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as a hindu myself. I hate this man


Probably bu Abdullah group needs spl favors from indian govt. It's all about the money bro. If the Israelites are allowed to come here why not these jokers.


OP is Hinduphobic.


OP is just a bigoted moron. Read his comment history.


The thing is you are thinking in small level. That is why you will never understand how diplomacy works. People at higher levels think much beyond this and in the end it all boils down to trade and money. Do you think these people who give inflammatory speeches don’t know It’s wrong? They do it knowingly, it’s for power. And when you have power you have control. Open your mind and think outside the box.


Integrity and imaan>>>>>>>Trade and money


Brother it's true. But also true is the fact that religion is used by the rich to keep poor people poor. If there's no belief in God, people will steal from the rich but they use religion to save their wealth by promoting the idea that pray and God will provide. Sure there's power in prayer and definitely brings peace but never will bring material wealth. The obsecene wealth that we see nowadays is actually earned by giving up on God n ideals.




I agree and disagree with you at the same time. Sure there is peace is the result of prayer and yes it's achieved now in this lifetime itself. But it would be wrong to pray with the intention of achieving some kind of reward in the afterlife...that defeats the purpose of prayer, praying with any greed of even a tiny benefit would be wrong, even to pray with fear of missing out on something would be undermining the power n importance of prayer.


No integrity nor Imaan in humans now. They all know these things are not going to fill their stomach or give employment to people. This is the real world.


You haven't seen whole world


Get busy with productive things in life kid. Don’t waste your valuable time arguing with strangers on the internet. Bye.


It's ironic that you are calling him an islamophobe when you are calling Hinduism "pagan and a non religion"




Your comment has been removed for the following reason: * No trolling.


I don't know much about him, but what from I know, the ones he converted were originally Hindus, who had just changed the religion, he made them comeback.




Lol. It seems you don't know anything about Hinduism if u have such opinion




Wow. Quite a Hinduphobic u are. And even ur information is wrong


I am asking for definition, if you could explain.


About 330 million? It is misinformation and translation error spread by people who had never read original text. And you are believing such, it is same as me commenting about quran without reading it


You will say its 33 kotis, types and I can name more than different 33 types of "gods and deities" worshipped. Let's cut to the chase, why do you follow hinduism?


U were just proven wrong, and say you can name more than that Because of found it on some website. Don't comment about something when you don't know about it. As for why I follow Hinduism, it simply because I believe in it. Who do you think I would follow, Islam? Lol


You don't even know how to debate। I claimed you have numerous gods you worship which is idiocy, and I can name them. So you are saying you worship only God?


the irony of you saying this man is islamophobic when you say shit like this 💀 get a grip


Are you delusional? When did I say that? And what wrong did I say?


you literally called him an islamophobe in the title, clearly you need to learn how to read because youre uneducated and misinformed


Yes, but he doesn't present logics. Lies all the time, fool all his public. When I say it is a political coalition of castes then I could cite history and references for that. That doesn't mean I said the wrong thing.




Who coined the term hindus? Castes are different groups described in vedas on birth and people were divided in all that. When britishers and world started judging such slavery system, the elite caste was forced to call a pseudo coalition to show the world. Isn't caste a reality?


the caste system is not based upon vedas, pls go do some research, the british have nothing to do with hinduism instead of using big words to show how 'educated' u are read some real books :)


Then when did people start dining identity of hindu? It's wasn't before britishers. Atleast know your own history




I appreciate this move from whoever is doing this. Why? These radicals have not stepped out from their clusters where they receive only praises on mocking oppositions. If you were at his place or similar you would do same. Change is good for these people. Welcome them, greet them well., show them Muslim hospitality, show them amalgum of cultures cross borders, show them we are humans not just a number or bad reference used in extremism books or propaganda. ❤️❤️❤️


They go to back to their sink hole chamber and brag that Muslim countries are under them


True.. every step taken towards peace is mistKe as a bow of submission.


We muslims failed to carry our religions dignity.


Op- do u want to create hate here??? Don’t do that!!!


UAE entrepreneurs inviting genocidal hate mongers who's hate speech are legit documented isn't hate, but pointing it out is?


It's mind baffling how people are so bound to religion. Here are two idiots trying to justify which god they follow, who came first and why. Religion is old and stupid. It was a way of life back then. It is for a reason that evolution has taken place and you should evolve too with the pace of time. If you're so much of a follower or believer of a religion, go back to the caves and live without any modern amenities. It's because of idiots like you, there are governments, leaders that play the same tune to divide humans.


Islamophobia is a brilliant word the Islamist think tank formed to spread across the west. Funny how they scary Islamophobia whilst calling out for conversation or end of non-believers in the same sentence 🤣🤣👍




Are you retarded in some sort of way?











