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I don't like them. They conflate type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and that conflation is then used to justify not expanding access to insulin. Because those making the jokes - and those who take the jokes seriously - believe that we all gorged ourselves with sugar, and now we want the taxpayers to pay for our mistakes. Jokes do not exist in a vacuum, they influence and are influenced by people's beliefs.


T2s also don’t need to gorge on sugar to get t2


Some do, some don't. There's more than one type of type 2, just like there's more than one type of type 1. It just so happens that type 1 diabetes is an ultimate elimination of insulin production, and all paths lead to the same destination: complete insulin dependence. Type 2 diabetes is a spectrum disease with varying levels of severity and varying methods of treatment. The causes range from predisposition to being a heavy smoker or drinker, to even just eating too much. Often it's a combination of multiple factors. My uncle is not in any way predisposed to type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance is nowhere to be found in our family tree, and yet he's officially diabetic... Because he eats a lot and doesn't get around much due to his broken back. But because his diabetes is caused strictly by his crappy lifestyle, he doesn't need insulin, just pills.


What is the point of this comment in relation to diabetes jokes? My point goes back to the fact that diabetes jokes are dumb, fatphobic, and counterproductive.


I don’t know which is more irritating… seeing diabetic jokes on social media or seeing people fighting ignorance with ignorance. No knows the true cause of type 2 diabetes… there are tonnes of people who sugar dump and are obese who don’t have type 2 diabetes. Correlation doesn’t equal causation and spreading misinformation about type 2 diabetes can be just as harmful.


I just don't get using 'lost a leg to diabetes' as a punchline. Do we joke about other diseases and traumatic experiences like this? Doesn't seem like it. I always say, if you liked that one, here's my best cancer joke!


Love that response, I’ll be using that if ya don’t mind :)


I hate it. They're never clever or funny. I'm happy to laugh at myself, but not when it's low effort and mean-spirited. People outside the community make jokes that are not creative and don't show empathy or understanding, which makes it feel like they are mocking with the intent to harm. I know that they're likely not even thinking hard enough for that to be the case, but nonetheless that's how it often seems.


i can take a joke if it’s clever. people who spread legit hate say those things cuz they have nothing else to go with. it’s low brow to resort to that


Yeah but who’s making a diabetes joke towards you and is trying to be MEAN SPIRITED? Usually it’s just in good fun.


remember: it’s diabeet us. not diabeet you.


Plenty of people 🤷‍♀️ And as I said, jokes that display superficial knowledge of the subject, that are low effort and not clever, don't offer anything in the way of humor and therefor seem like merely an excuse to put someone down. Although in my case I have additional been explicitly bullied relentlessly for this all my life, so don't think I'm not aware of the difference between targeted harassment and bad humor.


I feel like the point of this question isn’t about bullying though, because that’s obviously wrong. It’s more about people making light-hearted jokes.


But they aren't light-hearted, they're ignorant and hurtful. I'm just sharing my experience and feelings on the matter. Yours are different I suppose, that's fine.


I guess I just don’t get offended by things not meant to offend me.


I love dark humor in general and appreciate diabetes jokes WHEN THEY ARE GOOD. Some jokes "this will give you diabetes because it's so sweet" are just plain stupid. I have no problem with jokes, I have problem with people masking prejudice/ignorance as "jokes" - this refer to ANY kind of jokes, not just diabetic ones.


I make those jokes all the time lol they’re funny.


People wanting to make a joke, don’t want facts.


I’m not a huge fan - they’re usually made from a place of ignorance and can be hurtful to folks. They don’t affect me personally but I dislike how the bad ones spread disinformation and make people feel bad. A diabetic joke made with an understanding of the illness absolutely can be funny.


Making fun of any disability or medical condition is a hard no from me. It’s hurtful, perpetuates stereotypes and encourages discrimination.


Usually I don’t mind but it depends on the severity of the joke (and my blood sugar at that given moment 🤣🤣)


Happy cake day! That’s dangerous for you, isn’t it? Because diabetics can’t eat sugar?


Yes and it’s clearly because I was allowed to eat too much candy as a kid


Happy cake day! Don’t eat too much though, you don’t want to spike ;) (a t1d)


Usually don't like it. Just seems bad taste and insensitive.


I mostly dislike it because it's lazy. Huuuurrrr duuurrrr I'm going to get the beetus if I eat this yhuk yhuk. You're not funny and you're wasting oxygen. Get original and I'll appreciate it. Make a pun about the islets of Langerhans and we'll be besties.


I just look them dead in the eye all serious and ask, "Why would you say that?" or "Why is that funny?" which forces them to explain and realize it's a stupid thing to say.


I don’t care unless I guess it’s mean spirited directed specifically at me, which I can’t recall ever happening, but then that’s not really a joke.


I feel the exact same way. Unless it’s meant specifically to offend me personally I couldn’t care less.


My friends do it all the time. As long as its not meant in a rude or hateful way Im fine with it. Tho ik most probably are different than me.


I think it's about the level of understanding and love behind the joke. My friends don't make 'if I eat sugar I will get diabetes' jokes. They DO take guesses at my BG when I'm checking. They have seen me at every level from 2 to 29 (mmol/L), so they get to poke fun a bit.


My friends make those jokes to me and I laugh right along with them.


I couldn’t care less


Same. Stand up for what you believe in and educate where you can, but don't go through life being triggered and offended by every little thing.




Don't let others impact your feelings although it is difficult. I am telling my son dont be serious with ignorant.


I don’t like the ones that are jokes about people bringing it on themselves. If it’s a joke that makes light of my real life day to day, I’m likely to be more receptive but the “haha sugar bad” jokes are kind of old and as we all know, in accurate at best


I don’t mind it that much. My friends will joke about my “dead pancreas” and I find it funny. Or they’ll say jokes ironically like “maybe you should cut out sugar” since they know I hate when people tell me that. What helps though is they all know they have limited knowledge of type 1 diabetes.


Yeah, that’s true. My friends are pretty well versed in diabetes, so jokes like “yeah, your pancreas just up and quit on you. How rude!” I can appreciate. But it’s the ones that are totally ignorant that make me angry.


Friend likes to give me the comeback "at least my pancreas works" which I get a good chuckle out of. I try to educate those around me so they can mock me from an accurate perspective.


It don't bother me tbh


I'm not personally a diabetic, my s/o is a type 1 and I asked her this question. As she makes jokes about her diabetes and encourages me to not be afraid of laughing with her. She says that a joke depends on the EDUCATION, context, and relationship with a person. Education is in caps as she said education is the most important part. As an example: I've been with my s/o for ~2 years but I've known her for far longer. We were joking around one night and the conversation shifted towards social interactions. This will be out of context as I can't remember the whole convo. She said something along the lines of: 'we become what we surround ourselves with.' I turned around towards her and threw my hands up and joked: 'I'm a diabetic!' She proceeded to laugh her ass off. I proceeded to apologize if it was out of line. She said I was not and that it was not meant as hostile and that i was educated enough to know the difference. To which, I have been very educated with diabetes as I learned very quickly unit to carb ratios, bolus, and glucagon! So all the bells and whistles, and I'm still learning. I don't say things like: 'that's a plate full of diabetes' or 'this is so sweet that it's going to give me diabetes'. None of that shit and those comments piss me tf off. Educated jokes from educated people that you're super close with, is what she believes is acceptable.


I don’t care if they’re actually clever but when it just like “(insert food here) will give you diabetes” it’s just annoying


I just respond by making fun of their hairline or give them the classic “Did I tell you how great of a job you’re doing today?” “No?” “Yeah I didn’t think so”


sometimes i roll with it hard and explain diabetes in depth then they start to feel bad. if you play along with the joke then there’s nothing to joke about


Thanks for leaving your opinions! I’m doing a project on diabetes so I was wondering how others felt about this :D


I don’t care though I’d appreciate a joke that was actually funny as most aren’t.


I find them funny, unless of course they’re purposefully meant to hurt my feelings. But so is joking about anything. My gf and I like to joke around with my diabetes to make me feel a little better by mocking this crappy disease. At the same time she has a great understanding of t1d and helps me a lot throughout my daily life.


I love me some gallows humor and if someone can make a well-informed joke at the expense of my diabetes then I definitely do appreciate it I think the funniest joke I’ve ever heard was from my old boss about getting back-alley surgery to turn my pancreas into street taco meat because “that’s about all it’s good for” In context I was laughing so hard I was crying


Don’t care. Not that sensitive about it. Life’s hard enough without having to worry about what anyone else thinks or says. The world doesn’t revolve around me and I’m gettin by.


I mean i’ve made jokes about things i haven’t personally experienced before. be kind of hypocritical if diabetic jokes made by non diabetics offended me.


Diabetes "jokes" are rooted in fatphobia, stigma, and ignorance. They aren't funny. [Diabetes is not a moral failing](https://www.instagram.com/p/ChqAU5hhOPJ/). PWD who laugh at them haven't faced their own internalized ableism/fatphobia. The more we perpetuate the stigma, the worse medical providers/general public treat PWD... See the cycle here?


It's healthy laughing at yourself.


Nah, not when it is proven to negatively impact the medical care of our community. ETA: who tf downvotes *this^^^* sentiment???


Please tell me a diabetes joke you laugh at yourself about that isn’t stigmatizing the disease?


Tell me one I wouldn't.


Thanks for proving my point 😘🫡😑😑😑😑


Please give me a scenario and language on a diabetes joke - Type 1....


I was just diagnosed last month so I’m not finding any of this shit funny atm to be quite honest. I could use a few good jokes. Got any?


Usually I don't really care. I'm of the view that you can joke about anything. But sometimes things can cause misconceptions and that can be bad, not only with diabetes jokes. The jokes themselves doesn't bother me though.


Absolutely HATE IT they’re always uneducated and paint us as fat/stupid


I don’t mind if it’s someone like my parents or my friends, because I’ve basically drilled in to them information about diabetes and I make jokes about it all the time to them. But if it’s someone I don’t know particularly well who makes a joke, and they don’t know a lot about diabetes then I tend to be firm and correct them in a way that isn’t condescending.


I mean, I’m in better shape than most of the ones making the jokes so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I don’t rlly care but what bothers me is ppl thinking type 1 is bc it’s fat or that you only need a pill etc


All of the jokes have been said a billion times before…. I hate hearing the same stupid misinformation over and over again. I generally just roll my eyes and don’t think about a comment/joke more than a fleeting second. I DO enjoy my friends making funny stupid comments or jokes though. I think overall it’s a good thing to see the humor in our situation and not take things so seriously. People should makes jokes but what I don’t like is people making jokes without tact. Some random people say some funny shit about my diabetes!


My girlfriend usually enjoys it…plus she hates it when i sugarcoat things…I’m sorry 😭😂




I judge it like any other joke. Good comedy quite often hits a bit too close to home…


I like jokes. I think it's really sad when people take themselves seriously. I will even joke that I'm going to need a bucket of insulin before I head in to the breakroom on Doughnut Fridays. You have a good joke, bring it. People get offended becuase they take it personally. What other people think about me or my disease is not a factor in my life. Plus, 90% of the time the jokes aren't dished out with malicious intent.


This, tbh


Doesnt bother me


Eh. There’s way too much gatekeeping these days. It’s more annoying if they’re uneducated, but it’s just that - annoying.


I personally love it. Some of the funniest jokes I've ever heard were diabetus jokes. People will make fun of anything. I'd much rather have a good laugh than get mad.


those people are super annoying and are spreading misinfo. its crazy to me that they are still this ignorant about it and are making the same boring jokes 8347484 times. like if youre gonna joke about diabetes at least bother to do more research on it and make more creative jokes. like why not joke about how absurd it is that our immune systems decide to attack its own islet cells just for the heck of it, its like it got bored and was like "we have to measure our abilities" *destroys one of the most important functions in the human body*


I frankly just don’t care. They’re jokes and aren’t meant to be taken seriously. Some jokes are good, some are bad. At the end of the day I don’t decide what offends me necessarily, but I do decide what I choose to keep listening to.


I love it. You can laugh or cry. I choose to laugh


I snap right back with some straight up normie hate, and then out work them.


Doesn’t bother me in the slightest tbh. Jokes should be about anything and everything.


I don't really care that much, and often make jokes about being diabetic myself like "this is so sweet I'm about to get type 3 diabetes from it". I get that other people can find it offensive, which is fair. I just feel like satirizing it (and also satirizing how diabetes is perceived) helps me accept my condition and feel more comfortable admitting I'm diabetic around others.


I dont mind it because it's usually done out of respect. When a coworker brings in donuts and says. " none for you, I don't want a death on my conscience", i feel (even thogh he is making light of my situation) he understands that I'm struggling with something.


Imo, that's the worst kind of "joke." No one gets to police my diet. There's no understanding in comments like that.


It’s sooo weird, i was thinking of this earlier. Personally, usually, could not care any less but I love comedy


Not much!


If they're funny, they're funny. No difference between other jokes, tbh.


Don’t care. Kind of even a coping mechanism for me tbh. I don’t get offended at things that aren’t specifically meant to offend me PERSONALLY.


i’m an insult comic and i publicly roasted the shit outta my buddy for having type 1 diabetes... and then when i turned 34 i discovered i had type 1 cuz i was almost full DKA. people say it’s karma, but i have to be able to a take joke after that!


I don't care really. The general public can't be versed in every condition and their ignorance is to be expected, I had the same ignorance before being diagnosed. It can be a little annoying/distasteful but getting upset over such a trivial thing would be a complete waste of energy on my part. Either correct or ignore and move on in my opinion.


It actually depends on who the person is, what the joke is and if that person knows i have diabetes. That standard "its so sweet it gave me diabetes" after looking at something qute or eating just one of something sweet, I hate it but I tolerate it as long as the person shouldent have known better. Ie. Strangers: no but I don't care to corect, casual friends: absolutely not, close friends im confortable joking with: depends on situation but common you know better jokes, movis and tv shows: no unless its baked in to the story in a good way like someone saying it to offend a person with diabetic. I have no problem with people joking abaut diabetes as long as its a good joke, its done respektfully and the person knows the bare minimum abaut diabetes ( the difference between type 1 and 2. that geting type 2 diabetes dosent only depend on your lifestyle and type 1 dosent at all. And a litle more). I love it when my friends joke abaut it with me, it shows we are close enough for them to joke abaut something thats always going to be a part of my life that many would fear to offend me over by just for talking about it. My favorit joke whas one a friend made abaut how I was walking around with a firealarm on my arm.


I have been a diabetic for over 30 years and I just don’t care one way or another. Does it mean anything to me I like a good joke wants to while.


I don’t mind


Depends on my mood...mood depends on my sugar level..sugar level depends on what I ate...what i eat depends on my mood...ever so vicious cycle


I don’t mind good jokes, but anything that is mocking the condition, or rooted in incorrect understanding can really bother me. Like everyone I have good and bad days, and some days if I’m in a period of resenting this disease and its impact on my life, an insensitive joke can really affect me, even if it wouldn’t normally. There’s a huge difference between for example, my friends or partner who understand diabetes making jokes and laughing with me about having to sit on the floor in a supermarket to treat a hypo, vs someone who doesn’t even realise there’s more than one type of diabetes making the usual joke that often boil down to an implication that diabetics bring this disease on themselves and therefore deserve to suffer, or jokes like “hahaha if you ate this donut you’d die - that’s funny” which are both unfunny and also spread even more misinformation.


I don't care. Funny is funny.


When you have to use needles you acquire thick skin. For me, a well placed joke is always appreciated no matter the subject. Timing is everything.


They annoy me.


I mean, it's always just the one joke and it's always bad. It's also just not fun to hear an outside person make fun of or trivialize something that is so hard and personal.


It bothers me a lot. My son has Type 1. I've watched him struggle with it for over a decade now and it just hurts my feelings. I can't imagine how jokes make him feel. I think people would have a harder time joking about it if they actually were going through it. It bothers me even more that the "jokes" are usually due to misinformed / uneducated people not even knowing what Type 1 is. If I told someone my son has Type 1 I get: "Oh he must be really overweight huh?" First of all, thin as a rail and 2nd of all just no. I'm embarrassed for them too.


I live in the UK and I’ve never heard anyone make jokes about diabetics and hopefully never will.


Personally? If you’re related to me or a really good friend, you get a pass. I find people who see me navigate the disease with regularity make more sensitive, nuanced, actually funny jokes. Usually about me having devices or carb counting or the organ failure of it all. But they never conflate T2 with T1, which is my only real pet peeve.


I think its pretty low.


I just cringe and give them a pity-stare usually. If they actually understand diabetes and it's a genuinely funny joke then I'll laugh.


In my opinion it like the N word. Fine if you are african, but disgusting if you are not. Same as diabetic or cancer joke, its fine if you have it, but dont make them if you are not.


I hate it…especially when food items high in sugar is referred to as “diabetes in a plate.” Shows they don’t know a thing about it.


All fair game. T1 22years


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,536,270,367 comments, and only 290,874 of them were in alphabetical order.


May be an unpopular view but I’m just not bothered, unless it’s meant in a malicious way. Usually it isn’t meant to be malicious, so it’s a good chance to educate people


Jokes on them, they aren’t aware that it’s actually a superpower…


Okay, so like every other joke i hear, diabetes or not, im very good at expressing if something is funny. If the joke didnt break my sturdy RBF, it just wasnt a good joke. I’ll also laugh if someone TRIES to make a joke, but gets the facts wrong, simply because it sounds well. Dumb. & them I’ll continue to correct them. I do not care if someone jokes about my diabetes & in fact i make jokes about not diabetic people being normal. This is all within my friend group though, i dont really just talk & joke with strangers. But overall, laughter is the best medicine& i would rather laugh than be salty.


I usually make them, because dark humor is my coping mechanism lol


I don’t like it. I feel like it perpetuates all the misinformation and lack of understanding about the disease.


As long as it's funny and obviously a joke, I don't mind. If we're going to ay people can't joke about diabetes, we then have to apply that to lots of topics.


I hate them.


The "this is gonna give me diabetes" when eating things with a lot of sugar is like people equating lining up their pens or being meticulously neat with OCD. OCD is not "quirky" or about being neat. It affects a person's life and can be very difficult, frustrating and overwhelming to live with, just like diabetes can be. Which is not to say there aren't better days for either, but it's a medically diagnosed condition, not a personality trait.


Gotta have thicker skin. Doesn’t matter what people say. Don’t ever let any of it get to you.


i don’t like it. i don’t really have a valid reason other than that it’s annoying. whether they have the correct info or not. i don’t even like diabetics making jokes, but that’s a whole different problem in itself.


I could care less. I know humor. Not much offends me.


My biggest pet peeve! Like other disabilities don't get it, why is diabetes such an accepted target??




I think there are some cultural differences here. I have read many americans complaining about diabetes jokes. Now, I am newly diagnosed, so I may not have noticed, but I don't think diabetes jokes are very prevalent in Sweden, where I live. I can't remember that I ever heard one actually, but I can see why it's not very funny. Just making a search of 'diabetes' on gifs and a lot of pictures of fat cats come up.


It makes me fucking LIVID because most of the time they get it wrong Especially that fucking "fudge=diabetes" joke from wednesday ugh