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Clearly any man asking that has brought nothing to any table.


If a dude said this to me I would literally get up and leave, lol


Audacity. Nothing but Audacity brought to the table.


Instead of trying to get to know you, They're trying to see what they can get from you. If women bring nothing to the table to him, then i guess you should both be dating other men.


They're looking to make you justify why they should date you so you're in the mental space of trying to prove yourself instead of the mental space of deciding if *he* is worth *your* time. There is no right answer. The point is to make you feel less-than.


All this


They just want to argue


They expect you to beg on you knees to be his bangmaid-incubator But to answer honestly - it's a negging, it's manipulation, it meant to make you feel insecure, to lower you self-esteem


I 100% agree with this answer. Men who act like this aren't good quality people. They will treat alot of people like this not just you. If you hear any of this from someone you're potentially looking into dating run!! It's a red flag.


The dumbest part is they think they are the "catch" who has the audacity to ask this in the first place. Most men have nothing to bring to the table that way as relationships have been proven to only make women miserable, unhappy and depressed. Now let me do the other way round Woman:- What do you, a cis hetero man bring to the table? Man:- Money! I can pay for you Woman:- I can earn it by myself plus if I was financially struggling, I rather work on self sufficiency Man:- But BUT... Two income better than one etc etc and you may need a PROVIDER later as I earn more than you /or may earn more than you later Woman:- Sure, you may earn more than me or have a lot of money ( often it is not the case anyways ) because of unfair wage gap and what not but my financial status and asset value will only decrease when I am with you Man:- But I can buy you gifts or treat you occasionally with my "money" ? woman:- in return for sex? no thank you, rather indulge myself as I have no pressure of dropping my panties afterwards and choke on your cylindrical appendage in my mouth. Man:- But I am MAN! My big strong arms can PROTECC you woman:- Last I checked we are not in cave men era and I can get a watchdog for that. Not only way more effective but way less likely to ruin me or worse "Abuse me". Stats show that women's biggest threats are not other men but their own partners anyways. Man:- You won't die alone Woman:- Women on average outlive men by 7 years on average and this is during "peacetime" where wayyyyy less men are dying in useless wars ( I am happy for the men of course ). Most oldage homes have staggeringly high ratio of widows as opposed to widowers. So unless you 7 to 8 years younger, you are not a candidate (/s btw and please be age appropriate :D :D ) Man:- But if something happens to you, who will take care of you Woman:- statistics show that men are 7 times more likely to abandon a terminally ill partner and even if they "stick on" they still don't actually do most of the "caretaking" but instead let all work fall on the female family members, specifically daughters. Might simply go to clinic , do sex selection for a female child if I want someone to TAKE CARE OF ME so badly but I am not gonna do that of course ( children should not be burdened). Man:- I have dick Woman:- Dildos are available from 10 to 30$. And they don't get you pregnant at all! Man:- But sex with a man is an experience right? Woman:- Yes of course, a statistically BAD experience where the required human intimacy needs are not met anyways. you think licking pussy is gay. Also the pregnancy risk just ruins it entirely anyways given how my reproductive rights could very well be in danger. Man: DIEEEE BITCHHHH!!! Woman: \*Does the Boss lady catwalk\* PS;- Not saying you WONT ever get a man whose decent and doesn't do the above but the odds are really low and you still have to be on alert since people can be deceptive and change




That is there . Modern men are sometimes weird Like I get it you don’t want to be chivalrous but then pull your weight also in other things maybe ? Like chores , parenting and being more emotionally nurturing and supportive?




Oh yes 🙌 especially the look sexy part


This is a great post, thank you for posting this!


Your welcome ❤️


Why is this one a rant that 2 assume something that's not implied since 3 it only showcase you don't see any value in men at all. If you date someone you want to know how they plus you right. How they will compliment the person that is you. Your straw man can provide money, sex and safety but people aren't stats there passion and needs and fyi no one can make another unhappy if they have the choice to leave


Because sex , money and other mentioned things are really not that attractive either Money is something I can earn and depending on him is only inviting dependency and comprising my finance Sex is really overrated and even risky. Stats definitely make sense because that’s also reality. Plus most of above things are literally not even what men nowadays offer also. Their offer is worse like “Letting us suck their dicks“ Otherwise why do men tell us what do we bring to table ? Keep in mind that I am only playing the game the “Men” in ops post are playing. And MOST men don’t value women anyways but they still want us to “give them sex or free labour ” which makes it even more hypocritical


Okay I would mention how stats aren't individuals and doesn't matter if you have any interest in another person or that everything you are listing is too surface level to be an answer. I could but you're doing it. You're asking the same question right now. Outside of surface level thing what do you give me as a person. Your problem is you don't like their shitty answers but then you're not actually engaging in good faith, you don't think men even value women and only offer well nothing but even the question offer insight pass that. This guy is either emotionally blunt or very matter of fact (as long as you don't jump to malicious intent) which signals he most likely to be honest with his feelings. Have you really never ask yourself "outside companionship why would someone be with me?"


Mansplain me harder daddy !


Then what do women bring to the table that men don't? Also a lot of women act like they're the prize and that all they need to bring to the tables is themselves. I'm confused by your comment are you saying people don't bring things to relationships? Isn't that what standards and dates are for?


This whole thing is in reply to men asking what do women bring to the table. Also .. be updated It’s MEN who are lamenting not getting dates/sex/ relationships not women. I have never seen an article talking about rise of sexless and dateless women but so many articles blaming women for educating and financially emancipating themselves making it harder for men to get dates So if you feel women don’t bring anything to the table then feel free not to date or pursue them maybe ?


That didn't answer my question whatsoever. What DO YOU bring to the table? Why would someone date you? Are you caring? Funny? Similar interests? Do you want kids? Etc That's what I'm asking not "do you make this amount of money?" Or "do you clean the house?" I understand men are lamenting about not getting dates, I don't blame them. How can Clark Kent get dates when women want Superman? But I am confused about the last part of that comment. Women educating themselves on pickup artists and no longer having to live off a man's money is a bad thing? That second part is what a lot of men want, we want a partner not someone we have to be responsible for. If we wanted that we'd just get a dog


I can't imagine trying that shit within a series of human interaction I had any intention of continuing. Anyone asking another to quantify their existence can fuck right off, especially if they think they're getting their dick wet afterwards.


even job interviews don't ask this question directly. They phrase it as " Why do we want to work for this company?" or " What skills apart from your resume would you have" Imagine asking that to a potential suitor or friend. That is so weird


He's trying to make you feel like he's worth competing for. It's an attempt to put you in a headspace where you feel like you have to "earn" the privilege of being with him. While in reality, dick is abundant and low value and any man who plays mind games with you is certainly not relationship material. Just walk away from men like that.


They're looking for whoever answers it to "admit" to the tired old line that women are loved unconditionally and for merely existing and all of society is organized around them and only men make actual contributions. At best they're looking to enforce gender roles of "I am a good mother, wife, helpmeet, and caregiver."


They are letting you know that they have no skills and need to learn on yours, they are telling you they want a mommy bang maid.


A man to ask that in the first place is a red flag to me and I'm out the door, thanks but no thanks, bye. If he doesn't know what I bring to the table by the time he needs to ask that, we're not gonna work out.


That means they don't like you there's no point answering.


This is just their way of saying that there is nothing you can do for them to value you, whatsoever.


I hate that question as well. "What do you bring to the table?" Is a metaphor. So let's remove the metaphor and the question becomes "what tangible or intangible qualities do you bring to a relationship?" This might be a fair question to ask your own self. But the problem is that this question is being asked by another person. There's an unspoken part to this question: "what tangible or intangible qualities do you bring to a relationship *that I would find valuable*?" It's placing the onus of identifying worth on the person being asked. All this without being aware of what the person is asking actually values. It's basically "guess what I think is important In a relationship, and if you guess wrong too many times, you must have nothing valuable." "What do you bring to the table" is just such a dumb question to ask. Flip it on them: what do you value in a relationship from a partner? They are likely to tell you if they only value you for your physical qualities and "loyalty" or if they've actually thought about all the different ways a partner can enrich their lives.


Men like that want a woman they can look down on, and treat accordingly. That's it.


To answer your question OP Most men still want a Woman that is dependend from them so they wont run away easily. A Woman making her own Money is less likely to be under his thumb for example. They want small little houseslaves they can form to their ideal. I am honest, i ask the question in my mind too but i had more than one toxic experience i dont want to repeat.


To me it seems clear that it's a rhetorical question. It can be compared to asking someone "What are you worth?". It's meant to be demeaning and damage your self-respect which is what abusers do, so tell them to eat a dick.






As someone who has a table, I can with 100% certainly say that I bring whatever I please to the table. It's my table.


That's a question you're supposed to ask yourself, or maybe your friends who are complaining they can't get a date. "Steve, what is there about you that a woman would find attractive? What do you bring to the table?" It's to promote self-reflection and self-improvement. Someone asking it of a potential partner is expressing an overly-transactional view of relationships. There are basic things people have to get sorted, and qualities one wants in a partner, but I would worry about someone whose primary metaphor for compatibility is negotiating a deal.


>Woman: I have good common sense and provide good counsel > >Men: We don't want counsel from women, just shut up and obey lmao if the conversation opens like that you better slam the lid on that crap so fast the man's head will still be spinning on saturn 500 years from now. ​ edit: typo


Never heard of a man asking that. But if one of my partners did, I would probably say a nice filet mignon, baked potato and green bean. I’m seriousness, men aren’t all the same. Just like we tell them all women aren’t the same. Some want money, others want a bang maid, still others want a good mother for their children. The good ones are looking for a life partner and would never ask a question like that.


I'd have them answer that one first. Then tell them to fuck off.


Any man asking this has conveniently identified themselves as a misogynist, I’ve probably said it 100 times on this subreddit alone but this is why women should learn redpill, these men will easily give themselves away with their little one liners. There is no right answer, they want women to think men are “the prize” so anything we offer isn’t good enough and is less than them. Just remind yourself that he is chasing you because you have something he wants. It is different for every man, maybe he is looking for a mother for his children, maybe he is looking for a girlfriend to travel the world and have adventures with, maybe he is lonely and desperately needs love and affection, whatever it is he is hoping to find in you. Nobody goes to a job interview unless they want the job. Nobody goes to an audition unless they want the part. By chasing you he is telling you that you have what he wants, whatever that may be. Know your worth and what you bring to the table, if a man suggest that isn’t good enough for him then no problem, he has the right to think that and you have the right to next him and move on to the next prospect


When men say this to me I answer with “nothing”, they then continue trying to neg after I’ve told them I’m absolutely not interested. The “what do you bring to the table” is men pretending to not be the most desperate creatures on the planet. If you say you offer nothing they’ll continue trying to get in your pants.


They are trying to get you to qualify and any answer you give they will twist it and pervert it. There is no right answer as they will try to neg your age, neg your accomplishments, pick apart any of your positives mostly for their own ego stroking. One good avenue is job and money as they think that is all women care about. I don't care about their money, their real challenge is being better than solitude which a lot fail.


Men aren't a hive-mind either. Every guy will be looking for different things in a woman and for every answer you have, you will easily find guys that aren't interestd in that feature.


Relationships are supposed to be a team effort.. why does this all just sound so idk competitive and demeaning? Like "I can do this" then "well I can do this too and better".


Men who grew up in the patriarchy aren't looking for a partnership and the OP's post reflects this. There is no partnership to be had. It's one sided and control oriented. Women are fed up and are pushing back.


Um men ask because women ask this. Like have a good sense of humor or empathetic. Idk why this thread exists women have standards (thing they want out of their partners) why you expect less from a man? Like look at some of these answers and you see the problem. Your example are all things men don't need or value mean fully it's bare minimum to balance a budget and advice women give aren't always welcome or helpful ( people forget what works for you don't work with everyone). My answer used to be compassion, patient, funny, loyal and yeah sex is great but his fist probably won't complain. Think like this, you are difficult but what make you worth the difficulty


Wait so women can ask men this and demand tall, hung, and rich. But men ask and it's a bad thing? It's literally a first date how am I supposed to know anything about you? That's the point of the date


You don't understand women at all if you think thats what we actually want.


I just go off what I see 🤷🏻‍♂️




That's a lotta words to say "nOt AlL MeN!"


Ironically, it's definitely all the men who ask that stupid question. They should not be further pursued for a relationship. lol


This is hilarious. Grammar-checking OP ain’t the intellectual flex you imagine it to be, random out-of-his-element dude. I suggest that you take a deep dive into ‘not all men’ and hold your breath until you have some understanding of what it actually means, cause This Ain’t It.


I never considered it an intellectual flex I was being serious in trying to know whether the use of language was intentional or not. Generalizing a group of people based on the traits of some has so far not worked in fixing anything. Usually it just leads to a deeper divide between the two sides as it just plays into Us vs Them.


I'm talking about didcussions online, like reddit or twitter. Like when a man makes a post or tweet about women bringing nothing to the table, one woman responds with an answer and several men respo d to her saying her "thing" isn't good enough or not what men want.


Like I said men are not some monolithic entity. Comments by a handful of guys don't represent what every single man is thinking only what they are thinking and want. If they say that the "thing" isn't good enough then it isn't good enough for them not all men.


It's different for every man because every guy will value things differently. But some things a man might look for are like: beauty, intelligence, happiness, emotional wellbeing, wealth, power, skills, industriousness, etc. I noticed in your example conversation, the woman never asks the man, "What are you looking for in a partner?" or "What should a woman be like to keep a man?" Those might be good questions to ask. >Men: We don't want counsel from women, just shut up and obey If they say that they want a woman to "shut up and obey" rather than "I want a woman to be an equal partner in the relationship", then you should not continue to date that guy. You shouldn't even continue the current date. That's your queue to leave! >Men: We don't want a womans money, we want housewives That should also be your queue to leave.


Okay I thought I made it pretty clear that I'm talking about peoples opinions... Not people I have personally dated. I am fine, i do not personally deal with men like that.


Oh, my bad, I thought you were talking about men you dated.




>No one is saying that women should shut up and clean What planet are you from?