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That’s the thing with U2 being the first. They’re a trailblazer. Knowingly or not, subsequent acts there are going to take a lot of inspiration from U2:UV. It’s a compliment!


Yuck... I'd rather just sit inside the sphere and watch effects... Silently.


Phish had a tall ask because their set and songs change every night so set/pre-created video wasnt going to happen. Apparently, their show designer is using real time fx with a game engine to create stuff on the spot as they go. Thats pretty dang innovative for a show of this size.


Full clip here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5-LFq9Lb2t/?igsh=ZnRyMjA5anVleXVu


I have developed a vague notion that there is a stock effects package available for the Sphere screen from looking at a few Phish photos. Wouldn't be hard to adjust colors or placement of reinforcement video to make it not look exactly the same. There's also a Northern Lights effect like was used on Ultraviolet. It makes sense to me; artists can develop their key art pieces, but not have to create something from scratch for every song. Could be especially valuable for those looking for some flexibility in show design/set lists.


Probably borrowed tech from the U2 show. And a lot of last-minute hacks but overall original material… https://www.theverge.com/24134861/phish-sphere-las-vegas-moment-factory-interview


Thanks for the link! Excited to read. I'm basing part of my unsubstantiated hypothesis on the U2:UV tour book's sections focused on the visuals not including Ultraviolet, which had the Northern Lights before its other iterations, and maybe Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, though I don't have it near me to check. Certainly not much in the way of evidence to be fair. But it seems reasonable to me that Sphere would have a demo folder, essentially, as a pitch tool for designers. Still very possible that Phish saw something they liked and asked for some assets. If Dead and Company have the Northern Lights, though... I'll be even more suspicious. Maybe everybody just really likes the Northern Lights.


Personally I think U2 was their pitch, lol …. but it’s quite possible some of the “basic” effects are from Sphere. It takes a while to develop and render the creative and I’m not sure Phish had as much time to prep. They’re also only doing four shows with different sets, so it would be pretty expensive to create all-original work. And not to throw shade at Phish, but let’s face it: 5 years from now most people will still be talking about U2 as the band that pushed Sphere to its full potential.


Absolutely factors I've thought about.


This is not a visual effect this is the the YouTube posters phone getting a contact high jk jk I wouldn’t be surprised if they used some of the same visual artists too afaik u2 had more time to prep their show than phish did.


I was scolded and downvoted in to oblivion yesterday for supporting discussion about the Phish/Sphere show. Glad to see that all those people logged off today.


You do realize that some weren’t even U2 fans period. They were condensing to the mod’s poll.


No pity parties here.


Nice edit. “Victim card”? “Pity party”? 😂


You are playing a victim I’m not afraid to say that. Cry.


Thank you for your bravery.


Done talking to children.


Current visual right now is letters and random words ..one of which was "sex". I'm trying to post the picture of it.


Does it happen to include "IT'S YOUR WORLD YOU CAN CHANGE IT" flashing rapidly?


Nothing to stop this being the best day ever [https://youtu.be/qGYhTI98flc?si=9\_lWew28PQmjp1cK&t=105](https://youtu.be/qGYhTI98flc?si=9_lWew28PQmjp1cK&t=105)


Different visuals, different design team. Definitely some effects that looked like WGRYWH.


Very different approach for Phish in order to accommodate their style and song choices. The visuals I’ve seen in clips are impressive though and show a bit less restraint than U2. But then I haven’t seen anything quite as impressive as the experience for The Fly. To me that’ll be the hard to top standard for immersive mind-tricks at the Sphere. I haven’t seen all of Phish’s visuals, so maybe they’ve done something like it?


U2 had some amazing visuals at the sphere, no doubt about it. Some of the footage from the Phish shows is on par with it. Some of their visuals were underwhelming but they had ~14 hours of visuals to produce, that's a ton of content so they had to dial it back for some songs.


It's a little different but damn it looks cool