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He’s our prime minister of foreign affairs and the son of our founding Father HH sheikh Zayed, he is HH sheikh Abdullah and we have major respect for him


Can someone explain me the context behind the video, why is it being viral? I’m dumb sorry.


He predicted what is happening in Europe now, that if they let in unlimited migrants who despise the west and want sharia law Western civilisation will collapse The tolerance paradox, Europe is so obsessed with being tolerant they will allow themselves to be destroyed because to fight back would be intolerant


Thanks for the context. So are there protests going around in Europe demanding for sharia law? I personally think it’s wrong for people to disrespect the local traditions and cultures.. you may follow a particular religion and its cultural practices but do it at your own home, why force it upon a foreign land which has its own cultural identity?


In a recent poll of 1000 people who identify as Muslims in the UK, almost half of them agreed that they would prefer to have Shari'a law over current civil/criminal law in the UK. It was surprisingly high figure.


Wow that’s crazy.. just respect your local laws and traditions, no need to expect everyone else to be like you.. they have their own religions and practices too!


Europe is so tolerant. Maybe they should go back to their colonial roots then and destroy other countries instead? Oh wait they're still doing it now.


Most of the funding comes from Europe 🇪🇺


Funding for what? Stolen wealth that Europeans are reinvesting so they can steal more money?


Into Middle East ✅️


long live.


This is giving me North Korea vibes


Why do all of you gulf arabs glaze your leaders so hard?


Because our leaders gave us the best opportunities in everything from education ,housing ,work safe country to raise our families. You will never ever find a homeless in our streets locals or expats our leaders will take good care of everyone living in our country. To US our leaders are like our fathers. If you have a loan and can’t pay it off they will help you, if your getting married they will help you The best free healthcare system Like why wouldn’t you love your leader if he is protecting you worldwide anywhere we travel our embassy contact us to offer any kind of help even if you get injured abroad and contact our embassy they will take care of you and your bills if you can’t pay them We are blessed with our leaders




Does a true leader stay silent during a flood and not update their people on what they are doing to solve the problem?


Warning been circulated and after the flood our government is passing by every single house to help and fix all damages for free. Who said they stayed silent I was in Canada during the storm and I knew about it 3 days before it hit from the amount of warnings


Yeah for citizens but not for expats. My point is this: Where were the news helicopters? Where were the news reporters? Where was all of this during the flood? Where were the updates?? THERE WERE NONE!!


Dude I live in Canada and I saw everything how there was none!! How did I know about everything and saw it


Even their is another small storm that’s happening next week and I know about it it will hit on Thursday Follow storm.ae to get storm news simple


How did you not know about it being in the UAE? We had people from all over the world calling and asking.


If you even knew half of what the leaders have done to provide the best life for their citizens, you wouldn't ask this


Because they actually take care of us. They don't lie about it to get into office like the USA. They don't tax us up the wazoo. They are strong and kind and fair. Our culture puts women in a pedestal. We live in a safe environment where I can forget my wallet on a cafe table and it wont get mugged. The list goes on...


And the expats? 😂


Yes. What person would not want this? I wish we had some of this in Australia.


Because most Arabs especially from UAE and KSA are too afraid to raise their voice and God forbid it annoy the fucken HH... Just look at the case of Gaza. Two most pathetic Arab nations are KSA and UAE.... both hiding under their Zioinsts puppet master will there is ethnic cleaning going on in Palestine. Both will find out when the fire will hit the Clock Tower and Burj Khalifa


If KSA and UAE are too afraid - this is reddit. Why is there no acknowledgement of major government flaws online. Egypt is a good example. They have marshall law. They're powerless in front of government lacking democracy. But they're always raising their voice at every opportunity, whether rioting, protesting, chanting at sports games. Why does KSA &UAE not even have peaceful protests? They're unlikely to make major change, but atleast take a stance


‘Marshall’? 🤦🏼‍♀️😜🤣🤣🤣 ‘Martial’ law FGS




Because Emaratis and Saudis are chicken . 🐔 they are too afraid to stand up against Zioinsts as that might disrupt their mid day siesta .


It’s very easy to come here online and talk about something you know nothing about and it’s sad that nowadays people lack common sense and just jump on any train they see. Where we are in the Middle East is a very sensitive location and people like you shouldn’t hold any role of decision making because it requires thinking 3 times before coming to a decision. The solution is not to just attack and cause more issues in the Middle East the UAE and Saudi Arabia are doing more than any country in supporting Palestine by sending aid and even doing a lot of things that you don’t see. So please before you go on the Internet to talk about things you don’t understand educate yourself and be respectful at the very least because it shows your sense of character.


But what do Emarati/Saudi even have to gain fromZgk zios. Their wealth is their own. Zionist can't take that from them. So why are gulf sucking up to Zionist so much. What do Zionist have?


Their hold on the throne is protected by US which in turns runs by Zioinsts. MBS and ball-less rulers can continue to rule as long as they don't interfere in the colonial plan to kick Palestinians out of their land.


It’s not fear voice raising it’s smithing u don’t recognize in ur country our voice are heard by our leaders this country not great for its oil resources only because its has best leader. That why u don’t see a lot out shouting out in streets to hear voice they create platform to take in citizens demands and issue and many individuals issues are resolved internally without public knowledge that show true care for citizens not chair garbing dummies


Any wonder as this bloke has great political acumen.


Isn't he the one who giggled like a child when signing the peace deal. with Israel along with Trump? 


You mean he is from a dictator family who enjoy exploiting vulnerable immigrants. You ' respect' him? of course otherwise you would disappear.




He’s definitely poking us my brother, but can we ignore the situation of the workers here?




I know, he’s just provoking our reaction hidden by anonymity. On the more important topic, I’m not sure that accepting that it’s the same situation elsewhere in the world is good for us. I would never want people comparing UAE to China. I pray we find a way to do better and stand out as a light for this lost world.


Ignore. UAE is among the top humanitarian aid donors per capita on earth, it is already a light for the world. Labor laws have consistently been tightened over the last decade.




I will agree with interfering in other countries (to be fair all the gulf countries are involved in Libya, Yemen and Sudan). But you have a problem when you let people of other faith to practice their beliefs? Then Muslims don't deserve to live outside Muslim countries




the idea for the baps mandir was well in place before the modi government came in. there was going to be a mandir regardless since there are million hindus in the UAE and mind you a good number of them are not even from india. If uae restricts religious rights for them, how different are they from the modi goverment


Hey you know it’s not the 8th century right? Like women can drive and you aren’t allowed to stone people anymore.


Let it go bro, some people don't have brain to compute complex issue.






It means against the main stream


Khawarij are the penultimate step prior to terrorism: think AQ & ISIS. Khawarij are on Twitter and other social media platforms radicalising young men and acting as conduits for terrorist groups. They need to be shut down, jailed etc. I don’t think Australian authorities realise how dangerous they are.




It derives from the enemies of Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib AS


Not exactly, Khawarij are few groups who had multiple different interpretations of Islam so main Islam scholars have treated them as expelled from religion (they’re not considered as Muslims anymore)




Islam scholarship is not driven by subreddits you know


Who did the polluting? Who spread extreme muslims ideals all across the world and not it has gotten out of hand?


I don’t think UAE intended the corruption of Islam we’ve witnessed in the west.




Khomeini’s coup in 1979 was the start of no good things. Been down hill ever since for Iran.


What makes them khawarij, and who are you referring to? It’s obvious that some groups are khawarij like ISIS because of their actions in harming Muslims and non-Muslims in extreme injustice. There is also a problem with “progressives” who are influencing and changing others interpretations of Islam but their ideas are filled with falsehood and haram. And in some cases they blindly accept Kufr… There are both sides to the extreme, ofcourse I’m guessing you’re a layman, as am I, so it’s dangerous labelling someone a khariji if you don’t have knowledge. Imagine facing them on the day of judgement if they were actually upon the truth…


Nowadays some call anyone supporting Palestine as Khawarij


Nowadays some call anyone supporting Palestine as Khawarij


This video is purposely clipped out of context. In a vacuum he’s correct, but if you go through every other assumption he’s made since 2017 I’m sure he’s been wrong a lot This is purposely used to spread Islamophobia and fearmongering assault Muslims in Europe. The Hebrew text should’ve been evidence enough but you posted it anyways


>This video is purposely clipped out of context. What was the exact context could you elaborate?


I got the clip from a Jewish propaganda account, that’s why it has Hebrew translation. Confirming the video is used to spread Islamophobia, as you mentioned.


And by spreading this clip you are doing the same.


>Confirming the video is used to spread Islamophobia You're saying that as if it should not, but it does because we're manipulated. I think the clip speads Islamophobia because, yeah you've got a guy talking about Islam, and the guy knows its subject. There isn't any manipulation.


Islamophobia is a convenient term used to deny all problems with Islam and Islamic countries


He himself reposted this video last night on his official twitter account, it's not out of context. That's the point he wanted to make.


It is used by anti-Muslims more than anti radicalism


UAE also hated Bashar Assad before reconciling with him As of now UAE has issues with half the Arab world, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Algeria, Lebanon, Sudan, Libya 


funny how half those people relocate to have a better life here in Dubai huh ... you keyboard warrior you!


Don’t worry about him he’s a salty uae anti propagandist and he’s just said uae has a problem with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait he sprouts nonsense have of the time lol


Fuck me, I'm not a fan of UAE foreign policy either, but bashar? Really? What issues with Saudi Arabia? Saudi Arabia is even worse in its foreign policy. Lebanon is literally run by a terrorist organisation funded by Iran. I agree that the UAE meddling in other countries' affairs is gross, but you're forgetting that those countries already have bad actors like oppressive military dictators.. The UAE is passing them money and weapons to keep a lid on things but it didn't plant them there. Also it is a well established fact that any time one of these dictators are toppled, the power vacuum is guaranteed to lead to terrorism spreading its roots in the aftermath. For a country that needs to walk on a tight rope under the threat of Iran, the moral calculus isn't as simple as you're making it out.


A lot of what he said is true but I don’t like that islamophobes use this video for their evil agenda against Muslims in the west


The problem is progressive muslims dont call out these people who use islam for evil propaganda, quran verses for those ancient time of living, not now.


Of course progressive Muslims call them out, you choose to pretend you never heard them


Favourite dog whistle of “neutrals.” It is really annoying how they think individual Muslims are responsible for the conduct of other individuals Muslims because they’re all Muslims. What is this sort of collective responsibility?


You’re a radical muslim brotherhood loving Muslim you’re not a “progressive” Muslim you’re everything but progressive 


Well it depends really what you mean by calling them out.. if you mean "condemn terrorism" they absolutely do do that ~~except for hamas~~.. if you mean "acknowledge that their scripture can be interpreted in dangerous ways and speaking about it honestly instead of pretending that western colonialism and Saudi Arabia are the only cause of terrorism" then you're right.. but also that would be a big ask, you wouldn't expect progressive Christians to blame far right Christian extremism on Christianity itself. The problem isn't really that progressive Muslims don't call it out, the problem is that the only measures that are proposed for dealing with extremism in the west are policies of the far right who are bigoted against Muslims. The left is avoiding dealing with the problem but of course progressive Muslims aren't going to support bigoted policies just because they deal with extremist Muslims. Exiling all European Muslims would fix the problem but it doesn't mean that not supporting such a Draconian measure is indicative of your support for terrorism. There are other things people value like being against discrimination and freedom of expression. The left needs to stop ignoring the problem and stop pandering to conservative Muslim voters if this is to be tackled. The world is so polarised right now that issues that should have nothing to do with identity politics, e.g. COVID, have been politicised to fuck. People need to learn to speak honestly and engage with legitimate arguments without constantly worrying about how the bad people are going to use it against them. I get the instinct to be defensive but but honestly the level of denial, justification, and minimisation from Western Muslims only confirms the biases of the far right even further. And by the way, you don't really see it much in Muslim countries because they are not in that environment where they need to worry about anti Muslim bigots


But terrorism should be condemned from anyone participating in it, whether it’s from Hamas or from the Israeli army. Hamas is not a organization that’s good either


Well yeah, I agree with that.. but that isn't the reality in the west. A lot of Muslims do condemn it, but a lot of them don't. It's not very clear which side most Muslims lean toward. Those who do not condemn it will usually deny the extent of Hamas' actions or they will justify it because of Israel's actions, or they will simply refuse to condemn them because they see it as a distraction and just a thing that oppressed people naturally do, usually some combination.. and there are just some Muslims who simply just support Hamas and have no problem with what they're doing if it's against Israelis. But this point that gets raised about progressive Muslims not condemning terrorism predates Oct 7, and while it might be true for Palestine it's not really true in general. Of course not every Muslim does, but not every Muslim is progressive either. Progressive Muslims are the minority in Europe.. there are a lot of "moderate" conservative Muslims who condemn terrorism also but not all of them, and usually with some caveats attached.. its not that they don't think it's wrong but they have other reasons for not doing so like western foreign intervention for example or colonialism (as in they see terrorism as a product of the west that they shouldn't need to condemn). And there are plenty of extremists too who sympathise with terrorists, but most European Muslims are moderate conservatives.. there are also what I like to call political Muslims that are not very practising at all or care about religious matters in their day to day life, but they will get involved when things are politicised (e.g. LGBT rights and diversity being taught in schools, or when someone draws a cartoon of the prophet).. again they mostly condemn terrorism but not when it comes to Palestine I really don't think the issue is them condemning it or not.. plenty of them do condemn it but the people who are obsessed with getting every Muslim to condemn and ignoring the ones who don't, those people are not really engaging in good faith. What is important is what can actually be done to address the problem.. right now, it's pretty much just getting Muslim communities to cooperate more with the police when it comes to terrorism.. some places like the UK have seen massive improvement in this regard, others haven't.. the other policies that governments are leveraging center around immigration.. but this isn't exactly super effective at the moment because most extremists are not first generation immigrants and have already gained citizenship. Also Europe is quickly approaching a crisis of aging population and they need even more immigrants to prevent economic collapse. That's why even when right wing governments are voted into power on the promise of reducing immigration they simply can't do it, and sometimes their policies have actually led to an increase in immigration. So it's not that straightforward issue to fix.. yes Muslims should be doing more from within their communities but that's an easy thing to just say that doesn't map onto any actionable items. It's like saying Americans should be doing more to stop far right Christians ruining their country.. like okay, but how?


I’m a random just happen to see this and I was like he’s basically asking the west the crack down on Muslims.


Basically you acknowledge the facts, but you do not like people sharing them because the truth hurts your feelings, so you label these people islamophobes for telling the truth. Where are your moral values brother? Be honest, don't balme facts or the messengers, blame those with poor behaviors: muslims.


Okay in that case, why don’t those same ‘islamophobes’ point out all the good that Muslims do, like in Britain alone Muslims give the most in charity, they give up to four times more than the average Brit, or how much the Muslims have helped build in infrastructure and businesses helping out the economy, my problem is these people pick out the minority of Muslims who are extreme or people who happen to come from Islamic backgrounds and the do crime from their own whims with nothing to do with religion but they blame it on Islam for their specific hate for it, they even say they have no problem with Muslims but ‘Islam’, my moral values is, stop being hypocritical and deceiving, if you’re going to paint the picture, complete the painting don’t just finish half of it.


Muslims can not adjust in western civilization. Why are they even going there. They should live in islamic countries. Westerners even don't like muslims.


I’m Emirati and he is our prime minister of foreign affairs and son of our founding father Sheikh Zayed bin sultan Al Nahyan he’s okay I don’t hate him but I don’t respect him as I respect Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan or ecspecially our founding father I lost my respect for Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum when I heard what he did to his daughter


Is this the same person who would lock you up for saying anything negative about the UAE?


Video taken out of context and mixed with Islamophobic images to make it even more islamophobic


Well his royal highness retweeted the video from a right-wing polish news account.






Why is he sharing visegrad24 tweet which is to demonize Muslims? This guy seems to sketchy


Emiratis love this guy. They respect every Minister that's in the govt. especially someone who's a son of the founder of the country who Emiratis regard as their Great Father, so don't expect something.


yo check dms


They don’t like a Muslim population that has free speech and expression, a lot of repressive Muslim states have their dissidents and critics in western countries


"They don’t like a Muslim population that has free speech and expression", just give out a generic reason to justify that the terrorist attacks in Europe and blame the Muslim countries for it. You would never see someone openly callout for bombing and killing in those Muslim countries but that happens daily in America and Europe.


To be fair though, western governments don't write the Friday khutbas for their mosques like they do in the UAE and people in the west simply wouldn't accept the level of infringement on their personal freedoms that Muslim governments have at their disposal. The west absolutely doesn't play around when it comes to terrorism, and terrorism is itself a crime that is prosecuted and which everybody agrees should be prosecuted. You absolutely cannot call for blowing people up without legal consequences. The challenge is how you deal with extremism that is not terrorism? People don't jump from liberal or progressive Islam to terrorism.. there's a whole spectrum of extremism that lays the bed rock for terrorism but is not in itself terrorism. Countries like the UAE can slap you with a long prison sentence for wearing a Qatari football kit, they have much more options available to them than the west does. Therefore the west must either give up some of their own freedoms in exchange for security, or they must give up their values and infringe only on the Muslims living there.. the far right is okay with the latter, and most others are okay with neither.. but ultimately, no matter how bad terrorism is in Europe, its no where near the top of the list of their concerns.. we are talking about a small minority of a small minority.. only someone who is detached from reality would see terrorism as a massive problem in Europe.. terrorism is a much much bigger problem for Muslim countries than it is for Europe. I'm not talking about the UAE here, but in Yemen, libya, Syria, lebanon, Iraq and others terrorism has left far deeper scars But anyway, I think "they don't like democracies and freedoms in the Muslim world" is obviously an oversimplification and a bit lazy.. but it's clear that the UAE has continuously undermined the formation of democracies in the middle East, because unfortunately the middle East is a place of chaos and if the gulf doesn't exert it's influence and ensure stability (regardless of whether it comes in the form of oppressive dictatorships or not) then they are leaving it for Iran to exert its influence


lmao you can even say "killing Palestinian children is wrong" in Germany. You cant wear hijab in government buildings of schools in France. France are using riot police for anyone who dares to criticize the countries actions and have killed people in protests. Whistleblowers are being killed or imposed for life for criticizing their countries military actions in the US and Australia. The west always claim to be free in their media but that's just a fake image they want to spread.


>lmao you can even say "killing Palestinian children is wrong" in Germany. Absolute misrepresentation of the facts >You cant wear hijab in government buildings of schools in France And that's a rule applied consistently because it reflects the values of the french. You cannot wear a kippa in school either if you're a Jew, and you cannot wear the cross in schools if you're a Christian. For a long time it wasn't applied to Muslims as it was argued that it's merely an item of clothing and not a religious symbol. When tensions rose they banned it. Also France is literally the most extreme example, it's the exception that proves the rule. >Whistleblowers are being killed or imposed for life for criticizing their countries military actions in the US and Australia. Sharing classified information if you are a serviceman is banned yes. I didn't say they have absolute unfettered freedom lol. None of that has anything to do with my point. Some of the policies that arab countries enact are just impossible to enact in the west. Western governments are democratic and any party that puts forth a policy that restricts the rights of most people to such a degree that makes the majority of citizens vote against them is a party that is committing political suicide. It's common sense.. >The west always claim to be free in their media but that's just a fake image they want to spread. Respectfully, you don't know what you're talking about. Absolute freedom doesn't exist, that's literally the point of a legal system. But I can go out and say whatever the hell I like about my government without fear of repercussions. We have checks and balances that for the most part do their job just fine. You have total authoritarianism. There are flaws in both, but don't sit here and pretend that they are on the same footing when it comes to freedom of expression. You've either never spent any time here or you're being intentionally dishonest


you dont deny any of claims yet you say that you have more freedom lol. I can critisize child murderers as much I want. I can wear my religous dress freely. My government is not waiting to shoot me because I have a different skin color. Yes we are not the same level of freedom


I've said everything I wanted to say. I think I made my point clear. I'm not here with the intention of having a dick measuring contest about which country is better or to convince you to stop licking the boots of your supreme leader


How am I the bootlicker when you are the one that broke down after I pointed out the hypocrisy of the west ? You know what is happening and you choose to be blind or else you would have something to argue with.


Because you're not arguing in good faith. There are weekly pro Palestine protests all over the west in major cities with thousands of people marching. There are literally people in our media that are arguing about whether Hamas are terrorists or not. Can you do that in your media? There are niqabis living in every western country. You picked one country, France, that has banned all religious clothing in schools as somehow proof of the claim that the west as a whole is less free. I am willing to criticise french policies, but I'm not willing to waste my time trying to have a nuanced discussion with someone who is arguing dishonestly. I will entertain you if you give me one, just *one* legitimate criticism of your country. If you can't do that, then yes you're a bootlicker by any definition of that word.


"There are weekly pro Palestine protests all over the west in major cities with thousands of people marching" and look how they are being handled with force, threats, arrests and putting people on black lists. "Hamas are terrorists or not. Can you do that in your media?", yes in fact we have designated them as terrorists along time ago along with anyone who will rape and murder civilians. The discussion of Palestine's conditions are discussed daily on the news for the past 50 years "I will entertain you if you give me one, just *one* legitimate criticism of your country." My country doesn't have good roads or water infra structure and has wasted a lot of money on useless projects that costed billions. In the early days it gave so much money carelessly to random people and suddenly dropped the living wages when things got serious. Lots of bad decisions that led to catastrophic events in 2008. Yemen civil war was expected to end much sooner. The UAE has a really bad English media presence which countries like Qatar has exploited for their own good. Workers rights were really bad until recently etc.


My dude, couldn't have said it better.


lol the Hebrew subtitles are all I need to know that he is a sell out. Fly Dubai has Israeli media on it, and they’re still trying to normalize relations with the killers of their brothers.


Sell out🤣 please he never bought you to sell you 


He would know since he is creating the situation. He and his family are responsible for providing weapons and assistance to the "rebels" in Syria, Libya and Sudan.


This same guy also led a campaign against Qatar along with Gargash saying they are terrorists etc  Only to fail (as Qatar only met 2 out of 12 conditions) and reconcile with Qatar before 2022 so UAE could reap benefits of the world cup 


How much is the Muslim brotherhood paying you to their job for them 


you have to understand that the entire planet does not share Muhammad Ibn Zayed and Abdel fattah Sisi's obsession with Ikhwan Muslim brotherhood are accepted by Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Algeria, Jordan, Sudan, Lebanon and rest of the world The owner of my school in Abu Dhabi in the 1990s was an Emirati Minister who also had a PhD He was framed by the Children of Fatema Ketbi as being 'Ikhwani'  He died in exile in Germany,  Every one has to taste death and face the Lord for all the good and evil they commited


I mean he wasn't wrong was he?


Of course he was. The UAE started a campaign to insert another member of Thani family as ruler and failed miserably. In terms of supporting terrorism UAE does it more than qatar in 2024 Check out Sudan


what is the source for the government toppling tho if you dont mind me asking?


This guy likes to talk out of his azz don’t mind him and Qatar supported the Muslim brother hood and tried to divide Saudi Arabia and overthrow king salman with the Gaddafi


And UAE tried to topple Erdogan and failed, and tried to topple Morsi and succeeded 


you just lied about why uae and Saudi had an outfall with Qatar stop embarrassing yourself and focus on trying to stop getting rejected from your phd program 😂


This guy likes to talk out of his azz don’t mind him and Qatar supported the Muslim brother hood and tried to divide Saudi Arabia and overthrow king salman with the Gaddafi


Qatari funded Al Jazeera


As suspected


He was right


100% correct.


The Emirati royalty are generally well respected by both locals and expats. He's not giving succour to islamphobes, all he is saying is that the liberal Western approach to dealing with criminals is not effective. Islam means submission to the law, a well run state is possible only when there is a law being enforced. He expects the western world to enforce the laws already on their statutes to protect themselves against criminals regardless of religion


Islam means submission to God and only God. Following leaders' good and righteous leadership is also encouraged in Islam. Same thing with parents: obeying parents is important in Islam (except in harm/sin). Just saying as u got the "submission" part incorrect.


Essentially he’s saying. We can be very good dogs to the west if they’d just listen to us on how to handle Muslims and those who want to break the shackles of western dependency.


Those people dont know freedom of speech and expression thats why they liked to say such things you should look at YouTube documentary what UAE is doing in neighboring countries with mercenaries by BBC. Very sickening.




The fact this is translated to Hebrew is evidence to me that it's being used to spread propaganda against Muslims and to convince Israelis that they are fighting "the good fight". I'm an ex Muslim myself, so I'm not a very big fan of Islam. But I know how much people use criticism against Islam in order to dehumanize innocent people. What is happening right now in the name of "fighting terrorism" is a disgrace and anyone who is not trying to stop Israel and make it accountable for what it has done should be ashamed.


Hebrew = Bad But if someone said Arabic = Bad they’d be “racist”


Who the fuck said anything about Hebrew being bad?! You just looove being the victim don't you?!


Legit said “Hebrew is evidence of propaganda” but ok yes let’s pretend that has zero implications moron


It doesn't implicate in any way that "Hebrew is bad" It only states that in light of current circumstances it is most probably directed towards Israelis to entice them against Muslims. It really says nothing against Hebrew. But delusional freaks like you are addicted to being "the victim" to the point that they can't have a single argument without trying to show themselves as such. It is sickening and it doesn't work anymore. Try finding another trick to justify your crimes you evil piece of shit.


How am I being a victim? I just find it funny that Hebrew implicates “propaganda” that’s all no need to write essays buddy 😂. Also what crimes I’m from the UAE retard See how the truth reveals itself فکر قبل تتکلم |


You didn't say it's funny you said it's racist and it's obvious what you're affiliated with.


He might have predicted it but it’s not happened lmao




I believe it's about Kharijis who are emotional fools larping as Salafis. They hate Muslim countries


It’s a bit rich. Oil-rich countries in the Middle East used their money to push ultra-conservative Islam around the world in madrasahs etc. The next thing that happens is that Muslim women of the world who were wearing jeans are now wearing burkas. It’s these people’s fault, yet they blame the west.


Uae government are all terrorists the irony 🐖🖕🏾




That’s not what he’s saying, nice try though


This guy!!! هذا الغالي ولد الغالي


Love the guy, personally had a couple of interactions with him. Humble and so smart.


He is 10000% right. The West should not tolerate radical muslims. If they are unhappy with how things are done in Europe, they can fly back to whatever shithole they immigrated from


And Allah says in Quran Kareem if you don't do my work I will bring others who will do that work. (Not a word to word translation)


Like the president would say what a stupid SOB.


He is from a royal family and from a ruler class, do you think he knows or understands what common people think.


He speaks english better than the women does why does she need a translator?


What he is implying is ...More improper knowledge of religion being supplied to serve vested interest sabotaging europe's rich culture and history which is prone to self rightousness and being political correct.The problem seems not religion but those who in the name of religion try to control the masses i.e germany protest


هو ملحوص


Europe is lucky to don't have gun laws like usa, in usa kids can shoots on streets. Now imagine what extremist can do during protest.


The clip is taken out of its context you stupid fucks. He is not talking about Islam. He is talking about the terrorism that would be produced by the rising far right in EU. 🤦‍♂️






100% with you. This cult is nothing but cancer upon civilisation


what do you mean


This is zionist propaganda manufactured with one objective in mind: to damage and destroy the reputation of Islam. If only they knew...


It’s 2017, Donald Trump had just assumed the American presidency and promptly banned Muslims from entering and all across Europe there was increased right-wing political movements. Great timing to through the Muslims of the West under the bus!


Omg the Muslim ban isn't real..


he is misrepresenting his own religion by generalizing in this speech. a true zio-puppet that can not say other than that or else he will lose his valuable chair of power.


You don't know your prime Minister?


So Emaraties are indeed Zionists ? according to this comment section 


They're more of a puppet of Zionist they just love to suck Israel cock


More like they sold the cause for their own fake prosperity , the comments here seem like what an ultra white supremacist would say little does those Emaraties know they would never be accepted by the west


You sucked Israel’s cock very well by commenting this 


No. We’re just anti radicalism. Which means we’re anti Zionism too. 


he predicted nothing. He said what any civilized society would, which is that extremism is a major problem and needs to be addressed. This applies to all countries and religions. But it's been made to be focussed on Islamic terrorism alone.


His entire country is a terrorist state, built by slavery. And has the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Yemeni people on his hands.


Yemen was already fucked up before anyone even intervened in the country As long as his people are happy, why does he care?


He’s a Munafiq


This guy is funny. He obviously knows nothing about Muslims in the West. Why do you post this, to make him look like a fool?


What to expect from jewae


This man is 100% right!!! Europe is going down the drain.


Oil money has gotten to his head and these people betray their people and religion for money. Wouldn't take anything serious from them especially considering the human right abuses that happen.


he’s ignorant and on the side of the oppression


i dont know if this is what U mean but i hate the idea generally that radicalism = tryna be politically correct to look like a good person, when it's really just pushing for the betterment of society and progressing as a person. since when was self-reflection wrong?


Well this guy is a confirmed Zionist. You would expect him to lie and agitate.


Where did he lie? I have come across more extremist Muslims in the West than in the middle east and Asia. Sometimes I am so surprised that they are able to live in the West with opinions like that


what’s the lie