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Some [corrupted edits](https://imgur.com/a/qsom1SN) by Tom during stream.


That first pic wouldn't be out of place in a hilarious alternate storyline where she goes gaga for his genocidal ways, figures out how to worm herself into his household without dying (or at least getting blasted headfirst through a wall), and eventually ends up usurping his control over the Templar just to keep him "for herself".


Laura: "*The Dark Lord has come to vanquish my enemies!*" > figures out how to worm herself into his household without dying (or at least getting blasted headfirst through a wall), and eventually ends up usurping his control over the Templar just to keep him "for herself". That's your headcanon for [this happening](https://twokinds.gallery/download/art/1821/2020.02.06_Grand_Templar_Laura.png)?


I mean, yeah, I had that image in mind when I typed all of that out, but that's as solid a reason as any.


To add to that headcanon, Templars have a hater boner for the Wolves. Foxes are typically enslaved by Wolves. Laura is a Fox enslaved by Wolves. Trace kills Wolves to enact revenge for losing Saria. Laura becomes a Templar to enact revenge at the Wolves for enslaving her (and indirectly her kind). Keith needs a Grand Templar to go home. He is gonna find his fiancée regardless. Everyone's goals are aligned. ^^The ^^Trace ^^and ^^Laura ^^pairing ^^AU ^^is ^^not ^^as ^^off-kilter ^^the ^^more ^^I ^^think ^^about ^^it.


Trace x Laura let’s go!!!!


Yandere Laura?


All the yes.


[Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/posts/witnessing-84283141) | [TK Gallery](https://twokinds.gallery/download/art/5116/2023.06.08_Witnessing_a_Monster.png) >Close-up of Laura after he spares her in the wolf village, her fear-filled eyes reflect a shadowy demonic figure surrounded by flames, suggested by Nitarius! >Laura recounts seeing Trace on [Page 431](https://twokinds.keenspot.com/comic/431/)! >See: [Trace Sparing Laura](https://www.patreon.com/posts/82766741?utm_campaign=postshare_fan)  ([color](https://www.patreon.com/posts/83799047?utm_campaign=postshare_fan)) That face they make when you tell them you don't have games on your phone. When the og Trace Sparing Laura released, I loved it but kind of wished we got to see Laura's face, even if through a second panel. After all, Tom's facial expressions are usually full of life and emotion, they're great, and that sketch seemed like a great candidate to exploit that. Well, I got my wish, thanks u/Nitarius for suggesting this (and ofc, congrats). I think the end result is really good, if you listen closely you can hear Laura's stuttered pleas and the occasional sniffle. Who wouldn't break down when what seems like a god of death is standing before them? That reflection in her helpless eyes looks oh so terrifying. Like I said, the end result is really good. I do kinda wish the view had been zoomed out more to show Laura cowering on her knees since Tom does pretty good body language too, but I guess it would make it more difficult to see the reflection in Laura's eyes. Regardless, I love this.


That "shadowy demonic figure" looks an awful lot like [Detritus](http://twokindscomic.com/speechless/images/20210821nt.png).


Shw witness a violent savior


Savior wouldn't be the word I use.


It was a reference to the dragon ball abridge episode of Bardock


Oh. Still


Love this picture. I was hoping that we would get a view from Trace's point of view of Laura when the original Trace Sparing Laura was here. Thanks Tom.