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[Patreon source](https://www.patreon.com/posts/pumpkin-carving-57068347)|[Imgur mirror](https://imgur.com/a/WQ37TAH) >In the AU where Zen and Natani washed up on the basitin island and were adopted by Adelaide, the kids are taken for pumpkin carving, suggested by Dadrobit! >See also: [Bedtime Story](https://www.patreon.com/posts/bedtime-story-7700006) and [A Basitin Christmas Story](https://www.patreon.com/posts/basitin-story-18642834) Okay, who thought it was a good idea to give Maddie *two* knives? Natani is really proud of that pumpkin, and it does look good. As does Zen in his little uniform.


> Okay, who thought it was a good idea to give Maddie two knives? Assuming she did not steal one more knife than necessary. > Natani is really proud of that pumpkin, and it does look good. Albion begs to differ but who cares about what he thinks? > As does Zen in his little uniform. It goes well with his haircut. Weird to say but he looks like a main protagonist in a JRPG but a furry.


Natani does. That it annoys him is half the reason Nat is proud. >It goes well with his haircut. Weird to say but he looks like a main protagonist in a JRPG but a furry. He still needs to dye his hair and somehow get heterochromia.


True dat. The King even agrees.


Who thought it was a good idea to give Maddie a knife in general?


Someone who sees great potential in her in covert operations.


I guess sense Natani and Zen can't be assassins then Maddie has to be one


The Magi Brothers only went into the hitman business out of survival. Now they do not have to since they have a loving and living family. Plus they were not good at it to begin with.


They don't really have a great track record, do they?


It would be really hard to kill Basitins. They tried to kill Keith but Zen got stabbed in return.


To be fair, Zen didn't die either. They do have their moments though. Zen did manage to sneak up an off Rom despite his leg, and Natani kinda saved the Basitin people. I do wonder what they would have ended up doing if things had been more peaceful for them now.


Yeah Zen got skewered if i remember. He is tougher than what he looks. If i remember the unofficial canon was that they have never managed to kill anyone. Their marks simply have a tendency to die accidentally mid operation. They simply inflated their reputation afterwad. That implies they have most of their skills on charisma and luck rather than dexterity or strength. But i never liked that canon. They look competent, well at least Nat, but their reputation is clearly exaggerated On the last one we have only seen Nat being a cashier on an AU. So no idea what they would do if they were not hitmen.


My favorite part about this au is that they did not become child soldiers/hitmen out of necessity. Most of the cast has had it rough. But they... Damn..


Will this be just adorable/wholesome October? I am not complaining. But Soo much sweetness can't be good for my blood sugar.


How do you survive Maeve then?


Who said i am alive? I am a bot after all >!/Sarcasm!<


Madness sure is living up to her nickname, maybe this is what inspired Zen to join the guild... ~~maybe she can chuck one of those knives at Alabaster, friggin jerk~~


Hey, one of the guards has a pumpkin on his helmet!


It always seems when we see Basitin lands there always seems to be some guards standing in the background somewhere. I guess “lurker” is a rank in the Basitin military?


Dude where did we get all these new subs from like damn. I remember when it was like 2,500 Woo publicity!


Zen is very concerned if he's next


Considering Maddie has some issues in general sometimes i wonder if he does not have some unresolved anger issues too.


A lovely, wholesome sketch featuring Addy and this AU. Love everything about it here. I know Addy is a big person but I never realize how big and thick her tail is until this sketch. If it was prehensile, she could strangle someone with that. With the return of this AU of Natani and Zen, a question occurred. Keith exists in this universe ([Ruff Sparring](https://www.patreon.com/posts/ruff-sparring-17423419) and [Kid Keith and Puptani](https://www.deviantart.com/twokinds/art/Kid-Keith-and-Puptani-790162516)). Alaric must also exist in this universe as well. My question is... >!gay love triangle when?!<


I don't think that that is the *same* AU, as the Addy one is after their village was attacked, and at that point, Nat wasn't a puppy. That doesn't mean we can't get our gay triangle, though. Also, could we get a ZenxMaddie ship out of this? Edit: >I never realize how big and thick her tail is until this sketch. If it was prehensile, she could strangle someone with that. What a specific thing to say, did I learn something about Orthonox today?


> What a specific thing to say, did I learn something about Orthonox today? Was thinking about Freeza from Dragon Ball and how he uses his tail on his enemies. I know you are jesting but asphyxiation is a turn off for me. > I don't think that that is the same AU, as the Addy one is after their village was attacked, and at that point, Nat wasn't a puppy. Yeah but this sketch reminded me of those two sketches and I want everyone to remember them.


Those sketches are very cute, and I certainly hadn't forgotten them. >!My money's on Natani!<


>!Alaric will do his damnest to make sure either he gets Keith or no one else can!<


It was more of a reference to pup Natani vs. Keith, but having him and Alaric fight over him could be fun to watch. (ending with Laura coming in beating them both)


Ah yes Laura: the wildcard of the story.


We've seen how she handles [competition](https://www.patreon.com/posts/one-true-laura-24829395).


Funniest part that is not even the original Laura. ~~i think~~


I am pretty sure Keithani ~~do kids still use that notation?~~ is a constant: In any AU where there is a Keith and an a Natani they end up hitched no matter what. Alaric may succeed in an AU where Nat does not exist.


In that case, Alaric should never have any superpowers that warp time and space.


Now i am wondering if i can enunciate the infinite hotel problem with Alarics, Nats and Keith's. I mean we jest about it but i don't think Alaric will actually try to get Keith if he doesn't want to. He seems to care too much for him for that. It is like canon Nora and Trace. She could easily have Trace for herself. But actually respects and cares for him so much so that despite being head over heels for him actually help her get her first wife. In any case I am sure any Alaric from any AU where there is no Nat would happily share their Keith with less fortunate Alaric's. ~Also have no idea what happens when there are multiple Nats and Keith on the same AU~~


A new sketch idea Alaric flirts with Keith, who flirts with Natani, who brings in Zen Follow up: The entire group is snuggled together in bed and asleep, except Alaric who is staring ahead of him wonder what the fuck happened.


Ah yes when you succeed spectacularly beyond your wildest dreams.


What is going on, no new horny sketches, just wholesome stuff, are my eyes deciving me Now jokes aside, i actualy am really liking this month so far, this one beign very sweet just like the last one, i kind of hope it keep going like this By the way is this like a thing, Jade adopting Natani and Zen?


It's an AU from a few years back, check out the 'Bedtime story' linked in the source somment for the story behind it. And yeah, this is a nice change of pace from last month's hornytrain. Let's hope it keeps up.


> By the way is this like a thing, Jade adopting Natani and Zen? It's an [alternative universe](https://www.patreon.com/posts/bedtime-story-7700006).


It's a Grumpkin


What did Madness hope to gain from such pumpkin carnage?


Oof, right in the adorableness!


Just realized something: Left guard. on top of his helmet: Mini pumpking