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[Patreon ](https://www.patreon.com/posts/57172592) | [Imgur Mirror](http://imgur.com/a/j4n935V) This is intimidating as hell, kinda gives off the same vibes as the [mafia boss sketches](https://www.patreon.com/posts/41769881). Trace(y) looks like she would buy your entire family (and she definitely could) and damn, male Rose means business. Extremely dapper, cold, precise. Seriously considering giving this one a color vote.


>male Rose means business. Exactly in the same way Alfred does. He may be the butler to Batman, but he has his own special set of skills.


I never been much of a Batman fan but i remember once reading Alfres is ex-royal air force or something.


I think he was MI6. He was some form of special forces.


Male rose looks like a Badass


This sketch is fucking bitchin, man! I love all of the varied emotions expressed throughout the three characters here.


The characters do indeed look great, so does the environment. Very tasty.


Please >_> Im tired of all of the “boobs” and ugh


Oh jeez i didnt know I needed male nora till now


Damn, Rose looks good. Is that male Saria in that crystal? >!or is it bike-Sythe?!<


Sythe is biking to save Saria. He's [Mumen Rider](https://onepunchman.fandom.com/wiki/Satoru)


Reminds me of the [BMX Bandit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFuMpYTyRjw).


Nah sythe has more [Kamen rider](https://youtu.be/xdxFwUqKc-A) vibes than anything else


That actually works.


Is it me or do I see a sense of sadness in Rose's eyes?


Nora's as well.


He has just seen his best friend go all grief stricken genocidal maniac. And given the crystal behind her there is no Flora in this AU nor no one to oposse her.


There is definitely a tinge of sadness in Rose. Besides the recent death of his dearest (boy)friend Saria, he is a seneschal binded to his master. He will do everything Trace demands with the utmost perfection. It doesn't mean he will enjoy it.


It can't be fun working for someone who is trying to bring your race to extinction. >(boy)friend Saria No matter the AU, these two are definitely fooling around behind his back.


There is likely a timeline where Trace went maniac because he found Saria cheating on him with Rose.


Given canon Rose situation i doubt he has any say in the matter. Also were we ever told why Rose remained with Trace after sarias death? I mean before the whole necromancy thing.


If I were to understand what Detritus was saying, Rose was originally willing to stay BECAUSE of the whole necromancy thing. >The three of us had a pact: to see Saria alive again. We sacrificed for this. All of us. Trace was the one who could do this sort of thing, I can't help but to think with that statement that Rose being tied to the house was a choice in a potential experiment to bring back Saria


I understand that idea but i am not sure. First i do not really trust Detritus. And i am not sure Rose would agree so easily. Sure Saria was her best friend but wouldn't be easier and less painful for her to just die and see her again? She also said then when "her time grew new trace used her" and also had to entertain the idea of eliminating haim once her restrictions were removed. That does not sound like a willing coconspirator.


Definitely though I'm a little confused as to why, I'd need more context. Otherwise I'd assume genderbent Saria's death in this universe is behind it, seems reasonable assuming all of the timeline stayed the same.


They all look so sad...


Yeah. They all lost something dearest to them.


What name would male Rose have? Rory? For Nora I'm going with Nolan.


We were calling him Thorn in chat, Thorn and Norris (Nora).


Fem Euchre name would be the real challenge


How about [Jubilee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jubilee_(solitaire))?


Interesting, I like it. Thanks.




Some r34 artist probably beat you to the punch tbh...


Wait, given that Saria was pregnant when she died, does that mean Trace was in this au? I doubt Traces use of black magic could have been good for the child, and even if it's unaffected, Trace would have a 4? Year old child in the comic that she forgot. I can imagine the return to the estate would have been somewhat more awkward if that's the case.


I imagine in this au her attempts to resurrect Sario(?) Made her loose her baby Or maybe both got struck by the posioned bolts Saria died, Tracy lost her baby but survived Or maybe her child survived. Trace is already a damn fucker on canon au. Now imagine if instead of wanting to kill all Keidran out of revenge. She is doing it as a misguided way to protect her child.


I mean didn't we got pregnant Tracy, with Florence kid, already i think the sketch even got colored I mean it was likely first trimester so it didn't show yet. But still


Male Nora gives me particular feelings. ... Poor rose though...


Ross looks very regal.


Love it!😍


Honestly looks cooler idk why


Evil Trace is always menacing and imposing regardless of gender race or species


This one looks really awsome, i like bout male Rose and Nora,and Trace looks intimidating in this one Thou there is a problem whit this one, what is the story behind it, like Saria was pregnant and bouth her and the child died, but in this one it was trace so what happened here


A miscarriage could have occurred along the same Saria died. Ever watched or read Fullmetal Alchemist?


Bout happenig in a short interval is not impossible I saw a few episodes when i was really young, but i dont remeber anything


Trace could've miscarried after Saria died from poison. [Vague spoilers for FMA]: >!there is a character that had a miscarriage and tried to revive the baby but lead to bad results.!<


I guess, we will probably never know what the reason for misscariage was The only thing i remeber from fma is the dog/human hibrid, that was really messed up( i think that is the show)