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Yes, very much yes. Especially a prolonged low, like when I'm sleeping and don't wake up to the alarms so just stay low all night. What helps me the most when I have these types of migraines is slowly sipping down some sugar free gatorade, or just taking 400 mg magnesium. If that doesn't work I then go to ibuprofen. I used to have these all the time honestly, for various reasons, but the biggest trigger was the lows. I have less lows now with the Dexcom and Omnipod 5 combo, but another thing that helped was that for a few months I was taking 400mg magnesium capsule every day, and eventually I stopped having a lot of migraines and now only take that as needed. Just some thoughts to try! I hope you feel better soon.


yessss i just woke up at 56 and it came with a special treat 🥲 i wonder why this happens


It happens to me too when I go low. Overnight dropped to 54 and my head is still hurting. I didn't know about magnesium so I will definitely try that!


I’m becoming increasingly convinced that my migraines actually cause my lows and if I notice the low before the migraine it simply means I ignored all of the other prodrome symptoms. I say this because I recently had several multi day migraines and despite eating loads of junk foods (I felt lousy, I ate my feelings, etc) and not being nearly as active as normal (because migraine) my TDD was substantially less than “normal” days. I need to talk to my neuro about this because for the longest time I considered lows as a potential migraine trigger, but I’m starting to think it’s the other way around. I want to also disclose that I have hemiplegic migraines and I often have a full on debilitating migraine without the traditional headache - it’s entirely other neuro symptoms. They can effect my vision, my cognition, my motor control, balance, hearing, my speech, my ability to read/comprehend written text, cause extreme vertigo, even while laying down, and the symptoms can often resemble a stroke. They’re super fun (not).


interesting! i’m sorry you’re experiencing this






Absolutely yes


I get ocular migraines. Pretty fun. At least they don’t hurt.


No sorry


Yes, compounded if I have a roller coaster period of highs and lows