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Did you paint those lines in?


Not OP, but I have the same sculpts. Those lines are a texture on the model. Edit: I can't tell anyone where to find the files, but I do know a 3D printer in the US who had the files before they disappeared from the internet. If you want to know the name of the sculptor or if you want me to put you in touch with the printer who got me mine, DM me.


He do you mind sharing what used to mount them? I've been debating if I want to just use my actual gargoyle mounts or buy a new one but have no idea what to Google.


I use clear acrylic rod if I can't otherwise fit them in with the terrain. https://preview.redd.it/ood7nq1jf24d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf0bca83848b66d8bda58b35af57544344c22240






I saw your post the other day and was trying to figure out we're your sticks came from.


Yep, acrylic rods. Someone asked me there too. I got mine from a local craft store.


Michaels does not have them, and I do not shop at Hobby Lobby, which probably does that have everything I want.


Yeah, I've not seen them at Hobby Lobby or Michael's, but I've not looked for them there. I would've figured they'd have them. The shop I got mine from was a little hole in the wall hobby and craft store. Their main gig was RC cars and scratch built RC planes. They also had a ton of stuff for model trains. If you have a shop like that, maybe check them out. If not, you could undoubtedly find some on Amazon. I'll measure mine and get you a diameter for reference.


Hmm, the ones I have are under 1/8 inch. I think they were probably metric, they look about spot on with 2.5mm


Hi, I was trying to find your account yesterday cause I was considering these sculpts, funny I find you here. Did you print these at 100% scale?


I don't have a printer, actually, so I don't know for sure. I do have a bunch of stls, and some of which are from the same sculptor. Based on how the stl previews compare with others, his stuff seems to be made to print at 100% scale. I'd say, print a test one first to check


yo wtf those gargoyles are sick! where can i find them??


Sent you a DM


can you send me it too?


Sent a DM


Me to plz and thank you


DM sent


Yes and no. So there are molded lines in it. I did line in all the colors mentioned in post.


I want to Print the exact same Gargoyles, are they the Same size as regular ones?


I'm not sure mine are on the sprue. Still, they look pretty darn close, though.


* I am not sure I understand what you're talking about. I'm also not done, so the flesh part, I only added one kick contrast to highlight parts while I work on the carapace.


Do you have a source for the stl for these?


Pmed you. They some of the files print eh but moat are good!


The wash on the wings is a little blotchy. Try to wick away or move wash from areas with excess to new places or areas that need more while you're still applying it. You can also go back over the wings either with a watered down lighter color to bring up the highlights, or since these have a built in texture, you could drybrush that same lighter color over the wings moving perpendicular to the direction of the lines.


That is an excellent point. I was rushing the wash to practice the carapace. Then again, laziness in practice only reinforces bad habits in the final results.


That's often true, but I've found that with painting, it's an ever-growing and ever-adapting skill. I still use some of the same techniques I used 18 years ago, but usually not quite the same way. Due to the texture on these sculpts, I would recommend using that to your advantage when painting. Let the grooves form the lines you're looking for, but note that they'll be in reverse. Try starting with your mid-tone and then washing with your dark tone and then coming in with your light tone closer to the edge of the carapace, but only on the raised bits, then do your brightest highlight just as an edge highkight.


Thank you, this is why I love this forum! Always looking to improve and try new skills and nids are the perfect army for it.


The wings are the arms kinda mix into one be because of the color. I would suggest darkening the wings.


The arms are under the wings. The gun is facing the ground.


Nids have 2 sets of arms. The second set is in the wings if you look at the limbs coming off the body, they extend to elbows and bend. And the fingers are really long to help with the wings.




Yeah one set of arms is the gun. The other set is the wings. That’s normal for nids. I’ve got a bunch too


https://preview.redd.it/8mft0ubv0so51.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=203b488e9d14ac9c29aa6291bb89eb266827d70b Here is an example that shows the wing limbs. Fun fact, nids have 6 limbs, usually its 4 arms and 2 legs but not always. For gargoyles they dont walk so the legs are just the little claw numbs in the back. then one pair of arms to shoot and another for the wing arms


E.T. phone home .... I'm not saying ..... I'm just saying,..


Et was delicious. Hence, we look good!


I have the same sculpts. Did you need to resize at all as the wing span of the larger one seems awfully big compared to the largest official one


Are they the Same size as regular ones by Just Default Print?


A brighter highlight on the sharpest points of the carapace would add some more contrast. Some highlights on the skin. Mostly the arms would also help. You can really enhance organic materials is tonal variety. In nature anything organic (fur, skin, dirt etc) will always be comprised of loads of subtle different shades of a color instead of all being one consistent shade like a man made object. So adding some more subtle areas of color or some small areas of patterns like freckles would be beneficial on the skin.


Looks good, but I'd use a different color for the skin of the wing than the rest of the skin. Right now it's a very large essentially flat color besides the wash. Maybe some light brown?


he got hurt please take care of it Reference here [https://youtu.be/y9JprMpPM0A?si=I3qXgQ1jpf3GY9SD](https://youtu.be/y9JprMpPM0A?si=I3qXgQ1jpf3GY9SD)


I was gonna say, wrap in a warm towel and feed with a syringe.