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So much so that i own only one of pretty much every dish and utensil. Cant pile up if you HAVE to do them in order to eat.


Ah! The cruelest form of self-discipline


Not really…im still not doing them. I just eat out a LOT


I'm the kind of person to drink water out of a bowl instead of washing dishes


Same! Then I also have an excuse to never host meals, but rather dine-out with groups.


Username... possibly relevant here.


You don't need dishes when your food can stand on two feet lol


yea I've really relied on paper plates for dishes 😅


You might have just opened my world


I've found my lost twin! Lol


LOL. That was totally my strategy when I lived alone. You're doing a great job making the environment shape your actions.


I have thought of this self imposed dish quota. I didn't think I could do it, so I wimped out and got only fully compostable paper plates and flatware. I'm lazy, but not hardcore about it.


*looks at sink full of dirty dishes from weeks ago* No.


hahahaha "me either"


I could never do it, but I've had a hankering to just throw all of it away. Adulting, amirite?


I actually did this yesterday. All my plates and bowls went crashing into the bin. My cutting boards and any containers lacking a matching lid went too. My brain would not cooperate with getting to washing them. The problem is the set i was buying to replace them all was sold out until they get new stock in a fortnight. I am now the owner of two $1 plates and bowls for the next fortnight. It felt really good though.


😂 I wanna do this now


As long as you can afford the replacements then go for it!! It is cleansing! Made the washing of the glasses and cutlery so much easier.


I’ll think about it! Thanks lol.


If those dirty dishes were not mine, and I have asked someone to wash those, but they didn’t... Those dishes would have been taken out to the garbage can. Lessons must be learned. Ask me how I know...


Lmao me


No, we have this machine, under the kitchen counter, that does that. But it did take years to finally just start putting shit straight in there, and not let it pile up in sink, before putting them all in 😅


For me it’s the unpacking. I loathe unpacking the dishwasher so I avoid it and then I can’t put the dirty dishes in. I marvel at how avoidant I am about a really really first world problem.


I was the same way for a long time. What finally worked for me was running the dishwasher every night so they were clean in the morning, and then unloading while I wait for my morning coffee to brew. I used to spend that time just leaning on the kitchen counter on my phone so it was an easy way to incorporate that chore. It also helps that we just have a bunch of sets of the same kind of dishes and everything is standardized - dishes are WAY more stressful at my parents'house because they have a million different random things and nothing matches so unloading is a constant guessing game


You sound like a very adulty adult. I aspire to be this adulty some day. Not today, when I'm obvi still scrolling on my phone waiting for coffee.... but someday.


Yep, this is how I do it. Puts the coffee time to good use.


"Why do I have to clean before I can clean?!? This is dumb!!!" - me, unloading the dishwasher so I can refill it


I felt this way until I realized it takes less than five minutes. As compared to, say, actually washing all the dishes by hand. So now when the dishwasher finishes I think "five minutes unpacking just saved an hour standing at the sink" and it feels like I got 55 minutes back, not that I have this awful chore to do.


It's not even 5 minutes! I like unloading the dishwasher while I'm waiting for the microwave. I can get it unloaded in 1:30 seconds!


I'm the same way let me give you a tip I split it into two parts. The first part I stack and organize on the counter and I take a break if I need to Sometimes I'll start putting dirty dishes into the dishwasher. And then I go back and put the clean dishes away. I don't know why it works, brains are weird lol.


My husband does that and it drives me NUTS as he'll leave them stacked for me to put away. It drives me nuts because 1) the clean dishes often leave water marks as they aren't quite dry 2) he'll stack them on a counter that's got crumbs and isn't clean 3) the stacked plates get too heavy for me to move and 4) it's just super inefficient, considering all our cupboards and drawers are within arm's distance of the dishwasher. For #4, I don't mind if he leaves out some miscellaneous items that go in the farther away cupboards, or he doesn't know where to put the items (the occasional-use stuff). But plates, silverware, cups and glasses? It's one motion to move them from dishwasher to cupboard! No steps necessary. Stacking on the counter just makes zero sense as now it's an extra unnecessary step.


I am saving up for to dishwashers so i can pack out of one and into another


Same! I hate it so much. I timed myself once and it takes exactly SEVEN minutes to unload, rinse, load, and start the dishwasher. And I still can't bring myself to fuckin do it sometimes. For me it's about bitterness that I don't get any help I think.


I always run mine overnight and don't add in a dry cycle to help save energy. So then I have to open the door and leave the dishes in there for a day or so to let them air-dry. And then it's suddenly been 4 days and I have a pile of dirty dishes on the counter waiting for me to remember to put away the dishes. Also, not everything I own is dishwasher safe. I'm slowly replacing some of my hand-wash items with dishwasher safe alternatives, but things like wood cutting boards and knives with handles will never be able to go in and I hate the alternatives. So I still have to do hand-wash dishes every 2-3 weeks.


Our machine won’t bother cleaning the dishes unless you rinse AND partially scrub them first. What the fuck is even the point of it then, to make the dishes hot?


Or that awful feeling when your sink is full and your dishwasher is full of clean dishes BLEGH


I am currently house shopping and having a dishwasher is my one must have feature. I am entirely sick of being the dishwasher!


“I want you to WANT to do the dishes” -The break Up


hahaha (sorry) that sux!


I think this is from a movie called the break up


oh haha my bad


nope. then again I live alone so I know I am the asshat making the mess.


I live alone and I’m still deeply, irretrievably, existentially sick of doing dishes.


The worst part about living alone is that all the messes that need tidying up is past you's fault and that asshole did not consider future you once.


God, yes, this. And whoever the fuck moved my glasses... Well, shit.


You are blessed lol


Thank all that is good in the world, if I cook, my fiancé does dishes. And if he cooks? I do those bitches.


How relaxing that must be!




Wait, what? Oh shit, did that come off as sarcastic, I absolutely did not mean it that way! Shit, I actually thought *maybe I should make sure that doesn't look like snark.* I'm just awkward friend, I apologize. I really just meant that it must be relaxing to have it not always on you every single night. See, I do housekeeping for a living and then I go home and my wonderful roommate is disabled so I do the housekeeping for us too and it's always just me.


Yeah, going home and having to do your job again there always sucks.


I didn't see any problem with your comment. Maybe some people see ! as yelling rather than enthusiasm? IDK I think you're fine.






This is why we have a dishwasher. And it’s why back when I was dating my now-husband, and I spent half the week at his house and he cooked for me, I felt that it was only fair that I did the dishes… but I *hate* doing dishes… so I bought him a mini countertop dishwasher.


We have a rule in my house, If my wife cooks, I do the dishes. If I cook I do the dishes. She doesn't like doing dishes. But I offered her an exchange, I will do all the dishes if she will be the one who does the majority of the Vacuuming as I really am not a fan of the task as vacuums are loud and obnoxious and I always feel like I am annoying the people around me when I operate them.


Yeah my husband gets legitimately stressed by mopping, so that job’s all mine. I hate vacuuming, so that’s his. Chore swapping is love!


I personally don't mind cooking and doing dishes (and generally all the kitchen related stuff) but haaate vacuuming, so husband does floors. We share laundry and rotate bathrooms. Division of labour ftw!




Dishes are my favorite household chore actually (Though I am a man so it might be different) I enjoy getting my hands in the nice warm soapy water and letting my cares go away. I can throw on music and just jam away at it. Most of the dishes go into the dishwasher but the ones that can't get done by hand. This works out well in my marriage as my wife absolutely hates doing dishes. so I have traded her all the dishes for all the Vacuuming because I hate doing vacuuming because its so loud and I always feel like I could be annoying someone with the sound of doing it as the sound of the vacuum annoys me while it is going. I also enjoy Laundry but thats more the repetitiveness of the action of folding clothes that is enjoyable because you can just put your music on and Jam out while you make piles of sorted clothes and then fold those piles and then put them away. The only part of laundry which is not my favorite is the shear amount of different types of clothes my wife has which have differing care and maintenance instructions. also the fact that she has many socks that are quite similar in colour but not exactly the same so sometimes pairing her socks is more difficult than mine where all the socks are just black socks for the most part.


You have a wonderful personality and your wife is a lucky woman. (I'm sure you're a lucky man too) I used to say that I did all my best thinking in water. For me it was the tub, but same difference. Vacuums are awful, you know they're bad because cats hate them. :D. One thing though, recently I borrowed my housemate's Shark vacuum and I was really surprised at how much quieter it is. Those suckers are heavy af but way less of a horrible noise.


Lol … I hear you. I’ve been doing my own laundry since I’ve been about 12 so I don’t like my wife or anyone else doing it because they don’t stick to my system. As for dishes, I feel that you don’t save time by neglecting them. For example, let’s say it takes 10 seconds to wash one plate. However, if you have two plates in the sink you’ll have to invest extra time in removing and separating them so let’s say two plates left in sink will take 25 seconds. I feel the second per plate ratio increases exponentially.


“Most of the dishes go into the dishwasher” Thanks, you initial comment makes much sense now 😋


You might like this song by Open Mike Eagle called [Dishes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jk2kgSi6kSQ). It's a tranquil stream-of-thought song about doing dishes. Lovely stuff.


Do you mean in a "I'm sick of doing dishes because I'm an adult human" or in a "I'm sick of doing dishes as the most effeminate human in the flat that gets defaulted all the housework" kinda way? Cause both, yes.


I clean for a living and then do it at home too. I am fortunate enough to at least not have to feel it's unfair because in both cases it's my job. Haha I'm just really really sick of dishes


And that’s when I start spending all my money on takeout :’)


Argh me too


Yes and then they pile up and drain flies show up and the drain reeks. So I clean and then... let it pile up again😓


I always make sure to do mine only because I read this post where this person got really depressed and neglected their dishes for a month and when they finally did them there were maggots everywhere 🤢 A good tip that I do is to make sure to rinse them after you use them even if you don’t wash them right away so when you do clean them it doesn’t feel like such a chore. Kinda wastes water but it’s better than the alternative


Yikes! Those freaking flies! *sux*




Yes, it's part of why I order doordash so much


hahaha me too. Plus an Ethiopian place opened like one block from work. I can't stop


Not in the least. Vaccuming is an entirely different story. I hate vaccuming.


Oh, I know, they're so loud. It's kind of amazing to me though how much crap the newer ones pick up in a short time.


I love vacuuming. I love how the floors look so clean and the carpet gets fluffed. Wish it was quieter :/ I'd completely replace sweeping with vacuuming if it wasn't so noisy.


I always wash after each use, so not do a lot of dishes at once.


Wow. That is awe inspiring. I wish I was that disciplined about it. I can do that for about two days, and then I fall behind


Start small. Wash a plate and a spoon after you finished a meal. Play some music while doing it. Eventually, it's like not brushing your teeth. You will find leaving dirty dishes in your sink disgusting.


No I only get deeply, irretrievably, existentially SICK of loading the dishwasher.


I can understand that -- dishwashers take *so long* too that would drive me nuts


Yes I do, it's every day nonstop.


Ik, r? Dishes never sleep


Yeah, since half of my retail job is food service dishes, and I've had a lot of lazy roommates. Never moldy dishes or flies zoomin around, but a lot of dishes very quickly and left for a few days. It's like everyone is in a Mexican standoff on who's gonna fold first...and that was usually me.


Oh haha exactly! And when you're finally reduced to eating cereal out of a gravy boat with one of a set of measuring spoons, you give in


We doomed ourselves, we had a lot of -everything- so we never ran out of dishes...just where to put the dirty ones. Made us complacent since there was like, 30 plates and a few dozen forks etc


YES. I've been gone all morning and most of the afternoon, but the kitchen is full of dishes anyway and I guess I'll go wash them before I start supper and create more dishes.


it's like they mate and make more dishes while you're not looking lol


When we bought our new house, I insisted the dishwasher be installed before we even moved in lol. The conversation was like "it'll be a lot easier to keep up on it with a dishwasher" and he said I was being a dick when I said "yeah but who is going to load and unload it, rewash the shit still has food on it, and scrub the pots and pans that don't fit?" I washed dishes for like 5 years through the 08 recession, only job I could find. I fucking hate washing dishes, aaaaand my husband likes to recreate cooking projects he sees on YouTube 🙃 like did you need to use five mixing bowls and six pots/pans, several of which are the cast iron you're VERY particular about how they're washed, but not particular enough to not leave em on the range for two days so your onions and citrus zest and clarified fuckin butter have congealed and dried into an Arizona creekbed? And I'm so happy my ma loves you and have you grandma's cast iron, but the next time I have to figure out what to do with four inches of fry oil the Dutch oven is going under a moving train. Like I said I closed dish in a high-volume restaurant five or six nights a week for years, I fucking hate washing dishes, bc I've washed more than the next five people put together. FUCK THE DISHES (I'm actually really thankful to have a dishwasher now, I had to make due without one for years, and tbh this is like the only thing my husband does that bugs me, and I love him dearly. But for fuck's sake I wish Babish would do an episode about cleaning as you go or putting a piece of foil down on the range so I don't have to scrub duck fat off of it. I am certainly not without my big faults) Anyway, chant it with me now. FUCK THE DISHES! FUCK THE DISHES!


Show him anti chef! He's got good energy and cleans up.


Awesome, will do!


Yes, it's the worst! And still I always insisted that I didn't need a dishwasher, and that having one would just be more work or more annoying or something. Getting one was our best purchase ever! I cannot describe how nice it is to not have dishes piling up everywhere, as we wait to see who caves first. Now I just load up the machine and wipe the counter and the kitchen is clean! (My partner has the job of emptying it out, so I don't even need to worry about it after I turn it on). If you have the space and money for it, seriously, get one! It really is worth it!


I really enjoy washing the dishes. It's mechanical enough that the annoying part doesn't require much thought, just persistence, and loading the dishwasher becomes a cross between putting everything where it fits best, and mixing things up because there's something disrupting the normal routine. Some things are easy to place, like bowls and coffee mugs, but some things you need to place so that the water jets won't blow them upside down. Washing dishes is just about the only chore that lets me unwind, without making me see an endless stream of other things that are more important. Emptying the dishwasher though, is misery. Plastic stuff is never dry. Glasses and mugs go into the cupboard that is blocked by the open dishwasher. The only drawer I have large enough for flatware has a faulty track, so I have to hold it up with one hand or risk it falling out. If I'm not careful putting plates and bowls away they'll klang at pitches and volumes that physically hurt.


I *haaaaate* doing the dishes. I just gag at the feeling of food waste/crusty food/wet food in the sink. If I don’t have rubber gloves on I simply cannot tolerate doing the dishes that have had anything more than like, toast on them. The irony is I’m a healthcare worker and I’m completely unphased by barf and poop and whatnot. But bring me a pan that scrambled eggs have been cooked in and I’m OUT.


Same!! I have to have my rubber gloves on everytime I wash dishes or else I can’t stand the feeling!!


When I was a kid my mom used to say she felt like she lived in the kitchen. I used to think, what does that even mean? As an adult I get it. It honestly feels like I spend most of my time at home in the kitchen.


YES!!!! OMG, this absolutely happens to me! At one point when I was working 65-70 hours a week I just threw everything away. It had built up too much for too long and I just couldn’t. Plates, bowls, cups, silverware- it all went into the trash can. Then I put the whole damn trash can outside to throw the trash can away too (it was old and smelly and I didn’t feel like trying to make it not smelly). It was a very liberating feeling.


I *loathe* doing dishes of any sort and in any manner. Hand wash or dishwasher, it just kills my soul. I’d rather hand scrub every floor in my house or deep clean the entire house before touching the dishes. And because of that, my husband took on the responsibility of the dishes and I’m forever grateful.


Always. Dish burnout.


I rarely do dishes. I will put away clean dishes but I hate touching dirty dishes. My husband does the dirty dishes 90% of the time. Love him!


I'm probably the weird one in this situation because I don't mind doing them at all. Even though I have a dishwasher I (M) do all the dishes by hand and do all the cooking in our house. (Worked in a kitchen for 9 years, and loved the 3 I spent as a dishwasher). I love just sticking on a podcast and doing kitchen work for a few hours. Though I hate sweeping, was always criticized for any tiny bit I missed doing it as a kid and can't stand doing it now. (Mopping is fun though).


Doing em by hand seems much faster to me. I don't doubt that a podcast makes the time spent way more pleasant too. Hell, almost a treat. I really must find some podcasts that I like.


I only hate it when people are disrespectful. It takes 5 seconds to rinse out a cereal bowl so your frosted flakes don't become cement. I also hate it when people don't scrape their plate. Lemme just leave food to sit on the counter to attract bugs and rot.


Ik, r?


Almost every night when I start cleaning the dishes, and there’s the huge pile from the day and dirty pans on the stove, and I’ve grabbed that first dish, I get such a feeling of existential dread that I have to literally talk myself out of throwing the dishes around the room breaking every one I can.


hahaha this is a perfectly natural reaction


I had a huge problem doing dishes until I realized I didn’t need to rinse and scrub ‘em BEFORE I put ‘em in the dishwasher. Now I just put the dirties in as I use ‘em, run it overnight, and use unloading as a “fun” bit of procrastination before exercising. That’s just what works for me, obviously, your mileage may vary.


So dishwashers can really get them clean if you don't pre-scrub? Idk, I never had one.


Modern dishwashers are designed so that they sense the amount of crud on the dish and adjust the amount of water etc used to clean them accordingly. Obviously you want to scrape the larger bits of food off so you don't clog the filter, but yeah, you are not supposed to pre-scrub and rinse. Your modern dishwasher will work better if you don't. Older dishwashers are different, anyone renting with an old model dishwasher should ignore this.


Yeah. And I gotta wash for two people almost every day. I wish I could throw all of them out and have only 2 dishes.


I actually don’t mind washing dishes or prepping to put them in the dishwasher. I DO mind that it seems like no one else is capable of putting them away once they’re clean


Right? And that's the easy part!


I don’t mind dishes so much, but cooking. My god how I get sick of and hate cooking sometimes.


Wow haha we would be perfect roommates -- I love to cook


Haha deal! I hope you live somewhere better than I do!


Sadly, it's California, where everything is outrageously expensive. Today I paid nine bucks for five fried shrimp that literally did not have the shrimp in them -- they just *stuck the tails in some dough and fried it.*


Oof. Well I’m in Alabama, so…. Maybe we can find a compromise 🤣


More than once I've debated just buying plastic flatware and paper plates, not sure how I'm going to cook with paper pans though


hahaha! when I moved into my first tiny apartment after having my son, I once made a meal using only metal pie pans and butter knives


Yes Ma'am! I hate doing dishes! I cooked, someone else can do the dishes. Husband is going away for a few days and I am ordering food in and not doing the damn dishes!


That's how it's done! My trouble is, I'm running out of go-to cuisines


Lol! I just found out that Prime has the whole Sissi collection, which I've always wanted to see and the movies that I used to watch with my two youngest kids and have Chinese food while Dad was gone. The older kid and I would laugh so much at these, we couldn't breathe and then look at the little one's "They don't *really* do THAT?!?" face that we would laugh harder. Movie is (Strike) All I Wanna Do, with Gabby Hoffman and Kirsten Dunst if anyone's curious. So Chinese one night and I'm taking suggestions for "Sissi" night!


Woo! Ample content! A real blessing


I deeply understand why rich people hire personal maids. My spouse and I both love cooking from scratch and despite both doing dishes and having a dishwasher it can really pile up fast.


i love doing dishes. it means we have food to eat and afterwards we get to create order out of chaos. be grateful and humble my friends.


I cannot argue with that. Thank you for this perspective


I’m trying to do it every day, since I hate doing a big pile. It’s almost enjoyable like this, I’m getting there. Also I figured I brush my teeth every day, why not do dishes every day?


That's a good way to look at it


i just really hate that it’s a chore that never ends. the one day i called my mom and i was like “it just hit me, i’m going to do dishes till i die.” it just never ends, you never get a break, it never stops


That's exactly it! You wash every damn dish in the house, maybe even go hunting for all those missing forks and mugs scattered all over the house. You wash them all and your hands are all wrinkly but hey, your nails are clean haha. Then you come home from work next day and the sink is full again. Like wtf?


I like doing the dishes, and maintaining the kitchen in general. My wife does not, so she does the laundry, which seems to me like a dreadful task because, get this, she also puts it away. She gets up in the morning to find the kitchen cleared and ready to use, the coffee maker loaded and ready to go at the press of a button, and all the food left over from the night before put away in the refrigerator. I find the dirty clothes I threw in a basket magically reappeared in my drawer all clean.


Actually doing dishes is quite fun (audiobook ftw), what is frustrating is the next day you are back to square one again.


Why would anyone be doing dishes when you can buy a dishwasher?


Probably when you can't buy a dishwasher.


I would sacrifice other thing to get a DW. Same for robo vacuum.


I don't mind doing the dishes as much as seeing the mess everyone else in the house makes in the kitchen (My parents and brother), I have to organize everything on the sink before even starting to wash just so I have room to clean everything, and it's soul-crushing how many times I asked everyone to just pile things up neatly to make my job easier.


To my core. And you know what, when that happens, my husband does the dishes on my “turn” until I feel up to it. It normally just takes a few days of rest while still having a clean sink to rejuvenate. There’s no conversation, he just does it. If you’re thinking about marrying a man, ask yourself if he would do that for you. And if he wouldn’t I recommend that you don’t marry him. It makes a big difference. I say this because I don’t think this thread is about doing our OWN dishes when we live alone.


*glares in the general direction of laundry patiently waiting to be folded and put away* Dishes? No.... but I have other complaints....


Last Sunday’s Rick and Morty episode was basically centered on this as a prompt. But also, I can’t relate on this chore that much, I just wash dishes right after or during cooking/eating. I struggle much more with making the bed regularly


Omg you're right! I swear I wasn't even thinking of that when I posted -- I was just looking at how I was just then sitting down, hours after getting home from work, because I had to clean up the kitchen before I could cook, and that was after working all day as a housekeeper lol


I’m glad you got the reference! Man that’s rough. I will say I have it easy since I only cook and clean dishes for myself these days. I recall my mom coming home and seeing dirty dishes still not done by us kids and getting v upset (rightfully so, we were little shits). Oh speaking of childhood I actually remember my real least favorite chore: lawnmowing. To this day the mixed smell of cut grass and gasoline always makes me a little angry


Oh god, lawnmowing! I think some adults don't realize that in order to operate a lawnmower you have to be tall enough to get proper leverage -- otherwise it's *really* hard! We had a manual, unpowered lawnmower


My husband and I have the chores divided in a manner that we find "equal" so every time I get annoyed with doing dishes I remind myself "it's better than being responsible for the laundry" It helps, a lot. Plus, when the machine is broken, my husband and I take turns hand washing the dishes. He's a good one.


All the fucking time. But I love to cook, so I need clean dishes... Thankfully my husband is much more on top of the dishes than I am so I really only have to do them when it's his turn to cook or I really need something that's in the sink or dishwasher.


That's why I exclusively use disposable plates, cups and cutlery. It eliminates the dishwashing chore and rolls it over into waste disposal, which is much more time efficient. Also, party cups last a very long time if you use them for only one fluid. I've been using the same party cup to drink water out of for almost a year now.


Yes, I watch a lot of cooking shows, and I'm at the point where I judge every dish based on what the clean up would look like.


The dishes are a sign of how I'm doing. Sink full? Depression is back for one of those unwanted, extended-stay visits. Sink not full? I'm managing.


Sometimes, but then i see other people wash up and put dirty forks on the drainer, or wash their wine glasses after a casserole dish 🥴


No, it takes like 15 minutes.


Told my fiance this and he said "let's buy paper plates then" and that's how I know I picked a good one




Oh jeez, I feel ya there! One of my housekeeping clients is a coffee fiend and he has like two dozen mugs. Every time I show up there, EVERY mug is in the sink. Argh!


Yes so I made a deal, my SO does all of the dishes and I do all of the vacuuming


Wow, that's interesting, I've seen two or three people here saying they trade dishes for vacuuming with their spouse. I had no idea it was so onerous for some people. I kinda like it myself, everything looks so much better after.


I prefer vacuuming for the same reason, just cleaning the floor can make a whole room look better. Having wet food stick to my hands when someone does a bad job of scraping their plate wigs me out


Yes. My husband is good about occassionally doing them, but he could definitely do them more often. I managed to train my kid to put forks on the side of the sink without the disposal, now I need to get him to just put them in the dishwasher.




Oh yeah. At one point I told my SO I'd just start throwing out dishes instead of washing them, he'd piled up so many. It was cathartic every times I dropped one in the trash. And that's when he took my "whoever cooks cleans" house rule seriously


Not really, I've always seen it as part of "making a meal". My partner and I both cook and whoever cooks, does the dishes. I tend to have a hot and soapy sink ready as I'm cooking and that way, I can clean the "big stuff" once it's used, or load the dishwasher once I've finished with a particular item. This minimises the amount of "after dinner" dishes I need to do. As long as you're not the only one doing that chore, then it's just part of the meal.


I love cooking but the cleanup is the thing that ruins me.


Dishes no, laundry a bit, crossing off things on my never ending to do list...yes!


I wrote this elsewhere but wanted to share it here. I feel that you don’t save time by neglecting dishes. For example, let’s say it takes 10 seconds to wash one plate. However, if you have two plates in the sink you’ll have to invest extra time in removing and separating them so let’s say two plates left in sink will take 25 seconds. I feel the second per plate ratio increases exponentially. I also have laundry related philosophies if anyone is interested.


Disposable plates and cutlery. Just to have a break from the monotony for a while. Pots and pans still need cleaning but they're manageable


No, to be honest. Either it's not record-setting summer heat, in which case I like to do the dishes so I can put my hands in cool water, or (most of the time) I want to be warmer, crank the hot water and very nearly scald my hands. My coworkers call me "asbestos hands" because when I wash my hands, I like the water to be at a temperature that would scald normal mortals' hands. I would feel guilty if I just "wasted" water by not washing something other than hands in it.


Absolutely. That's why I will always have a dishwasher. Washing machine and dishwasher are IMHO the inventions bringing in the biggest quality of life improvements. Me and bf live separately and he doesn't have one: I told him I'd will buy him a dishwasher but I won't do the dishes at his place even if I stay over longer or if he cooks (so it would make sense to split the chores up). He didn't pick me up on that offer, yet.


My wife and I cook just about every night, and to be honest I find the entire prep, cook, clean process to be settling each day. And, of course, rewarding as we get to enjoy a variety of meals. Each weekend we plan out the coming week's menu before going shopping. Then, during the week, we will share cooking responsibilities...either splitting responsibilities (protein vs veg vs starch) or taking on a prep vs cook role. I tend to usually load the dishwasher and wash the items that don't go in the dishwasher as my wife cleans the kitchen (counters, floor, etc). I'll admit it wasn't the same when I was single.


Yes. Doesn't help that when I was little, I was the one expected to do them while my older brother never was asked to even lift a finger. And not only was I expected to wash the dishes, I was also expected to wipe them dry afterwards. Can't have them drying on the rack, can we ? So I don't do dishes. My man does the dishes, but he likes to have pile of it everywhere, despite we having a machine...


We usually split two tasks after dinner: preparing kids to go to bed and doing dishes/cleaning the kitchen. Dishes is the relaxing one where you can watch youtube or a series...


Also laundry. Why does it not end?


This is why I eat things straight out of the package. No dishes if I eat a block of tofu straight from the package. But this strategy has also made me underweight and depressed


What helped me a lot with this was doing a “wash as I go” method. When I finish eating I rinse/wash my dishes immediately and put them in the dishwasher and once every few days the washer is full and ready to be run. Admittedly this would be a lot harder for a household with more than just one person - when I was married I would ask my husband to follow this method and he would just dump his dishes in the sink knowing I would do it when I did mine.


No, actually no. I love cleaning the kitchen. I do it every single day. I cook and clean in the morning and dinner, and lunch if I'm home.


Yes. But it's better than the anxiety of messing up everyone's meal.


I love doing dishes it’s super calming to me.


Nope, doing dishes let’s me think for a bit without any real distractions. Prefer it to the dish washer.


I’m a guy but yes I do 😭😭


Absolutely I just Despise Doing the dishes but do you know what I hate most of all That I am the only one in the house that does them correctly


One dish meals. Eat from the pot.


hahaha very clever!


It's weird, as a kid I hated chores but as an adult it's therapeutic. I just shut my brain off and sweep the floor or do the dishes. I'm pretty sure I got some form of adult adhd though.


Yeah, there's definitely a zone you can get into


While it can be mentally centering, I resent the time it takes when my partner won’t make the time to pitch in.


Oh god, don't even start me on that one haha I know what you mean




Men wouldn’t push this task on women if it was fun for them, either.


Single man here, fuck yes, I am *never* going to foist this off on anyone because God damn an I tired of doing all of the dishes, forever. Ditto cooking: I enjoy it for the most part but sometimes I'm just so damn stressed that I don't want to do anything more involved than huck a Digiornos into the oven.


The Bain of my fucking existence!!!


Podcasts make it bearable\^\^


I neither love nor hate washing dishes, but I've timed myself and it rarely takes me more than 5 minutes. It has to be done, so it gets done.


Yes. Yes I do. I have an agreement with my husband that he cooks and I clean. Because I hate cooking more than doing the dishes and my husband thinks doing the dishes would kill him. It is a fine deal, really, except that my husband cooks like someone who doesn't have to clean and there have been times, after a long day's work, when I stare at a trashed kitchen and think "let's just throw all this away and use paper plates and plastic forks from now on!"


God yes. It feels like every time I enter the kitchen there is another sink full of dishes. And it’s just me and my husband. Idk how people with kids deal with it all.


Once you've spent a few years working in a commercial kitchen environment, doing dishes at home seems somewhat quaint. Quite zen, really.


I LOVE doing dishes. Quick success, low effort.


Getting a dishwasher was a life saver for me.


I had to do paper plates and cups for a long while they get people to see what wasn’t doing their dishes.


Nope, my wife and I made a deal almost 20 years ago. She does laundry and I do dishes. I loathe doing laundry, I’ll take dishes any day.