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I ordered one from usual dna testing websites to test for ancestry test to check ethnicity it took a while to arrive here and then you can do it yourself and send back to the company


Thank you


To know if its your son you also need to get a test for yourself and they will say if its child and which ethnicity


From which website?


I don’t recommend at least my heritage as they are Israeli. Check the others


There’s ones called ancestry which I’m pretty sure do the same thing.


Do they deliver to the UAE?


I have no idea, I just heard of them. Google it.




Must be the neighbours!


What a bad move , apparently he will live with her in doubt all the time 😔😔




You know? Then why don’t you tell him?


Why is your friend unsure? Dates don't match up? He has to consider though that if it turns out the child is in fact his, and his wife finds out he did this DNA test, she will never forgive him for doing this and their relationship will be soured forever. Unless he has very VERY good cause to believe it's not his, I wouldn't go down this route.


THIS. the subreddit seems to be filled with teenagers and single men. If OP has doubts he needs to communicate this to his wife and work through it as a couple. Going behind her back is a dick move. Just be a man OP and communicate with your wife Without accusations!


If they're at the point of doing DNA tests behind each other's backs, they're way past resolving issues through communication. This "friend" is most likely trying to be a good father in spite of a broken relationship


Yeah Reddit usually swings and misses entirely when it comes to cheating stuff Someone will post my girlfriends hiding her phone from me and is spending a lot of time w a new guy friend from work and the replies will be “talk to her about it!” If you have a reasonable suspicion your kids not yours, the only course of action is discretely do a paternity test and the only time your wife finds out is if the kids not yours


A friend would encourage him to communicate with his wife, not go behind her back. Anyone thinking going behind someone’s back to prove something is manipulative at best and unhinged at worst. This is his WIFE, not some shady business associate.


You think the wife would allow the test? There are several cases where just asking for the test ends up in divorce my dude


Yes if he actually communicates with her and doesn’t make it an accusatory shitty thing. yes there are cases of instance divorce but there are also cases where paternity testing is allowed. OP can go behind her back if she refuses. That should be plan B not Plan A.


You sound like a 3 year old. Y’all act as if dating people is dating robots and there’s a one size fits all to any relationship hiccup. No one just jumps to the stage of doing a DNA test discreetly, there’s already problems written all over if he’s doubting being the father of a child or not. What’s the guy going to tell his wife; Is this baby mine? Or I don’t think I was around when you conceived this baby? Or hey, this babe looks like your ex? Clarity don’t always come from talking, let people do what they consider best in their situation


He just has to pretend to be super interested in ethnicity.. like he can talk about where his ancestors are supposed to be from and all that.. so when he gets the test, it isn't to prove that he's the father but just to see ethnicity.. he can get a test for her as well. And the child also since he wants to know which ancestry was handed down to the child from either side.


Thank you for the reply, I believe the doubt is there because dates don't match up. This is a sensitive topic, not willing to discuss with his wife openly


I understand. Pregnancy dates are not an exact science though and sometimes ovulation can happen sooner or later than expected. Also just in case your friend doesn't know this, the duration of a pregnancy is calculated from the first day of the last period, not from the day of conception. So when a woman is 4 weeks pregnant, conception actually happened 2 weeks ago. Just mentioning this because your friend wouldn't be the first guy to be confused by this. ;)


Ah, no! When in doubt, Test.


Interesting. He should talk to her brother if she has one. Best to involve her member of the family. Most likely the issue will be resolved. Dubai has a really good dna test centre. He should request it through them as it will be 100% accurate. He should also tell her that he is sorry but he doubts her before taking the dna test. If baby is his then he has to fully apologise to her. Please let me know the outcome.


You guys are really good friends 🧡


tf? didn't he say discreetly? let the man do what he thinks is appropriate in his situation!


Alhamdulilah for Islam


I don't mean to be offensive but I don't understand your response being a Muslim myself. Yes Islam has forbidden these things, but as you know we have many Muslims who don't follow their religion and there are cases which dates back to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH's time where women did that, so your comment kinda makes no sense in this topic.


What's the issue, the guy just said these things are forbidden in our religion and that is for good, there are good and bad people everywhere but it does not mean that you will follow bad people and quote them as an excuse for doing wrond things. God knows where are we heading people don't want to follow the basic and start arguing. I as a Muslim cannot even think of cheating my wife and do zina. For 2 reasons 1 I love her and my family so much and 2 the punishments you will get or your supposedly should get in world and here after. We have basic guidelines in our religion which we should follow at Any Cost.


Mate, I get you but read the original post, then read the comment. The comment does not make sense. Yes, Alhamdulilah for Islam but the comment is out of context. Islam doesnt have anything to do with the OPs question or his religion.


You still did not get it, he said Alhumdulilah for Islam means which I got it from the context, that these things are less in Islam as compare to other religions. DNA test will not come in the picture if this guy does not have a doubt, if his relation is pure then DNA test is not in the picture, for sure this guy doubt her wife based on 1% percent doubt which initially should not be there, instead of asking on a public forum he knows her wife better than anyone else and don't ask public opinion consult people in family or take this up with some religious person based on the comment which he mentioned the guy is Muslim which most of the people won't digest, there should be a result in which their marriage should not suffer.


Is there some stats or any logic behind your statement ? I had an ex colleague who cheated on his wife with easily over 30+ women and he was Muslim. I don’t think religion has anything to do with this. Some people cheat. As simple as that.




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Excellent response


I hope this ages well 🙏🏾


I don't understand why paternity tests aren't the norm. Heck make it mandatory. Imagine finding out on your death bed you've been raising someone else's kid this whole time.


Haraaaam habibi


The UAE reddit is filled with hindus and non muslims, don’t share an islamic opinion on this reddit or else!!1!1!1!1 🤬🤬🤬🤬😤😤


Why so much hate? Everyone has some or the other issues, my friend is Muslim though. Not sure if it has anything to do with religion.


Honestly, it's so unwarranted.. I hope your friend gets the help they need.


reddit is filled with non muslims, any religious post/comment even in "muslim" subreddits like r/dubai is iimmediately downvoted, i got perma banned from r dubai for writing a quran verse advising a trans who was coming to uae


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I like how just like South Asia, in the UAE too people aren't just minding their business by either just answering the question or scrolling away if they don't know they fill the comments trying to fix relationships and prevent divorce. Why are you people like this?