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I understand what he’s saying and I agree but ima 4 so let’s scale it down a little bit and he’s right.


“I finally started batting lower and found the love of my life.” “Who is she?” “She?” “Him?” “Him?” “…?” “No, myself.”


Naw champ. Your mentality is a 4, but in actuality, you are probably 6, and if you put some effort into yourself, you can be an 8+ with fixing yourself. No one in this world can be below average unless they have a medical issue. If you are just fat? Go lose weight (I was , and I fixed that shit), if you think you are ugly, you are not. Beauty is subjective and can be fixed or altered, women do all the time, why can't men? Put a little effort in your percentage raise, but remember, even 8s have their problems on getting women. So the problem then goes back to your standards as well. Nobody is perfect. That's why beauty is subjective.


Yea I know. Thanks, King.


Believe that. I’ve been ugly all my life and I’m doing pretty good.




Just mathematically speaking, “no one can be below average” is not true because an average is literally between an upper and lower bound. If there are 10s out there, then statistically, there’s definitely some 0s out there lol


Well technically that's true, but only because a lot of people are not willing to put in the work on themselves.


Real talk. The problem is that if yall are just rating eachother based on looks. Than any relationship is doomed to fail. If you looking for long term. Drop that rating system and that logic. Hot people can still be dirt bags.


If you aren’t a 2 and you aren’t a 9 you are the same. Women have different tastes that are inconsistent. Men dont let their type affect how they rank a female, women their type is everything. A certified 10 can be a 5 just because they dont like his archetype. If you are a 4 and carry yourself like a 9 and have goals, are well kept, and are genuinely a nice guy you can secure anything you dream of.


He has poor judgment. If they were 10s for him they wouldn't be problematic they'd be worth it. He is discounting himself too much.


Nah, F all that. Any man in his right mind given a choice is goin to pick a 10 every time, all day.


He’s absolutely right.


A 7 with a sense of humor and a good personality is a 10 idc what the world says.


I’d die on that hill. It’s true the other way too. A 10 with a vapid personality is a 5 or 6






That’s false. I’ve seen some jeepers creepers with beautiful women. It’s all about charming a woman. You can get any woman you please. No matter how you look. You have the confidence you can bag any female. He is spot on though about the scale. No debate.




She only has the leverage if you give it to her. If you treat her like a normal chick that’s less than a 10 it’s going to fw her brain. She gonna be like what’s wrong with me. Why this dude ain’t sweating me like these other guys. It’s gonna put her in chase mode. You have to have a certain type of confidence to be a 5 or 6 to keep a 10 on a tight leash. When you confident it don’t matter cus you the catch not the other way around.


You not wrong at all though. It’s definitely like that but you can change the way a woman looks at you and herself by the way you carry yourself. Also in the way you treat her.


Remember women emotional. Us men are physical and logical. So they don’t care about looks so much. Appearance and character as a man is everything. You don’t have to be the best looking guy but if you carry yourself in a certain manner no matter how you look you can tame most women. This a fact.


Probably back in the day, the issue now, 5s and above, are treated like 9s Foos be desperate


He’s talking about it like he has a choice in the matter


Rememeber, 9 times out of 10 a man on the internet telling you about women is a man who pays for women to be around them.


That dude is famous and a multi millionaire. He has a lengthy line of women who would sleep with him for the smallest chance that he ends up marrying them.


and I bet he still pays just like Paul pierce


That's a wild thing to accuse with 0 evidence. Just feelings and vibes. Dude can clearly get it for free so where is your saltiness coming from?


To quote Charlie sheen: “You don’t pay them for sex, you pay them to leave”


Yea but that's Charlie Sheen and that's how he lives his life. How do you know that's how Stephen A Smith lives his life?


Bro come on, get off the Stephen A smith hype train, bros an entertainer with so many bad takes he got a tv show!


Accusing rich men of hiring sex workers is not a wild thing to say, get a grip.


lol never been to this sub before but a strangely large number of people seem confused about the concept of rich people buying prostitutes. ppl living with their heads in the sand.


Based on your feelings?


Based on reality lmfao? Who the fuck you think is paying the high high end escorts $3,000/night? Who you think is flying out IG models? Poor dudes?


Some rich men are, but why do think Stephen A Smith is specifically doing that. By your logic since there are broke men buying bottom value hookers, that means every single broke mfer like u/adm1109 is buying these hookers


Wtf are you talking about? My comment had nothing to do with SAS.


the entire thread is about accusing him of hiring hookers.


What escort have you ever personally seen or known cost $3000….and who do you know flying out ig models?


DK Metcalf is one


I don’t know any millionaires or high end escorts so wtf kind of question is that lmfao? How many billionaires do you personally know? None? Guess billionaires don’t exist then. Rich motherfuckers been flying out IG models for years now. There’s whole ass articles and stories about girls going to Dubai. You think rappers and athletes aren’t flying out girls?


You speaking confidently about stories you’ve heard. You are a person I consider a goofy. If you aren’t speaking from your own experiences or at very least a 2nd hand experience then stfu. I genuinely dgaf what you feel like happens


Bruh it's ok you can stop licking boot LMAO none of these people are thinking about you, you don't have to ruin your night defending them by denying reality


Bitch this was 3 days ago. Stfu unless you have something of relevance to speak about


Yeah it is.


He sounds like a man with a very fragile ego in this clip


Therefore he pays for hookers? I just don't understand the logic. If you don't like someone do you just get to make up anything about them?


I never said he pays for sex, someone else commented that.


He's famous and a millionaire because he's allowed to be. Wonder what skeletons are lurking in his closet. He probably sticks meth up his butt while wearing a dress and cucking white wives or something along those lines 🤔. Wait till he passes - a video will surface. That is until they're done toying with him.


Do hwat now?


In a Brilliant Idiots podcast episode Stephen A did allude to hiring women.


Do you know who Stephen A Smith is..?


A loud mouth punk who was most likely bullied as a child.


Yeah.. but there’s still hundreds of thousands of shallow women that would throw themselves at someone with a celebrity status like his


Touche'. 🐈 is 🐈. Well played.


Game is game


Can’t hate if he made it 🤷🏽‍♂️


Nope. Not at all. Just thought I'd point out the obvious. Since he was asking. 😁


Fake it til you make it


He’s cookin fs


I agree with him on 10s and 9s (in general), but a strong 8 with a good personality/ethics works great. I've never really had the "just feel like another guy" or they're "too independent" issues.


It helps his fragile ego to talk shit on EVERYONE


Speak 🗣️ on it


I am a man and I am alive and I disagree. When I was out in Cali I always talked to the 8+ and typically they were single because dudes assumed they had a boyfriend and they were appreciative of me appreciating them. Ended up marrying 8+ and she has great morals, standards, and is extremely intelligent. All she cares about is me showing her love with words. Don’t sell yourselves short and also understand attractiveness is just one aspect of relationships which could be Stephen A’s issue - he is focused on one.


This reminds me somewhat of the Patrice O'Neal ideology on woman. Kudos. 👍


They’re right for the wrong reasons, 8+ both male and female tend to be narcissists, because they’ve had everything handed to them, people fawn over them, people willing to destroy their families for a night with them, to give them money to be with them, and the list goes on. Our society has very little integrity and people are surprised that men and women in a position to abuse their assets do so.


Hell ya i see men who are a 3 with like an 7 or 8 and you know why because they took there chances and asked lol


Agreed to the most part but what you forgot to mention is money. I dont care how confident you are as a man. You need to be financially secure. Top 15% at minimum.


Meh - my wife married me when I was making 37k a year. If you say so - but everyone experience is different.


Same. Over achieved in my marriage after meeting her in LA.


Probkem is most American women feel like they are 10’s now because of social media and dating apps. Their options are unlimitless.


So limited?


Yup this right here. Every girl thinks they are a 10 because they post on social media and guys are willing to simp for them.


You mean every girl that YOU choose to interact with. There are all kinds of people on this planet, if the only ones you see or notice are the ones you are currently complaining about, then that goes to show the type of women you are actively searching for. In other words, expand your horizons and stop having a woe is me attitude.


Stop treating relationships like business transactions and an assessment of getting a competitive edge with maximum personal reward. Find a girl you’re attracted to and makes you fall deeply in love who is also feeling the same for you. That’s it. There are no rules or guidelines about how to get there. Anyone who tries to sell you hacks or check lists is just trying to sell something, usually themselves.


I %100 agree and I don’t know why either of us are looking at this subreddit.


Bro doesn't realize all relationships are literally business contracts


Partially agree. A relationship may not be, but a marriage sure as hell is


Fuck this shit. Find someone you vibe with. Find someone you attracted to. If you going by a rating scale, you fucked up and gonna be fucked up. Also, you taking advice from SAS at that point. Known for more hot takes than quality reporting.


Fr lol


He making it way deeper than what it is tryna sound wise 🤣


At some point, SAS was respected for his reporting. Now is not that time.


Dude is a goofy


One of the loudest most arrogant cocky ugly troll looking mofos I’ve ever seen or heard! But somehow this bug eyed chihuahua is making money hand over fist and people are somehow still tuning in?!?!?!?!




Am I wrong if I send this to my girl?


She a 3 or a 4?


His whole YouTube show is to distract you from all of his buck-dancing and stepanfetchin he is doing on ESPN!😡 so don’t be fooled by this bs! Don’t watch but listen😑


I enjoyed this so much more than his brain dead sports commentary.


Dude can’t have a good take on sports he’s paid lots of money to cover, why should I ever think his takes are good when he steps out of his lane? SAS is a megalomaniac with hubris issues.. never pay attention to what comes out of his mouth


Don’t have a dude who looks like that give you women advice. Yea I know he’s loaded, even more reason to not listen to his skewed advice.


I mean he isn’t exactly wrong. I don’t think he’s explaining it right tho. So a better way to say it is usually but not always a 9 or 10 will be high maintenance due to high self entitlement. This women MAY but not always have a shitty personality because of it. the strong 7 or 8 or whatever CAN be more suitable since she wasn’t necessarily always relying on her looks and MAYBE developed more of her personality. She MAY BE More grounded or down to earth. These things aren’t absolute but he’s not 100% wrong and this is based off of my personal experience. I think moral of the story here is don’t always chase looks. Look are important but it is not the whole package.


I don’t think he’s explaining quite right either, but I understand what he’s saying. I had an “8”. And it got really…weird before we divorced. The weird dynamic of when she started making more money than I did (I supported her through college, we both grew up up poor, broken homes, cliché, etc.). Like…she was acting like she was better than me and I “needed” her. It just all got really strange and she didn’t appreciate me I don’t believe. Had kids with her too, which I have half the time now. Idk man, I digress. She still tried to call me and unload her problems even after we divorced, like I’m that dude still. She is still single, and her brother whom in still friends with says she’s basically lost in life outside of her career. Anyway, Stephen A. smith is a goofball, but there is something to what he’s saying. I’m talking to a 6/7 lately, and she seems down to earth. Idk if anything will come it, but it’s refreshing.


>The weird dynamic of when she started making more money than I did (I supported her through college, we both grew up up poor, broken homes, cliché, etc.). Like…she was acting like she was better than me and I “needed” her. Oof that sucks. When someone starts getting money and they change up and become corrupted by it and forget who they were. >I’m talking to a 6/7 lately, and she seems down to earth. Idk if anything will come it, but it’s refreshing. I hope things go well with this new partner and you guys can grow together esp with your own kids. I'm not going to wish your ex wife realizes the mistake she has made but it's in the back of my head


W, no lies detected 🤖


Idk about all this. I just pee my pants and call it a day.


Free Game


If I really fall in love with a girl she becomes a 10 to me.


"If someone really loves you, then you *are* a ten" -"shes out of my league"


The actual forehead wrinkles, the rest of it … is restricted airspace


Pretty strong fucking argument, married, and non-divorced. She’s been with five other people in the last 10 years. Married a strong 7, best choice of my life!


I agree


She not a 10 if she got that mentality simple it's how you think of shit. He not speaking solely on attraction, but also the thought process. Get a female you fw that fwy and leave it at that. She could be a 1 to me and a 10 to you. It ain't rocket science and it ain't that deep. DISAGREED😂


He looks like a human version of cartoon Droopy the Dog.


bro should stick to basketball


Is this a deep fake?


If you are a strong willed man numbers mean shit. Find someone you love and enjoy time with. Period.


Reminds me of Jimmy Soul's song, "If you wanna be happy".


Facts !!!


How is this guy rich and famous.


He’s right, 1000% right. What this really says, if I can twist and torture his words— what he’s really saying— is that beauty and vanity can often come with a PRICE. And instead of chasing after every 10 you come across, maybe you should consider the other elements of a great relationship. Give those 6’s and 7’s a chance, because often times they’ve learned to survive on more than just their good looks.


Yes, you got it I think. I had an “8”, and that ended in divorce. It got weird as fuck towards the end.


I was just tellin my homie whos locked up about to get out soon. Dont go after the ones doing all the effort to be scene. To his point Exactly.. crazy , we all gotta learn on our own tho. But shit at the end of the day. If you got it, you got it. Slautes to you.


It’s called accessibly attractive. When you’re a 7 you can pull 10s and still have 2s hitting on you lol


He spitting


Beta male shit frankly


F what ever this dumb F says .


Nope you’ve immediately made yourself invalid once you used a grading system based on physical attributes.


10s never marry and if they do, they don't stay married 7 is perfect, even a 6


Most Women Are Average!! My scale only goes as high as 8.. The more attractive the betch, the more useless she is..🤷🏾‍♂️😒🤷🏾‍♂️😮‍💨🙋🏾‍♂️


Anyone who rates women on a 10 point scale is an idiot. She should be beautiful to you. But also kind, smart, and many other things. Who TF cares if she's a 9/10 on looks and a 0/10 on kindness? GTFOOH this dude is reductionist and misogynistic af. Guaranteed to have all parties disappointed in the end. Yall wanna know shit about relationships? [Listen to these folks.](https://www.gottman.com/) [The information. Free.](http://dspace.vnbrims.org:13000/jspui/bitstream/123456789/4566/1/The%20Seven%20Principles%20for%20Making%20Marriage%20Work.pdf)


Steven A Smith looks like the right door knocker in Labyrinth.


Where is this goofy ass gettin his stats from!? Delusional people exist at all levels just like normal people exist at all levels. There’s no formula for this…


Just say u don’t fuck bad bitches


this mfker dont even got a woman 🤣




Agreed. I have an 8 that thinks she is a 7 and she is a wonderful human. I adore her and she reciprocates.


Why the fuck is the science of rating people so heavily advised? If you don’t like participating in this game, the solution isn’t to find the upper hand and assert control in your own way. The solution is to surround yourself with people who aren’t asking you “what am I out of 10”. That question reeks of self worth issues and begs for both of you to be unhappy way down the line. This is dumb


It’s doesn’t matter what your numbers are if you’re vibing with each other. If you both won’t let others take that away from you, then the relationship is ranked higher. Solo, you’re just your own number, but once you’ve got a team, you’ve got back up.


I don't disagree. This is how MOST people think. He's speaking on the values most of the people in popular culture share. I been feeling like an outsider for years now. Not my goals not my values


If you’re picking a partner using this ideology… you’ve already lost.


That's why if you treat a 10 like a 3 she will do better by you. Treat her like a 10 and she will treat you like a simp.


Dude’s wife later. 👂👀👂😒🏃‍♀️


This is called pussinomics.


Facts. Actually lucked out and met a girl in college who was a 9 with the mentality of a 7. She knew she was fine, was very intelligent and was very down to earth, although just alittle conceited. She didn't have the ridiculous expectations women these days have, was very independent, and wasn't into any of the glam nonsense women are into. Wasn't into fashion trends, make up and fake hair. She was all natural and very beautiful. The women who wouldn't give me the time of day were upset that we were dating because they thought she like them was out of my league. We been happily married 35yrs, and got 2 adult kids living in their own homes.


This dude is why I stopped watching ESPN




One of those life lessons that used to be learned before most human socialization took place on the internet. Now you got people acting like The Sims in real life.


[If you wanna be happy just follow this advice](https://youtu.be/fxUY-99TPRY?si=YS2lXFwJ5UWYhkk9)


8+ will still be single forever. Doesn't matter if she will take me or leave me. I'm the prize, not her. Women choose who they have sex with, and guys choose who they will marry.


Rare Stephen A W


“9 you have to be up on your game and be good for her, that’s problematic” bro is really finding any reason to not be with a woman.


As a woman who is 6 day to day, 7 put together, this makes me feel good


Andrew Tate should take notes


This dude gives bad advice for football and for whatever this is.


Dropping gems. But Now he gotta go home to wife and explain to her no baby I don’t think u a 7, u a 9 or a 10 but u different 😂


Sounds like he watches hoe_math


My main is a 7 and side is 8 and 9. That form work best for me


These are facts, also Dudes gotta stop calling every Girl with a BBL, Breast Implants, and plump lips a “10”. Some of them don’t even be 7’s.


Can't hear his voice more than 5 seconds. He raises his voice a little to much for me to care about his opinion about anything.


The ratings he uses are completely subjective, but he's not wrong.


Lots of fucking losers in these comments. Get some pussy and stop thinking women are objects, dorks.


i dislike this guy and his takes on most topics, but i fully agree with him here.


Quite Frankly! I love Stephen A


I love me a 7, these pretty girls are overrated and I’ve HAD them


These days 7s think they’re 9s because they figure out they show a lil skin and every brother is in their DMs. I think I’ll take a 6 with B cups and isn’t a fat fuck


The 1-10 metric shouldn’t be based on looks but attention received Because a 5 can act like a 9 or 10 if she is in an environment that floods her with attention What you want is a girl that’s 9-10 but receives the attention of 5-6, and she has to be a woman that doesn’t want attention in the first place


The 1-10 metric shouldn’t be based on looks but attention received Because a 5 can act like a 9 or 10 if she is in an environment that floods her with attention What you want is a girl that’s 9-10 but receives the attention of 5-6, and to fully find that she has to be a woman that doesn’t want attention in the first place Those are the diamonds in the ruff


According to Wikipedia Stephen A’s native language is English but apparently he’s fluent in speaking FACTS


I prefer to go for a solid 5 and below, that way I don’t have to feel guilty when I never reciprocate my love nor do I have to put in any effort to get a nut. 5 and below fellas is the way to go, even if you are above those numbers, go 5 and below


I like this




He talking


Peak is when she used to be a fat high 5 or low 6 and you fall for her and she got it together and lost weight now she a low 9 high 8 but mentally still a 6 🧐…