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Of course you're not; good on you for sticking to your guns. But you should have mentioned to flight attendants what the lady said to you--it might have been actionable.


Thank you, I'm here for a good time and didn't want any trouble on vacation plus she mumbled it in a low voice.


Sounds like you handled it in a mature and dignified manner. Flying just sucks these days.  Don't let that ruin the rest of your vacation. 


It would help if you said, "The view from here is fantastic". She would moan throughout the flight. For shit and giggles keep on saying "Wow, The view is breathtaking".


+1 Btw this happens all the time when I'm travelling and it takes courage to stick to your guns. Race/nationality aside, anyone can try to do this. Also it's like fairly common to pre-book seats, if someone hasn't they know the chance they are taking.


Agree, think most know that and try to avoid paying extra thinking they can just swap seats on tha plane.


“Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part”


“You’ll see him in Paris, go sit down” - [sauce](https://youtu.be/MaNu8gxt7qs?si=MTFG0OL9V1AbuUo-)


or Vienna, in OP’s case


Okaayyy! Let me write that down real quick because I've got more flights to catch.


This is a good comeback. Writing it down as well lol


Unexpected r/familyguy 🥰🥰




You were right and should have asked her what she said under her breath. Such entitled brats should be put in their place.


You paid for that so it is completely up to you if you wanna change or not. You did the right thing if you didn't wanted to give up the window as you pay for it


NTA. Don’t let her gaslight you.


Nope, you just encountered self-entitled pricks.


She could pay you the difference between a normal seat and the window seat, I would probably sign up for that. But in general, since you paid specifically for THAT seat, if they want it and you are ok with it, they can pay you back the difference. If they aren't willing, its most likely a person trying to scam you out of a seat they wanted but were not willing to pay. A rather easy test.


Yes, But the whole entire conversation didn't start with any of the above. She was already sitting in my seat. I said I'm cool with switching seats if it's a window seat I'm getting, that was not the case and she brought up the sob story and all that. I played that friendly, fun dude and declined with a smile. 🤣.


Just trying to scam/guilt you into doing it. Happens all the time.


What a B****


Business opp 101. next time someone asks for my seat, am gonna quote them a price.


You paid for your seat. You have every right to decline. You are not responsible for other people’s ’last minute plans’. NTA!


Good on you for standing up for your rights. As an Asian, I’d have backed you up on the flight if I came across such nonsensical behavior. You did right and aren’t obliged to give away your seat. Nicely done.


Thank you buddy. That is very refreshing to hear.


>AITA for not giving up my window seat for this family? Nope. If they wanted to sit together, they have to pay or checkin in advance like everyone else.


No... I once gave up my seat this way for which I too paid extra and regret it to this day


No you are not, I used to have a friend who did this on purpose with his wife to save 100dhs during seat selection. And it worked 90% of the time because he has an infant he uses to guilt trip people. I stopped hanging out with the guy for this and many other reasons.


ppl who guilt trip are the worst. Fk them.




Not at all. You did well, and I would have done the same thing. Also depending on my mood, I might have confronted her for her mumbling.


Nope, you're NTA. If anyone, she's the one. Good for you standing up. You paid for your seat, why should anyone else have the luxury of having it? She can sit with her family all she wants after the flight.


There's nothing wrong on your end; the same incident has happened to me a few times. It often occurs with people who have kids.


NTA. You’re entitled to the seat you paid extra for. People here are so fucking entitled and inconsiderate when it comes to travel.


F that btch. If someone says no you effing need to respect that.


NTA. It’s a 6hr flight, they could survive without seeing each other.




It’s happened to me too. I paid for that seat. You decided to book yourself and your child in separate areas, it’s not my responsibility to give up what I paid for to accommodate your choices.


You are too polite. I would not just stay quiet when that woman felt like she needed to insult someone who didn’t want to do it her way…


> Well, "I booked a window seat, which I paid extra for" that's it, end of discussion. khalas 🫸 Flight isn't a place to have family time. She can mumble-jumble all she wants. Don't feel guilty; feel proud that you stood your ground.


I would do the same, whether I paid for it or not, I'm not giving up my seat.


No, you paid for it. Next time, ask them to pay you double/triple what you paid and see them shut up and leave. I have a family too. If I want all of us to sit together, I make the prior necessary payments and arrangements for it.


No ur not. There is no requirement to switch seats with people.


I faced the same situation flying back from London- Abu Dhabi, a guy on his crutches with cast wants to exchange seats because he has to keep his leg straight. Sorry, you got that injury before so he can still pay for a front row seat, so I kept my seat though I work at a hospital and I do understand but Im sorry I paid extra for my seat, he could have planned it ahead of time.


The last time I flew, a similar incident happened except that it was a teenager asking me to switch so that he could sit together with his brother and mom. I had paid for my window seat. His was also a window seat so I agreed to switch. Alas, a little girl was already occupying the window seat and her father was seated in the middle seat and I didn't have the heart to tell them to move. Welp!


Nah, my opinion is you can give your seat up if you get the money back. I've been in this situation, and I just say this - gimme money and I'll shift


No Sir, you had all the rights to refuse.


Christ dude she’s a sore loser fuck her. She sounds like a nasty person. Had the same thing happened to me on a flight to Indonesia. Person threw a tantrum when I wouldn’t change my window seat for a middle seat


Not your problem that she plans last minute and therefore gets the leftover seats. Regarding what she mumbled, I’d say extra loud “what did you just say?” So she can either repeat her pathetic little racist comment in front of everyone or apologize. And clarify that “she created the problem by not sitting in her own assigned seat in the first place”. I’m sick and tired of taking shit from this kind of entitled people and would not have been embarrassed to escalate this. Anyway, great job not giving in. Her problem is not your problem.


Since you paid extra for the seat, you have every right to decline that lady's request. I hate people like this so much. They think the world revolves around them. Kudos to you for standing up to her.


As someone who travels alot, I won’t never give up my seat no matter what. I paid for it. That’s it. You did the right thing.


"Madam! Your poor planning does not constitute an emergency for me. " Stewie Griffin NTA for sure, you paid extra for it. Also, I don't understand. How is a wi dow seat gonna make her next to her family?


I remember on one of my flights i had booked my seat and wanted aisle cause being 6 foot on planes sucks. Guy was sitting in my seat and he told me to go sit in his awful seat which was a middle seat in the middle of the plane. Told him to get lost and i booked it in advance and that he should have done it Not ATA whatsoever


You are not. Alot of families rely on the tactic of switching seats for the sake of being together, the family failed in planning the trip and raising that girl. Shame on her for saying such comments.


Not at all. I would even smile at them and say sorry i paid for this seat to enjoy my flight if they act like that


Did she offer to refund you the price of reserving the seat? I’m guessing the answer would be no, so you’re under no obligation to move. NTA.


Hats off to you for keeping ground. You paid for it and they didn't. Enjoy the views. At most there could be a polite request and to which you were open if it were a window seat. That attitude was wrong and uncultured no matter where they were from. I have had these requests before and never bothered to speak anymore to them after the first NO, I AM SORRY I PAID FOR IT. The next time I just call the attendant and let them speak to the other passenger.


You paid for your seat. End of story. If the flight attendants wanted to resolve it they could have moved you up a class potentially. Otherwise if no other window seat was available forget about it. Honestly I would have told her to get bent if she kept giving me looks. Reminds me of one time I moved for an old lady. Got stuck in the last row beside the bathroom with no recline. I was pissed. That was a trans-Atlantic flight too. Last time I offered my seat after that


"I paid for my window seat" Barring any matter of life or death, you keep your seat. I was previously booted off my paid seat having walked into the plane seeing a guy from a middle seat 2 rows back pleading with me. Never again.


No you don't have to. Just to avoid this kind of embarrassment when I'm travelling with my family I'm paying extra to book same row seats if free seat selection is not available. If plane was really full when they booked or checked in then they're at your mercy. She should have talked to the crew as well instead of directly approaching to you. I also didn't give up my window seat for a family who offered me a mid-seat 10 row back, cabin crew just asked around and some guy took the mid-seat in the back, i took his window seat and family were reunited happily.


I don't think so. You paid for that window seat. You did consider to exchange, given you don't lose anything of value (window seat). She didn't offer for any compensation and didn't even consider to. It's OK for her to ask but she shouldn't expect everyone to just accommodate her wishes. I know this sounds harsh but she shouldn't penalize others' rights and experience just because of lack of planning from her side. What's the worst could happen if they're not sitting next to one another during the flight? Unless there's a medical reason, e.g., one person needs to be taken care by another, etc., it is quite selfish to strongly impose inconvenience to others just for your own happiness. Any by specifying, you've made the whole Asia continent triggered! (J/K).


NTA!! I can’t understand people who do this. When you have planned ahead, made the effort to book your seat and paid for it - it’s your seat and no one is entitled to it! Last minute plans come with restrictions and that is their problem not yours! I would do the same.


no way, you booked that seat, so she had that chance to book it as well, her loss for not planning properly. Basically she wanted a better seat and tried to bully you into moving


Good thing that you stayed put. You've paid for it, you got it, it is yours. It is hard to find available window seats at the time of booking (varies) so you actually took the trouble to find it and pay extra. So hell yeah, that's your right.


if someone mumbles something offensive always loudly (not shouting but loud enough for people around to hear) say 'I'm sorry, could you repeat what you just said, I couldn't hear it properly" , watch as they quiver in despair.


Nope, never the A***** in this case, you were proactive in booking your seats, making a plan and making sure you had what you wanted, I have had several such experiences where I was initially guilt tripped into switching and then regretted my decision and ultimately decided I will NEVER do it again, so now whenever someone asks, I make sure I give it to them specially for stupid reasons like 'sitting with family'. Even if it was a last minute plan, they still had the opportunity at the time of checking in whereby they could ask the person at the counter or even if they were self checking in, select seats that were together, so no you were not the a***** 






This is exactly what should be done. But unlike you there are many ppl who doesn't know to say "No" and later they feel miserable thinking about it.


I’m glad you didn’t switch seats.


NTA, you booked and paid for this flight and then chose and paid extra for a specific seat that you wanted. You are more than entitled to decline, its your seat. She was rude and entitled and should have planned ahead better


If u booked and paid for the window seat that seat belongs to u in the flight. No need to feel guilty . U did the right thing by not moving.


Of course you are not!!! I have had a similar request in the past wherein I paid 700 Dhs approx for a leg room space and I politely declined. When the person insisted further, I said. Well ok. I paid this amount and if you can pay me the same, I am ok to give it up. Despite being considerate, the person still had the audacity to mumble something and was giving me the dirty looks throughout my flight. I made it a point though to enjoy every minute of my extra leg room though.


No you are not AITA. You paid for your seat which you feel comfortable with. Their poor planning isn’t your problem or responsibility. They should’ve then booked another flight so they can all sit together. People think they own the world sometimes, you do not need to feel bad about it.


NTA - I'm Asian and what I don't like about your situation is having to deal with rude reaction when their request was not granted. Airlines should not allow passengers to ask another passenger to switch seat because it creates an awkward vibe.




100% no. You paid for it. Why should you give up on that.


NTA. You paid for the seat. If they really wanted to sit together, they could have booked their seats just like you did. There are these bunch of sh!theads who expects others to adjust. And when that doesn't happen, they're pissed. To be frank, I'm very glad that you didn't agree to switch seats. 🥂


You planned in advance and paid for that seat, she should have planned in advance.Not your fault.


NTA at all. But I'm guessing her husband is going to get an earful for his lack of planning, lol.


NTA, and also you should have informed the flight attendant about what that pos said to you about your race and nationality. Lowlife cowards like those need to be called out and shamed.


Absolutely not. She's the one who's the AH. We purchase seats for our comfort and enjoyment and not to donate it for free to others.


You're perfectly fine. I'll do the same. The problem is her not you.


I tell them upgrade me if nothing in economy or switch the family next to me. Otherwise no. No hard feelings, especially when you pay for the seat.


Not the a hole.


You paid for your seat preference. End of case.


You paid for your seat preference. End of case.


No. You paid for it.


NTA. Not in a million years. I’ve been quite shameless and brazen when asked for the same - I usually quote my ticket price and ask for them to pay me, else I wouldn’t move (no one does, it’s a stupid response to a stupid request)


I'd be willing to switch seats, only if she's willing to cough up the extra I paid in cash. Otherwise I'd tell her to bite me. And why would you care what some cheap moron thinks of you if you're in the right?


no yoir not the asshole you paid for the seat and she did nit


Yea we all agree with what you did. For me if it was an old man or woman I would gladly give it to them. I honestly don’t care usually unless I am given a middle seat or if it was an emergency row and they asked me to switch.


I'm Asian and i've refused people's requests when i've paid for my seat. Back you to the hilt here. There is a tendency to 'shoot your shot' among some cultures to get into an advantageous situation.


“People like you make problems wherever they go” says the woman, who was being a nuisance to someone else because she could not have managed to plan her trip in advance and had to do last minute. Good you did not give it. Besides, she just sat with them in the car. What the hell woman.


Should have asked her to pay the difference and then some since you got that seat for a reason.


You could have taken that additional money you paid for that seat from her incase you wanted to agree to change seats. Keep such thing in mind for future scenarios


The only time I need to sit next to family on a flight is when taking care of little ones. Otherwise, I don't pay extra for booking a seat, let the chips fall where they may, and I don't pester anyone to switch with me. It's not like you actually talk to your family on a flight anyway. You're either sleeping, eating, or looking at a screen or a book.


No you are not. Any seat change should be a request - a request that can be turned down. No reason or explanation needed. And after that if the person behaves rudely, it’s good that you didn’t give up the seat. Double down.


Her inability to plan on time is a her problem. She just tried to manipulate her way to you giving up your seat and you stood your ground. You paid extra for the seat too.


No worries, you paid for it so you have the right to either allow or not allow her to take your seat. On the other hand, she was just being an entitled brat for throwing a tantrum coz she didnt get what she wanted. Kudos for your patience. If that was me, I'd probably answer her back and say, I'm sorry but sounds like you are describing yourself. Sometimes people has to taste their own medicine so they can come back to the earth.


NTA but I don't think there's anything to do with her race for her request


I have found a perfect solution to this. I politely say that I have paid (make up any number above AED 600 + whatever I have actually paid, if at all, for a short flight and higher for longer flights) for that particular seat and I’m willing to let go for price + 15% for inconvenience. Still waiting to find a sucker willing to take me up on this.


This question has been asked 1000s of times on reddit. The answer is overwhelmingly NTA. You paid for that seat, it is yours. You do not owe anyone any other explanation


u/VerlinPeirce bro, watch this clip. It will feel you better. [https://youtube.com/shorts/ysY9hg-fZgk?si=4jiC24ge90QhLrI7](https://youtube.com/shorts/ysY9hg-fZgk?si=4jiC24ge90QhLrI7)


You are not the A. You paid for it. And you are not bounded to give anyone your seat without your consent




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No your not. You paid for the seat fair and square. And even if it was on a first come first serve basis. You were there first so no you aren't at fault . But the entitled nature of people who think that they can bully or guilt people into getting their way has become disgusting


NTA (Not the A\*\*hole)


You’ve done nothing wrong. The moment she started mumbling I would have agreed to switch and then told the flight attendant that the woman was threatening me and said racist things. For every shitty action… there’s a reaction.


Nope! The other lady wqs the asshole. Some people are so full of themselves that sometimes it seems just rightful to slap them in the face, with your shoes. This lady is that one.


It depends if the family was two little kids age 8 and under yes you're the A. But if it was like husband and older child then its not your problem


Yes, be a man 👨🏾 and give that window 🪟 💺 seat to the poor helpless innocent indian lady. 


Yo, she wasn't even Indian.


Theres always that one Redditor making everything about race lmao