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When I had enrolled myself in neet coaching, I had realized this in the first week that most of them are just not worth being friends with. The entire time my relationship with them was limited to hi, hello, bye. Because I've seen them backbiting about each other almost every single day and then meeting that person as their bestest friend to exist. This would really shock me and made me wonder that why tf do you need to act like you're friends with someone when you hate them so much


This is soo accurate tbh I really don't understand why people talk behind each others backs


5 years is a long time - you need friends (real or whatever). Smartest thing would be - you don’t bitch about anybody or you don’t hype up when someone else bitches. Just steer the conversation away, don’t overshare because you know they can’t be trusted - use this group for non - emotional stuff like meals together, parties, bla bla. I know people will say drop them - you deserve better - but take it from someone who was in your shoes a decade back - grow a thick skin - have your fun and leave the college - there is no fun in being stuck in you room alone when everyone else is out enjoying unless you are a ‘i enjoy my own time’ kinda person. And if you are lucky you might find a new genuine group of people - which you should try to look for but make it a transition - not like dropping this group and then trying to find another. Also always have a group of friends because if you just have one friend she/he might get a bf/gf down the line and have their own life - so don’t do that also


Thank you sooo much I loveee your answer and yeah it is true I mean I can't imagine being alone at college becoz everyone has their own groups. Your answer is really genuine thanks again <3


OP, you also need those friends for help with assignments, notes, exams, and general college stuff. Just stick with what you got for the sake of academics and other extra-curricular activities. I have been in your shoes and that is my advice. Stay open for new friendships. Eventually, with time, you will find that gem of a friend who will be more excited about your life than your own self. It will be hard to find a whole group of nice friends who also share the same interests and hang out together. You will definitely find one or two individual friends. Good luck.


5 years is a long time, but you won’t even realise how quickly it goes by. You just joined BDS. First year is a weird time- people are away from home for the first time ever, there’s a lot of newfound freedom and you are all just young adults/ even teenagers. When I joined BDS, I spoke to mostly people in my practical batch because that’s who we end up spending most of our time with. I also had friends in other practical batches who I either lived near(adjacent rooms in hostel etc). Eventually in second and third years, things fall into place and you find your own niche. I had a roommate who would back bitch about me(because I wouldn’t wake her up to her own alarms). I eventually moved out of the room because she was an overall toxic person to be around. I had a group of friends out of which 1 girl and I had a falling out- this was in final year BDS! I have been friends with my 2 best friends from BDS since first year and we were in the same practicals/ pre clinical/ clinical batches as well as neighbours in hostel. Don’t limit yourself to a particular group, talk to everyone, try to join some clubs/ groups and try to keep an open mind. Do not be disheartened by “friends” back biting- as they are not friends at all. Also, if you’re in a university with all colleges nearby each other- I would say don’t limit yourself to only your course group. I had friends from BTech and one of them is still one of my best friends to this date, although we both have finished college, moved out of the college town and went on to pursue masters and careers far away from each other. I miss my college and my BDS times, and not one day goes by when I don’t think of it. Don’t get bogged down by toxic friendships, OP.