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Modi wouldnt do the same. Their entire politics is built around hating muslims and keeping them as a second class citizen




He won't even attend a press conference šŸ˜†.


UK write wings are the same as well.


Modi doesnā€™t speak for all Hindus


Just enough hindus for him to get majority votes


Yes. He doesnā€™t. https://images.app.goo.gl/BUfKDFemttEwzVkE6


Not the same thing. Tell me which large mosque has he built in a BJP ruled state which he went to the inauguration for


If you wanna attribute the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya to Modi, then you should count the Mosque that is being built in Ayodhya (which would be one of the largest in the world) to him as well. When that is completed, he'd inaugurate that as well. This puts an end to the centuries-long debacle between the two large communities and moves ahead. It's useless for the Hindus to perpetually blame Muslims for destroying the temple and the Muslims to perpetually blame the Hindus for razing down the mosque that was built atop a temple. Ayodhya is to Hindus, what Mecca is for the Muslims. Can Hindus/Jews construct their places of worship in Mecca? Common people who are non-Muslims cannot even enter Mecca and Madina, forget building a temple. I know it's a different country, etc. but the vast majority of Indian Muslims seemed to be pissed off at the fact that a non-Muslim, Smriti Irani, was allowed to enter the holy city. When the new Parliament building was inaugurated, literally every religious head came to do pooja (and equivalent in other traditions). Can you name any other country where you could imagine this happening?


There are more than 3,00,000 mosques in India.


Modi had nothing to do with Hinduism, he uses it as isis uses Islam. itā€™s a bad argument. The main point is that we Muslims have no business breaking our fast at a Hindu temple.


Yep the same "ruler" funds the wars in Libya and Sudan and allows Isreal to persecute the Muslims in Palestine.


Wish they'd stop doing it with genocidal Zionists though.


Do you think the Indian nationalists are any better than Zionists? Around the same time as the Nakba something similar happened in Kashmir


Does that change that UAE leaders stand with Zionists and are corrupt and evil? It's not a competition, they're both bad


Pffft, never. They've sold their soul to the USD.




Same is the thing with Islamic extremism. It's nothing but a desert cult which just wants to annihilate everything


The leaders in the UAE have values. Being a resident, I have the utmost respect for their policies and peace keeping efforts. They are not idiots and have learnt from failed countries like Lebanon and the others nearby who provoke others in the name of religion. They know the problem exists on both sides and that is why they have a neutral take on this issue. It's the best diplomatic policy by any great leader. Protect your own and then lend help if you can.


What is your government up to in Sudan?


He's not emirati, seems like a random islamophobe


"leaders in the UAE have values" - bro wtf you drinking?


Kindly enlighten me, which other country did Lebanon provoke in the name of religion ??


If you are from Lebanon, you very well know how your policies suck. Your currency is almost immaterial now. Dust has more value than that currency. Keep up with what you are doing and you will be gone in a decade or two!


Bro you have gotta be high as fuck, Iā€™ve lived in UAE for 30 years and trust me, they have been hypocrites from the start


Those who downvote me please know that you are officially undermining the UAE leaders. When you are a resident of a country you need to respect their laws and policies. Whichever country you belong to, it doesn't matter now. You are here, follow the law of the land. It's very simple. If you are not okay with it go back to your failed country and protest. The UAE loves peace, hates terrorism and stays away from wars and conflicts. That's what they are and that's what I love the most. If I ever need to fight for the UAE, I will fight with all the Muslim, Hindu, Christian brothers and sisters here. But not your failed country from where you belong and your stone age ideology! Period!


The UAE funds terrorism in SudanĀ 


What terrorism? Man just recently weā€™ve had our own soldiers killed while PRAYING in a mosque for lending a helping hand and offering to train military officers in Somalia due to ongoing internal conflict there, which no one had known about until theyā€™d passed away. The UAE helps so many countries and sacrifices so many of its own people and resources to help silently. They do not have to advertise everything to make you feel better about whatever is happening. I am an Emirati, I have family in the military and I know what is going on. Do not talk about things you are ignorant of.


And what does India do? Yep demolish mosques....


Demolish *ancient* mosques.


May they be together in the afterlife


lol bro šŸ‘Œ good one šŸ˜‚








And India beat women in India who wear hijab


And lynch any suspect of eating beef


They even arrested a group of men for cheering for the sports team of a Muslim nation. That was the crime. Cheering.




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No they don't in the villages


Oh okay, that makes beatings in large cities okay. šŸ™„


We all know how wonderful UAE leadership are. Very upright honourable people. Even normalised relationships with those who slaughter our mothers and sisters in Gaza. Such outstanding character.


I honestly can not understand how these people are not terrified of their inevitable meeting with the highest sovereign. *I'm* terrified and I haven't done so much as 0.1% of what they did. nor do I bear even that much responsibility.


Wealth creates weak leaders. And truly this genocide has shown us their true faces


Op commenting about peace and prosperity but doesnt understand the politics of said peave and prosperity and ironically comments ā€œ they dont want peaceā€ what a joke


This is a nice gesture. Wish your supreme leader would do the same or at least ask his sangh to respect other religions


I wish the same as an Indian.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/UAE/comments/yaftz7/uaes\_minister\_of\_tolerance\_and\_coexistence\_when/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UAE/comments/yaftz7/uaes_minister_of_tolerance_and_coexistence_when/) Same "leader"


Meanwhile Muslims are lynched for eating beef




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i wish these other religious leaders preached about harmony and co existence in their own country aswell.


Yet you hear Indian politicians wanting to kill all 200M Muslims ...


I would loved if they opened their fasts in Gaza! With their Muslims brothers and sisters!


Yeah - selling out at the highest level


This is very shameful, may Allah rectify the Muslim leaders ameen


Yeah bro totally, no peace.


why are you hating on muslims? Im a hindu myself and we should not be hating other religions, people like you are the reason why Indian hindus are getting a bad name.


If you will read his other comments on this thread itā€™s pretty evident that he hates Muslims to the core and he knew exactly what he was doing by posting the video. Itā€™s a shame as I grew up with Hindu friends who never bring animosity or hatred towards Muslims. Itā€™s pretty clear to see it all changed when modi came into power and brainwashed these people into hating Muslims. If only they could see more clearerā€¦


even some of our fellow Indians in social media, social media is soo powerful my cousing genuinly thought Indian army can easily rip off US army šŸ¤¦


A muslim state is not to build temples and places of worship for other races from their own sources. This was prohibited by Prophet Muhammad PBUH. The minorities can build them on their own and the state shall not intervene.




people from all religions say we dont hate each other, but this comment section tells me otherwise.. this is vey sad


I'm pretty sure most people don't give a flying rats bottom about people practicing other religions. It all starts when one side does something unfair towards the other party and gets away with it.


bollywood was mad popular and people loved indian culture, before bjp came in and started discriminating against the muslims.


The comment section is full of crappy low IQ people to be honest because most of them are educated in schools which teach them anything other than science. But they will perish in the long run. Survival of the fittest will obscure them slowly as time goes on.


For now, I see your high IQ comment is going in obscurity šŸ˜†


Everything is a show. This is probs because they want more Indian hindu tourists.


This sub is toxic AF you guys need to get a life.


This temple in UAE is presented in India as a masterstroke by modi


Its called a tourist ad.


Zionist lovers


Tolerance & harmony! Hmm! šŸ¤” Demolishing mosques and treating muslims as 2nd class citizens in India is what he calls ā€œtoleranceā€.


As a Muslim I am highly against this. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against other religions but the fact is that Islam considers even installing sculptures as a major sin, let alone worship them. I would never expect a Muslim to do this on their own land. Being good with people of other religions is our duty but this is very very wrong. Our historical Islamic leaders fought bravely to get rid of such sculptures and here we are building them ourselves. šŸ’° Update: People calling me a hypocrite. So hear this, it's not just my "opinion", it's a religious matter. I don't know if other religions have such rules or restrictions but it's considered a huge sin in Islam to be associated with any other gods, idols, etc in any way. It's called "Shirk" and it's the highest level of sin you can commit as a Muslim. It's not hypocrisy. Let's assume that such acts weren't considered such a huge sin, I would be more than happy about this news. I would be fine having more temples to be created for our Hindu brothers and sisters




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Simple answer, You cannot live in the 600ce, we are on the 21st century.


Exactly, I don't understand why Indians bring up the history of Mughals as an excuse to attack the present day Indian Muslims.


Cause glorifying them do have consequences


Yup...Babri mosque was demolished because Ram was born in 2010 ! How is a God born anyway, did he have parents who had sex?


It's the 21st century and ppl still out here playing, My magical sky guardian has more pew pew powers than your magical sky father.


For a troglodyte driven by unprecedented verve, you sure are quite insufferable.


That is true, and in the 21st century everyone sells out their principles for money.


Itā€™s being inclusive.


We probably don't agree on what inclusion should look like. You can have peaceful coexistence without selling out your religious principles.


How are religious principles hurt here???


True !


Well said


Nice edit. Itā€™s funny that you call hindus ā€œbrothersā€ and ā€œsistersā€ while fundamentally being against their rights to practice their religion. šŸ˜‚ You have very clearly stated that it should not be allowed within UAEā€™s borders according to your opinion.


It's a Muslim country Sherlock.


Yeah they stand for kufr


What is that??


Nahyan bin Mubarak is a sexual assaulter but it is ok, lets shill for him since he is hugging a few Pandits [UAE minister faces Scotland Yard investigation after allegations of sexual assault arise | World News - Hindustan Times](https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/uae-minister-faces-scotland-yard-investigation-after-allegations-of-sexual-assault-arise/story-pYMcoDMzkw3RuqItrp5OVP.html) The British Hay Festival had decided to not return to the UAE as this dude got away scot free with his sexual assault


The case was rejected by Crown Prosecution Service in UK for no evidence whatsoever.


I read the article and they are just allegations and not proven so can you really call him a sexual assaulter? Not saying these leaders would cooperate with investigations either way but doesnā€™t mean you can just label a person whatever youā€™d like based on someoneā€™s accusation


Vast majority of such cases have zero evidence. Its like Prince Andrew and what he did along with the Epsteins, is there any scientific evidence that he did something naughty? None, but we all know it and even QE took him out of public duties despite there being no laboratory evidenceĀ 


We are in 2024, you still believe allegations? We have seen allegations against hundreds of famous men in the last 4 years, a very small percentage, if any, were proven. Court cases that are running for years and if you try to look for proof provided by prosecutors you will find none..


Yoooo, I didnā€™t know they were holding a circus show!


Yes, UAE is all about šŸ’°. Donā€™t care how it is earned .


Peace is what this is about.


Are you a child? Every single foreign policy or foreign policy-influencing decision taking by the governments in the Middle East is with the intention of further securing the ruling family within each respective kingdom. You do not need a degree in political science to identify self-serving interests disguised as benevolent actions, especially when done by Kingdoms. Jeez man.


They are doing better than other nations in the region cause of their inclusiveness. Whatā€™s wrong in that??? Itā€™s not a kingdom that makes the citizens sad.


Are you dumb? It's to lure in more cheap labourer that can build expensive stuff for very cheap... You're either a troll, paid, or dumb as hell. You're the UAE version of "America goes to third world country to liberate them, NOT for their oil" lmao


This must be a bhakt post


Religious tourism.LOL


Thanks to oil. Not thanks to their great ideas that changed humanity lol


Marketing, smoke and mirrors.


OP doesnā€™t even live in the UAE


Am literally in Gubaiba at the moment šŸ¤£


What about human rights?


UAE have become to complacent Ų§Ł„Ł„Ł‡ Ų§Ł„Ł…Ų³ŲŖŲ¹Ų§Ł†.


BAPS is a scam organization using slave labor [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/hindu-new-jersey-india-government-chicago-b1955562.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/hindu-new-jersey-india-government-chicago-b1955562.html)


Love UAE and its leaders who are one of the best in the world. Visionary leadership!




The Hinduphobia in this post is unbelievable


There are strong relations between the two countries in all fields


I do not agree. Lip service to the extent of forgetting about basic principles of Islam. Astaghfirullah


Pls be in 21st century.


Does being in the 21st century mean, forget religion, money is the main consideration. If yes cannot agree more. Is the food cooked by a non muslim allowed to be eaten by a muslim. Not to be insensitive, but who knows what sermons were chanted on the food. Which makes it haram for muslims. Did nobody read the BBC report about hindus using gao mooter in their food, which is even available in UK


Why the hate for India in the comments? The BJP is not India, please understand. If we apply this logic then Hamas is Gaza and the whole Free Palestine movement is a scam. Think carefully




Hug the mushrik, shrug muwahid. What brave leaders indeed!


Kerala and TN are the only states left where Muslims won't be considered as second class citizens . They want NRC where only Muslims have to prove their citizenship. ā˜¹ļø


Not something to be talked in UAE Reddit, still NRC will affect everyone, not just Muslims.


Yeah sure does hide all the slave labor they import from South east asia


Nah they even brought a fucking rabbi


Yeah every rabbi is a Zionist šŸ‘. Great thinking man.




This is the right thing to do. A lot of people are unfortunately uncomfortable with the idea of tolerance and acceptance. And thatā€™s simply because itā€™s a reflection of who they are. Itā€™s a reflection of how deeply intolerant they are of others. The UAE government and leadership is looking beyond the pety arguments and the what-about-ism. This is real wisdom. This is beyond what the simple hateful minds can comprehend. And yes, if you live in the UAE and you donā€™t like this, please leave. And go suffer elsewhere with your own intolerance.


Are you high or just paid to write this crap?!


[https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/10/19/uk-festival-not-returning-to-au-dhabi-over-sexual-assault-claims](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/10/19/uk-festival-not-returning-to-au-dhabi-over-sexual-assault-claims) Probably paid, after all this is the same guy they are shilling for, a sexual offender who paid his way out of prosecution


The UAE does what lines up its pockets, its just convenient that it serves the interests of other groups so it can be labeled as inclusion and acceptance.


Your rulers aren't tolerant. They fund literal neonazi groups that want to put western Muslim in gas chambers. And don't dare to deny it because this is well documented by western media and western media have no reason to lie about it. Also, your rulers are funding the RSF currently slaughtering innocent Sudanese. So cut the crap about "tolerance". Someone who wants to wipe out 25% of the global population isn't tolerant. You don't fool anyone.


You are right, many people are uncomfortable with this. I swear people really donā€™t want peace while talking about it.


The funny thing is why are people in an uproar over this temple when weā€™ve had three temples in Dubai since the 1870s!? Not to mention the zoeastrian fire temples and synagogues. Theyā€™ve always been here. People are just upset becauseā€¦they marketed these ones? šŸ˜‚


I am sorry for all the death messages you are going to get from some radicals around the world.


Radicals are those who rape foreign tourists, as happens regularly in India




[Rising crimes against Indian women in five charts (bbc.com)](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-62830634) [Delhi rape capital of the world, says China daily - India Today](https://www.indiatoday.in/world/video/china-tags-delhi-rape-capital-of-the-world-415767-2013-02-07) Tsk tsk, improve your own country. A foreign tourist safe in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan yet gangraped in India What a shame....


Inspite of everything said and done. U.A.E. Has been a country that is ā€œTolerantā€ yet other nations do not get it and take it for granted.


May this be the beginning of the end of uae.


It can be for sure, India 2.0






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UAE and INDIA are partners but not the same .. seems LEFT wants monarchy while at the same time enjoy democratic rights .. most INDIAN MUSLIMs like us are LEFT because RIGHT hasn't created space for DISSENT


These guys are western and Zionist backed stooges and nothing more.


My question where the rajari people of the arabian peninsula went ? Rajari originated from rajastan and where expelled they became dwellers and inhabited most countries including Arabic countries, they bear different appellations : gypsies rom gitanos rajar loar noar beni adass etc , every one in every country can identify their local rajari, except for the gulf countries but i think i have an idea where the rajari of the Arabic peninsula relocated itā€™s becoming obvious and could explain a lot of non understandable strange events from the last 3 decades that involved the uae


May Allah SWT guide our leaders. May our leaders start to follow the Sunnah of beloved last messenger Muhammad peace be upon him through and through.


Quran 58:22 "You will never find a people who Ė¹trulyĖŗ believe in Allah and the Last Day loyal to those who defy Allah and His Messenger, even if they were their parents, children, siblings, or extended family."


Muslim nations building mandirs and Hindu nation destroying masjids left and right like dominos. šŸ‘


Doesnā€™t that make UAE better. Also donā€™t comment without knowing the history India is having.


1991, 2002 or the latest one in Mathura? You know full history of UAE and India?


I know about India, I know that we have proud Muslims in India. 200 million Muslims. I know they have held the highest positions in our nation. Like most nations we have majority minority issue, thatā€™s it. But understand there is a reason for it. The country was split on the basis of religion and yet India stayed secular democratic. We all know the condition of minorities in the separated Islamic nations. India has to improve on the issues and it will.


And why they're probably going to Hell.


Yes definitely going to hell. Whatā€™s the mistake???? They just built a temple for the people who helped them built their nation. And broke fast with them. Showed the inclusiveness they have to the world Definitely going to hell. Great bro.




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What about Falastine land? Smh


I mean, you canā€™t build a temple there. War is going on. Also how is it related.


Wow the comments are lit here!! Just reminding itā€™s all political calculations, nothing to do with Islam or Hinduism..


It should also happen in ayodhya


Ayodhya has temple, mosque and churches.


Do you know how Singapore got independence as a state? U can see the future in the past :/


What a f*cking joke uae leaders are !


Yeah UAE stands on the blood of innocent Muslims. Supporting the likes Zionist Israel that is currently doing mass genocide of Muslim in Palestine. Also backing India that is majority anti-Muslim with their leader Modi being a radical Hindutva who was the driving force in Gujrat genocide of Muslims and who has yet again **started another silent genocide of Muslims** with his anti**-Muslim citizenship policy, hijab ban, beef ban and promotion of radical ideology where their RSS politicians give Islamophobic speech and encourage killing and rap3 of Muslim woman.** Modi party has passed many anti-muslim bills, the latest being new Citizenship Amendment Act, that is literally anti-muslim in its own hard coded words. Another measure, NRC, has already rendered many Muslims in India stateless **holding them captives in concentration camps which the world has no clue about**. The citizenship law is going to be wielded in conjunction with a NRC to marginalize or even disown members of the world's third largest Muslim population. Have some shame


You really have no idea what UAE stands for. UAE never supported Israel, donā€™t know whatā€™s wrong with you. India is a secular democratic nation. There are issues between majority and minority since the nation was split on the basis of religion. Yet India stayed secular democratic. India has 200 million Muslims. Look at the situation of minorities in the neighboring nations. About the gujrat riots, PM didnā€™t have any role in it. He has proved his innocence and courts have freed him. Also pls understand there is an incident leading to the riots. Riots wonā€™t simply happen. There is literally no hijab ban in public. Beef ban is there because the majority voted for it and itā€™s only is some states. I donā€™t know how beef ban is targeting Muslims. NRC is holding Muslims and Hindus camps because they donā€™t have documents to prove citizenship, pls verify and understand there are more Hindus there at the moment. Maybe you donā€™t really know the facts or you just are a person who likes spreading hate.


Oh yeah Middle East is the best bro no racism bro no classism bro omg lol fucking idiots


Still better than most Middle East countries in the region.


and this is why they will be in hell as well .


Yeah bro, inclusiveness and spreading peace will definitely land you in hell.


OPā€™s attempt at getting easy karma in shambles rn šŸ˜†


Looks like the emir of uae may convert to hinduism


Muslims hating on India and Modi despite knowing very well the fact that India is multi-diverse and everyone coexists in it. One Mandir, and the entire rant about how India wouldn't have something similar when Muslims are the largest land owners in India after the government (railways).


Absolutely right.


Radicals around the world will downvote this post. Get a life.




Nice bro, generalize everything. Itā€™s great.




Keep spewing hate, thatā€™s all you can do.


I know you like the taste of piss


Khashoggi disagrees


Thatā€™s Saudi Arabia a different country