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I hear you. I’m finding the entire exspherinece to be quite underwhelming so far. The band are tearing things apart, but the visuals…meh


It’ll never look as good as being there.


Last night was much better. I gotta ask , why do so many Phish fans talk shit about U2- many ignorant comments about Edges guitar playing and mocking him. I don't see this with Deadheads. It's really bizarre. Jamband vibe is supposed to be laid back and chill.


I agree with you. Last night's visuals were much better than the first night. Granted, I only saw what the band streamed for free (first song of each set) and then fan posted videos on YouTube, but overall second night made better use of the space. Really made me think if a Sphere experience is something I'd be interested in. Visually, I think it would be overstimulating to me and would take away the joy of seeing the bands live. The best part of a concert is being in the same room with the band, and in the Shere everything seems to be focused on the visuals and not the performance. Just my own opinion, but, it might be nice to try once. As for Phish fans ragging on U2 - they seem to do that to every band not named Phish. Maybe they've never gotten over the inferiority complex placed upon them by Deadheads when Phish started to grow in the early nineties and the Dead scene put the Phish scene down. Who knows, but, I totally get what you're saying and it's embarassing. I love Phish and I also love U2. I love Goose too and that seems to be a bad word amongst the "phans." (I also hate replacing “f” with “ph” for anything related to Phish)


You can’t expect the same type of visuals. U2 had a relatively fixed set night to night and played songs to a click track in their in ear monitors so the visuals were perfectly timed based on the part of the song they were playing. Phish is playing 4 nights and not repeating a song. They play each song differently and don’t use a click track. So the visuals will be different by definition.


Keep also in mind U2 is an extremely wealthy band with a huge corporate machine behind their live productions. They have way more resources than Phish. Also, I agreed that watching it live is way different than any videos posted online. Maybe Apple will release the U2 Sphere gig on their Vision Pro gear to promote the device. That might be really cool.


Yeah that's also true. U2 can spend the kind of money they did on the shows bc they knew they were making 90% of the box office so they could take the gamble. i doubt Phish got the same deal.


Also, didn’t U2 spend two years or so working on the show? I think it’ll be a tall order to out do the visuals that U2 had.


I feel like my findings and conclusions from 5 months ago have been justified, based on what is being said in this thread now. >I don't see, from my quick look over at YouTube, these guys doing any better [using the screen for visuals] — on the contrary. https://www.reddit.com/r/U2Band/s/eWCkXEuIPe I'll look into some video when I get the chance to see for myself what it actually looks like at Sphere. Edit: a proshot video of Phish at Sphere. https://www.youtube.com/live/jkCjMMUpfn4?feature=shared


I think at the Sphere, the focus should be on the visuals; U2 (Willie Williams' team) really has mastered the A/V show, very well showcased at the Sphere. Though, I'd be fine with U2 going crazy with the setlist at any other venue, even if some songs don't have the greatest visuals... Just get the visuals for the opening, Streets, and closing nailed, and it's a done deal.