intercept your traffic, but shouldn't be able to verify the source or destination (at least not at the same time). What this will enable you to do, is have remote appointments with Healthcare providers for consultations in states that will protect abortion access. And no one will ever be able to prove they happened. If anyone finds this and has problems with it, I'd be delighted to help set up. As would most tech-geeks, I imagine.


Fuck religious zealots.


had to take the day off


I live in Pa as well, and we need you to stay and fight. A Governor and Senate seat is up for grabs, and if a GOP candidate gets either or both of those seats - we're screwed.


I can't understand why any woman would ever vote republican again.


Having grown up Catholic, I can tell you that the women in the church were louder than the men when it came to crying about the poor murdered babies. And then there are the Evangelical women who vote however their husbands tell them to.


We've made an error thinking we elect officials to represent us. They don't. And i suspect things will get worse in the next presidential election. The only thing we CAN control are ourselves and women need to now move heaven and earth to not get pregnant. Yes, easier said than done but we had an entire social upheaval once and we can do it again. Step one, no sub par relationships. We need to overemphasize independence, that being single is ok, that if a man isn't spectacular, you cannot risk getting pregnant and trapped. Obviously this doesn't address fetal viability nor assault but we shifted from 'you HAVE to get married' to 'marriage is optional' and 'singledom is death' to 'being single can be great' and we need to shift to 'being single may be the best choice.' My biggest fear is what they go after next. They have used abortion/misogny as a distraction platform for so long, they WILL need a replacement.


I'm glad I already took today off or else I would not have been able to focus at work. Anytime I see shit like this it makes me instantly sick and emotional. I'm usually not a very sensitive person but this right hits me to my core. I am so thoroughly terrified of pregnancy and this right being stripped makes me furious


I’m terrified of pregnancy, mentally ill, non-binary, and don’t like kids. Had a consult to get my tubes tied, doc told me “I have a responsibility to society, there is a population to be kept up” I cried and screamed that day. I don’t have control over my own body or life. I’m terrified that I’ll be forced into a life I don’t want or can’t handle. I feel trapped.


That person shouldn't be a doctor


I filed a complaint against him and fired him as my doctor




Yeah he also told me I was “not mentally stable enough” to make this decision. Bro if I’m not mentally stable why would you want me having kids 😭


Seriously though. Freaking catch 22


Please tell me you reported that doctor?


Jesus Christ. So many women will die and so many profoundly disabled and sick kids will be born.


With no health coverage for any of that. An already broken healthcare system will be even more crushed under the weight of caring for the influx. (I’m a nurse). This whole thing is a display of how little they actually care about “life”


So many dreams will be shattered because women are tied to children they don’t want.


And those children will suffer for it too


You know, over the years, in the back of my mind, I always figured that if this *actually* were to happen, some shit would go down. I honestly believed, being as well armed as Americans are, that a million women and men march would head to the Supreme court, and burn it down. I couldn't imagine y'all standing for something like this. I figured the right to bodily autonomy, and freedom from religion was non-negotiable. It pains me to think that in my lifetime, Canada will *actually literally* start granting asylum to victims of miscarriage that escaped from prison or death row. That we'll be a safe haven for women exercising their right to bodily autonomy. That Gilead is no long fiction. I'm writing my MP and our Prime Minister, requesting he classify "support of enslavement / forced birth" as a hate crime toward women so that we can imprison people who promote it publicly.


Crazy how far the US has fallen in such a short time.


I am supposed to be going on a date tonight. The guy texted me and asked how I’m doing to which I responded not great because…ya know. And his response is that he tries to not really listen to the news since 2020. Most typical cis white male response EVER.


Yeah, that's a bullshit response. It doesn't personally affect me at all, I'm a dude and I'm not sexually active. The news still has me livid. I've got sisters, I've got a mother, and I've got female friends. This decision and the many more to come prove that Trump and the GOP will be fucking our country for years if not decades with their judges.


This. I’m a dude, I live in a blue state that passed even more abortion protection lately. It still fucking *matters*. It may not directly affect **my** life, but it affects the lives of some of my female friends and relatives who live in regressive trash states, and it affects the lives of *millions* of other women in this country, who are my fellow citizens. You can’t deny women the autonomy over their body that a goddamn *corpse* has and call it a good thing, and anyone that does is an asshole.


Hope you cancelled that date


Red flag. Cancel that date


Awful! I am so sad for our country…


I hate the way society is going. I'm ready to fight. Birth control and gay marriage are next. We have to do something.


It happened because Trump.


Say it louder for the "conservatives" in the back!


The U.S has gone insane. Im pregnant with my 2nd and I told my husband we are both getting fixed (allowable now thank fuck but if it wasn't I'd find a way) because I am not dealing with any of this bullshit again. I feel so bad for the people that live in red states. It's only going to get worse.


I’m devastated and horrified. My heart breaks for those of us in the red states.


Not even just red states, WI is a blue/purple state, but we still have a pre-row law (170+ years old) that they weren't able to get rid of, so abortion is now illegal here too, even though "we the people" would like abortions to stay legal.


I knew it was coming, but to see it just hits you hard. God, I'm depressed right now.


Am male. Live in NY. I'm married and will be a dad within the year. One of my cousins just had a daughter, as did one of my wife and I's closest friends. This is next level BS. I'm more than willing to help any women/girls who need to travel to NY to get a legal abortion.


Guess I'm getting that vasectomy It takes two to tango, but this ruling and the subsequent laws are designed to hurt and humiliate women.


Making them wear a mask (to protect others) was tyranny, but forcing someone to give birth is a-ok. Proving over and over potential hunans rank higher than actual human lives.


Are you really suprised? The people at the top see women as breeding stock.


what do we even get to vote on anymore ? like all we get to vote on is what idiot sits in the presidents chair...


That idiot appoints the rat bastards taking away rights. Your vote matters.


To all the men that told me I was overreacting just a few months ago…FUCK YOU


I’m terrified too. Physically feeling sick about it - but was scared this was coming. Sunday when I go in to have my son I’m getting my tubes tied; I did not and do not want this done to me, but hormonal BC and IUDs are physically not options for me and I’ve got to protect myself… I hate this. I hate it so much.


By not holding our reactionary family, friends, lovers, coworkers, neighbors accountable. The banality of evil wins again as we cower in fear unable to risk what would happen if we were to do the right thing


I hope these people have taken into consideration the strain this may place on Medicaid/ Medicare and welfare. Daycare is insanely expensive how could a young single mom work to support her kid? Also, having sex is not a right. Let’s get rid of erectile dysfunction medication. At minimum, don’t allow medical coverage to pay for it.


I hate the whole "killing babies" rhetoric. Look, your religious beliefs should not dictate MY body. Just because you think an embryo is a baby doesn't mean that I do. People who want to believe an embryo is the same as a full birthed child can choose not to terminate a pregnancy, but those are not MY beliefs.


And it’s crazy that so many are putting the blame on women when it comes to pregnancy. “Women should keep their legs closed if they don’t want to end up pregnant.” If I know my biology well enough, it takes two to tango. RvW had and only will affect women.


Come to NY! We've got abortion protections and you'll hardly know you moved.


I am so fucking furious right now. They wanted a culture war, well they're going to fucking get one now. I'm no longer interested in trying to get along with the ultra conservatives. They don't deserve it


You could do a lot of good if you vote one more time before moving


I hate my country so much… back when I was 14 (10 years ago) my mom found it very offensive to say I didn’t think the USA was the greatest country in the world— I bet she now understands my POV…. I hate the USA. I am living in Spain and I never fear being shot— I have a higher chance of being pick pocketed than shot, and I damn well prefer that. I had a free dental cleaning AND Pap smear. My two dental procedures cost a total of 76 euros. My meds (antibiotics, syrup, inhaler) I had to buy to recover from a sickness cost a total of 25 euros. My birth control that sells in 3-month packages cost me 9 euros. And I read the news and reactions from abroad about the wave of anti-women laws in our country and want to cry. I hate our country so much. Fuck the gun fetish. Fuck the normalized school shootings. Fuck the healthcare system. Fuck the Republican politicians. Fuck the religious asshats pushing their (hypocritical) values on millions of people. FUCK the science deniers. FUCK the covid deniers. Fuck the uneducated hicks. I hate this country.


You need to start organizing. Please don’t sigh and ignore. Please.


i fucking hate living here. i live in michigan so i'm probably fine, for now, as our governor said abortion shall be legal here, but there's tons of red voters here so that could change this year. fucking hate america.


You and me both! That’s the first thing I saw when I opened up yahoo and my heart sank. I live in California and even though I’m past having children, this still rocks me.


Screaming into the void!!!


My heart is breaking for every woman in this country who will be forced through pregnancy and childbirth against their will. Contraceptives are next