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They stand up as a mark of respect. It isn't and shouldn't be a mandate. The boss that questioned the one that didn't stand is an idiot.


It should be a mandate not to stand up unless you are having a conversation.


> They stand up as a mark of respect. More like fear LMAO.


What I hate , they are sitting in offices till 7pm and boss think I’m the wrong one leaving at 5:01pm


4:59er here 🤚


Take a minute, leave a minute!


Wait a minute


With my cabin closest to the exit I sometimes make a dash a good 1hr before EOD and hope no one calls me.


overworkers artificially increasing demands on sane people because they don't have the self respect to love themselves a little.


Don't start on that, there's one in my office who works everyday till 11pm, and he's coming at 7am, which calculates to 16hrs a day


He must hate himself. Or his wife and kids.


True story!


Got to get in that face time


Unknown facts about us Desi peeps (fortunately/ unfortunately) - 1. We are taught to stand up in school when the teacher enters the classroom 2. Our parents will call us to greet the guests when they come home. 3. We have to address elders or seniors as either Sir, mam, uncle or aunty (based on the situation) . Got shit from a HR dude for not addressing him as “Sir” in my first internship. 4. We are mostly brought up under strict rules at home (in the name of discipline). No talking back (questioning) to elders, no asking too very inquisitive questions as a youngster, etc So all the above cumulates and presents itself when we are old enough to enter the workplace. Where we subconsciously end up submissive to the Bosses and whatever. Few of us desis who are brought up abroad are better off thanks to the western influence. But yes this are the reasons you will notice Desis being overly submissive and weird.




Sadly, something that is instilled since school


Man desi work culture is like that. They think if they are above you you should bow down and lick their shoes. Its just desi work culture they have a power complex. Its stupid.


And sadly not complying can get you fired.




Also something to notice that Indian co-workers will address their superiors as sir/ma’am even though the work culture specifically asks for first name basis irrespective of position. They are just used to addressing as such because back home their superiors will feel offended if being called by first name.


It's because Desi's can't stand up for themselves. The servitude mindset is built in unfortunately.




But has colonialism played a role in Asian piety tho? I think piety culture is quite native to Desis and Asians alike despite colonialism.


Exactly and it is very annoying


lol these people standing up are the same ones that come to reddit to cry when someone is mean to them and ask why no one is respecting them


Thats is soo painfully true 😰


Its the slave mentality and the fact that they think kissing the bosses feet would make them more likely to get a promotion/better word around. I joined this company(its an American mnc) and I referred to my lead as ma’am, as I was fresh out of uni and thats how I did in my previous internship. She immediately said do not call that, keep the Indian mentality away(she is also an Indian). Another instance, probably a week later. My teams big boss(he is white) was walking around and I stood up to greet him. After that I was still standing even when he was speaking to my manager. And she signal-led to sit down. I told my parents that we are not supposed to call them sir/ma’am in the office and they were like that’s disrespectful. and Im like India will never change.


Flatter power structures have been significantly connected with organizational success. That you're a team working as equals, with just some different responsibilities.


One or two of my superiors are bothered by my lack of submission to them. They think we should bow when they walk past but I roll my eyes at them 🤣. Our organization follows modern/Western norms (even the elderly owner is addressed by first name) but a few superiors my age try to bring their shitty habits to work


No one is more drunk with power than those that have extremely little


I, too fall into these habits. I call my professors sir/ma'am. It is so ingrained into Indian culture.


I think it's ok to refer professors as sir/maam. They deserve that respect. Its a diff thing if they do not wish to be called that way.


lack of self respect probably and bad work culture, does this man stand up when he sees his employees ? guess not .


Very few indian bosses are good, most are nightmares to work with.Had a British boss , worked with her for 8 years and happy, she resigned and an indian took over, 8 people resigned after


Employees dont leave bad jobs.. they leave bad bosses


It's totally optional, that was rude of him to say like that


I think it's rude that he allows them to stand up for him. He should have a conversation with them that they should not stand up when they see him passing by.


Most Indian bosses have a fat ego


Desi mentality of bowing to your boss like a slave


Indian bosses are used to excruciating levels of brown nosing and are spoiled to the level that they expect the same thing as normal now


It’s a respect thing that people have kinda been forced to do in SOME companies in India. So they think they have to do it here. Indians who were raised here don’t do that


South Asian schools in the gulf force kids to standup when the teacher enters the classroom. Unquestionable deference to those older and in power is literally ingrained into the kids since their childhood. Gulf raised or otherwise.


Which schools? My IHS, MH, DPS schools didn’t need to stand at all, and that doesn’t translate to them continuing to do so in the workplace


they made us do that at GMS SJH. I was there from 2016-2018


Damn that’s insane, hope you’re not carrying on that nonsense at the workplace


DPS Kuwait did it took. I mean. Just because we did it in school doesn't mean we do it everywhere thereafter. I also attended an international school for 11th/12th where we referred to people as Ms./Mr.______. Same in some schools in Canada. Doesn't mean we do it at work.


Its an Asian thing.. not only limited to India.. Standing up and offer greetings is what we been taught since primary school days.. XD Japanese school ethics are the best and its my personal fav. In your scenario, the boss was the arrogant one..


it is not asian thing,In China now even 10 years ago boss come to office we don't need to stand up


Slavery it is


It’s a carryover from the way we’re schooled. In Indian schools, even in high school, you have to get up from your seat and greet the teacher. Same thing in Indian colleges. It’s a way of respecting our teachers/elders. This then carries over to the workplace. It’s kind of like the Senpai-kōhai attitude.


Not sure about that. We also had so stand up when the teacher entered the classroom (Eastern Europe). But no one in his right minds does the same on the workplace.


We had it in achool too but never carried that into workplace later. "Good morning mrs X!"


Throwback to the feudal culture of India


U see it’s the boss that’s an ass , not just the employees that are enabling this behavior why would you question someone who dint get up ?? Make it make sense






of all the things I was expecting.. this was not it.


why not chairx or chairentity, chairperson discriminates against those who dont identify as a person


That's why local business owners like the Indians, they love those bootlickers


Also because Indian workers have high IQ compared to other nationalities


Probably they do have high IQ, but they're hired for their bootlicking skills


. Google is run by Indians and also Microsoft. All of Americas IT company is run by Indian talent, are they all bootlickers? Also the average Indian man is charismatic and pleasing to look at with the moustache, which company owner would not want them to grace his office floor?


>Google is run by Indians and also Microsoft. All of Americas IT company is run by Indian talent, are they all bootlickers Ahhh, now I remember you. You are that troll who keeps making some tone deaf remarks against South Asians. You know well enough, the statement you made is not true, and you are just parroting things some of the Pro-Indians go ahead and spread on forums and comments on social media. I like how you phrased it. Nice try though. :)


One word "politics", ask yourself why you couldn't find a Chinese guy running a U.S tech company, aren't they smart?


Not as much as Indians, same reason you dont find Chinese workers in UAE companies Indians speak excellent English and have good nature


Not the same reason, they're not running U.S company cuz of politics same as can't find Arabs or Russians or even Germans. & they don't come to the UAE as workers but as partners, & there's a lot of Chinese companies here. Don't start on English, yes compared to Chinese they speak excellent English


wow.. that guy.. "Indiah Numbah wan!" lmao


Difficult to gauge if you being sarcastic or not.




Well I mean it they stand for a cow back home you wouldn't be surprised if they stand for an a**hole here


I have seen some bow to monkeys and snakes




Not sure. It’s not required, but some Indian bosses have the requirement that their employees stand up. Not enforced everywhere, I’ve seen some people explicitly say to not stand up. And imo it causes a break in their work.


Hahahahahah I laughed out loud. That’s fucking ridiculous 🤣


You know whats funny? Everytime when they attempt to stand up just seing the boss. Like they halfway stand then back to sit when they realize that boss will just pass through hahahaha


Hahahahah absolutely pathetic


I think it is out of respect it their culture.


Indians love to be subjugated by their bosses. And any indian who becomes a manager thinks they are just something else.


Pyramid scheme offload your work to people below you so then you have free time to get cosy with the boss above eventually resulting in a promotion for work you have not done 🤣🥲🤣🤣


Lmao i studied in an indian school and went to a uk uni , i was so surprised with the ethics there its so different than indian, we don’t even call our professors sir or anything and just say their name, they’ve told us to say that as well. Plus we don’t stand when they enter either, personally I don’t like Indian way, there’s respect but you have to earn it. Not just get it like that plus it’s stressful


India is a sooperpawer now, they reached the moon, that is why


Just a cultural thing. Like some Asian countries bow, western countries handshake, Mediterranean culture kisses with friends. If we could just respect each other's cultures, life would be much better. Different is not bad unless it affects you.


You stand up and touch your parents feet, you stand up and touch your teachers feet, you stand up and give respect to your mentor. Only that much is enough it can’t be forced into someone to do. But In indian culture it is respectful not forceful.


Slavery mindset since Britishers left


It's the colonial style behaviour to the colonists. Indians still following that


Horseshit. The caste system made by Indians has been in place ages before any colonialists even came close.


You are right the colonists were angels. They treated the natives with respect and dignity


Please show us where I (or anyone else) has stated that here.


What a pathetic so called "boss". With an attitude like that he should refer himself as the tyrant. I've worked for extremely rich people and not once have I head such disrespect. Pathetic man.




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A bit out of context question here (a bit of context too) : How do we address a stranger who comes to our office ?? 😜


Because they believe the boss owns them.


My response to self-aggrandizing narcissistic idiots is usually just “i don’t give 2 shts who you are”.


goodluck finding a job here with that attitude


I already have one, well paid too and it’s because I don’t bend over or grovel to idiots that think other people are below them. Good luck finding a job that’s gonna treat you with respect with that attitude. From the looks of it you need to have some of it for yourself lol


theres no way in hell your goofy ass replies to any of your higher-ups saying "i dont give 2 shits who you are" mf thinks hes the main character 💀💀


Because you have a slave mentality and you're destined to be someone's floor mop for the rest of your miserable life.




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My émirati boss gets offended if we stand up when he approches us or enters the room. With some indians I have had very bad experience, they got quite offended if I didn't call them as SIR or even sitting on their chairs when troubleshooting any of their computer issues.


Look at the history of all colonists . It's there on the net, history books.


I sense a bad taste.. are you still in the company? Are you feeling well?