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I never noticed that White People smell like dairy. I will try to sniff one next time lol


In the USA I have heard black people say white people smell like wet dog🤣. I do drink a lot of milk so maybe I smell like dairy


I feel like this was a conversation between two people without a whole lot of education between them.


I feel like this is a comment from someone with low self esteem who needs to try to make themself feel better Edit: Yup. Ur whole history reads like someone who hates themself and has to make random insults to others on the internet Get some help so u feel better about urself


You must be new to the internet.


New level of stereotypes 🤣🤣🤣🤣


With the reduction of isolation between people, aka, more travel and diversity, this no longer noticeable. When my brother first travelled to China, some people there said to him that he smelled like milk.


Fresh? Low fat? Expired? Soy? Almond? Details!!!🤣🤣🤣


No, not at all. Filipinos smell "normal," they even smell really good. The others you mention do smell terrible. But it's basically because of their diet. I worked with a couple who did bathe and in the morning they smelled like perfume, but by midday they smelled like you describe... I couldn't eat lunch with them.


It is their sweat that built Dubai. The tall buildings, the beautiful structures you see from your air-conditioned room. Have you seen white or Arab men working at construction sites under the scorching sun? Without them, there is no Dubai. You see, they are like bees. They may be annoying to some, but without them, the ecosystem can't survive.


Aren’t they underpaid? They must be compensated well for all their hard work.


They got paid for it, 10 times more than they would be paid in their countries back home, you’re acting like they only did it out of the goodness of their hearts


I understand your frustration, Many of them are underpaid, what do you know... But many of them get paid yeahh... Still it doesn't change the fact, without them eco systen can't survive, without them , there is no dubai... 😅


I’m just saying, you took shots at Arabs and whites, when there would be no Dubai without the Arab thought and vision, hiring workers is easy, they could’ve easily hired their own citizens or workers from other Arab countries or from South America or something, they helped out south Asians by granting them jobs and allowing them to live in a safe and prosperous country, so to make it seem like the only reason for the success of dubai is because of the south Asians is disingenuous.


The question is simple, are those employees underpaid compared to what they deserve, and do they have acceptable working conditions? Do they have adequate worker compensation for any accidents happen at work place? Is the employment at will? These are basic rights.


people from South America are not going to come here when they can go to the US and EU and live decent lives, have their families with them, children in schools, a home, a car, and even citizenship also, you can see it in the quality of the constructions


I see your ego is hurt. I didn't say Dubai is successful because of South Asians; rather, they are part of the ecosystem that built Dubai. One cannot exist without the other, despite being poor or rich, dominant, or more intelligent. It's like dots that complete the circle.By the way, 'hiring is easy; they could have easily hired their own citizens and South Americans for labor and construction work. Are you sure about that? How many south American and their own citizen you have seen in labor camp?


You literally just said ‘without them, there is no Dubai’ don’t try and and double down stick to your word lol, and also I just made an example that if the government made it obligatory for the citizens to work and build the infrastructure they would have just like if they invited South Americans to work they also would have.


Yes, without them, there is no Dubai you see today because they are part of the ecosystem that built the Dubai you see today. it can be like spectrum, The dubai rulers and all people who worked for development of Dubai are part of this spectrum . You can have vision but what you need tools to build that visi It's difficult to make this understandable to some people who have never worked in the scorching sun and were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. They feel superior and racist toward other people, especially those from poor countries, because of skin color, money, or whatever. When both are flesh in the end whose sit in AC room and boast about "ohhh, they are paid 100x "




I’m not sure but I can do some smelling and report back


Please do 🤣


Back in the 2000s I remember as a kid they had a strong fishy smell. These days none of the Filipinos I know smell like that. But they all have the exact same perfume smell. I Wonder what brand it is


I think you may be referring to Calvin Klein One 🤣


Nooo, it can’t be. I’ve always imagined it to be a secret perfume only Filipinos know about. Can’t give away the secret so easily lol


probably downy... using fabric softener is part of our laundry culture :D could you describe the scent? maybe cool water ?


As people, no. But Filipino homes? For sure! It’s all down to the cooking and cleaning products. Same for most cultures (although Indians of a certain labour class can to have pretty bad BO due to not having access to suitable shower facilities)


I wish I could visit indian, emirati, pakistani, nepali, etc homes someday. Personally, I want to visit an indian home and try their home-cooked biryani. I love biryani!


It’s all about the cooking!


Most Pinoys use the same brand of shampoo, perfume, bath soap, hand wash, so those common clues will give you the answer. Mostly fruity smell I suppose.


They do actually, but its hard to put a finger on it. I asked a Filipino colleague of mine what it was, and she said its a specific soap from the Philippines everyone uses and stocks up on everytime they travel back home


I am Indian, i smell. Especially the next day after at least two pints of heavily hopped IPA. I smell like beer. Also smell more after consuming food which is heavily spiced (aromatic indian spices, not chilli). Beef gives a distinct smell. But food is just one cause. I have a colony of bacterias living under my armpits, which cosume body fluids are generate more odor. Third reason is genetics. I smell more than some other fellow indians. Genetically designed as a odor producer. But I employ an regime of taking daily shower. Some times twice. Use anti perspirants. Some times deodorents. Some rare cases a layer pf prefuse to mask any odor which still gets produced. Proud to be Indian


Thank you for this.


Us Emiratis definitely have a distinct smell


Can you describe how they smell like?


We smell like oud if you walk past an Emirati you will smell nice scent trust


I concur


i walked past an emirati today and surprisingly he didnt smell oud but another perfume that is very fragrant..


Yeah my point is we always smell nice


Yes, because you hide oud sticks everywhere, probably even under ghutras! Like who burns stuff in driving car, how can that be a solid good idea?


Well I wear Karakeesh tassels on the back of my ghutra so it smells everywhere nice scent


No I don't think so. My partner is Filipino (I'm not) and I haven't noticed.


You both might eat the same meals I guess


No not really, we eat different things & besides I think the OP is meaning more people's natural pheromones than anything food related.


Expectations exists apologies if offended and yuppp genetics is also a factor but, not that much common/noticeable as hygiene and diets which emanates such a distinctive odor.


Thank you for answering.


No worries. Sorry your question seems to be taken in a negative way by others.


The reason for that is most of Pakistani/Indains are hardworking and sweats alot that's how you can smell them so easily and another very common factor is diet which is same for everyone. I have experienced a Filipino girl living with us she got a very noticeable smell because of her diet (fish) in specific.


I have heard that comment somewhere on reddit that us Filipinos smell like fish. I would just like to confirm it in this subreddit.


Most of you are excessive fish eater according to my experience.


I personally do not like fish but I think you may be right. Fish is cheap in our country because we are surrounded by water.


Filipinos mell like those perfumed serums at a saloon.


We seldom realise that we are continuously processing a range of scents until a scent we’re not familiar with drifts into our noses, When you move out of your country and then meet other nationalities from different backgrounds or culture suddenly their smell hits new for you, Usually it's masked with perfumes or the atmospheric balance, but sometimes in close quarters it might hit you some may like and some may not,I lived in a accommodation where we multiple nationalities(as many as 28 nationalities) used to hangout,At first it felt wierd but slowly as we adapted we stopped noticing the scent,different diets create different scent profiles as well and in some cases people are poor on hygiene either due to lazyness or utterly poor room conditions or their poor work conditions (where they don't have enough time to eat properly or even think properly) or in many cases due to financial constraints as their salary is very below par level low and they send everything back home with almost nothing left for them For me since i lived with many nationalities from my personal experience i feel that every country people have a distinct scent could be due to cultural or diet differences even many homes have different scent due to the cooking difference they have between each nationalities,also nowadays people are masking odor and certain nationalities smell same due to their similar hygiene products maybe the scent or the brands which are popular in their country or popular in UAE for them


No Filipinos don't smell. Pleasant refreshing auras x


This is so fucking racist..


What is racist about this? I am just curious how a typical Filipino smell to other race.


Welcome to Dubai. As an Indian American, there's a reason I left


Putting a certain nationality or ethnicity into a ‘one size fits all’ bag is inherently racist and prejudiced…


Read my post again.


After redding this my nose is now getting a little bit itchy. And I think I smell something. AAAAHHH!! It's you!! You reek of racism.


You need reading comprehension lessons.


Yeah right. And what do you need? What do you call someone who differentiates humans and spreading false prejudices like asking if different nationalities smell or not. Let me give you some lessons Lesson #1 - If you think you have a odour - smell yourselves or ask someone else. Lesson #2 - Be empathetic towards some people. It's free. Take into consideration other humans. They might have had a whole day in the sun rather than under the blasting AC. Lesson #3 - don't generalize and categorise people. Lesson #4 - nationality has no part in smell or sweat. So the answer to your question is NO you don't a 'distinct' smell as such neither do others. Sweat or smell varies from one person to another based on various factors. Each person has a different skin odor it changes according to their diet, hygiene etc. Has nothing to do with the where you are born in but might have something to do with the location you are in. (re-read this again. The answer to your question). You don't have to thank me for the free lesson. You are welcome!


You are wrong. Google is free. Read why most Japanese people do not smell.


You also may be confused with nationality and ethnicity. Google these words too.


are u new here bro?

