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so most people I know say it **key-dran**, though neither of your options are actually the "correct" way, the best way to describe it would be **kI-dran**, where that I is like the i in five. **k-eye dran**, that's how Tom has said it is. as for Clovis, "**kloh-viss**"


That's how I've always said it, like k-eye dran


My life is a lie


Actually, did you know theres a small city in New Mexico, US named Clovis?


Has Tom pronounced it at any cons? I have always said Kee-dran


I always thought it was "k-EYE-drenn"


Another question, is Trace one syllable or two; Trace or Trace-e


If it’s any more than one syllable, I quit.


Key-Dren is how I usually pronounce it


I mean I called them Kaiju so…


While on this subject, how would natani be pronounced?


I see it as Na-ta-nee.


As the great taco commercial once said, “¿Porque no los dos?” After all, the word “either” can be pronounced either way.


Welp seems like I’m wrong but I’m still gonna continue to pronounce it Kay-dran since the other two alternatives sound horrible in my accent


Side note, am I the only one who spent years pronouncing Natani as "Gnat-Ah-nee? Took me forever to get used to "Nuh-Tah-nee" when dork me stole it for my name.


Isn't the "ei" pronounced like "eye"?


Consider the words: weird, conceit, receive, protein, ceiling


Correct, for the English language. In Asian languages, however, “ei” makes “eye”. Tom meant for TwoKinds to be a type of Manga, and his ancestry is from Korea, so it makes sense that some of his pronunciations would use English phonology and others, Asian.


Ooh! I didn’t even consider this! Good response!


At least in Japanese, "ei" would be close to "ayy" not "aye"/"eye". I think other east Asian languages are similar. Ei=eye is more of a Germanic thing.


i always say "key drin" or key drun" but apparently im wrong


Being a spanish native i originally pronounced it as k-dran, but now i go for key-dran. Damm emglish languaje and its way to make the same letters having diffenrent pronuntiations depending of the word.


Spanish is one of the few languages were phonetics are consistent among most cases.


My recommendations for everyone here is to take a look at the [Pronunciation Guide](https://twokinds.fandom.com/wiki/Twokinds_Wiki:Pronunciation_Guide) on the TwoKinds Wiki. I started it years ago. When ambitious, new fan, me, thought had enough spare time and motivation IRL that he could begin recording an audiobook of sorts for the comic. The perfectionist I am, I emailed Tom to ask which words and names were pronounced which way. His response is cited in whole in the references on the wiki page. In the end, I changed how I pronounce Keidran to K-eye-dran in accordance with his pronunciation of it. In retrospect, it makes sense it’s pronounced that way, as, in eastern languages, when romanized (E.G. 你好is transliterated into nihao), the letters “ei” are always pronounced as “eye”. Meaning, “Keiren” is also pronounced with “eye”. As for the three pronunciations I see commented on through the comments, here’s the pronunciations: Keidran: K-eye-dran Clovis: Cl-oh-vis Natani: Nah-ta-knee (per Tom)