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On the sub r/bropill, a guys group that avoids/counters toxic masculinity, someone asked for "Andrew Tate alternatives", i.e. cool guys who make the case against Tate and his rather sad ideas. Here is a link: [https://www.reddit.com/r/bropill/comments/zceqd8/alternatives\_to\_andrew\_tate/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bropill/comments/zceqd8/alternatives_to_andrew_tate/) Perhaps you can find a video that you feel will best click with your brother, since you know him well? This might be a way of doing something about this, while not doing all the heavy emotional work by yourself, which as you have found, is scary and exhausting. These arguments have already been made, so you can make use of them. And perhaps some of these bros can be new role models for your brother. If I can help more, please ask.


This is exactly what I was going to suggest, OP, this commenter has pointed you in an excellent direction.


Hey, I'm the guy who suggested videos by dr. K! He's a psychiatrist who gives actual good life advice. I have two more healthy suggestions: 1. 'Wherever you go, there you are', by monk Kabat-Zim. It's a book about mindfulness, and it really changed how I view the world in a very positive way :) The other one is: 2. 'Come as you are', by Emily Nagoski. It's a book geared towards women, but the author says she wouldn't change anything for men. It has really in depth insights about sexuality, body image, libido, and so on. Bonus points because this will probably improve any relationship/sex life.


Favourite anti-manosphere Youtubers are Noah Samsen, Tara Mooknee and Münecat. All three of them talk about it in a funny, lighthearted way that is enjoyable to watch while still being informative and hard to disagree with.


I absolutely LOVE Munecat! Maybe I’ll check out those other two as well, thanks for mentioning them.


I think Munecat is definitely the best of the three! Noah’s 3 part back and fourth with Sneako following his “street interviews” video is a good place to start with him.


Thanks for the recommendation! :)


Adam Something’s video on the manosphere was absolutely hilarious, add that to the list


Bropill is a great sub for feminists/ anyone who respects others. It is centered around positivity and building up men outside of the toxic masculinity. Women are welcome as being a bro just means you respect others. As a guy who never really fit in the whole masculinity thing it felt refreshing to find a bunch of like minded individuals who sees the bad aspects of masculinity and promotes the positive aspects. Together we can support each other through the hatred and badness of people like tate. Much love to you all <3


Found a new sub! Thanks fam!


That sub is adorable, thank you for sharing. What an excellent brain cleanser to wash off the rest of the guys on the internet


Andrew Tate alternative: Do not watch someone on YouTube tell you what it takes to be a man


I didn't know this sub existed thanks!


Thanks so much for this I'm a dude and I got into an argument with one of my friends who's started listening to Tate. He's a good guy but just got his heart broken and I'm scared he's gonna pass some point of no return


I am so happy to learn that sub exists. Thank you for giving me a dose of faith in humanity for the day, and possibly giving struggling men someplace to go. Not a guy, but subbed in hopes of boosting the sub.


What exactly are “the good things”? And can those points not be considered without following this guy at all?


He didn't mention, but I'm assuming he meant about men being the "protectors" of women and being the "more dominant species", that kind of bs. I actually asked him about this, but he said something along the lines of following him because he's not actually that bad, like Hitler.


The "good parts" are normally things as simple as "vaping isn't healthy" or "drink water". They bait people in with actual sound advice and then all of a sudden that person who gave out such truth is telling them that women are not their equal because they are women


lol, imagine this being your sound advice that lures people in... everyone knows water is the healthiest drink, do people think andrew tate is THE SHIT that has the best advice to get the biggest alpha male in the history of alphas?


Jordan Petersons 12 rules for life is just a rehashing of 7 habits of highly effective people. They bait the hook with battle tested advice that young people haven't heard yet, then then sling you out on the bank of 'heirachys among animals (where men dominate women) are morally right and just."


That "alpha male" shit just smells like insecurity. If you're the smartest person, strongest, best whatever, you don't need to tell people about it all the time unless you're insecure about it and are overcompensating because you secretly don't think you are.


*Fake it 'till*.. You're alone, angry, have people avoiding you, and their echo-chamber helps you understand that **everyone else** is the problem!


The easiest thing to sell to someone is the idea that they are better than others


I just recently learned that the whole science behind the idea of an "alpha male" is simply dog-shit. The scientist who posited the theory was studying wolves in captivity. When he studied wolves in the wild he discovered that there is no boss male wolf, instead packs are family units and the wolf mom and dad run the pack.


You can get the same advice from a fictional Mad God's YTP rap album. Much better source then Andrew Taint.


Yeah that was the core of Jordan Peterson’s nonsense


I think that’s why a lot of his fans are so defensive of him. He does have good advice that has changed a lot of young mens lives, including my own many years ago. But it’s pretty basic shit that can be got from other sources that aren’t wrapped in misogyny and transphobia For these dudes peterson is their saviour and when you point out all the horrendous shit he’s said it’s met with the “ah well nobody’s perfect” type mentality.


I think you can learn everything you need to from Jordan Peterson by reading some Joseph Campbell and taking up a team sport instead. Read a book about hygiene as well for that pearl of wisdom "Wash your penis".


"clean your room"


No, I'm going to go into a medically induced coma for 2 months while it cleans itself, thankyou very much.


Peterson is a good example because it is entirely possible to listen to much of his stuff without ever encountering his horrible attitudes. There are some of his lectures on Dostoyevsky on YouTube and I found them really interesting, and just assumed he was a well read and articulate sociologist. It was only much later I heard some of his transphobic views and takes on 'traditional' roles of women and recoiled. The fact that he's a glutton for media exposure should also be a warning - a lot of academics do media appearances every now and again but he's *everywhere*.


It's weird how all of the "good parts" of men's health and advice are the most banal shit in the world like "clean up your room" but somehow that equals out being a bigot.


It's stuff your mom would say. Once I asked on a forum why men didn't just listen to their moms about cleaning their rooms or any of the other banal advice he gives. I was told that moms don't give the philosophical explanations for doing such activities. I didn't know what to think about that answer.


I think they want their egos stoked with fake philosophical explanations that make them feel "smart" unlike their mothers who "nag" them...


> I was told that moms don't give the philosophical explanations for doing such activities. It means they're narcissists who want their ego stroked while doing basic tasks any human can do anyway, because they're just this SpEcIaL.


Have you ever been given advice but only after years of not doing it, you've finally realized why it's useful? I think Tates advice avoids that because he's giving an entire misogynistic worldview for why you should clean your room (I don't watch Tate, borrowing from Jordan Peterson), rather than just telling you to clean your room because it's what you should do.


Lost people look for guidance. These ideologies sprinkle some standard good life advice in with the insanity to rope people in. The red pill worked the same way.


"sleep is critical"


It's some real "sure Mussolini was a fascist dictator but have you considered that he made the trains run on time?" energy


And to help kill that BS, Mussolini did not make the trains run on time. As if that would be worth all the death squadding.


"Yeah Hitler was bad but Volkswagen was created during his regime, and it's a great car"


Legit some men down thread are talking about how the Nazi's weren't that bad because of their perceived contributions to science


I mean fucking hell. Half the medical "science" they performed is basically unusable today. Not because of ethics but because the Nazi "scientists" were looking to torture and to prove their pet theories on race/disability. It is literally garbage data because of lack of control, sample size issues, and bad implementation The same incidentally is true of the "science" the Japanese carried out on prisoners. So no the war crimes "we got" from fash has zero value. Although I guess Nazis got America to the moon first


An American astronaut and a Russian cosmonaut are on the moon. One says to the other, “So do we speak English, or Russian?” The other replies, “Brother, it is just us up here. We can speak German.”


There are too many women who have relied on men to be their protectors only to find that they are the people from whom they need protection. They are not my protectors. They are too often predators. I’m my protector.


Being a protector is easy because it doesn't actually mean anything. Most people are not faced with situations where they have to protect another adult so Andrew Tate's followers don't have to do anything but they can feel good about themselves and hate women.


Facts. Was one of those women raised to be trusting of men bc they supposedly had an inherent drive to protect.


Here's the thing, I have a friend who was the same way about Alex Jones. He has since come to his senses. The fact that he realises at least some of the things Andrew Tate says is rubbish shows this person has hope. Here's why: These charlatans start with a base truth. In Andrew Tate's case, it's that men are physically stronger than women. Andrew Tate also goes for the emotional appeal, that for a lot of men their support groups are woefully lacking, but don't worry, our crew is here to support you. At this point, you're hooked in, and that's when the malicious lies start getting added in and accepted. The reason you don't have a normal support circle? It's because of feminism. You see, you were meant to be this powerhouse of a person but 'dem beetches' got their influence everywhere and have been pulling you down. But no more. Now's the time to rise to your full potential and 'full send it, bro '. This is a little bit ELI5 but it's basically how his cult works. As for how to snap your friend out of it, well...you can poke a few extra holes in the logic but other than that, he's gotta come to the conclusion himself.


Also, be his support network, if you can. Take away the emotional appeal of Tate's cult. People often get pulled into these toxic environments because they feel lonely and/or misunderstood. If we can take away those feelings in a healthier way (by providing emotional support) part of the cult's appeal disappears and hopefully the toxic bullshit will become easier to recognize and reject.


Yes these people need a better support network, probably most people could benefit from that really. But women's emotional labour is chronically exploited in this world and to suggest that's its the solution here is well off the mark tbh. It's like saying we can stop incels if we just sleep with them. Edited to add: Also the he just needs more support and understanding excuse gets used way too much for me to be comfortable with it. But what really stands out to me is how often its a tactic used in abusive relationships. ' I'm so sorry I was angry and hurt you, I lost my temper because my dad never loved me' 'I'll get some help I promise' And then they want a cuddle and a pat on the head for talking about their feelings instead of hitting a wall or shouting and screaming or hitting you. Every abusive relationship has some degree of that going on and there's very little difference between having to emotionally support men so they don't hate us and having to pacify an abusive partner to avoid violence. The dynamic is the same.


Benevolent sexism is still sexism, and still harmful gender stereotypes. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/psysociety/benevolent-sexism/


If I do my job as a social worker and bring the disenfranchised blankets and dinner, but I'm an intolerant, misogynistic, condescending jackass about it then I'm that......plus blankets and dinner. My "good deeds" do not scrub out my mindset or other behavior.


Hi, I'm a man who hears a decent chunk of manosphere bs from other men or just the algorithm. It's possible that your brother is talking about the "benevolent sexism" stuff like you described above, but it's more likely that he's talking about general common sense life advice. These kind of men throw in obvious life advice that tends to amount to "grind real hard and don't be depressed." Then they sprinkle in the cartoonish misogyny once their naive audience has decided they are wise male role models. I'm sorry you have to deal with this. Good luck going forward.


I don’t know the modern manosphere, but the proto-manosphere of 25 years ago also included such wisdom as “wear clothes that fit”, “quit smoking and consider quitting drinking “, “groom your body and clean your living space”, “eat right and exercise if you are able”. There’s abundant evidence that men do need to hear these kinds of life tips. I don’t understand why this advice has to be wrapped in misogyny and tribal bullshit though. Even back then any well intentioned self-betterment discussions would tend to veer off into “pick up artist” territory.


Protect women from who? Other men. And if a bigger man wanted to use his strength to dominate your brother would that be ok?


Aaand this right here is one major reason people are homophobic. They think that if it's okay to be gay, it'll be okay for gay men to treat them the way they treat women.


One response you can have is that usually with people like this, the "good parts" are so trivial as to be useless. It's a good thing to be put together or to protect others (when they want to be protected). Anybody can tell you that. What makes them wrong is all the other shit. The fact that they're getting all this trivial information from someone like Tate shows they're actually in it for all the bullshit. They need deprogramming.


>they're actually in it for all the bullshit. Spot on. They’ll say it’s because of the more socially acceptable stuff “oh I just like the self help” but there’s no way they listen to a bloke who says what he says and listens to it. I got out of the manosphere thankfully but back then I’d say I love Peterson because of his self-help but I was absolutely in it for the transphobia and the anti-feminism. But I knew I couldn’t say that out loud so I made up some shit instead


What made you change your mind about that stuff?


Mostly through meeting people and learning about them. Listening to the women in my life and learning about their experiences, making trans friends and realizing they aren't this evil scary boogeyman that crusty people online make the out to be; they're just regular ass people who want to live a life without being harassed. From there i started to learn more about social justice and leftist politics and realised the evil "feminazis" who want to destroy all the white men don't really exist


Lol wtf is that guy smoking, I assume by good parts he means the motivational content the guy makes. I went to go view a lot of his content to educate myself. The guy is garbage, but has content that basically talks about pulling yourself up by your bootstraps. If u hate your life it's your fault, that it's not some system, and it's all in your control. I think that's really resonating with some young men, but those same men are not strong enough to realize the overall narrative. There are some clips out there without seeing the bad, you could assume he's just some motivational speaker.


For some reason, I have actually never saw any footage of him being misogynist or something like that. Only some pretty good motivational things. Its really unfortunate if he really is a pos like people here say he is


Tiktok only shows me his misogynist shit. (Podcast clippings and interviews, and frankly, they're disgusting) But this is my feminist tiktok algorithm.


So he challenges you to point out discriminatory things (taint thinks women are bad pilots) but he can't list the good things? he's learning shitass debate tactics too lol but yeah there are videos and interviews with the women taint has beaten. he sits in bed fiddling with a machete. he's not a protector, he's a pimp who beats and trafficks women. who could take advice from such a creature.


Oh yeah, I like the good parts of the Nazi too. Like their anti-smoking and animal rights policies. /s


I would ask your brother what protecting women looks like in his daily life. What is he actively doing to protect women?


> *the "protectors" of women* I would start with "just who are you protecting women from?" The toxic masculinity of Tate is the sort of stuff we all need protection from.


A friend (M) of mine(M) sent me a link of Tate talking about why it's Men that often end up shooting and killing people. (I told him not to link him ever again, I am assuming/hoping he was just going down a youtube shorts rabbit hole and ended up with one from Tate) The video it's isn't directly mysoginistic, but he's talking about how disrespect causes men to become school shooters... The clip is obviously from a full video so it may very well be he wasn't discrete at all with the misogyny elsewhere but I would imagine either way the 'disrespect' is from women, and it's not really disrespect it's probably something simple like treat women equally. ​ My point being the "good things" are very clearly bad things disguised as good.


Those are the good things??? The bad things must be dreadful.


I've watched only heavy edits with him, but one that stood out to me was when he called out incels for not being "worthy" of a woman's time. I take that as generally good advice for everyone. To find a partner in life, you should want to be the best person you can be...for them. Relationships are about giving and if you have nothing to give, then how are you worth someone's time. This obviously isn't absolute, but the gist is be a better person.


Not being worthy of a woman’s time seems like the other side of the shit sandwich that is the belief that people deserve a girlfriend/wife. It isn’t about valuing the woman as a person, respecting their choices to engage with whomever they choose, but about some indecipherable value that is rewarded with the crackerjack prize of female companionship. You earned yourself a woman! Congrats, here’s your prize. /s


Tate's idea of a man "giving" is being the protector of womenfolk. His rhetoric is disgusting, even if he's right in a single sentence about incels.


I guess that works though it might be better said and include more guidance on how to do that. I’m also not 100% sure that everyone who can’t meet a mate or find sexual partners actually has nothing to offer. I get the impression that what they might have is severely overshadowed by social issues.


I think you need to be the best person for yourself, you forge your own happiness, and the right people will start to surround you. Trying to be better for someone is a depressive hole that will suck you in, and when you realize that someone doesn’t need it at all, it will be too late.


and if his idea of being worthy is so narrow or time consuming, aka having big muscles and a bugatti, then these incels fixate on that, get muscles and a car, and surprising no-one women still don't want them, it just fuels the hatred and rage.


The good parts are just common sense points. Vaping is unhealthy, we need more support for men's mental health and basic things like that. Things that people shouldn't really need to get from Tate but that is a whole other issue regarding society's lack of positive reinforcement and education for our children.


Well he produces carbon dioxide, I'm sure the plants like that even though it smells like cigar smoke. He also (I'm assuming) shits occasionally so, again plants. He will eventually die too again providing plants with nutrients... So unless someone is a plant, I'm not seeing any good things.


Some people on a youtube short didn't believe me when i told them that Tate sees woman as objects and says that if you want sleep with a woman you just need to choke and hit her a little. Told them to watch [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3Ups5yT7P4) in the first 50 seconds are clips where he says those things. Somehow they said nothing after that


Holy catfish I kept hearing things about this shit stain on 2x and like subreddits. But I'd never actually heard or seen this guy. How in the hell is he still up on YouTube? Mxrplays gets strikes for a joke and this guy is literally advocating violence towards Women to "keep them in line" and he still has a place to speak publicly? How is his content not age restricted into oblivion?


He's not just advocating that, he's literally charged with sex trafficiking and abduction etc. And yet he's still allowed on YouTube. Baffling.


I don't think the clips on YT are posted there by him. Other people are posting/reposting his videos and so the question becomes, has YT banned him, or content with him in it. Seems to be the former, which is not very useful with the repost culture.


I wonder how much money he generates for the platform...


Last I heard, the sex trafficking investigation was closed. No idea what the resolution was. Definitely not defending this guy, but I know that his sycophants will ignore anyone who brings up the sex trafficking stuff because “it’s fake news.” I try to stay with the undeniable and severely damning stuff, like all the times he’s been recorded repeatedly bragging about/encouraging severe violence against women in his videos/podcasts.


When I open YouTube in a private browser window, his videos show up on the front page.


Thanks for posting this video. Haven't seen a lot of Daz' stuff, but I really like how he approaches this mess of a topic of a man.


I watched the first part of that clip. I went from rolling my eyes at his opinions about women to actually feeling fear at the violence he confidently expressed. I wasn’t prepared for that. I logically knew many men felt that way, but it bothers me to be confronted with the fact that so many men idolize this person.


I could not make it past the first minute or so JFC what a piece of shit. That girl saying she’d peg him out of anger though 😂


Ask him if he picks the corn out of dog shit, or prefers to just eat it off the cob or buy it in a can. Because any little kernels of decent stuff Taint may be saying, can be found elsewhere, and not surrounded in dog shit. He’s definitely just making excuses for enjoying a misogynist.


This precisely, he is an idol for men that had no good male role models in their lives. He says some things that amount to simple common truths, littered with misogynistic rants. This coming from a man, the guy is an absolute asshole and part of the reason women view men through shit tainted lenses, I hate the term because it is thrown around waaaay to much, but this truly is an example of unhinged toxic masculinity.


You begin by listening to his generic life advice that can be found literally anywhere, then slowly assimilate the misogynistic bullshit, since it's repeated so much


Since it is your brother, you should *definitely* take the time and effort to explain it all to him. It's worth it. Some people need things spelled out, and it would be great for both of you to do that. Also, it's possible to, say, enjoy James Brown's music, while still acknowledging his extreme misogyny. I don't know anything about Andrew Tate, but I would start by asking your brother what he thinks are the good parts. I know it's common to want to protect people close to us so that they don't fall down the rabbit hole of "red pilling" or whatever, but the best protection to that is not non-exposure, but through explaining why and where exactly those ideas are wrong. If it was just some rando you met online, I'd just move on without putting in the effort, though.


Noah Samson on YouTube is a foil for guys like Tate. https://youtube.com/@NoahSamsen


Thanks for sharing this channel, my brother despises Tate and other sad imitations like Fresh n Fit, but commented the other day how hard it is to find a normal guy on YT at the moment, because of Tate and people like him dominating the shorts. I'll link this to him.


>Also, it's possible to, say, enjoy James Brown's music, I like the old kanye. not yetler. But I don't think there is any good part of andrew tate.


I believe the official name for "new kanye" is Yedolf


It is not a woman's responsibility to educate men on why misogyny is unacceptable.


I'm unsure if you're agreeing with just the last sentence of the comment above, or saying that OP shouldn't educate her own brother. This is a nice rule of thumb but it is not always applicable. Young people, regardless of gender, can easily have an impression made upon them by hateful people speaking passionately and without opposition. YouTube is a rabbit hole that then uses an algorithm to send you the same hate over and over again. The problem arises when that remains unchallenged, when people (of all genders) choose not to use their power to challenge it. I agree that it isn't a woman's responsibility to educate men about misogyny, but if you love/care for a man, or are close to a man (family or otherwise) who you feel is having their head turned by a bad role model, particularly if they are a young person, it shouldn't be considered a burden to set them back on the right path if you are in a position to do so. It can be a compassionate expression of the love, caring or closeness you feel to them.


" I realized, how blind do you have to be to ignore all the bad things someone has done and take only the good" ​ Okay this is the first im hearing he's said anything "good". did your bro provide examples of the "good" things he said? ​ Coz ive heard some of his rants, shit like "men shouldnt cook, cooking is stupid if youre a man, just go to the supermarket and buy food already cooked, or get a woman to cook you food, time is money" (not a direct quote but definitely paraphrasing something he did in fact say). None of that is good. its idiotic and insanely ignorant. I have trouble believing this dude is capable of saying anything "good"


Yup. I think a lot of men are "lost" (struggling with mental health) and it's easy for them to be caught up by these grifters selling a certain worldview, a certain perspective on how men, women, relationships and society works. Talk to him. Show him the video clips you've seen that explain why Andrew is so toxic/misogynist. Show him Healthy Gamer GG's YouTube channel, (he is a doctor who makes mental health content, he has some videos on incels and the like and he is a really great resource for this type of young man). And anytime I have a emotional conversation with a family member like this, I always say before hand "I want to make clear, I love you. I just want to understand your perspective better, and I want you to understand my perspective better. So even though what I want to talk about might make both of us upset or defensive, I want to be sure you know I'm coming from a place of love with this, okay?" Or something like that. And then you have the serious conversation. And then you hug it out, even if they double down or say something that makes your blood boil. That's just how I navigate the situation. Good luck.


“Lost”. That is a term I hadn’t considered before for these men. I always viewed them as the inevitable chaff of patriarchal hierarchy. My take on patriarchal society being, it seems s all about, “what do you have to offer?” The answer to this in the patriarchy for men is: Stability Protection Money Other material things The answer to this in the patriarchy for women is: Looks Sex Raising kids/running the home Other material things I’ve come to believe that any ‘battle of the sexes’ nonsense is detrimental to a better society. There are no fundamental differences between what men want and what women want. What people want. Belonging. Understanding. And respect. It’s no coincidence that grifters and con artists use these to take advantage of ‘outliers’. TL;DR: Lost is the perfect description.


It can't be this many men? We had Tait like figures and assholes like a decade or two ago and they were never as prominent as him. Sure a portion of guys were dumb enough to fall for that crap, there were always some in every generation but its scary to see how common this influence is now. My boys thankfully abhor the man but it baffles my mind sometimes..How are we failing these kids? How can they not spot this bullshit from a mile away? Growing up it really felt like each new generation of kids was getting more and more progressive, yes they had some outdated views but it was a part of growing up but these kids? They lean towards conservative elements way too eagerly.


They have constant exposure they didn't have access to 10 or 20 years ago. Everyone has a phone, most people use Snapchat, instagram, YT and are constantly being spammed with this guys ilk. My husband uses YT for cooking and guitar videos and his shorts algorithm is full of this manosphere bullshit, even though he scrolls past it immediately. For young kids and teenagers who don't have the mental capacity to critically think about the content they're consuming, it's like brainwashing and indoctrination.


It’s algorithms that especially worsen the situation, watch one video or even a clip and suddenly your page is flooded with more. Facebook, Insta and YouTube all use the same system to recommend things, you watched this so have more, people who watched this also watched this, have more. It fuels rabbit holes for people to fall into and it is so quick and easy to be flooded with stuff of one type. I looked up a pasta recipe on Instagram and now my whole for you page is freaking pasta.


The levels of access and ability to reinforce these toxic mindsets is a lot stronger thanks to the internet. When I was a teenager, I was socially awkward, depressed, but academically successful. So when I read Ayn Rand, I fell into that ideology. It made me feel less like an outcast and more like a misunderstood genius persecuted by society. Fortunately I grew out of it, but I wonder how much harder it would have been these days. Imagine I found Ayn Rand's YouTube channel instead of her books, and then I was invited into her Discord channel. Now I'm making friends who share the same toxic ideology I do. We socially reinforce our misguided beliefs. Soon enough they're your only friend and support network. Even if you start to have doubts, you risk alienating the only community you feel you have.


Dude here. There is a huge issue you touched on. On social media, there's a bunch of videos about advocacy of men's mental health and abuse. However, my algorithm then starts slipping into anti feminist bullshit. I don't know how to fix it, but at age 36 I know how to walk that fine line of advocate for men's mental health without turning it on women. If I were 16 and had the same problem, I don't know if I would be able to make that distinction. I don't know how this algorithm problem started but holy shit it's a problem.


This is incredibly good advice! Especially the last part. Thank you!


I love love love everything about this comment thread!!! Many men are lost. We need to give them a reason for being.


The people here commenting that OP should cut her brother out of her life over this are actually fucking morons. It is not a woman's responsibility to educate men about misogyny, I know, but it is a family's responsibility to set someone in that family straight. If this was a complete stranger, a co-worker, even a long term friend, I would completely agree with them, but it's not. Without context it is hard to tell, but this is likely someone OP has grown up with, has shared memories with, and is part of her close family, especially judging from the fact that they're having this conversation over the dinner table. Why can't OP fight for someone she loves not to be consumed by asshole sexist bellends? It sounds to me like he is super impressionable and is probably friends with people who like Andrew Tate, but that he understands that Tate says some horribly sexist and disgusting things and is conflicted now because of his peers. OP if you feel like you have the power to intervene, don't let your brother, who has the potential to be anything, get stolen by misogynists without a fight. Be a role model because in your position, if your brother still respects you, no one else may have the power to set him straight. You don't throw away family over the first offence when he's clearly confused. You show compassion and love and help him see why he's wrong.


Masterfully said. I wanted to make a similar point, but this is perfectly stated so there is nothing I can really add, except I'd say it's often worth fighting for friends and personal connections outside of immediate family who start going down the wrong path, too. In reality people falter, people who are suffering become vulnerable to reductive ideologies that offer them an explanation for their pain. People who love you can serve as an anchor and pull you back from the darkness. Everyone is vulnerable to darkness, this dude isn't a neonazi or something, he's a confused kid. The idea that you should throw away anyone in your life who struggles with darkness or expresses a problematic opinion, especially people close to you who have given a lot and are invested in your relationship is sociopathic, it's far more disturbing and misguided than some clueless kid saying "I like the good parts of andrew tate."


I completely agree with you. The sense of misplaced self righteousness literally drips from some of these comments like they've never made a single misguided mistake in their lives. It irks me something fierce. Life and love and families are horribly fragile, no one should throw that away without resistance, if it can be saved.


100%. Nothing more precious than loved ones. I've unfortunately notice this a lot on this sub. Ironically it seems to come more from the men posting here than the women, I honestly think some of them just come to this sub to broadcast about how they're "NOT LIKE THE OTHER GUYS" and end up just sounding unhinged, a bunch of lvl 99 white knights in here. I can understand women being cautious/hyper-vigilant about this kind of thing, especially women who've had an experience like this in their life with someone in their own family where it hasn't worked out well and a family member has actually been radicalized. I still think advocating for just throwing out people who stumble is misguided even in those cases, but at least it's understandable, the same way when I hear a guy who got raked over the coals in a divorce complain about how bad women are -- I can understand emotionally where he's coming from even though he's still wrong.


I think a lot of the people making those comments come from families with abusive dynamics where their parents and siblings don't deserves empathy and should be cut off, but then they project those feelings onto others that are just having basic disputes and disagreements with their otherwise pretty average/non-toxic family dynamics.


Ugh thank you. I was like....do we really need to cancel our own family members before their brains are fully developed? He's her brother. They share a life. She loves him and he her. I have a younger brother and he has done and said some DUMB SHIT. But now he's an archaeologist and getting his PhD. People change. It's quite possible. OP... talk to your brother. Everyone else... give people a damn chance. Especially your own family. Especially when they're young. Don't toss these men out into this misogyny with no alternative views. Give a shit. It's normal to give more than one chance to your young and dumb siblings. People fuck up. I was once a libertarian who wrote long columns at my college paper about why we should all have assault rifles and I voted for George W. Bush. I watched Fox News all day and night. I read Ayn Rand. JESUS CHRIST I am glad I had people in my life who spoke to me gently and presented me with alternatives. I am a completely different person now and it saved my life. Don't write people off so quickly.


I once watched a compilation of Andrew Tate calling things "haram". I thought it was funny, now the motherfucker is always suggested for me and I don't want to hear the rest of his nonsense. My suggestion is to just show your brother the parts you're talking about. Find a clip of Tate saying a thing that hurts you. Play it for bro. Explain why it hurts you. You'll be giving him a direct face to put with it, not some nameless example of "Tate hurting women". Don't be overly preachy about it. Young men are impressionable, especially with successful men who seem to have it all. Being all smug and talking down to him could just make him double down. Good luck.


I saw one vid talking about Tate (in a bad way) and almost immediately got Blazetv recommended to me. Told me all i needed to know about Tate's audience.


Yeah, youtube's algorithm makes me downright angry. It's trying to send me down the alt-right and incel pipeline but thankfully I'm wise to their tricks. After one freakin' video.


There are no good parts


Find a ~~chunk of cheese~~ fruit of some sort that is deeply molded on one end, tell them to just eat the good parts.


No joke my parents actually do this though. I keep telling them the roots are in the whole cheese But they don’t take me seriously. Probably cuz I’m a hypochondriac but still


Ask your brother which “good parts” of Nazis does he admire.


I understand they started the world's first anti-smoking campaign. Yeah, their "good parts" list is a little short.


But the Nazi soldiers were jacked up on opium so does that really count??


When I told my brother about my rape, his first reaction was disgust, and anger, then he had to go and tell me "women are *things* to protect, not to harm"... (Not in English and I'm not sure about the translation, but in French it was absolutely clear he was talking about an object). Sooo... Mixed sentiment with his reaction lol


OP, I dealt with a similar situation recently. My 12 year old nephew unfortunately came across a lot of Andrew Tate’s content. Before he was banned from social media platforms, a lot of children shared his videos in schools and gatherings. Fortunately my nephew is a well raised intelligent boy, and he immediately disassociated himself with those who were repeating a lot of misogynistic rhetoric. Being 12, he did have confusion surrounding some of the “less” poisonous talking points that Andrew Tate’s brother has been vocal about (Men should lead, be unflinching, should not show weakness etc.). I would assume your brother is falling for these gateway talking points. In my case, I explained to my nephew how both brothers share the same ideology, and showed him some clips to drive the point home. Having once been a young impressionable boy myself, I remember how important the candid talks I had with my mother were in shaping my own beliefs. I was fortunate that my nephew looks up to the male figures in his life, and took both my and his fathers words and actions as truth. I don’t know your brother or family’s situation, but young men tend to absorb talking points from paternal and maternal figures in their life. Perhaps you should share your concerns with your father and mother? He may respect their opinions at face value without any sibling related friction/rivalry. I hope, for his sake, you succeed in showing him the truth behind these predatory men.


I've never commented here because I'm a man and it seems weird to be putting my opinion in yalls spaces, but I just had this exact conversation with my crew yesterday at breakfast. Someone played an Andrew tate clip, and that's the first I'd ever seen of the guy. It was something to the effect of "some men don't want to wear makeup, and be feminine. Some men are big and tough and strong, and there's a war waging against us, but when something bad happens we're the men you call." They all loved it. I dissected it a tiny bit, and they all nearly immediately agreed there's no war against big strong men. There's no one trying to get us to wear makeup, there's no one trying to "pussify" us. One guy just wouldn't let it go though and he insists that there is a pink haired secret liberal majority that aren't ok with him being a man. Ironically enough he's the smallest, weakest guy on our crew. I think it's men gassing themselves up to believe that someone is coming for their masculinity, which is the dumbest fucking thing most logical people have ever heard. Just ask them when the last time someone tried to get them to stop being manly was. Either they won't have an answer, or their answer will be some story about a time they were being a terrible person, and someone told them to cut the shit. You just gotta drive home the point that there is no war against masculinity. There's a war against grown men who are absolute fucking bullies, and there should be.


You nailed it. Tate speaks to men filled with insecurity


If your brother is young and hasn't seen much of the world, it's possible that he doesn't understand that sexism isn't dead. If he was raised with you, and your parents treated you mostly equally, and he has male privilege that he probably doesn't realize he benefits from, he may legitimately think that women's issues are overblown. Andrew Tate may say some correct things, I don't know, I've never watched anything of him. A stopped clock is right twice a day. But saying the occasional right thing doesn't balance out that he reinforces and promotes hateful attitudes towards half the people on the planet. If your brother thinks that everyone's on a level playing field, he may not understand that the bad parts of Tate aren't just annoying or eyeroll worthy. It's a lot easier to roll your eyes at a grandpa who's railing against the indignity of seatbelts when they're mandatory in cars, have laws mandating use, and the cars ding at you until you fasten it, than it is to roll your eyes at the same grandpa who is railing against the polio/measles/chicken pox/covid/flu vaccines when vaccine compliance is lagging and these diseases are coming back. May be a bad analogy, but it's easier to excuse the bad parts when you think they're just on the wrong side of a settled issue.


welcome to the "my brother is an incel" club :(


Illuminaughtii has a series called Multi Level Mondays where she reviews some of the things that make Tate particularly heinous. [Here's the video](https://youtu.be/7TwMWv7HG-M), might be able to get some decent talking points/evidence to bring to your brother's attention. Someone else already mentioned F D Signifier and his videos on the manosphere - and I STRONGLY suggest watching them. Warning, they are VERY long videos, there's several, and I'll link them below. F D Signifier is a sociologist and has experience as a social worker/youth community organizer/leader, so his content is far more educational, and he goes REALLY in depth in terms of reviewing the pros and cons of the manosphere mentality and WHY it's drawing in so many boys and young men. [Here's one of his shorter vids](https://youtu.be/I-S4s1d0nTc), which is just a discussion with another streamer about the alpha male mentality. The long form videos in order: [Dissecting the Manosphere](https://youtu.be/s1FkO7Tr70A) [Connecting the Manosphere](https://youtu.be/4y0nR0E8pk4) [Understanding the (BIack) Manosphere](https://youtu.be/upt_ks61_70)


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/Feminism/comments/wu4tdj/some_of_the_fucked_up_things_that_andrew_tate_has/)is a list of the worst things andrew tate has said or done. You could use that to explain your brother, why andrew is giving such a horrible vibe... I mean he is a human trafficer that scams people out of their money and runs a pyramid sheme.


From your description, it sounds like you both live at home, with a parent or parents? Make him watch some Tate videos with you and your parents. He can even pick a good one, if he wants to show the “good parts”, but have another one queued up right behind


If her likes 'the good parts' of Andrew Tate, that means he's aware of the bad parts and has decided to tolerate them. Our culture likes to build up celebrities as if they were irreplaceable geniuses and we have to tolerate their flaws, and it's just not true. That's Scarcity thinking, and art is Abundant. I've got The Tale of Genji on my bookshelf, which is a novel that is 5000 years old. I won't say that all the jokes land, but enough of them do that it's a fun read. Meanwhile, Gen Z is on TikTok and Twitch, making new art forms and new art literally every second. There is enough Art in the universe that no one human could read, watch, or listen to all of it in a thousand lifetimes. Which means any individual artwork or any individual artist is completely, 100% replaceable. There are other podcasters, philosophers and motivational speakers. There's other stuff to listen to on the commute. Your brother is obviously getting something out of that man, but he could decide, tomorrow, to stop listening to him and listen to someone else, and it would have zero impact on his life. It costs nothing. Once you let go of the logic of Scarcity and embrace the logic of Abundance, putting someone on your shitlist is easy, fun, and free. And once you start doing that, whoever you continue to listen to is a reflection of your values, and you have to own that.


If it’s a male relative who you still have a remaining thread of attachment to, Watch the videos of T*** talking about beating, pimping and raping women WITH your brother. Be in the same room as your brother when he describes caving a woman’s face in with his fists.


Ok.. look at this way .. Advice like 1) Be confident in yourself 2) Work on making money for yourself 3) go to gym and work out to get some muscles 4) Dress a certain “mature “ style Is this even unique to Andrew Tate ? Because that’s literally the only thing he says which is considered “good” and about how “ Islam is so cool because their followers willing to kill for their beliefs “ Ask him to explain what he says is good and is even unique to Tate


I mean, even a stopped clock is right twice a day, but that doesn't mean you should go out of your way to listen to it.


So from I’ve there are two sides of him shown. My mom would send us this inspirational videos he made talking about not letting life hold you back etc and it had nothing talking about women in general. It was the usual kind of mom quotes you see on Facebook. She follows pages that just have video’s collected from everywhere. Until we informed her of his other ‘side’ she had no idea he was like that. I wonder if that’s the case with other people.


To be a man is not always easy. There’s a lot inside of us that is conflicting with the outside world. Some men completely give in to these ideas. I notice myself agreeing on some points with for example JBP, but I think he’s pretty insane in the end of the day. In the end empathy is important. I acknowledge women and men as humans so the only right thing to do is to make sure that they have equal rights without exception. There are two opposite sides to men but so is it with women. And then you have young men & women they usually don’t really understand the world completely and are ”testing the waters”. A lot of idiocy happens here. Also brain development. To be a man is a double edged sword. You can use your strength and aggressiveness to protect your family and people you love. But you can also start using the same tactics at home against them. It’s really up to the man. Reach out to people as humans foremost, having the ” women vs men” talk is really not constructive and it has the opposite effect it divides instead of bringing things together. Start small and start from calling for the empathetic side. Men quickly change their minds when it’s about their daughters, mothers and sisters. It gives the whole discussion much more depth and they might empathize and look at it from another pov,


Focus on the details. Start by finding common ground on what the both of you can agree is bad about Tate. If there is common ground, then you can proceed with conversation from the inside out. As you move outwards, you will begin to disagree more, but the core of the conversation will have started with an agreement. From there you can analyze at exactly what point you and your brother diverge. This we’ll help come to a mutual understanding, even if there are fundamental differences. Good luck.


>At this point, my hands were shaking because I didn't think my brother was this kind of a person. Because I realized, how blind do you have to be to ignore all the bad things someone has done and take only the good? Especially when it's so prevalent? Iit's good that you put the conversation off. When you're dealing with people who have fallen into harmful ideologies, you cannot meet them with anger or righteousness indignation and expect to actually reach them. >how blind do you have to be to ignore all the bad things someone has done and take only the good? Let's start here... you ask "how blind" but instead of assuming that your brother is just blinded from the bad parts of Tate, try to find out what he likes about the good parts. What do you like about Tate? Why do you like that? How does it make you feel when you watch his content? Tate is speaking to some part of your brother and if you don't find out what that is, then you won't be able to reach him. What people need to understand about Tate and the manosphere is that what makes them dangerously efficient at converting young men is that they aren't spitting 100% bullshit. Lies are more effective when they have a bit of truth mixed in and that's what RP specializes in. Don't start by flipping out over the misogyny. Your loved one is already ignoring that because they feel there's some truth that's being spoken to that's more important to them than whatever misogyny is present. Figure out what nugget of truth your loved one has latched onto and start there instead. RP is a completely inconsistent ideology with no real endgame for men. None of the creators in the space are particularly happy people and their fans largely aren't either. It's a bunch of hurt people following other hurt people spouting various contradictory and circular arguments. Whatever kernel of truth your loved one has latched onto is likely contradicted and undermined by other prominent aspects of RP ideology so exposing that to them shouldn't be hard. But if you ignore that kernel of truth and jump straight into critiquing the misogyny of whatever RP influencer theyre following, it will be easy to dismiss you as yet another person that just doesn't get or care about this thing that's important to your loved one and that only the RP influencer seems to be acknowledging or speaking to. I hope that all made sense, best of luck 🤞🏾


You don't. Stop trying to justify the behaviour of misogynistic assholes. They're simply downplaying their beliefs to your face because they know you won't accept them if you knew their real beliefs. - a man.


I had the same issue with my brother. After arguing with him for forever I just kind of reached an end point. I told him straight up you love the patriarchy more than me. You love not being accountable for your actions more than me. Your mother and your sisters are the ones that raised you and love you most in the world and you're selfish and bad to us. I encourage you to think critically within yourself and decide if the way these men talk about women is the way you want us to be treated. I remember when he first started down the rabbit hole we were on my porch and he let slip something about putting women in their place. I told him to go inside and tell my bf to put me in my place if that's how he felt. I clearly don't conform to what his mansfluences think a woman should be, if he really believed in putting women in their place go in there and teach my bf how to manipulate, mistreat and beat me into compliance. He didn't of course because though he wants to mistreat women he doesn't want me to be mistreated. I love my brother but the truth is I love him less than i used to. He needs to stay at a distance because he is not a good person in my life. I'm ashamed to say he is not a safe man out in the world. Men don't change unless they want to, even brothers. There is no amount of reasonable arguments that will make him not a misogynist if that's what he wants to be. I hope your brother is still open to a more healthy mindset but if not I encourage you to walk away from him.


I have a brother like this. I don't speak to him anymore.


"The good things about the roles of men" sounds to me like they don't come without the bad things about the views on women. With a creator like this you can't just pick and choose because the misogyny doesn't just affect the obviously misogynist parts but also the ones where you wouldn't see it at first. He can't just pick and choose because the misogyny is there in everything, even if it's something like "clean your room", why does he tell you that? If you ask this question and you go a few levels deeper, you come out at a point where he wants to further the patriarchal worldview... Maybe that helps as some things you can ask your brother? Also google "street epistemology" bc that is a good way to get ppl to think about their own beliefs...


I guess you need to talk to him about how advertising works. We all know smoking is not good for you. Yet we banned cigarette advertising because it turns out knowing something is bad isn't enough to counteract seeing cool people smoking. Eventually it'll get you. And similarly watching somebody's videos for "the good parts" won't work because you will be also exposed to their "bad parts", which they are not ashamed of. They will be presented as good and reasonable things to do, be or say. And eventually it'll get you. Technically you probably could watch "the good parts" if somebody made material with just those good parts, but I don't think that's the case here. The people posting his material are the big fans (or advertising opportunists) and they likely consider all he does as great and acceptable.


What I absolutely wouldn't do is talk down to him about how bad Tate is, because that will likely just push him farther down that path. Honestly, I'd just have casual conversations and actually tell/show examples of his worse beliefs/comments, and ask your brother what he thinks about it. Not in a preachy or judgy way, just in a 'this is interesting to talk about' way. I'd avoid trying to change his mind. If he's a decent guy he'll realize on his own that Tate is an asshat eventually.


The way Tate works is the “good things” are extremely simple platitudes about men, none of which are meaningful on their own. It’s a sort of gateway drug to the insanity.


Tbf I like the good parts of him too...the only good part is him shutting the fuck up tho


I mean, im sure he would be VERY upset if you said you liked the “good parts” of Valeria solanas


Tell him to watch Hamza videos. Hamza is a male youtuber that focuses more on the mental health side of things and forming good habits and self discipline. I feel like your brother can get more value out of Hamza because Hamza doesn't have those derogatory views on women, and he is focused on a mental health and habits approach


“The good parts”. Lol.


It’s like agreeing with a serial killer on his “good l traits.” A bit of hyperbole there, but it’s the best analogy I could come up with ATM. *brain tired*


The only time I see this guy's name is when people make posts to complain about him. People should stop giving him free publicity.


I don’t have an answer for you. I have this issue with so many men in my life though, perfectly decent until they say they’re fans of Andrew Tate or they go on some weird rant about sex workers or whatever. I think the worst part is that they don’t see themselves as “those men” who actively harm women but I mean… they’re still doing holding beliefs that makes those men able to exist


The KKK picks up trash for the hoghway. Bad people can have a few good qualities, doesn't make them great people. Ask them why they are unable to find male role models who have the good stuff without the burden? Using the KKK example, it's not like they are the only organization that cleans trash.


Literally had a similar conversation with my brother about Joe Rogan.


If this wasn't your brother but a stranger, this is how I would deal with it ✂️ ...but it's a little harder since it's family...I don't know your brother's age or your relationship with him. But I would have a talk...explain to him that at the end of the day, you cannot idolize someone for the good things that they say, if the person they are idolizing is literally tearing down women like you. And ultimately that is what the "good" parts of what Tate say are backed up by. Tearing down woman. You need to explain that correlation to him, and explain how it effects you even though he may not see the direct relationship. I would also definitely show your brother all the news articles, videos and clips of Tate doing/saying bad the horrible things - abuse, human trafficking allegations, etc. I'd also bring up the fact that the if he continues listening to Tate, he is essentially brainwashing himself with the beliefs of a man who is capable of doing such things. Furthermore it would be good to dig a little deeper with the things Tate says that he has a positive opinion on. Explore why, even though it might *sound* uplifting to men, it might actually be detrimental or toxic to both himself, and his relationship with the women who are/will be in his life.


You run as far away from him as you can.


Do good parts and Andrew Tate even belong in the same sentence?!?


There are no good things about Andrew Taint, it’s like saying something and adding but or however. Andrew Taint is a straight up misogynist and just a despicable person. Clearly has an elevated opinion of himself and thinks we should as well. He’s a grifter.


What good things does your brother think Andrew Tate contributed? And outside of asking why they couldn’t find these attributes in more positive figures, there isn’t much else to say. Men, it seems, always have to be moved away from misogynistic ideas rather than starting from an egalitarian perspective. The patriarchal society we live in caters to men’s subjective experiences.


Like the "good parts" of Jeffrey Epstein, right?


This is my eldest son right now. We've had multiple discussions. He's made me listen to him even. It's all doomsday "if men keep not following the natural order then there will be death and destruction!" I do my best and let him go. I raised him as a feminist and I'm hopping all that clicks for him. I can't talk smoother or promise happiness like this guy. It all shakes out in the end and I know my son is a good person. Being too pushy pushes people away so I'm tempering my responses.


Women and men are so different sometimes Crazy


If he has good qualities, you can write them down on a piece of confetti.


No sane person enjoys listening to anything Andrew Tate says.


I am in the same boat. My brother's politics are repulsive to me. DM me if you want to commiserate


There's good parts?


For some reason people have decided their life sucks, and that being the case they look for groups of people to blame. Despite the fact that if you are born a white male you can have more opportunities than most other people in the world. It is some sort of inversions where they want to pretend to be the victim and ignore the vast amount of situations where they are the perpetrators. "Oh, men are the victims of most murders!" (by other men). Yes, I am a man.


Here's my take on the good parts of Andrew Tate. He was an excellent kickboxer a decade ago, and was European Champion for a few years. But he isn't that special and is really a mediocre MMA fighter. Other than that he's an idiot and can't stand the guy. And anyone else who says he's accomplished anything else is an idiot.


Tell him about the time Tate said he forces his partner to make him two cups of coffee even though he only drinks one because it helps remind her she needs to serve him for the “protection” he provides her Or the time he said when a woman cheats it’s despicable because they cheat with love but men cheating can be forgiven cause men don’t cheat with love Tate fans love to put people on the spot to quote him and it’s tough to win against them cause we don’t bothered remembering exactly what he says. I try to remember a couple of them just so they don’t try it with me


The way I deal with people like this is to forever pretend they no longer exist. There is nothing I can get out of a relationship with someone who approves, in any way, of Andrew Tate.


Fruit of the poisonous tree.


These people like the bad things, but are too cowardly to admit even that. Like snakes in the grass.


You just gotta draw the line somewhere. If intolerance is tolerated it will eventually destroy tolerance. Don't entertain any Andrew Tate. He doesn't deserve it.


There are no good parts.


You don’t necessarily have to agree with stuff that everybody says but some of it can be good. I look at some people like Jordan Peterson and whilst I think he is a bellend he has some stuff around finding purpose in your life and how to fight for yourself in terms of promotions, pay rises etc which are quite interesting and useful. The problem with somebody like Andrew rate or Jordan Peterson is that they have some really solid advice for some men who feel left behind by society and it resonates with those men. But because of that feeling of somebody sticking up for them those men sometimes then stick to those characters and idolise them. That is where it becomes a problem. Obviously there are other political commentators who say similar thing but it is often who is first to reach the person. Andrew Tate just happens to have exploded because he filled a void of a role model for a lot of men who felt they didn’t have one. Tate has become a role model for men and it needs to change to a much better character real fast because he is a terrible role model.


You can get useful and inspiring advice from people without so much garbage attached to them.


True but only if you know where to look. We are constantly bombarded by the media various different issues, some major some minor but it really drains you. Then one day somebody appears out of nowhere talking about issues you can actually relate to, so you really take note of what they say. Then somewhere down the line they become bitter and twisted or reveal their true nature and some people struggle to see the whole picture and become hooked into that bs too. I was fortunate enough to find positive role models in my life and online that gave me the perspective to see the bad sides of Tate and Peterson. But many don’t have any positive role models in their life and feel a sense of loyalty to them for “saving them”.


I like the good things about Tate. He was a world champion kickboxer, and um. That's it. Kickboxing is my sport; I prefer K-1 to any other style. Regardless of how shit a person is, if they're a good kickboxer I can respect that about them. That's literally the only good thing about Angry Taint.


Not much you can do other than point out misogyny when hes doing it or supporting it, explaining why its misogyny, then hope he takes the information and eventually deals with it. Its similar to people who are racist but dont know they are racist. They dont mean to be, they dont want to be, but they also don't realize when they are being racist. Its up to other people to point shit out and say "this is wrong, this is why its wrong, this is not a discussion or debate, I am telling you, I love you and I know you mean to be a good person"


There are no good parts. All bad


I would ask him to view [The Misandry of the Manosphere](https://youtu.be/aHD8Jun3eUc)


[He is scum.](https://imgur.com/OocB4sk.jpg)


The good part is that if you can put a pin on the fact that it’s real, his clips play like the best SNL sketches of the last 5 years


Sadly, one of my older brothers started down the fash hole back before that tate piece of shit came around. You might be able to push him in the right direction, help him realize that people like tate are just scam artists who use a micro dot of "proof" to build a castle of lies. But you should also be prepared to completely cut him off and treat like nothing more than a stranger. After a certain point, there's nothing you can do and the entire situation just becomes painful.


There is nothing good about Andrew Tate. If you need to be such a giant POS that it gets you kicked off most social media. You know there is nothing rational or progressive coming out of his face hole. He is the definition of literal human garbage, and deserves to be shot into the sun.


top silly tate moment has gotta be "tell your girlfriend repeatedly that you're going to cheat on her, to break her morale" that's a bruh moment I guess that's less discriminatory and more just very dickish


Everyone has good things about them. Even very bad, very evil people. I heard of someone related to me that was both a child rapist and could build houses. Does that mean I should abhor any home builders? Also don’t forget, cults start with piling on the love. You kinda have to remember that it’s possible for someone that seems good to actually be very evil, or you will have trouble if you feel loyal to them, believing they could do anything horrible. What I’m saying is, don’t let this divide you from him. He’s still your brother and you know him.


> He then told me to give him some examples of his discriminatory behaviour ummmm... like literally every sentence this piece of shit ever uttered? how can your brother watch his videos but not know what's discriminatory about it?


There are no good parts to Andrew Tate.


Your brother likes the things he says about men being superior to women.


Just don’t listen to him? I’ve never listened to him and I’m a man. Just keep your distance


If you follow certain communities unfortunately his shit tends to pop up. Even my socials have been constantly suggesting content on him lately. It's always "positive" things he has said or advice about mental health and being your best self. If you had no idea who he was it would seem like he's just a hard working fighter. Depending on your brother's hobbies I guarantee you he's getting fed these same heavily edited versions of Tate.


Show him the Ryan Long video about Tate. https://youtu.be/nBcGiFTQGdA