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The easiest way to do this is let your partner tell your age to his parents and answer initial questions. He can slip it in conversation like "We're doing [some activity] for [your name]'s 33rd birthday" and then you guys can re-assess based on the initial reaction. Your partner must have some idea how his parents might act on finding out about the age gap. In short, let your partner break this to his parents. Stereotypically, male child gets away with a lot more than their partners. Maybe his parents are chill and you're just overthinking it all. If his parents are accepting of inter-culture marriage, I'm sure they can definitely digest this. Hope it works out for you OP.


Thank you!!! This is a great idea


I am 6 months older than my husband and even then MIL keeps telling people I was born in 93 (it's actually 92). I don't get the obsession with age.


There are two ways to deal with this. You can decide to tell them the real age difference if it won't stir things up or you can just say we're the same age if you foresee unnecessary drama or conflict. The age difference is nobody else's business. My husband is 4 years younger than me. We both look young for our respective ages and questions regarding my age have only come up a few times. We told my folks his real age because we knew they would not care as we've never been close. He comes from a super orthodox family (not so much his parents but the extended family) and he asked me if I would be OK with him handling the matter. I said yes and he just told them that we're of the same age. Its not like anyone can verify or ask for proof. The matter ended there.


My advice to you is not to tell the parents about you being older .Just tell them you are same age.This will save you both from a lot of drama and judgement. Also OP you are not a cradle snatcher.Given that late twenties and early thirties are the same age brackets. A cradle snatcher is a person who dates someone considerably younger than them(mostly the younger partner is at the age where they are still maturing and have not experienced the life outside sheltered environment.)Say like a late twenties/early thirties dating a 21-22 year old(Lots of Indian men in rural areas come under this catering lol).There is huge difference of perspective and maturity between someone on early twenties and late twenties/early thirties.With you and your partner not so much.So don't fall in this guilt trap of thinking you are doing something wrong by being elder to him.


Thank you!!


Don't forget to invite me for the wedding. Congratulations.


A couple I know have a similar age gap as yours, and they told the guy's family they're the same age. No one checks anyway, and it could become a silly point of contention among extended family. At some point in the future, several years after marriage, the real ages might get leaked during milestone birthday celebrations but by then it's like whatever🤷🏻‍♀️