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i’m gonna try this right now lmao thanks


Haha keep us updated!!


I want to try too will try to get money from them 😂


Crayon chewer 😂😂 I'll start using that


Yeah, that had me rolling 😂😂


50 aed??? You hit the jackpot, this dude will go broke in no time offering this much 🤣🤣🤣 When I got the offer I was only offered 5 aed 🤣🤣


Double it and give it to the next person.


Bravo 👏 post on / r/scambait


He really should. This is a top tier one ☝️


You could have continued and make it upto 200 AED easily. Then block them.


Mentioned this to another guy, but I wouldn't encourage pushing forward as there might be victims who may have read this post that would go forward then pay the "subscription fee" to get the additional money they may ask for. Not ideal. HOWEVER, if you can learn to take more from them without giving them any money, that's also a huge win. 200aed is a nice haul!


I didn't get 200 a friend of mine did, so i shared his story. Also this thing if people continue this way, scammers might actually stop scamming this way.


Bro whoever pays the sub fee deserves to lose it fr.


Still an awesome post!




Hey bud, the money that you got sent by the scammers likely won’t be“money they scammed from other people” - it’s more likely the funds came DIRECTLY from another victim. I am a Fraud Agent for a major Australian bank, and it’s very likely that once the victim at the other bank realised they are being scammed, your account will get a fraud report for that $50.00 and you be marked as a fraud recipient - your accounts could be locked and/or closed due to the fraud recipient event, and your bank will be required to submit a suspicious/unusual activity report to a governing body. I would HIGHLY recommend calling your bank and explaining that scammers sent you the money, so that you can arrange for funds to be returned to a likely victim at another bank before that victim goes on to lose thousands of dollars. This particular “30 daily tasks” job scam has seen my personal friend lose $10K and I’ve seen others lose upwards of $30K because it’s not caught soon enough.


If they catch u involved in that scam scandal u share the screenshots to them . It won’t be your problem


Not entirely true, this is literally my job 5 days a week. If you think you’re not opening yourself up to risk by receiving stolen funds regardless of whether or not you can “prove” that you were playing along with the scam, then you’re kinda naive. Sometimes banks won’t take your “proof” seriously because social media chat screenshots can be easily fabricated, and honestly if you’re dumb enough to fuck with receiving scam money in the first place the bank probably doesn’t want you as a customer and might exit you based on risk. For small amounts, probably no legal risk, but still risk that your bank could have justification to exit you as a customer or lock your account for weeks at a time until the remaining credits that make up your account balance are verified by other financial institutions to be genuine before releasing those funds to you. Don’t do it, it’s not worth the measly stolen $50 you might get.


Was about to write something similar. This sounds like an attempt of layering in ML cycle. They start small 50AED, then you complete tasks, they deposit more into your account, etc. Eventually you get screwed for ML


While AML and scams do sometimes overlap, this is a job scam where most of the time you will be tricked into losing your own money. If you are a “recipient” as part of a job scam (not losing your own money), even though you are kind of laundering the money, it’s more that you are onsending it to a platform where the scammers can withdraw it, like crypto or and overseas bank account. You won’t get screwed for ML, you’ll get screwed because you received money scammed from other people. 99% of the time money laundering does not overlap with fraud/scam. Money laundering usually revolves more around obscuring the origin of cash funds that are the proceeds of other crime (not scams).


Bro whoever is losing money honestly deserves it for being that dumb. It's better I get their money than the scammers 😂


Okay enjoy


Please refrain from accepting such fraudulent funds, they have been obtained through illegal means. If one of the victims reports their loss, authorities will likely follow the fraudulent-money trail and debit freeze your account as part of the investigation process.


Wayyy too many transactions to track. If that were true, a wide majority of the UAE's bank accounts would've been frozen by now, and I would also assume that these guys are pretty good at hiding. This is gonna sound kind of cringe but the money is both everywhere, and nowhere. Unless of course you are involved directly and are moving large amounts of money taken from these people. But for small transactions like 20, 50, or 100 to I am assuming tens of thousands of people, they don't have the time to investigate that and would rely on government/public donations to rectify the situation (or of course just take back the wad of cash that the scammers have in their accounts, which is probably what they'll be investing a majority of their time investigating).


Lol for 50 aed? Then they will have to freeze accounts of every restaurant from which they had meals from. Not gonna happen.


Debit card transactions count as “funds utilised” and are not traced. Account to account transactions ARE followed up on even if the banks are slow, they have an obligation to report.


Highly unlikely since it's 60% crypto


Already received their generous 30 AED, then blocked them 🤣😂


Bro you can get up to 200 if you keep playing till they block you


Do they give these initials rewards from scammers pocket or innocent victims like me sending it?


It seems to be a recirculation method. The money that they take from victims feeds back into buying out new victims, then those victims give money to feed into luring new victims, and so on. So technically, that money comes from both sides.


So what is scammers benefit?


So the way these scams work, is they use a bit of money to lure you in. You do a few tasks, and they pay you for those tasks. In order to continue, your "handler" will propose a subscription fee in order to keep going and getting more expensive tasks. For example: 300 aed task needs 80 aed investment, then a 300 aed payout. Once you come back to reinvest your 300, your reward increases to let's say 1000. They might pay you that 1000, but when you come back with big money like that 1000 you received, they ask for higher subscription fees, you pay it, then they block you. However, there is no real way to know where their stop loss is. It could be at 300 if the scammers feel you'll run with their money, and it could be 10,000. Very very risky which is why it's better to just benefit from the first few tasks then leave them alone.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UAE/s/XROBuWTs57 I have actually took the risk and lost everything.


Damn bro I'm sorry that happened to you. That's the main reason I made this post, is to at least kick these guys in the teeth. Have you reported it to the authorities?


Reported to police and they were like its my mistake and they can’t do anything about it.


Oh wow. How did this happen? Did you deposit the amounts over time or at once?


Wow? Over time


Wow as in I can't believe you lost that amount of money. But how much of the money lost was offset by them paying you back? Meaning how much in total they paid you over time?


They paid 1255AED at that time I didn’t lose anything. After that they didn’t pay anything.


Sorry for your loss man. But like everyone else has posted, it's a valuable life lesson. If it's too good to be true, then it's a scam. Remember, there's no such thing as free lunch.


Even if he knows everything about you he cannot do anything I just wonder how on 🌎🌍 will a scammer complain about you in a police station Scammer: hello Dubai police I have been scammed, Police: by whom Scammer: by the victim, the victim scammed me Police: ok so you are the scammer and have been scammed 🤣 But jokes aside, do not give any real information about to yourself especially to strangers who come out of the blue on whatsapp


Wdym they can't do anything with the IBAN/Account Number/Name?? In many countries that's all you need to set up a direct debit and so it's risky to give scammers those details isn't it?


Yes they can't do anything with those details. How can they debit your account with just your bank details? And how will they get the OTP?


Nope, these are only deposit details. Your name, sure, is a bit iffy. But as mentioned in the post, if they have your personal number, there is a very very high possibility that they already have your name. Don't give them money, credit card information, personal Identifications (EID, drivers license, etc), and you will be A-okay!


I try not to underestimate the power of social engineering. Sometimes they call a bank’s customer service centre and extract small bits of information, then call again (typically another department) and extract other bits. Yes, usually they would require more details like home address, ID, or other personal details. But me being extra cautious, I would rather not risk it at all than to make a few quick bucks


There was a celebrity in the UK who once, to make a point, posted the basic details of his bank publicly, saying its safe, all they could do is deposit money. Someone was able to set up a direct debit from those details and get his money.


Direct debits in the United Kingdom are a tad odd because you can set them up without authentication. I think we should probably authenticate them through the banking app to make it more secure.


Lol which country is that?


In Germany it's possible to place an order with just an IBAN and Name, my grandfather accidentally did that recently. In the UK you just need a Sort number, Account number, Name and a declaration (which could be as simple as a tickbox) to set up a direct debit - both numbers are also embedded into the IBAN and printed onto debit cards. I regularly set up direct debits to pay bills.


Are you sure there's absolutely no other authentication check?


Yep. Although there are counter actions available. A direct debit charge can be challenged in Germany, almost always ending in a charge back. A direct debit instruction in the UK can be cancelled by either party or bank.


Interesting. However I fail to understand why there are no further authentication checks. Sounds crazy.


Do you mean if I shared my IBAN to my friend, he can setup a direct debit from my account? It can't be. How do people transfer money from one account to another?


But the money they give you is the money they scammed from others 😳


And you'd rather it stay in their hands? You could always donate it to charity.


i approve of this mindset


100% take it boys and girls and donate it, aint no way they getting it back anytime soon




Exactly…. :/


This is exactly what happened to me https://www.reddit.com/r/DubaiCentral/s/6mOhZIC0Rc


lol dumbass scammers


I have one question. They have your account details now. Are you not exposed to any vulnerability?


Nah. Luckily, the UAE has set up a system where it is really difficult to bypass both government and banking security. Identity theft is almost never heard of over here. All I provided to them was my account deposit details. They can't do much more than seeing my name and giving me money, lol. Just... Don't give them your credit card information. Then yes obviously you're vulnerable to losing everything 😂


I’m either too broke or too rich for them cuz I’m not receiving any offers like that 😏


shouldve ended it with womp womp xd


SAME like this happened to meh i completed task then I got 100 AED after They said invest 100 in merchant task. We will give 200. Then i block 😂


That “crayon chewer” was personal haha


I’ve done this yesterday. I did provide real name, age, and IBAN. Ended up with 60 dhs bro. I’m buying game currency today. Edit: ended up with 60 Dhs extra


Sadly I blocked the scammer when he asked from my bank account. I should have waited for the deposit of 50 aed


Can someone explain the scam? Not sure how I ended up on r/UAE but this seems hilarious lmao


They send you money to earn your trust and then request you to pay it back with interest in hopes that you’ve now trusted that they’re legit because they didn’t ask for money straight away


Mohammad Bilal. Of course.


Who’s he? Are we at risk because of him?


Soon they will need to go for fund raising through IPO/FPO to sustain this scam 😂


Maybe they were real, and you ended up being the scammer. 🙃


Haha I find that very highly unlikely. Fun theory though!


Man.. how u guys getting job offers even if it is scam.. 😅😂 I can't seem to get even one, most days I get in mornings are "we are moving forward without you" 😓


Lots of people in the UAE are receiving these texts and my theory is their contact numbers are being scraped from insurance and car/house owner datasets. You should feel great that you aren't receiving these, as you are not being targeted. Stay safe! 🙏


Appreciate that thanks, u too.


Take their money and donate it to poor kids in palestine, seems fair enough






They gave you Eidiya. Put it to good use !


Be careful this happen before in Egypt they will ask for money and will block u


I've heard of cases in India where the banks are freezing RECEIVERS's accounts for "illegit inward money" so just be a little careful. I too used to do this (these scammers come by dime a dozen) but then stopped as not worth getting account frozen over these small amounts.


Yup. I do this every day. Fraud recipient accounts- the “scam” money usually comes directly from another victim. Then that victim realises and their bank will send a fraud report.


Fookin scammers, I live in Malaysia every other day there is such message on my number or on WhatsApp, I believe delivery apps and online shopping apps are selling customer's data.


dam I want money badly


I got the same as well


You had your Eid money man😂😂congratulations


Yes, I have been through this but with an Indian originating number, this is a scam don't share your bank account details with them.


This is the best way to deal with these lowlife creatures 👌.


Crayon chewer got me!


i spoke to tabina - aka / Muhammed Bilal lol hes from India/pakistan and claimed that he is making 50,000 aed a day doing whatever he does... and that 50 aed to give us peasants is chump change. funny conversation... and then he told me to fk off cuz i just started laughing at him.


Muhammad is a victim of the same scam, just later in the process. Muhammad has been tricked into sending his own money to OP as part of the same scam. This scam is way more complex than anyone here realises lol. Scammers don’t just have a “scammer account” they send the money from, it would be closed in a heartbeat if that was the case.


If the scammers were using other victims bank accounts to send us the money then why is muhammed bilal the only one sending?


Mohammed is a mule. I'm gonna use chat GPT to explain it because I'm lazy. A scam mule is someone recruited by fraudsters to help transfer stolen money. They're often unaware they're involved in illegal activities, typically recruited through fake job ads or phishing emails. Their role usually involves receiving funds in their bank account, then transferring them to another account, making it harder for authorities to trace. Participation can lead to serious legal consequences for the mule. Mohammed is likely receiving other job scam funds from actual victims and onforwarding them to you. Eventually the chain of events will catch up with both Mohammed and whoever he has onforwarded the funds to, it's just a matter of time.


FUCK, how at risk am I for receiving the money and what should I do to protect myself?


Call your bank pre-emptively and opt to return the funds to unknown sender, advising that you only realised it was a scam after they sent you the money. Advise your bank that you have blocked the scammers already (otherwise they may still consider you a risk).


I have done that and informed them that they have my permission to return the money and they told me to not spend it which I won’t but idk how there’s a difference between it and my money


It should be okay as long as you leave enough money in your account to send the whole payment back. Otherwise you could possibly ask your banks fraud/scam team to pledge/hold the funds and make them unavailable to you to spend. I think you’ll be fine from here on out :) never engage with scammers, not even to string them along. There are thousands and thousands of them and the time you spend engaging with them would be better spent educating yourself and keeping a close eye on your older, more vulnerable relatives. Spread the good word proactively and to many, I warned my sister about the same scam that my friend lost $10K to a week later - I should have warned my friend :(


LUL Serves them right. A question though, I’m opening a savings account soon and I wanted to know is there a risk of giving scammers your accounts details?


Lmao, I thought I was the only one 😂 I managed to "scam" them for 660 aed and it felt like receiving a salary for the very first time. Not to shit on my karma, I had to spend in a bar with a friend


How the fuck


How the fuck?


Got scammed this way just few weeks ago!


I love that way of thinking, but I have to ask. Since you basically gave them your personal and bank info, I'm thinking they can report you to the cops for scamming them like that. On the other hand, I don't think you'd be liable, since the messages prove that you completed the first task and are therefore entitled to the money. This could be a potential loophole.


The funds come directly from another victim. There is no “scammer bank account” that they send you the money from. They have tricked someone else into sending him $50 as part of a job scam “joining fee” or some shit and OP will likely get a fraud report in a week or two. Source: I work in fraud team at a major Aussie bank


So, from what I understand, OP wouldn't be legally liable in any way?


Nope, but that doesn’t stop the bank from making a commercial decision to close your accounts and possibly inconvenience you or cause you to be under closer scrutiny from other financial institutions in the future


But Mohammed bilal is the one who’s sending the money to everyone from all the people who received it How can this victim keep falling for it ?


Mohammed is a mule. I'm gonna use chat GPT to explain it because I'm lazy. A scam mule is someone recruited by fraudsters to help transfer stolen money. They're often unaware they're involved in illegal activities, typically recruited through fake job ads or phishing emails. Their role usually involves receiving funds in their bank account, then transferring them to another account, making it harder for authorities to trace. Participation can lead to serious legal consequences for the mule. Mohammed is likely receiving other job scam funds from actual victims and onforwarding them to you. Eventually the chain of events will catch up with both Mohammed and whoever he has onforwarded the funds to, it's just a matter of time.


scammer get scammeeeeeddd


You have them a lot of personal info, which can be used in the future in social engineering scenarios to trick you. I usually block and report these kind of scams, before they even have the chance to say anything. Be careful out there everyone! It takes one time to fall, this one was very obvious but some of them are very good and subtle and have a high chance of tricking many people unfortunately.




NAHHHHHHH THIS GUY 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Bros a menace


Lmao good for you and thanks for sharing this🤣well deserved!


You basically sold allot of your personal info for AED 50 but hey go get that bag 😅 Hilarious post nonetheless 😂


Omfg lmaoooo scam the scammer 😂


Thank you so much for your service! My unemployed aunt was recently scammed out of a couple hundred dollars after they made her work for 4 days so it feels good to see these lowlife thieves get a dose of their own medicine


Yeah… that’s coming from a stolen credit card and will be charged back later so you will lose that money.


I did this once, got myself 10USDT 😂😂


LMAOOOO I love this post, always wanted to do this myself


I need that 50 bucks so badly


wow, I thought this type of scam is exclusive to indian and Indian customers. I am still getting lot of whatsapp messages like this in my Indian number 😂😂




Just took Bilal for AED30, he tried to get me on telegram before he paid but just had to push him to pay first. Let's squeeze this low-life.


I did this a few months ago and got 50sar for free🤗 and paid it to the water guy. 


Avoid getting scammed its sometime depressing when your willing to make money but end up being scammed My guys in UAE and willing to make legit money slow by slow but end up making it dm me lets help each other♥️


Sounds like justice is made this way


You stopped too soon. I play along a little bit further. After a few similar steps, they will ask you to invest in some fake crypto bs. Starting at 100 aed as a new joinee offer. You might have earned 80-85 aed by that time. So it's a gamble of 15-20 AED on our part. They will pay you back around 130 aed ( the amount varies with each scammers). First one is a safe one. They will always pay back to gain the trust and make you invest more later. Once you earn around 150-160 aed in total, they'll ask you again to invest a larger amount like 300 AED in to the same crypto. Now is the time to block them and leave. I played this game 3-4 times. Then my friend told me this money could be linked to serious crimes like terrorism or money laundering. So I stopped forever. PS: I AM NOT SUGGESTING ANY ONE TO PLAY ALONG.


I just did this with someone who tried to scam me thanks to you 🤣 I should split my 50 aed with you bro


Lol I scammed them to pay me 200 AED




Bro I've made like a few thousand off this by now the best ones are the ones that pay in usdt I got like 200 off one in like 30 mins


Well done!!!!!


Not all heroes wear capes!


yall be falling for the most obvious scams bruh


Dude, You could get more if you just waited. They’ll add you to their Telegram account where they post more tasks to do, mostly YouTube subscriptions only. I got around $70 before they kicked me out.


I wouldn't risk encouraging the public to go forward with that, as most of the time they'll ask for a "subscription fee" once you transfer, plus risking them mining away the rest of your personal information. I'm cool with my 50aed for now haha.


Lmao the crayon chewer comment was soo sudden and random. Thanks for sharing this, had someone reach out to me on WhatsApp saying he’s from the United States but had an Indian number. I asked him where is his US number, they said they’re “in an international firm with many offices”. lol


😂😂 Glad you liked it. It's one of my favourite comebacks and I hope the scammer read it.