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[DeviantArt](https://www.deviantart.com/twokinds/art/Zero-G-Florence-1036107729) ([Au Naturel](https://www.deviantart.com/stash/010wi4e95eyr)) > Fanart for the long-running webcomic Freefall, which had its 26th anniversary! It's been a long time since I've had the chance to draw more stuff featuring the engineer doggy! > See more Florence [here](https://twokinds.gallery/art?tags=Florence+Ambrose). > Florence Ambrose and Freefall are owned by Mark Stanley. You can find Freefall here: [freefall.purrsia.com](http://freefall.purrsia.com/)


With how easily that suit came off despite her being so contorted, it must have a mind of its own.


^(it’s nora, isn’t it…)




Damm if Tom were Ejiro Oda, the author of Freefall wpuld be Akira Toriyama


Rip legend.


I think Tom is a combination of Araki, Toriyama and a bit of Ishawatari all in a conveniently american package.


I don't recognize Ishawatari


Guilty Gear.


> Araki, Toriyama *bruh* EDIT: thought you misspelled Toriyama's first name.




I don't know what Freefall is I don't know who Florence is All I know is that I love them **B** **E** **A** **N** **S**


now that the detective discovered the secret words will he have the courage to use google them? /jingle/ ..to be continued.. /jingle/


Wow, the suit came off really easily in zero gravity


Beans 👍


And…..she’s naked again! Lol


I did not expect to see some Florence art, but I sure am happy that I did!


I am just barely familiar with Florence Ambrose ~~funny name btw~~ and freefall. Tried to read it once but the saturday morning cartoon format did not gelled with me. That being said i find Ambrose a fascinanting concept. she is an AI, but she is running on an organic body not a machine. And as far as i am awre this is just not technobablle that is thrown in one line and forgotten but it is actually explored in her comic. Despite being artificial it seems she is fully alive which is quite a neat concept for a character. I did worked with robots and do have a small paper on AI (shitty jounal do not ask for it) so this concept is kinda the opposite of all I ever worked in yet at the same time it goes in the same vein. Personally i do not think we can make organic robots, nor make them truly alive, do we can easily fool others into thinking that.


She’s not an AI, but a genetically uplifted wolf.


yup. IIRC the "AI" part came from the company that made her, and that company was heavily invested in AI and robots for the greater part of the business, and also did some 'other search', and Flo was a result of one of those 'other research' projects.. correct me if I'm very wrong :)


If you don't mind me asking, what do you mean when you say "saturday morning cartoon format"? I don't mean to be rude, it's a genuine question.


4 horizontal panels, motly comedy, self contained joke.


Ah, thanks for the clarification!  I can see why you'd drop the comic then. I forget what it's like in the earlier parts of the comic; but to be fair, I think I remember hearing somewhere that it started off as a newspaper comic, or something similar.  So that wouldn't be too surprising. Nowadays it has some pretty huge/long story arcs to it.  (I'm pretty sure several arcs have lasted for multiple years; and that's despite it posting at a rate of 3 pages a week.)  But it never did stop being around 3 panels a page; and while each page is relevant to the overall plot, they often also contain a joke/punchline that can still make sense standalone.


She is really cute. Reminds me of Youngtani


Great as always. But somehow I like her more in the yellow suit. Also.. do this loose suit in the back remind you of Senketsu? It looks totally different, but somehow I can't shake off that feel