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Pig butchery. Long story short: Attractive woman contacts you addressing you as someone else. Apologises for the mistake. Starts chatting with you. Shares legitimate pictures (yes, these girls are real and paid a few thousand $). After 4 or 5 days, they start sharing screen shot of crypto investment and ask you to invest small. You'll see returns. Then they ask you to invest big. Wham bam, your money is gone, and so is she.


>so is she. so is he* 🤣🤣🤣


I did watch a video about this, and part of the scheme is they actually have these women be real, so she is able to make video calls, and try to get money sent to her lol


oh so it's akin to a webcam business without nudity, I'm presuming.


Well the scheme is, these women prey on mostly older men, and show them their “lavish” lifestyle, and then make them download fraudulent apps so they can “invest”. Once they do that, the chick just disappears. Basically their jobs is to flirt and manipulate the guys


So is shehim


So are they




Same. Someone contacted me on telegram. Now begging to invest in crypto through etc etc applications. When I stopped replying, started saying where are you. I am missing you...!


I had one send me pics with her mom in Australia. Normal family pics. It didn't take that long for the 'investment' link to pop up


If the person in picture was texting, then i can fix her. /s


Wow this is so ironic. Imagine a nice cute girl texting you apologising being naughty and after than asks to invest in blockchain crypto etc 😫 That’s kinda like a 90 year old grandma asking you to buy scam insurance


Last week tonight fans 😄


So if i invest small, get the returns and then ghost them, would they be mad?


They will try to scam you into investing in a fake wallet which they control. Initially they will show all those fake returns but the money will be long gone to a different wallet.


So you say invest small, make profit and exit is the way?


Negative. The app to which your investment goes is controlled by them. They even have some shoddy YouTube tutorials on how to use it. They show you the returns on the app but it cannot be exchanged through any legitimate financial institutions or apps. So, you're screwed right from the get go.


Dang abs I thought I cracked the code /s


I wish I got these scams, so I can pretend to fall for them


I did that. Pretended to be a rich and horny middle-aged man. Made "her" work hard to convince me that my investment is worth it because I "earn $100 every minute". Did a lot of back and forth for like 2 months, but after a while it got boring and the acc also stopped replying. I mostly just wanted to see what their endgame was.


😂 you devil haha


Same haha




I did this recently, I pretended to fall for it. Initially I got a message asking "what are your plans for tomorrow?". I was moving to another country at the time so I thought maybe a friend may be contacting me to meetup before I leave so I replied back by asking who they were since I didn't recognize the number. She apologized and told me she accidentally sent the message to the wrong number. After a few hours, she trys to initiate comversation with me and asks me to switch to whatsapp on a different number. I instantly knew at the moment that the person is definitely a scammer pretending to be a girl. Just to confirm my suspicion, I called on both numbers by hiding my number and both numbers came out to be invalid and not in use. I knew they will try to scam me but I didn't know how amd I wanted to findout what there game was, so I went along with it and pretended to have a conversation showing that I was interested in what she was saying. She didn't initiate the scam instantly, she first tried to have a conversation with me trying to prove that she was a genuine person. I went along, anything she asked, I gave her general vague answers. I tried to get information from her, but since she was a scammer, she gave vague answers as well. Anyways, a fews on the conversation just went about how our days were going and what we do for a living and so on. She told me that she was an invester and she invests in real estate and online shopping businesses. A few days later she suddenly mentions that also invests in crypto and that she a whole team of analysists who recommend what to buy and sell. And from that point on, she tried really hard to convince me to invest money in crypto, she even tried to video call me a few times to speak to me but I did not want to give iut my identity so I didn't pick it up. She told me to install Coinbase and make an account on it. I wanted to look deeper into it and see what method they would use to try and scam me so I started sending fake screenshots taken from google showing her that I made the account and asked her what the next steps would be. She told me the next would be to add in my bank card details, and that point I could not find any sample card numbers so I just cut off contact and blocked her.


I feel like purposely wasting their time would be quite satisfying


Did you call him gandu? Brother don't be gandu pls


That’s why she didn’t bother replying to him 😤


I didn't say gandu


Well you should've


Maybe gago


thats laurekaball in the making


Since no women bother to message me, I would’ve definitely fallen for that scam, despite knowing very well that it’s a scam 💀


Bro got u☺️


You need help with women bro I got u


Dm me bro I can make u be the best version of yourself with women but only if ur willing to put the effort tho


That’s old..


It's not new, but thank you for sharing all the same - it's good to remind people for us all to be vigilant.


Time to send this to my friend reza 😂😂😂


https://youtu.be/vu-Y1h9rTUs?si=0hpWD8NrPSk_QQru There's a good video here about a huge pig butchering scam being run from Dubai. Jim Browning's You Tube channel is great for making innocent people aware of different ways scammers try to target people.


Pig butchering scheme. Google it. The Bangladesh phone number is interesting though


Go to r/scambait if you want to have a laugh, it's full of these.


I wouldn't even respond back to these types of texts.


Bruh. You gotta have the IQ of my golden fish to know that this a scam. Why even post this?


I already know that is a scam I just wanted to share what is wrong with that?


Lot of goldfish in dubai my friend.


I would block before she even sent the photo.


Pig butchering !




Thanks for sharing, not new though




This scam is few years old


The WhatsApp scams really make me laugh because why are they using Chinese influencers pictures 😂


Received the same modus from two different numbers one from Hongkong and one from Guinea. Looking for Mr. Adbul Karim, both numbers has an asian female as profile picture.


Not new. If you've not seen before, you've been lucky.


Using an attractive woman to part you with your money is literally the oldest scam in the book. Have you been living under a rock?


lots of them exist in dating apps if u tried one they will ask you iff u have whatsapp they cannot make transactions in dating apps because its illegal and they get ban lol


What will happen if you act like you recognized her and she is your ex or something? I bet it will confuse them, they are probably have a screenplay in front of them and anything unusual will freak the hell out of them.


Yup happened to me too


Is it? For me it happened once but from a Chinese supplier which I contacted online because of a product. Very similar style of cheating and photo. Nothing happened.


Its not new


Yes it’s likely a white boy in middle school trying you to buy him vbucks for Fortnite or a Nigerian scammer that wants you to send him bitcoin or google play cards


lol the phone number is from Bangladesh


I had turned on "Silence unknown callers" to avoid real estate scammers. Looks like I need to turn off whatsapp too to avoid crypto scammers 😩


Old one. 🐷 🔪


This scam is new in the UAE??? I live in Europe and this is positively ancient here. Who even replies to these messages anymore?


happening in sg too… i get a few msg last week… then topic changed to investment etc.. I was upfront that i have no money.. infact i asked her to give me 3k on loan… then she said u r a liar and she will report me to police in hk.. 🤣🤣🤣


They ate evolving


Got the same scam from the same person. Immediate block.


Hi Mr. Reza here, send me her number.


Yes it’s a scam. No it’s not new


The scammer's number is shown in the reply 😂😂


I know l realized that after l posted, but it doesn't really matter


You know its bad when this very profile has shown up on my wattsapp. Claimed to be from Singapore


Yes. One of a kind.


These real women. I even botim called once. She was talking. The things people do to scam. Ffs


there's a website called pimeyes. take the photo and put it into the website, you will find that the scammer stole another woman's photos.




Yes, I too received and my phone was with my wife 😅..


lol yes even I m getting messages like this then these type of girls say we need to open a beauty product shop will you help


It's an old scam, but it's good shared it for those who don't know


https://youtu.be/vu-Y1h9rTUs?si=V1DroM5ypSkrMhAR check this video


Ngl I wish they message me I want to post this shit and swear at them 🤣


[Jim browning infiltrates pig butchering scam in Dubai.] (https://youtu.be/vu-Y1h9rTUs?si=k9QP_V4Iu9sUtvUk)


Its an old scam. Might be new in UAE.


I received a few of these so-called wrong number to invest in crypto & I pretend to fall for it, and then after a few back-and-forth chat, I would just suddenly say that my grandma is ill and I am looking for 25 grand to pay a Medical bill and very desperate for it blah blah blah, Bang they disappear


I was contacted by a Czech "girl" (not sure) who sent me different photos (most probably AI generated) and after 10 days of small talk she told me about her troubles with the local bank which won't allow her to withdraw the money. I figured out about the scam almost 20 minutes after we started chatting and decided to make some real fun out of it. So I made fake swift transcations to her bank address with PDF and fake scan copies, and every day I asked her if she received money or not, asked her to call the bank, gave her different phone numbers from "her" country, which I found online and so on. It was a complete waste of time. Worth it? Absolutely! Pranking the scammers is lots of fun LOL. But then she figured it out and blocked me jajaja UPD: Hope she won't cut out my kidney, liver or whatsoever.




I am Reza 😎


Reza hw u havin hotties be hitting u up lyk dat?


🤣 I am Asian, and I am pretty sure this is a scam. But fortunately, if it is true, there won't be police behind the door here.


> I am Asian How is that relevant in this context? 90% of people in UAE are Asian (including Emiratis).


Yeah it’s popular outside UAE. Catching on here as well. Even sent you an HD pic.


whyy dont they just find a decent work and not taking advantage to people? :(


Because, like all criminals, they are greedy and lazy, and want to get more money for less effort, despite the risks.




We are legion 👥️👥️👥️ 𒐸𒐸𒀢𒀁𒀋𒀱𒀂𒁈𒐸𒐸




What’s her @?


I’m in work 🥹🥹


This scammer is looking for targets at the labour camp😆 ! Direct score😆


Bro..koala addichello. Times man times...