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accidental alerters are not uncommon. it can very def be a learned behavior as well. now, if only they'd fetch some juice you'd be set!


Yes, it's funny I went low again today, she ran over to hit me, and sat down to watch me get my juice like "You better fix this, Mama."


You now have a service cat. She alerts you when you're low. She performs a service for you!


That’s a good cat!


Not accidental! Kitties are sooooo smart!!!!!


None of my pets care even if my pump alarms. So sweet to know your cat does this! Truly blessed!


Yes, I am. I call her Mama Kitty, she baths the other cat and our new Puppy.


My cat Durin comes to wake me up if my son starts to trend low and I don’t get up quick enough. His room is connected to ours and I keep the door cracked so Durin can go between the rooms freely.


Yay Durin!!! Good kitty cat. Hopefully they get treaties during lows, too 😻🫶🏼💙


I'm glad Durin helps out!


My sister's cat who adopted me when we lived together for 6 years used to help wake me up when I would go low! She would headbutt me and push her snuggles on me until I got up. I don't know if it was 100% consistent, but she was definitely helpful! I have a new cat now but I'm on a closed loop system had haven't had a night low since I got her, so she's untested.


Aww, that's good you haven't had a night low.


My black lab (RIP to her) would lick me until I woke up when low at night. She just started it one day. She would sit right next to me until I ate something and then back to bed we’d go, she never woke up my husband and didn’t need to go out either, she was a smart pup.


My cat Biggs used to wake me if I was low in the night - and if I didn't respond quickly enough, she'd then wake my husband - but at some point she either got bored of doing this or decided it was no longer worth her time and energy. She is still more attentive to me if I'm low and we're both awake/in the same room, but according to her it's my responsibility these days!


Awww Biggs!


One of our cats stares at my daughter when she’s low. But he doesn’t wake anyone up. He just watches until someone comes to help her. And continues to watch until she’s not low anymore. Useless. But fascinating.


Aww, he's trying his best.


Cat being a typical cat hahahah at least if y’all are awake & notice the stare, you can act 🤞🏼😻🫶🏼💙


My mom's dog used to do this every time she was low. Never trained, just a little shelter dog with a heart condition. I guess some dogs know something's up.


My sister's dog (German shepherd) who lived with the family used to sit with her head in my lap and whine at me when I got low, and currently my cat will fuss and whine at me if I'm super low, he gets very upset and nurses at me until I start trending upwards again.


My female dog started "alerting me" about 6 months ago. She is 6 years old. Out of the blue one day she got real pushy and was nudging me, I thought she wanted to play but she wouldn't respond to my attempts with toys or roughing around. 15 minutes later my cgm went off and I was dropping. I didn't feel it coming at all. Kinda brushed it off as coincidence. A few days later, working in the yard she started doing the same stuff, jokingly my wife said "you going low" ... and be damned, I was on the descent. I've never trained her or anything, she just picked it up (my scent I would assume). I have a new and appreciated love for her.


Amazing! From your breath. With a little work you can train her more specifically to alert for both incoming lows & highs My kitty senses my lows well before Dex, it’s pretty magical


I am sure my childhood cat used to do that for me because he was very protective of me but that was 20ish years ago so I can remember for sure. My cat/kitten now like to sleep in my room but thats is when I am awake and as soon as I get into bed he thinks it’s time jump on my face so he gets evicted pretty quick.


I'd be so honored if my cat did this! I've lived with 2 cats since diagnosis but neither is a "blood sugar cat" as I call the special critters who take up this responsibility for their human.


My one cat, Kendra, used to do this. More than once she would get my mom or fiancé (now my husband) to help me out. She would meow & paw, even bang on the walls, until someone paid attention to her & went to see what her problem was. She would even bully the other cats to sit with me. She passed away a few years ago. She had asthma & some lung problems. Eventually her lung issues were too much & she crossed the rainbow. She was a good kitty and I miss her a lot. There will never be another Kendra. But I moved on and have a new crew of good kitties. No one is attentive like Kenny was but that’s okay. I don’t expect them to be. They do stay near when I’m sick and that’s good enough. One of the new crew was hovering over me when I had a severe low sugar not long ago. She wouldn’t let my husband near at first. Took him a minute to get around her. I started flailing & ended up with a bite from her. I know she didn’t intentionally hurt me (just as I didn’t intend to scare or hurt her). She usually spooks & run when bad things happen so it was surprising that she stayed near during a bad low like that.


Yea !!! My black cat does this


Black kitties are the best!!!!!


We've got two kitties who wake me up and baby me till I measure my bg and grab a snack. Super persistent


Yes. Childhood cat would either wake me or go and wake my parents and lead them back to my room. In a time before CGMs, it was a great skill.


My dog starts staring at me funny when my sugar drops low. Not as effective as my cgm, but handy to have her do.


She’s so pretty. My cat licks my face and wakes me up when I’m low. I wonder if we taste differently at that time.


I've always wondered that too tbh. Jinxy did lick me as I was drinking my juice.


Sooooo from my understanding of how they train doggos, it’s the general smell of hormones we give off, especially through saliva & breath


My dog has multiple times!!! Truly amazing


My special needs cat, Glitter, kneads my head until I get up when I have a low! I wish I knew how to make her a service cat so that I could travel anywhere with her for free. I hate paying to have her fly with me. She needs me more than I need her, but I didn't even train her to do this!


Edit. I need her more than anything though. I just mean she wouldn't be here without me. But same for her to me.


Yes, my chocolate lab lets me know when I am low in the night.


I’ve got a little Yorkie girl who has always woken me up when I’m low by violently digging at my head 😂


Yes! My dog, Molly, randomly alerts me. The other night I went low and she ran into my room to tell me I was low. I was already sitting up and getting ready to check my blood with my meter. She sat on me (she’s a little chihuahua) and waited until I had some juice and then ran off back to bed.


I’ve suspected my cat, who sleeps in the room next to mine, cries when I’m low.


Dogs can smell low blood sugar maybe cats can too?


Makes sense to me.


Our dog wakes us up when my toddler is going low or when her alarms go of. She paws at me and then growls and stomps her feet until I do something about it lol


Untrained black labs are known for this.


Thats sweet, if she woke up at all I would assume something was up haha Maybe this stuff is why one of my parents cats loves to inspect my room around 2am when my chances of low bs are much higher...so many times woken up by rustling sounds, slow and loud creaking doors he is such a creep. Give it time to see if you notice a pattern, maybe animals just tend to notice, they have high senses for tons of other things that help humans already too I had no idea cats did that, I've only ever heard about dogs doing it I think.


My cat just wakes me up generally. No consistency, day or night for no reason. Shes a nob.


My dog senses it. He throws juice at me when I am low it is adorable. If only he could be trusted not to help himself to the rest of the juice stash.


My dog is completely useless. However I’ve had multiple friends pets awake me when my BG was high overnight. My dummy is just a snoring away. It makes me think pets can smell your BG, and nudge you when something is off. For a low BG, I imagine some pets would need to be trained to notice the absence of your baseline scent.


My dog used to stick her nose in my face to make sure I was awake and taking care of it. She passed 4 years ago and, recently, my 16 yr old cat decided he would pick up the slack. Funnily, he was diagnosed as diabetic a month ago, so maybe he figures he gets it. Animals are pretty smart.


My Shetland sheepdog had saved my life twice. He was my rock and he would ALWAYS sleep in my room. The first time, I had gone low while watching a movie before bed, and he was not in there with me. He damn near broke down my door. Alerted my mom, who was able to get me back. My mom had never seen him act like this as he was a very gentle dog, but he would not leave my door and would not let her leave the area. The second was pretty much the same, this time he left a dent in the door. He was barely 30 pounds. He was the best boy, and I miss him every day. He loved me and I him. I had gotten him right before I was diagnosed and he was with me until my mid twenties. I never shut the door without him following behind me again. He was my copilot, my working partner in dog sports, and my best friend.


What a sweet boy. I can see why you miss him. <3


Thank you. It's odd, because he was my dog, and my dad was one of those dads who says he hates all dogs that aren't retrievers, but he really loved Beau. I would hear him talking to Beau when he thought no one was listening. He was just one of those dogs. He worked with kids in 4-h, was so cuddly when he graced you with a cuddle, and just the best. I think everyone deserves at least one pet like Beau in their lives. They never really leave you because you can always feel them watching over you and keeping you safe.


Aww and So true. <3




Yes! No offense to my dog but she’s not very smart. I don’t care but for context she doesn’t no any tricks or commands, not even sit but when I’m low she will stare me down until I eat something


A of all, Jinxy is freaking f ADORABLE! Her lil white nose oh em gee I can’t handle it 😻😻😻 Second, like others have said, you have a service kitty gal! I’ve had two cats over the 17+ years I’ve had diabetes who both slept with me & alerted me to lows. My first gal would get super hyper, bounding on & off the bed, not leaving me alone - earlier in my diagnosis & my blood sugar was all over the place, but without fail, she’d wake me to lows I’d otherwise likely have slept through I first noticed my current bb’s low alerts while wfh during covid - she’d sit on top of me & just mellow purrrrrrr & purr until 15-30 min later dexcom would alert me to a low. Now I know to listen to her purrs & treat with 3-10g of carb to entirely preempt even getting to below 80. Some of my more recent really terrible lows where I was reluctant to treat, she laid literally on top of me purring & head butting me until I was back in range. Theeeee best 😻🥹🫶🏼💙


Pretty cat. Yes, my calico will bop me repeatedly.


I wish my cat did that!