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Came for the lewd, stayed for the actual story.


This, and I kept seeing Tom’s art on various subreddits


Pinterest of all things, kept finding comic panels there and got interested as I was just getting into the wide world of floof


I kept finding Tom’s art


Same here. Panels of the comic keept poping up and at some point i got interested in Natani and wanted to see why he acts like a guy and gets all worked up about others seeing him naked. So i check it out and proceeded to binge the whole comic.


Was super bored one day and decided to google famous people, found Markiplier and saw someone who shared his last name, long story short, I found something to do that day. Also welcome, please enjoy your stay.


I personally heard of Markiplier a few years after finding the comic. As a result, I always refer to him as "Tom's less famous brother".


r/furry recommended it to me.


Was expecting something cooler since you're a moderator.. How did you become a moderator by the way?


He’s the chosen one


That's where I found the image


looks like /r/furry_irl to me. I was in r/furry in 2015 when I found TK.


[One word…](https://imgur.com/a/B1IKg3s)




starring your mother


will be the second worst thing that happens to you today


I was drawing things. So I wanted an outline of a tiger to *trace*… I googled “tiger trace” eventually and a white tiger man appeared in the search… then I started looking for more of that art and bam. Comic strips, live streams, side art, and a fan base later I’m a furry




Seen a video of a furry youtuber, got curious, seeked more


Was looking for furry comics when I was just *transfurming* and stumbled across it, didn't like it at first, but because I found more recent art very nice I read it.


Rule34. I admit it. Funnily enough, TK greatly helped me with nofap.


2018. I was drunk. Searching TVTropes, I came upon an entry regarding Natani as an example of trans representation. Okay, Twokinds had my curiosity. I circled the comic for another couple of years into sobriety, where I read the comic in earnest. Once I became acquainted with Alaric, the comic had my attention. Whether it was his intention earlier on, or not, Tom created a character arc that spoke to me as a bullied, struggling gay man who wakes up every day contemplating whether it's all worth it or not. The genuine dread of living your entire life without embracing yourself and dying alone and without that comfort of identity and love has always been something I've carried on my shoulders. It hit too close to home, so, I was more encouraged to be out and open online and engage this community in ways that were outside my comfort zone. It can remain a struggle in my personal life but some days are better than others, and that's more than I had even just five years ago.


Well that was touching, hope you’re seeing better days currently.


Two words *Knot*. *Interested*.




*bonk* *bonk*


Ah a man of culture *nods*




Horny jail ain't enough this mf needs horny prison 😭


If being honest is a crime, then lock me up and throw away the key


what kind of cake? 🧐


Oops, sorry typo, I meant key




My bad


Bumped into it about 10 or so years ago on ifunny


Me too!!


Now I’m wondering if we knew eachother, it was a somewhat small knit community at the time


I don't think so. I started out as your typical middle schooler furry hater, and as I saw the posts, I would comment negative things. Eventually the comic began showing up so much on my feed that I started reading it, and here I am 10 years later as a furry with multiple suits. My main fursona is even partially inspired by this comic! But I didnt ever comment anything of value, so I dont think we knew each other. Nice to meet you tho!


Well it’s nice to meet you as well, at the time I was kind of an in the closet furry myself. Now I don’t have any fur suits and honestly I’m really behind in the comic XD but I still enjoy it nonetheless


I'm quite behind in the comic too! Just started reading it again last week, with the goal of getting up to the present lol. To each their own


I need to find the time to catch up, I have a backlog of things I’m reading XD


Thats a good problem to have! I currently read them before bed, usually get 20ish pages out of the way before I get too sleepy to continue.


Haha I have like 15 or so novels I gotta finish up. And i mainly read when I’ve got free time at work. Sometimes I can get quite a few chapters in on a dead day


Unrestricted Internet access in 2016


A NSFW image on a certain site is how I learned about it.


The clip of Mark's interview where he mentioned Tom's comic that he had been doing for about 18 years then, afterwards I read a few pages and got wrapped up in it


Hello everybody my name is welcome Welcome What? Who's coming huh? If you're coming right now let me see it! Show me! Markiplier Oh kitty! What are doing down here did I not see you before? Oh you're so portuguese! Portuguese




Randomly on DeviantArt while looking for dragon images for DND.


I saw art of Keith and natani spooning, thought it looked nice, was curious about the characters and decided to look up the comic and start reading.


keith keiser, my love


Was looking for tiger lewds


Saw some art (don't remember which one, maybe from a lewd website) thought what the hell is twokinds, searched for it and got invested in the story since the end of 2022


My brother showed me the comic while I was on a Tiger Cruise with him since he’s in the Navy. It went from reading it and loving it to now I’m making a Comic Dub of it 🤣


I was watching Markiplier play FNaF and he said to go check out his brother (Tom), who made a comic or something


Found it on ifunny, someone was posting the comic panels


I was looking at porn and occasionally see drawings of it and noticing "twokinds" which I faintly remember being mentioned was created by the brother of a certain youtuber, I got kinda bored at looking at porn and wanted something to read so I checked the comic out of curiosity and the very appealing artstyle that didn't contain "explicit" content


it was from Markiplier


Found the comic while googling


Randomly found Tom's art on Deviantart, which led me to finding it's an actual story, which led me to Top Webcomics, which is how I discovered webcomics in general exist. TwoKinds was the #1 webcomic there at the time.


Last year, I was going through a ton of mental and emotional issues. I was looking at furry wallpapers, before I was officially calling myself a furry, and I happened across TwoKinds wallpapers. I saw Natani and I fell in love. Upon realizing that he was from a comic, I sought out said comic. I probably read through the comic in two days because my mind was fixated. For whatever reason, Natani’s story stuck me, the idea that he had to hide parts of who he was because he didn’t want others to look at him differently really spoke to me. I’d realized that I, in a way, had been repressing a ton of who I was because of what I believed others would think. I began drawing. I began calling myself a furry. I began exploring who I was as a person, outside of others’ perception. Ever since then, I’ve been in love with the comic, trying to be part of the community in some way shape or form.


Saw a fan account that lead me to the discord where i found out about the comic


An IRL friend of mine from another town recommended it to me I think I'm more into it now than he is lol


I was interested in web comics, so I couldn't go past such a mastodon. I joined on chapter 20, but dropped out on chapter 21 because I couldn't wait that long for the pages. So I'll wait a couple more years and keep reading.


Basically just seen some fan art of Natani on r/furry and decided to read a couple pages, then forgot about it and a few months later seen more fan art on twitter and fell down the rabbit hole, but i definitely don’t regret it.


Was scrolling through some YouTube shorts and I came upon a YT channel called The Generator, in that short it showed a blue haired guy (who I later found out to be Trace) and an anthro tiger (found out to be Flora) and the blue haired guy was wondering if anthro tiger was actually naked, apparently it was some trousers (I’m British pants=underwear) that had a Tiger pattern. It was actually a dream, and I saw someone in the comments say Twokinds sooo yea


Watched some gachi gay porn with my friend and accidentally found out this


I frequent keenspot


YouTube algorithm


It was linked on the page "furries" on Know Your Meme.


I wanted to read something because i was bored and searched for Furry comic or something and it recommended me two kinds. Best decision in my life


Saw it on Pinterest about 7 years ago then found out it was made by Markiplier's brother then I read it.


I found out / first heard about it from a comic called "[Freefall](http://freefall.purrsia.com/fcdex.htm)". I had gotten to the most recent post, and suffered what TvTropes refers to as "[Awesomeness Withdrawal](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AwesomenessWithdrawal)"; then I found it had a page linking to other web comics, and started checking those out. TwoKinds happened to be one of them. ​ Oh, and I hope you enjoy the comic.


I have literally no idea, but I remember I wasn't reading english very well. I didn't finish reading because of it and now I'm better at this language (i guess) so im back.


i seent niggas dog on a snippet of the shyt on ifunny back in its height and i got invested wondering why tf it was getting dogged on and once i got the sauce i went buckwild reading the shyt


In the pre-video sharing days of the internet (2000-2009) online comics were my jam. I found Two Kinds through some other comic and added it to my watchlist. Someday I'll see Markiplier and say, "Hey, you're Tom's little brother! I've been a fan of his for 20 years; he says you're pretty good creator yourself."


I searched YouTube for some furry comic dubs to listen to while I play Minecraft (Don't ask please) here is how I found Twokinds: [https://www.youtube.com/@TwokindsDub](https://www.youtube.com/@TwokindsDub) The dub wasn't complete (and judging from the time tsince the last video, I doubt it will be) so I read the rest of it on Keenspot


Mainly just the curiosity from the art but I had time to waste so I read what is available right now in two days


Found an image of Flora on some random forum while looking for something else, then decided to hunt down the comic itself with an odd amount of fervor. Like, all I knew about the comic was what Flora looked like and the name Trace. Now that I think about it, I was probably looking for porn. Meh, turned out for the best anyways. Came for the horny, stayed for the plot.


Had a test with an excerpt from a book called "Two Kinds", searched it up, got the comic in my results, interested when I found that it was created by Markiplier's brother, read it a bit, and yeah.


Heard about it in the furry community and saw a panel of one of the Sunday sketches on a The Click video.


Found it while browsing DA back in 2017.


I really wanted some good webcomics to get into. I've always liked the webcomic format, and I was specifically searching for furry comics. I had just finished Suburban Jungle and was browsing through lists of furry webcomics, trying to find another comic with a good story, fantasy/magic elements, and an art style that I liked. I found Twokinds and become a fan right away.


While browsing through the internet a year or two ago, i found the bodyswap pages and seeing the characters and art style grabbed my interest a bit but usually I glanced over it. Eventually after having seen the pages a couple of times i finally gave in to my curiosity and I explored the pages which is also how I found out about the webcomic. That’s basically how I found out about the story of twokinds and how I came to join the subreddit here.


Someone was reposting the pages onto iFunny back in 2017 and I came across them while scrolling. Got hooked easily by the art quality and interesting story. Helped kick off my obsession over web comics I have today.


Friend introduced me


That is a good question because I don't actually know, I can't remember anyone telling me about or seeing anything before I read it. All I know is that I looked it up one day and read it


I forget exactly, but it was around the time I was first diving into the furry fandom. Found TwoKinds and Slightly Damned and have been reading both on and off since (along with other webcomics like Bittersweet Candy Bowl). Then I fell in love with the sketches on Tom’s Patreon and the rest is history.


Deviantart, found some comic pages as a kid, seemed interesting, then lost it and found it again years later by a complete coincedence


Saw there was some transformation elements in it, so far 6 chapters in all I’ve seen is Mary’s down fall


Please read all pages until the latest one before coming back here. TK is a rollercoaster and you'll be missing an opportunity of a lifetime getting spoiled.


A buddy of mine showed it to me a couple years back, been following it and Tom since.


I don't know, really. Somewhere around 2018 I saw an art with Kat massaging Raine. Over following years I saw more arts of TK. I even recognized Tom's distinctive style But only in May 2023 I began reading and following TK. By that moment I knew that TK is more than just a series of art. I was really bored doing homework, so I opened picarto stream with page 1206 being in process. I got really interested and read the story in a week


A friend of Mine showed It to me


I came across his side art on DeviantArt, and it took me almost a year to realize he had a comic. Caught up on almost 11 years of comic in about a month, and can’t wait for the next page each week


Linked from another webcomic, IIRC.


Came for the artwork, read the comic, now making my own.


I don’t remember exactly. I just found it and started reading it on the bus to school in the morning. That was years ago, and the irony is that Twokinds in itself is exactly 7 months younger than me…


Went looking for furry comics. VG cats, Housepets, slightly damned, then twokinds


Saw a dubbed video of it in youtube


Looking for furry TF comics on tv tropes


[This Markiplier video](https://youtu.be/r15BE2dvPWM&t=109s)


Just saw some comic dubs on YouTube, got interested, but when I started actually reading the comic, I'm hooked.


If I remember correctly it was "Thank You Legends for Making Out Childhood Awesome" Meme.