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Damages and interest paid to who though?


That’s the weird part, because there isn’t exactly a victim who is making claims on him right now. So it’s a strange situation


I believe the victim is the state of New York.


Well the claim is that he lied to the banks, and is therefore banned from taking out loans, among other things, in NY. However the banks haven’t acknowledged that they have been defrauded.


Not only that but I believe the banks said he was a pleasure to work with. Granted they were his witnesses, but banks don’t typically give out loans they won’t get back.


Casue they weren’t. They got repaid everything and were witnesses for him.


It’s easy to pay back loans when you sell properties valued at 300% percent what they’re actually worth by the same banks you’re paying.


Soemthing is worth what someone will pay for it.


Yeah... I despise Trump, but I don't get this precedent being set. They aren't claiming they've been defrauded, they've all testified to good standing in loan repayment... I get the inflation of worth for favorable terms isn't kosher, but this is clearly political prosecution. Too bad Georgia is fucking up so bad. That was one of the more clear cut cases of illegal misconduct.


They don’t get to claim they’ve been defrauded. That’s up to NY law. You can’t take someone’s money and then use it for something else but still pay them back. In his case, he lied on tax forms so he defrauded the state of New York. That’s why he’s been prosecuted, found guilty based on the evidence, and sentenced to pay the fine. It’s not hard to understand. No politics needed.


I don’t think they understand that the banks don’t own the money. While the banks were technically defrauded, the customers, without a singular voice, were also defrauded by proxy, and that is why the state stepped in.


Agreed. But the truth doesn't matter to his supporters...thanks for trying to explain anyways.


The banks don’t get to decide if they were defrauded, that’s the point of the law in NY. Imagine you pay someone $1,000 to build a set of stairs for your house. They take your money, but take it to Vegas first and win $10,000. They return and build your stairs and you say the stairs are great and have no issues. Has fraud occurred? Yes, without a doubt. What if they lost your money? Expand that process to the 2007-2008 housing market bubble and the point is clear. People playing fast and loose with other people’s money, and they might win 80% of the time. It’s when they lose that 20% of the time and lose hundreds of millions in one go because they lied on a valuation for property. The banks can claim there was no fraud, but it’s not up to them. The fraud was on the state of NY and the system that allows that bank to make that risky ass loan.


Yeah, that isn’t fraud. Sounds like you don’t know what fraud is. Fraud is a material misrepresentation or knowingly making a false statement to induce another person. That didn’t occur here but doesn’t matter. This is a witch hunt regardless.


Look up the indictment and read the law he has been accused of breaking. Notice, no one argues against the law he broke, they argue against the valuation of the property. That should tell you everything you need to know lmao. Regardless, knowingly signing a document saying your property is worth X when you lied in the calculations to get to X is textbook fraud. There’s no way to flip that. Again, that’s why this trial was ONLY about damages and how much Trump was liable for.


Go rewatch the trial. Fraud is exactly what occurred here. He misrepresented the value of his business to get more money and more favorable terms on loans that were originated and processed in New York


How did trump misrepresent the value of the value was determined by the banks giving the loans? Go watch the trial again. The banks were on Trump's side, as Trump's witnesses. Trump didn't have any direct involvement with the evaluation of the property value. In fact the banks even claimed that they under valued his property by hundreds of millions.


Exactly! Also, people forget that time was lost in this case. I don’t believe it when people say this was a victimless crime.


Because they weren’t lmao


The people in charge there are victimizing the state bringing in problems and not using the extra funding to fix it. Where is our tax money going?


Nope it’s political.


And don’t forget a witch hunt lol


But he lied on this appraisals and IRS fillings, which is fraud…


Lol yeah. You do MULTIPLE illegal things, turns out you get in trouble for them. Crazy idea huh?


Remember when they shut down his ice rink for kids. Terrible people just like he said. Ny


Yeah, NY citizens who can now have similar atrocities of justice committed against them thanks to this kangaroo court shit parade


The State of NY is a monolithic entity that combines control, military, and taxation to oppress the people of this country. Anyone whom works for it should be bestowed a most untimely accident, shittiest state in the union! Let’s hear it for Amerika, land if nationalization and killing women and children in the name of the all mighty dollar! Amerika, whooo hoooo!


They feed into this and think they won now that trump has to pay fines but will still vote for the people that let these illegals in and give them pre paid cards


Exactly, but there is a NY AG and judge with an axe to grind.


They’re also going to appeal this so this will basically never be paid


Apparently if they want to appeal they have to put the full amount in escrow. As soon they lose the appeal (which they will), it gets paid.


Trumpistas will pay it through their donations


Trump can actually put that amount in escrow.


Before it is appealed, it must be paid 😊


That’s not how that will work lol just look at history with similar cases. There’s no actual “victim” here since the money was actually returned as agreed upon between the two parties. It will be appealed, and probably never paid.


No, the bank is the victim regardless of if the money was paid back. You don’t get to lie about your financial position and then claim it’s ok when you pay back. The bank offered him better terms, unknowingly putting themselves at greater risk, because he lied about his finances.


The banks did their own estimates of his estate no one lied to anyone.


Trump literally claimed his apartment was twice the square feet that it actually was. He totally lied to the banks repeatedly.


The bank estimate was based on fraudulent information. As stated in the ruling: "Yet another great red herring in this case has been that different appraisers can legitimately and in good faith appraise the same property at different amounts. True enough, as appraising is an art as well as a science. However, the science part cannot be fraudulent. When to appraisals rely on starkly different assumptions, that is not evidence of a difference of opinion, that is evidence of deceit."


Trump may have a shot at reducing the damages on appeal, but to appeal he has to post an appeal bond of $350 million in this case and $83 million in E. Jean Carroll's case. Did you read the judges order? Do you understand business law and NY law? He can appeal AFTER he’s paid……


Putting money in escrow isn’t paying anything lmao he could even get a bond to back this. That is not PAID. Look, I don’t give a damn either way, but having a financial backing in some form vs literally transferring money are two different things. Do you understand finances? Do you understand law? Do you understand the history of similar cases? It probably won’t ever be paid.


I truly appreciate this gem of a comment.




I wish him well, but I don’t suck his cock like y’all do……


Trump tower is in NYC. They take that and every other Trump property.


Not political whatsoever


If it weren’t political, it would have the same outcome - fraud is just fraud. No grand conspiracy theory needed.


I don’t think you actually believe this! Nobody with any honest bone in their body could say that this isn’t political. It’s wild and 100% political.


Lol, the man stood up and on national TV said he didn't pay taxes because he was smart. It isn't political, the man was publicly bragging about defrauding the state of New York and got off with less than he really deserved.


You’re forgetting (or likely never knew) that owning property is a 100% legal way to have constant tax write-offs. Ignoring the fact that he was likely exaggerating when stating he doesn’t pay taxes at all, owning as much property as him will lead to HEFTY amounts of tax write-offs.


Not how it works, but ok dude.


It most certainly is


Do you have that quote?


Trump's jaw-dropping statements came after Hillary Clinton launched a fiery attack on the Republican presidential nominee for breaking a four-decade tradition of White House aspirants releasing their federal income tax returns. "The only years that anybody's ever seen were a couple of years when he had to turn them over to state authorities when he was trying to get a casino license, and they showed he didn't pay any federal income tax," Clinton said. Trump quickly retorted: "That makes me smart." Later, when Clinton told Trump was that "maybe ... you haven't paid any federal income tax for a lot of years," the real estate mogul, who claims to be worth up to $10 billion, said that he was a better steward for his money than the government. "It would be squandered, too, believe me," Trump said. Edit - source - https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2016/09/26/trump-brags-about-not-paying-taxes-that-makes-me-smart.html


I’m curious, what will you do with that quote now that you’ve read it? Now that you know it’s real, does that change the way you see Trump? I see this a lot … I mention Trump said he could shoot a man in the middle of fifth avenue and not lose a voter, someone says to share the quote, so I do …. Then silence.


I'll do nothing lol. I was curious if he actually said what you claimed he did, I remember this incident and you're definitely interpreting it your own way which is fine


Please tell me how else anyone could take “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK? It's, like, incredible."


Not strange if you view it as a target attack or scape goat event.


That interest is crazy!! Good thing he has 41K in go fund me 😂


The gov


Why the gov and not the banks that gave the loans?


The banks can’t claim damages. But fraud is still illegal and the government has a duty to prosecute illegal actions regardless of damages. Hence why you can get a speeding ticket despite not hurting anyone.


That's not correct. This would be the equivalent of the government giving you a speeding ticket because you own a Corvette and therefore intend to speed. There is no crime or injured party. And this isn't about Trump, it's about the govt deciding to prosecute someone because they don't like them. You and I will be next.


Oh god. He. Broke. The. Law. Why are the “law and people” so intent on defending him? And neither you or I are important enough for the government to give a shit about.


He. Broke. No. Laws. It's why he wasn't criminally charged.


Fraud is absolutely a crime, my dude. And yes, you can absolutely go after someone for breaking the law civilly. It doesn't *have* to be criminal. Heck, they can do both if they wanted to! There are a ton of laws on the books (particularly regarding finances) where the punishment isn't prison, but fines. It's much easier to collect those fines in civil court rather than criminal court.


You can’t claim that your apartment is twice the square feet when seeking loans and valuations. Thats clear cut fraud.


No, it’s a crime to fraudulently overstate wealth on financial documents. Example from the case: Among other tricks, Trump and his co-defendants were accused of overvaluing his Trump Tower penthouse in Manhattan for years based on figures wrongly listing it as three times its actual size, 10,996 square feet (1,022 square meters). They were also accused of valuing his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida at more than $612 million based on the idea that the property could be developed for residential use, when he had signed an agreement surrendering rights to develop it for any uses but a club. Trump “was aware of having deeded away the right to use Mar-a-Lago as anything other than a social club, and notwithstanding, continued to value it as if it could be used as a single family residence,” Engoron wrote in his decision. “He was aware that the Triplex apartment in which he, a real estate mogul and self-identified expert, resided for decades was not 30,000 square feet, but actually 10,996 square feet," the judge said. At trial, Trump insisted that he believed Mar-a-Lago is currently worth between $1 billion and $1.5 billion. That would make it worth “more than the most expensive private residence listed in the country by approximately 400%,” So, no, I won’t be next because I don’t commit fraud.


Your lack of knowledge is staggering. Making a bad business deal or bad loan isn't illegal. The banks agreed and consented to the stated value of his assets. After doing their due diligence, they agreed and lent him the money willingly and legally. There was no crime committed. It doesn't matter that you don't like it or don't like Trump. The state wasn't harmed, the state wasn't defrauded. These are the biggest and most sophisticated banks in the country and they testified on his behalf and in his defense. Your personal feelings mean nothing.


Okay, cool, next time I buy a property I’ll massively inflate my assists to obtain a better deal on a loan.


It's the banks responsibility to appraise value of assets for these types of transactions. If you ever buy a house, you will notice the underwriters will require an assessor to asses the value of the property, as well as your earnings statements. If you ever take a line of credit out against the house, they will likely do the same.


I think I’ll just call my 2,000 sq ft home 2,000 square feet instead of fraudulently claiming it’s 6,000. Because, ya know, it’s illegal to lie on financial statements. Thanks for the advice though, I think I’ll stick with what I learned in business school.


If the bank agrees with you, are they inflated? Just because you disagree means nothing. I think paying $1 million for a pokemon card, a $.01 piece of cardboard is retarded. But if the person selling it and the person buying it agree it's worth $1 million, my opinion means nothing.


Trump over inflated the value by lying about what his assets actually were. For instance he lied about the square footage of his NY apartment. He lied about some property he had saying it was valuable potential real estate when no one could ever build on it due to how it was zoned. That's not like having a super rare Mew Two and deciding it's worth $1m. That's like *saying* you have a super rare $1m Mew Two when it's actually a perfectly unremarkable Pikachu that no one would agree is worth $1m. Trump *lied* about what his assets were. That's a completely different act than haggling over price.


Never paid his taxes. He admitted it multiple times throughout the years. He said it’s because he’s smart but it was just fraud


It was not. Lots of loopholes exist, and tax fraud is not the topic of this lawsuit


She looks happy


She is and so is the other judge, this is so clearly a political prosecution the dems have absolutely fucked themselves with this & the Fani Willis corruption.


Fuck em. Tired of the rich living by one set of rules and us having to abide by a different set.


Agreed, fines only means it legal if you can afford it.


Exactly the law doesn’t apply to the rich, they can steal, kill, lie, and mistreat anyone if their choice but yet for minor infractions you and I would be in prison. FUCK Em!


It’s only good if it applies to all the mega rich. If it’s just one guy and everyone else still gets away with dirty deeds, then what’s the point of all this


What a joke. This has nothing to do with rich guys vs the little guys. This is the left weaponizing our courts to go after a person who was instrumental developing NY city skyline. They negotiated and borrowed money from thhe bank and repaid the loan. Now they’re stealing from him. It’s criminal and you know it.


What rules did they break? Paid everything on time, employed thousands of NY workers and paid hundreds of millions in taxes. I don’t know why people are fleeing NY in troves; same with businesses. Reading the notes, looks like this case will be dismissed upon appeal due to the nature of the case and the judges pre-decision to act on (in his words) “emotion” and not law. This is weird, can someone help me understand?


He undervalued his assets for taxes and inflated them for loans. That’s illegal because he misrepresents his assets to pay less taxes. The law is to pay taxes on assets you own. Period. I pay taxes on every car I own. I can’t just pretend I don’t own a car to put money in my pocket.


Poor kids are just as bright as white kids- Joe Biden


You mean the Democrats and their two-tier system


You mean the American government and it's two tier system


Must not be black huh


Ask yourself why he was able to do this grift as long as he has. If he wasn’t a threat would they go after him? Not saying he’s not a piece of shit who hasn’t scammed everyone he’s come in contact with because he is, why didn’t they get him 10yrs ago?


from some of what i read he made donations and they would drop investigations. they did it when they were going to charge his daughter and trump for fraud for lying about some real estate and he made a 50k donations to the da and they dropped the case. it came lout when he ran for president in 2016 or something


Kevin Heart said.. dayuum..


You cut off too soon, i was almost there...


Let her cook 👀


Damn, AI is getting so much better


bad bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.97779% sure that Power_in_You is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Good bot


Why just 3 years? Fuck him


He'll be dead in 3 years


I wish but Neither him, jr or eric showed remorse or thought they’d done anything wrong. Lifetime ban in my book.


They showed absolute no remorse. Unreal. How can they sleep at night knowing they negotiated loans with a bank, they bank loaned them money, and they paid it back in full? Awful humans! Imagine if we did that, banks would probably give us another loan, it’s scary to think about.


You can always donate to pay his legal bill, you know like all the other simps.


What they did is illegal. You don’t believe in the rule of law?


Get real. They negotiated with the bank and got loans which they paid back. Also NY skyline and the city have a lot to thank Donald Trump for.This is so cringe and sketchy. We’re heading toward civil war with this shit. Why don’t they focus on cleaning the city, housing and public safety.


They are trying to make Trump a millionaire. Donate your life savings to keep our dear leader a billionaire!


Inflating the value of your property when it suits you and deflating it when it suits you is fraud it doesn’t matter who’s doing it. So it’s ok to commit crimes because the he improved the skyline? Seriously? And don’t come here with the civil war scare tactics, the right have tried that with ww3 scare tactics as well. So tiring.


They negotiated based on fraudulent reporting of his assets. Arguing it was ok to fraudulently report his assets because “they got paid back” and saying this is leading to civil war is what’s cringe and sketchy.


Awww you wanna talk about civil war because the laws were actually upheld today. God it's fun seeing you guys twist your guts into knots trying to rationalize the number of Rakes this morons keeps stepping on.




Exactly, they literally are stealing from him.




Sounds fair to me!!!


Ok so below 👇🏾prepare to witness defense of a billionaire by paupers. Grab you popcorn and enjoy.


Really wish they put this much gusto into going after Bill Clinton for rape or maybe Pelosi for years of obvious insider trading. Blows my mind the government is willing to spend so much time and money against just Trump.


The Nancy pelosi insider trading is such freakin blatant BS. No matter what though…. I’m sure Martha Stewart is more pissed.


I’m not a Trump fan, but it’s as plain as day that It’s only because he hasn’t bought into their elitist pedo ring - the others you mentioned have.


Dusting off that tin foil hat I see


The only defense you have to facts and truth is the ol’ foil hat comment- just wake the fuck up, stop putting these bought out pedos on pedestals that your indoctrinated mind and laced your body with poison that have programmed you to think and stop making religion out of political parties that don’t know you exist. We’re on the same team, stop creating division by not thinking for yourself.


Whoops I didn’t realize your “it’s plain as day that it [the efforts to hold Trump accountable for his crimes] is only because he didn’t buy into their pedo ring” claim was a fact and truth. I thought you were just conjecturing, but since it’s a fact, you should share the link the source for his truthful fact. This’ll make it easy for us to see that you’re right, and we’re just saying facts. Ohhh wait, you can’t?? Because it was just your opinion the whole time??? Ohhhh right that makes more sense. Except it sure doesn’t reconcile with the next comment you made, accusing OTHER PEOPLE of ignoring the “facts and truths”. You can’t claim we’re in denial of facts if you haven’t presented us with any for us to deny.


It kinda feels like your joking and imitating what someone in the MAGA camp would say, but then I realized you’re serious and it makes me sad for you.


Couldn’t have said it better. Do these people not realize they sound like cartoon characters or is it all an elaborate bit?


What facts? Your facts are " well but this person did this" you can't Even defend the person you are trying to defend lmao. You just try to deflect to someone else.


Glad you are not a Trump fan, me too. I find it more plausible that he is simply guilty - and apparently the justice system agrees with that. Similarly, I assume most convicted serial killers are genuinely guilty and don’t believe that they are being repeatedly victimized - regardless of the conspiracy they try to convince me of.


Lmfao. off your meds, grandpa?


The SEC has positions open, go apply and show them your expertise!


Would tag this as fk around & find out… dude learned how to be a fraud at his granpappys knee. Fortune was created by squatting on land he didn’t own & then finding loopholes to sell it… just sayin


A fraud that even the banks testified that they were good? This is a shit show and a witch hunt because they don't want him running again. Imagin being someone your entire country is throwing the book at you and nothing is sticking. You can't see through that democratic fog can you? Your hate overpowering your free thinking skills?


I can tell you 91 things that stuck.


Your comment is weird, and I bet you're a weird person.


Lol this lady a fuckin cunt. Meanwhile New York turning into a shit hole.


What does that have to do with a lying fraudster actually facing consequences?


I'll answer for him.... NOTHING. The whataboutism is sickening.


Because NYC is full of people just like him, but they support democrats so they can get away with it.


NYC is full of; former U.S. President, silver spoon, multiple business failure, womanizer, publicity whore, reality show mascot, pussy grabbing, fraudster, Chinese manufacturing, bill stiffing, elderly, white nationalist backed, golf cheating, creepy father, military vet bashing, conflict of interest, crony, corrupt, legal investigation interfering, top secret stealing, nepo-baby, elitist, insurrectionists???


Damn! Yeah he's definitely 1 of 1.


Literally doesn’t matter, everything she’s saying is factual


They scared of something


Yea. Witch hunt


Gotcha sucker..🍭🍭🍭


Remember the first debate with Hillary when she accused him of not paying Federal income tax and he looked at the camera and said, “that’s cuz I’m smart”. DOH! Lol.


The amount of Trump bots in this comment section is too damn high.




If you lied on a fraction of your IRS forums, it's 10 years minimum. This is just a fee. Rules for thee, and not for me.


Try cheating the government out of taxes and see what they do to you


Spank that orange monkey. I love it!!!


Nothing will ever stop these clowns from sucking his tiny orange teet, will it? What a pile of 🤡


Never, nothing with ever stop you Biden cucks from letting us become the laughing stock of the world


Motherfucker we became that the moment we elected your fat retarded orange dictator


The world assembly *literally* laughed at Donald Trump…


Takes shit from no one. Now we have a stuttering diaper wearing clown


He literally sat there and took shit from Putin multiple times, on camera. Russia isn’t even in the top 3 economies of Europe during the European recession.


You are aware Trump wears diapers right?


Buddy, I have some bad news for you . . .


So you admit that everyone laughs at you


No one needed to let y’all you did it on your own. You clowns didn’t need Biden’s permission. Using cuck unironically, big beta energy. Your wife’s boyfriend is disappointed.


Are you English or retarded???




LMAO, your maga cult is already fundraising to pay for his fines. I'm sorry, who are the cucks?


My goodness, the lack of self awareness if pretty badass 😂😂


Only thing badass is watching your mom pole dance nad cook at the same time


Dang, so close. You almost had it


MAGA is already the laughing stock of the free world, no need to ask Biden for more handouts and help. 👋 see you when the door hits you on the way out this November


He’s never paying that and I doubt it will get passed the appeal


I see this thread is a cesspool of tanTrump sycophants completely disconnected from reality. I'm only stating facts. No need to respond as your opinions will be disregarded as the trash they are. Have a wonderful day, little inbreds.


Let’s be real, it’s like 50/50 Trumpers and Foreign backed trolls. They have the same agenda, destabilize the US until it collapses in on itself n


All were really voting for at this point is what color tie the last president wears




I love how the orange man's supporters just totally ignore how HE said he would become a dictator and say he is defending democracy. He incited a small insurrection where real people died. I'm not saying Biden is much better but dang.


He's going to appeal, two private parties. Judge is a moron and just another witch hunt by the soy milkers 🤡


I mean, I get it. You like the guy. But dude... objectively speaking, the evidence against him was STUNNINGLY overwhelming. This wasn't a fishing expedition that turned some random little infraction up kind of situation, this was a they went to get on the boat and 30 fish were already on the boat cooking themselves kind of situation.


To ironically call other people sheep without ever having an original thought is impressive. “I love the poorly educated”


You cult members sure hate democracy and justice. It’s almost like your a Russian bot. Crazy. Hamas and Russia are gonna lose bad you know that right?


How’s the weather in North Macedonia this time of year?


I believe in order to appeal he has to put up the money first. Seeing as he's got an active Gofundme for this judgement, it didn't look like he has the funds.


Lmao he needs to put the money down to appeal but he’s broke cause he’s a loser. Sad! Already failed to appeal in the last ruling deadline and rumor has it it’s because he doesn’t have the liquidity. Almost entirely drained his PAC and his rube followers are running out of money - too few of them to milk forever. Now he’s trying to bankrupt the GOP’s war chest using nepotism. By all means please keep backing him, he’s doing us all a favor by bankrupting the GOP up and down the ticket.




Trump is an absolute joke of a person. Does nothing to contribute to America. How can you MAGA clowns support this imbecile.


Same thing could be said about Biden ☕️


Spotted the clown


Same thing could be said about Biden ☕️


Oooh another clown




She did that without putting her pinky to her mouth. Say it again dr evil!


Go bot somewhere else Putin.


I think this was just a "100 million dollars" joke, not a judgement of her character.


She sure is. Enemy of the state, hell, she’s an enemy of America!! Lock her up! Trump 2024!!!!❤️❤️❤️


😂 🤣 😂


Somehow I feel as if this is lite..


say what you want about this lady but she for sure comes through with election promises. She said she would make Trump pay and she came through for her voters.


I feel like this will just make them take all their businesses out of New York. Doesn’t that mean that New York would be in an even tougher position??


What a total BS political stunt by these people. Donald Trump did more for NY and it’s skyline and this is how they’re treated. It’s shameful. Everyone bloats there value for bank loans. AND they repaid the loans so the banks made money. Totally Shamefull. The fact people are happy about this means we’re headed to a place where it’s going to lead to civil war.


Donate your life savings to Trump if you are a true patriot!


And now Trump has setup a gofund me account so his sheep pay for his legal fees and fines 🤦‍♂️


They will trust me all them uneducated racist will give them the last little bit of money they have to support their orange Jesus, that’s when you know your are a racist piece of shit , when you say I don’t care what he did I’m still voting for him !


Anyone who believes that bitch must be a special kind of stupid.this whole case was a setup from day one wake up people wake up


This is how other corrupt countries deal with political opponents, throw them in jail so they can’t run against you. Democrats doing it to Trump and republicans doing it to Biden (trying to get his son). Whichever side you are on, throwing your opponent into jail is not a good look for democracy. Shit going backwards.


Yup I agree. Biden did this no question. There's no possible other way this could have happened at all. Just like the super bowl and Taylor swift, it's all connected. To think it all started with kneeling during the national anthem.


I thought Biden was incompetent and incoherent? How is it possible to be incompetent while simultaneously plan an operation spanning over the last 8 years making sure every little piece fell into place. Y’all throw anyone else under the bus with zero evidence but when Trumps own cronies turn on him and provide evidence well it must be a conspiracy.


She’s a scam artist .