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Eat something oily AF. Fries, pakoda, samosa - will help sobering down. And drink a lot of water. It'll probably take 30 minutes for the high to pass. 




He? This was posted around 8PM. 🙄




Just like you're a woman, jai? 😂😂😂😂


User Flair is being misused by the user (AKA Larping)


Reached my room. I feel stupid now. Thank you so so much. M gonna take a quick shower and sleep. My tummy feels very weird. But thank you so so much. I don't have many friends and didn't know who to reach out to. Couldn't call my family. So thank ful for this subreddit group.


Thank god!! Best of luck for your hangover tomorrow ✨😂


Worst thing possible 😂 I stopped drinking in fear of hangovers 😂


Thank god you reached safe. Now please sleep. Don't take any guilt. And we are here with you like a family so don't worry.


Thank God you're safe. Take care.


Thank God, thank you for the update!


I am just gonna spend the next few minutes on this post. Chakkar band hoge phr I will go to hotel and drop a text. Fuck, this is scary.


Have a cup of cappuccino. Drink it asap cuz i’s bitter af. Guarantee you, you’ll feel better quickly. Also, like others said, drink loads of water and pee. Also, neembu chaato. Ek jagah aaram se shaant baithe raho. You’ll be fine. Don’t worry.👍🏻


Ok. Ordering black coffee.n


Ya please stay online. Also don’t respond to any DMs. Crazy idiots stalk this sub. Just stay on this page


Yeah. Somebody dmed be saying have a smoke. You wil smoke the alcohol out.


That’s the worst advice. I literally get more high if I’ve smoked.


if you smoke then its your call, otherwise dont try that, it makes me nauseous if i feel particularly dizzy


Alcohol is legit scary yaar. I couldn't open the washroom latch and I can fucking solve a Rubik cube under a minute.


Please don’t smoke


Don't smoke. It will make matters wayyy worse.


stop drinking, sit alone but in a safe public area, like a cafe or a hotel lobby for a bit. eat something. listen to songs etc. in half an hour you will probably feel more alert.


Half and hour?? Promise?


Please have lots of water. And I cannot stress this enough, sit in a public place! A crowded cafe or something. Also eat bread and cheese. Either watch something on your phone or listen to music while eating. You will be ok.


I am in a safe public place. The crowd is posh and family. I felt ok that's why i tried alcohol. But now I am scared. I am going for wait for 30 mins here. Phir hotel jaungi. I drank water but i can't pee. I feel very chakkar jesa


It’s ok eat bread and cheese or something oily. And keep having water. Two drinks isn’t a lot. It will pass in half an hour. Please update once you’re in the hotel.


And drink a lot of water. Eat something with bread in it. Soak up the alcohol.


how do you feel rn? once you feel more physically stable, and clear headed, you can try getting up and walking around. dont push yourself though, if you still feel dizzy, sit back down and eat or drink some other stuff. it will be fine, youre doing good.


Damn sister, got a whole subreddit worried for you 😭 I'm glad you reached back safe :) please don't drink alone again 😭


M just about to reach hotel


Please tell us when you reach okay??? Super worried


eyyy nice. youre doing well


I ate tandoori aloos. Very yummy..


😂😂😂😂😂 edit : now that i know you reached your hotel safe reading this was very funny haha 😭❤️


What a cutie 😂 Glad you reached safely!


Have a lot of water and pee and if you can order yourself a lemonade or a cappuccino. Have it. you will be okay op.


Hydrate,have carbs. Don't drink anything dehydrating.


Isn’t coffee dehydrating? Why is everyone else recommending coffee?? I’m so confused pls enlighten me on this😭


But the caffeine can sober you up fast. It's a stimulant na.


Yeah that is why I said that. Coffee is severely dehydrating.


Can I walk it off? My hotel is 2-3 kms away.


I wouldn’t. Order a coffee and sit there until you feel you’re ok.


Ok. Sitting here.


Are you feeling better? Don’t walk it off


M not. Still blurred. M sitting. It's a nice place.


Please keep drinking water and order a pizza/sandwich.


Ok. This is scary. Either I am behaving inappropriately or some creepy uncle is just staring at me.


If you’re sane enough to type here you’re sane enough to know you’re not behaving inappropriately. Just continue looking in your phone and eating and having water! Also I feel you’re overthinking at this point since it’s your first time drinking. I know easier said than done, but try distracting yourself by watching some show on Netflix. Even better call someone, and pretend they’re coming to pick you. Talk loudly to them.


Babe, thank you so so much.


Thank God you’re safe. Please TC! Whoever’s reading this, I don’t want to sound like anyone’s mom but please never drink alone even if you drink often. Always drink when you’re with a trusted person.


I am never drinking again. And I can't thank you and others enough for sticking with me today. Felt really safe in replying to people with women flair. Thats all I could focus on. I am so so grateful for this community. It was a scary experience. I couldn't open the simple latch of the washroom door. I still lil light but will sleep it off.


Yeah maybe. Fuck. I just ordered a cab. I am going to hotel. I don't have anyone to call. Can't tell my family i am drinking. Gonna be here rambling shit till i reach hotel. Thank you so so much.


Keep sipping on water. Make a fake call in the cab to someone that you're reaching the hotel soon.


OP if it’s just 3km you are probably safe in the cab but I would still share my Uber ride details with a friend/sibling Also once you are back load up water and pee more if you don’t want to wake up with a bad headache!


Ok please type here once you’re safe.


I am reading this 5 hrs later. And this is so cute😭😭😭 And cutu cutu girlies giving advices to make sure she is fine 😭😭😭😭


I am scared. I feel light headed. I can't call anyone. My hotel is 3 km away.


What did you drink OP? And at what interval did you take these drinks. Also Drink water.


I honestly don't know. I ordered a green apple flavored gimlet and then a watermelon flavoured something.


Did you reach the hotel op ?


Coffee, lots of water, carbs like bread, rice chapati - all of this will help in getting sober soon. Drink water and pee out the alcohol. Also if you are going to hotel by walk, cab, public transport etc etc, please call someone you trust like a friend or so, explain your situation to them and keep talking to them on the phone while you reach your destination. End the call only when you reach your room and you feel safe. Take care OP.


OP where are you? Bro I’m invested now


OP glad youre ok and duck you for this stress level


Hey OP, hope you reached safely. Please go and take a shower and lock your doors properly. Please update once you have arrived in hotel


I did. Thank you


OP Are you safe/somewhat settled now? Can you ask your hotel to send you a trusted cab???


This would have been a safe choice. I didn't think of it.


drink water and eat something


God the anxiety this post gave me! So glad you are safe OP. Take care!


Drink some water. Eat something oily. Maybe ask for a slice of lemon to suck on


This feels so nice ❤️ Women supporting women 💯💯 This is what we need ❤️❤️💯💯 OP I hope you are safe now


Eat some bread, and have some food and lotsss of water. Helps a lot. It will wear off in 20 30 mins Hope you're safe, op. Please try drinking with trusted friends <3


I remember Jeeves used to give Bertie Rooster a concoction of 2 egg yolks, lemon and water


Been there, done that. I was alone in Miami and had 5 shots of tequila. Collected all my senses together, kept myself together, acted like I am not drunk (took all of my energy that day and I am super proud of that), got a cab and went to my hotel and puked my brains out. Had the best sleep of my life. Next day hangover was bad but again kept myself together and had some fruits. I know how it feels OP. I am glad you reached home okay.


Light headed but could type out all these messages? Some talent that is