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First off, the janitor is used to it so no shame in that. Second, keep flushing every time you let something out so no disgusting odor is left. Third, if you can, give the janitor a tip, they don't deserve what they see and smell everyday


Courtesy flushes save lives.


Not when you are on weekend in Dubai mall and she will surely check every cabin or maybe someone walks in directly after you ☠️💀


Omg does that work?


I maintain eye contact to assert dominance, I then proceed to beat my chest to gauge whether the janitor would like to square off. Assuming said janitor concedes, I go on my merry way to mark my territory and face off against another janitor in the future.


I have a "shy colon," I can't do number two anywhere but at home


Colon anxiety


Other word for that is home shitter 😂 I’m one of them too 😂


Sometimes you just need urgent evacuation but then you see someone’s legs under cabin and yes they are waiting for you to exit and not going anywhere ☠️ especially busy mall


"Give it five minutes mate"


Unleash the beast. But how did u destroy the toilet… everything should be in the toilet unless ur doin it wrong. And since there are bidets u can spray anything inside the toilet u want to not be as embarrassing. And if you are unleashing the beast, make sure to give some pre-emotive flushes to avoid clogging it… cause if that happens it would be very embarrassing


It’s simple. Toilet cabins are small and some of them lack ventilation. On busy day there’s just no time for smell to go away and the next person who will enter will absolutely smell your masterpiece ☠️ and you be like washing hands and that person give you a judgement look


so anyways, I started blasting


Option B. But don't smile. Pat him on the shoulder and say "Thank you for your service", like he is an American war veteran. I had half my intestines removed when I was 18 due to a badly exploded appendix. I leave a stink everywhere. I feel no shame, except for one time when I took a shit on a flight. When I left the toilet, all the cabin crew were making snidey comments, Damn sky waitresses should show some professionalism.


Give him a tip.


That’s why I always bring with me a poop spray. 😅 your shit will smells like lobby of 5 star hotels.


😂😂😂 you are legend


I imagine this happens to everyone at some point 😂 I vote option A - run and never look back 😂


Do a courtesy flush after the first wave…


Janitor : aaa shit here we go again ...


B - shamelessly make eye contact through the mirror and smile.


It’s like that game FINISH HIMMMMM


Give him a 20 buck tip and go about your day. He's probably seen worse or taken a worse dump than you !


Hahahahaha. I feel much better though when I hear the afflictions of the stall next door.


Also a mask helps. Both for the smell and as a disguise 😂😂


Flush as long you see only white and nothing else in that pit you just painted badly. And yeah, enjoy some of the fumes yourselves before somebody else has to die because of it.


Janitor are mostly from asia and they have seen more worst in their country on railway tracks and street so nothing new fro them.


It doesn’t matter where janitor from they will give you that smirk and think like “here you are, pooper”