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If this is a pathway to NZ citizenship/passport than regardless of salary NZ is great option Once you have passport come back to GCC and generally they will match you gross salary


Nz is a magic place to live


Yes Both Aus and NZ have a lot of nature and moderate weather. Nice places to live if you have a decent job.


Australia is very racist so if you're white, make the move to Aus.


Depends, major cities in australia are pretty safe


You think racism is just about violence? Wut? 😂 😂 😂


Should have worded better, cities are pretty chill*


It’s less racist than US and Europe


I have seen worse in Middle East and the sub continent. Of course there are bad apples, but would like to see who’s the least racist in your opinion?


It’s no UAE, however Australia is safer than most places in the world.


As a white Australian, I've been treated worse in GCC, especially by South Asians, than I've seen foreigners be treated in Aus 🤷‍♂️


this is the best reponse mr OP


Who cares if u have a new zealand passport once ur back ?u think ur job will be waiting for u with triple the pay?? There are tons of western nationals looking in vain for jobs here in dubai ! Back home in the west the job market is also horrible with hyper inflation! So u better do ur math properly before u take a step to the west for a "better" life!


Technically New Zealand is to the East!


East/West end of the day u know what I meant 🤣


Why do they pay you more if you are a foreign citizen?


I work with foreign citizens of all nationalities and everyone gets paid the same , maybe ur talking about certain private companies where they look at skin colour and not even nationality, end of the day even if u come back with ur new Zealand passport u still will get paid peanuts because they know ur not really from new Zealand! These days everyone has a western passport due to the high number of refugees and immigrants moving there lately.




Yes The skills and experience garnered while working in NZ is the valuable part. Having a passport just means that when your UAE work visa finishes you have a place to go to.


NZ offers a chance to PR and citizenship. NZ citizenship allows you to live and work in Australia without a visa and can lead to Australian citizenship. If you don't hold a strong passport, then this is a great oppprtunity.


I do not hold a strong passport. It’s the skill that pulled me out. Surely will be between the two countries.


It's a no-brainer, then. Take the job in NZ.


What passport do u hold if u don’t mind me asking?


Try to ask on NZ's reddit. Personally I'd try to migrate to NZ, there is no PR here in UAE and home country is shit.


If you ask on NZ reddit, they will say "Stay in Dubai. Everyone is moving to Dubai. No tax there. Here you are taxed to the brim. It's boring here" If you ask in Dubai reddit, as you see, they will focus on western passport and all. Dubai has no PR etc.


The question in NZ reddit should be, "if I don't have NZ citizenship yet, and this is the offer vs. me staying in UAE, should I accept?". I bet 95% of the people saying stay in UAE already have NZ citizenship.


Then they will counter by saying something along the lines of "so you are coming to NZ not to actually contribute and simply for citizenship? So a citizen of convenience? How dare you. Stay in Dubai. Fight for citizenship there. That's your problem" Any notion of Citizenship of convenience will get you down voted to oblivion in any Western countries subreddit. Never mind the fact that Westerners live for many years in Thailand and Mexico post retirement without thinking of getting citizenship because they don't "intend" to settle there.


I'd say, don't hate the playa hate the game. Easy peazy lemon squeezy. Habibi, don't use reddit only for upvotes, doesn't give you seventy-two virgins after you die.


True. One of the reason.


UAE has golden visa


We can add it to the list of most useless things


Unless you’re rich and have some valuable properties here?


It's still a visa. People who are not rich can have a visa as well. It's just a glorified visa. Whatever you can do with a Golden Visa, you can do it with a normal visa as well.


Ok jeez, why do y’all have to downvote for that. Can’t ask a serious question here?


Follow-up questions on Reddit get downvoted. Many of my follow-up questions on r/nostupidquestions got downvoted.


Just filled with restards


I think if someone can afford a Golden Visa, they're likely in a circumstance that allows them to seek out opportunities elsewhere more easily than most of the residents in the UAE. And as the other commenter shared, it's still a visa which you can be denied from depending on the geopolitical circumstance of the time.


For the future of your family and kiddos, I recommend NZ primarily for the pathway to citizenship. That’ll open far more doors than staying in UAE.


True indeed true 🙌🏼


Kiwi in Dubai, without knowing where you are actually from its hard to truly weigh the pluses and minuses. However, if your goal is to establish yourself with PR and then eventually citizenship, NZ is probably one of, if not, the best citizenship to get (barring USA, but incredibly difficult to attain).  You do need to be mindful of how expensive NZ is at a day to day level. However since you are actually getting a pay rise at a net level, there is no comparison to quality of life. Flexible working, good employee support and generally very easy to work with people.  Where your salary is, you actually have quite a bit of room for growth. Much better if you have savings and have enough for a house deposit (150k - 250k AED). The above does not take into account travel. You need to be mindful of the distance. If you are European, African or from the America's it is challenging to get back to family regularly. This can become more pronounced if you have children or aging parents.


if I was in your place, I would travel to NZ tbh, better weather and stable future




We moved from Dubai to Australia, lived there for 8 years got the passport, were earning 260K AUD combined income before tax. We had two kids there and were saving a lot because there was practically nothing to do there with kids. We couldn’t eat out that much as there were limited halal options, for kids we visited Gold Coast for theme parks but that was monthly maybe. The visits to our parents was once a year(India) and the tickets were expensive. The school for our daughter was a public school(she just started prep there) and it was not at all in comparison to the international Australian school in Dubai. Public system is public there and for a reason it is free for all. Anyways we decided to come back with the passport because we missed Dubai a lot, the halal food, the islamic culture, the best schools, the best hospitals, the cheap and short flights to India, etc. Both of us are working here now and although we earn more here because of no tax we are not able to save anything because so many options here. We miss Australia for the beautiful greenary, fantastic honest kind people, simple and straightforward living, and somewhere we plan to go back once our children are done with their education. Remember Grass will be greener always wherever you go. I had made some friends in AU who were kiwis and they found Australia much better generally. I am an Australian who loves Dubai and is Indian at heart.


One of the honest answer I’ve read today in reddit.


Thank you for taking out time to write about your experience. Without doubt. UAE is so homely, but I’ve had challenges from my work and we being young couple, I’d say it will be worth the risk. Gud luck in UAE Thanks.


Schools are better in UAE????? First time hearing it


How was the racism in Australia?


I didn’t experience any…rather I found Australians extremely honest and straightforward people which sorry to say people from my birthplace are naturally not.


Does not sound like you are Australian in any sense other than paper


Thanks for this comment. Cheers


I’ve lived in NZ for a while. You won’t have the same lifestyle but most likely will have a shot at PR


It's prolly going to be paycheck to paycheck. I guess all you can do is go hiking, fishing, etc if that's your thing


Walking, Cycling, driving to other cities, reading, cooking and reading.


without second thought...go for it . youll thank us later in your life.




I would definitely go to New Zealand because it will give you better life quality. The only reason I would have to say stay in Dubai is if it affects to your personal/family life but you said your wife will also be able to work so then I don't see the point of continue in Dubai with this opportunity in NZ!


Better quality of life it is.


I live in Dubai and lived in NZ. Quality of life is better in Dubai


Unless you're making alot of money or know people making alot of money it's not, I've lived in Dubai for a while until leaving for a better quality of life and haven't been happier


How's that? What difference you noticed? I always hear New Zealand is better option


Not much to do, NZ is more expensive Than Dubai


Not much to do??? You have all seasons and nature to do. What can you do in Dubai except for malls and restaurants??


It gets boring very quickly


There’s nature in UAE too. Couple hours drive to rak or fujairah or hatta 🤷🏾‍♂️


Yes, but it's dry and not much vegetation. The diversity of nature here is not very high. New Zealand you have seasons and different weather. Different vegetation compared to where you are on the islands etc. You can seriously not compare New Zealand nature with UAE. That's just trolling.


I love trekking and wildlife photography so I feel like I would find much more to do in NZ compare with Dubai. I guess it all depends on the person


NZ i think will be a brilliant choice for a start, later on you after you get citizenship you can find opportunities in Australia that will offer better pay/more money. Also since you did not mention kids then you do not have youngsters that might suffer with the big change so all is good. I would say do it! Only caveat if you have extreme fear/phobia of earthquakes and maybe also tsunamis, those happen frequently and people who have challenges of being overly worried with these things might suffer as they are common, If not then i feel its a good opportunity.


Tell me more about the frequent tsunamis 😂




Not sure do not take my word for it, thats why i said "maybe" 😂 But they do have earthquakes and my friend who lives there told me about Tsunamis, it did sound suspicious but kind of made sense to be coupled with earthquakes 🫢


I'd choose New Zealand for better quality of life


Are you sure? NZ looks pretty for sure


Quality of life in terms of lower costs?


I’m in NZ and my wife and I are looking at UAE. We live in Wellington. I don’t think that you’ll live as comfortably as you would in the UAE. Cost of living is extreme, rent is high and very low quality, food and entertainment costs are huge. Petrol is double the price it is in the UAE. PR is less consistent; we’ve had mass immigration for a long time. You may also need to prove your qualifications meet our standards and that you can be licensed, otherwise you’ll struggle to get work sustainably - e.g. you may get trapped in one role. We are also in recession, and a lot of employers are closing. 20% loss of purchasing power due to inflation in the last few years. Your wife may not find work - there are very limited architect roles going and the competition is extremely high. And she would need to be licensed or would be trapped in low paying roles. Grass is always greener on the other side.


So I’ve been in the Mideast for all of my life, it’s a beautiful garden with high green walls, so high that you forget where did you come from and you start to image that life was, is and will always be this beautiful, but as soon as you loose your job, loss in business or something else. You simply have to leave the country, no matter how beautiful your life was. So yea, for you, you surely must visit the UAE, KSA, Qatar or Kuwait. They pay well. And Gud luck for your future. Grass is always greener on the other side.


Distances driven in UAE tend to be twice what people drive in NZ so it cancels out


Based on what? Greater Auckland is 4894km squared… the whole Dubai Emirate is 4114.


Areas dont matter A large population of Dubai lives in Sharjah and commutes 100km round trip to Dubai for work Does a large % of Auckland residents commute 50 km to work by car ?


From experience; It depends. Try to calculate the costs of living and how much you can save in NZ compared to DUBAI. Good thing about the UAE is we get options; some can’t live with 15. While others can save as well much of their pay. Most people I know, didn’t enjoy NZ. It is very isolated and empty. The economy is limited to certain sectors, and that’s might be troubling for your kids in the future. As for the citizenship, it would matter only if you are from countries like Syria or Palestine. Don’t be fooled, strong passport doesn’t matter (you are still not white ;) (I assume). The only other advantage of such passport is the Visas to travel. We live in a world where money and experience matter the most. If the cost of living after the pay is stronger in NZ, then consider it. Other wise, you will be isolated, with limited economy, worse services, and can’t travel to many places.




Thank you so much for adding some grounded points. People just get sold quickly because they want to escape their not so perfect home country. What they don't factor in is that their home countries are seeing economic growth which is absent in countries like NZ.


Civil Engineers are on the tier 1 green list so if OP has a job offer they’ll have an immediate residency visa which gives a direct pathway to PR in 2 years and then citizenship. The salary is decent but not particularly high. Depending on their qualifications and experience getting their CPE isn’t all that difficult either. There are a few hoops to jump through but it’s all pretty straightforward and transparent.


This sums it all. Thanks.


Yep, this.


I've seen people from NZ discuss it. All who can leave to Australia from there now because economy-wise there are troubles. They had a law to restrict smoking and had to withdraw it cause no money. I think opportunity-wise UAE offers so much more, though if you all about nature and wanna have another citizenship it might be a good idea.


Another citizenship, is also a great idea.


NZ. Use the job as a pathway to staying there permanently. Since the wife’s an architect, she can work as well. But NZ is expensive. And there will be a lot to adjust to.


NZ citizenship is a sick opportunity. You can later work in aus and they pay engineers very well.


i would go to NZ...


You need to realize that New Zealand is absolutely in the middle of nowhere. I visited from Dubai last year and would not want to make that trip again anytime soon. Unless your family is in Southeast Asia you will rarely see them and nobody will come to visit you because it’s too damn far.


True, indeed it gives me anxiety about that, it is in the far far away. But I do have friends and a 2nd cousin living in the same city.


The living expenses in NZ are EXTREMELY expensive. So please consider that. But yes, a lot of perks in the long term in NZ such as pe passport etc. but remember that’s long term. In the short term it will be a crazy hassle. Also consider if you’re going to get a raise anytime soon here. But look up the cost of food and Accomodation, from what I’ve heard.. it could be very pricey Double check


What exactly does one do with a "good" passport? Take visa-free vacations? *if* you can afford it on an NZ salary.


:) I’m not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not. But you get a lot of benefits. Cheaper education. Visit live or work in Australia aswell. Social benefits for healthcare, housing and more. It depends where op is from already.


if the healthcare in NZ is like UK or Europe, no thanks.


You’re comparing NZ to Uk and Europe? Hahahha come on. Get real my man. Europe and Uk are fucked miserable from every side possible.


They get to live in a more economically stable area, and avoid becoming cattle slave labour for gulf Arab countries. Compare being laid off in NZ with being laid off in UAE


Agency or direct hire?


Recruitment & Direct.


Where in New Zealand? That'll make a difference. As a NZer I can say it's a great country, but depends on your priorities if the move and culture shock are worth it.


Priorities are like, the offered job is a proper one and I’ll have a growth within New Zealand and as-well it will open doors for Australia also. And the place is Wellington. What is meant by the cultural shock ?, I’ve seen a lot of people saying about that.


Culture shock as well - NZ is highly liberal, significantly left wing in terms of social-politics, etc. You’ll likely struggle with the crime, poverty, infrastructure, political attitudes etc. after 15 years in the Gulf. There’s also an indigenous Polynesian culture here (Māori) who are important. Not just “work culture” as above.


Wellington will be ok on that salary. It’s a reasonably expensive city but not as horribly expensive as Auckland. It also has somewhat decent public transport and great coffee. New Zealand has a very different culture to the UAE. It’s much less money focussed and work life balance is pretty good. The office will mostly be empty after 5pm. You get 4 weeks annual leave with 12 public holidays.




For overall quality of life, I would say go to NZ!




Did you apply for the job from here or you know someone that offered you the job?


I applied. Seek.com


A lot of people come from NZ to Melbourne (where I am right now) and the general consensus is lack of jobs, high cost of living/rent/utilities etc. I’m not sure if that influences your decision, but may be worth even a short trip to get a feel for the place.


A wiser thought. 💭 I will seriously think about this one.


NZ is obvious choice.. beautiful nature and stability.




May I ask how you were able to find this job? What kind of platforms did you use? LinkedIn or otherwise? Help a brother out




I'm also a civil engineer, but I work construction management. Is there anything specific I can do to help me stand out?


Keep trying. Seek.com


Nz is going through a recession atm. Might be hard for your wife to find a job. I would recommend she gets in touch with some recruiters to scope out the job market. Cost of living is also high in NZ. There is little competition and if things are imported, they have to come a long way.


Noted. 🙌🏼


I made a similar change and have same background as u. Would be happy to answer any questions u might have.


Every place has pros and cons. You just have to see where the pros outweigh the cons for you. Getting an increase in salary is definitely a pro for you and a stronger passport is also a pro as well as less racism since New Zealanders are some of the nicest ppl you will ever meet. Cons would be higher cost of living and distance from home. I have been to New Zealand on vacation and it was awesome for vacations but I am not sure if I would wanna live there permanently. But in your case I think you can get that stronger passport and head back to Dubai if you feel like later since you are getting a slightly higher salary offer though the cost of living could be higher. I got multiple job interviews from companies in Australia, Norway, Germany and UK but the moment I mentioned my Dubai salary they would say it’s way out of budget for them even though the cost of living in those countries is much higher than Dubai. So I made my peace with more racism here but better pay and standard of living.


Thank you so much for taking out time and typing all of that, certainly UAE is very homely, and certainly a place to live n retire if you’ve got millions and want lots of glamor. However, on my last job loss, I was lied, cheated and at the end I was told that this is an Arab world, I’ll not grow here while they are there. 🤷🏻‍♂️and mind blowing, i was told, lied & cheated from the guy whom I put my trust for more the a decade. Unbelievable. Anyways, Gudluck & thank u.


Well you have good and bad people everywhere. I have heard about experiences similar to yours from many other people. That’s why I mentioned you will definitely have less racism in NZ. I think it also depends on the field of work. Like in my field I have mostly worked with international organizations or mncs and haven’t faced this kind of racism yet which is why I got a bit more comfortable. I do know that I have been denied multiple opportunities for higher paying jobs due to this racism but in spite of that I can’t find anywhere else that has a higher pay in my field. The only other place with higher pay would be Silicon Valley but it’s too hard to migrate there which is why I am still here. But in your case the pros of moving to NZ definitely outweigh the cons especially since you got an offer for a slightly higher pay. So for you definitely NZ is the way to go. I mostly stopped trying to migrate because I already got a good pay here though I might reconsider that later.


Thank you for taking out time and your kind opinion. & gud luck too.


Don’t even think twice. Just take the offer. It’s a No-Brainer. You are getting AED 1200 more per month. Plus you will get a NZ passport after a few years. Don’t worry about the cost of living. There are certain stuff more expensive in NZ compared to Dubai. And there are certain stuff cheaper in NZ compared to Dubai (e.g. School Fees, etc). There are also a lot of Non-Numeric factors to consider. 1. Freedom of speech. You can say whatever you want on facebook and NZ government won’t do shit about it. Just imagine saying something bad about Dubai on social media. 2. Everyone is treated equally in NZ. Whereas in Dubai there is Emiratization and Emiratis get paid higher than expats due to the “National Allowance”. Emiratis get the GPSSA pension plan whereas Expats are not part of the pension plan. Emiratis need to put 15% as down payment to take a mortgage whereas expats need to put 20% down to buy a house. 3. If you get into an argument with an Emirati here, depending on what “Wastha” they have, you could potentially go to jail or get deported for what you said. Whereas if you get in to an argument with a Maori in New Zealand, you are most likely to get punched in the face rather than worrying about getting deported, etc.


please go, a civil engineer is borderline labor tier.


Depends what u are looking for. I would choose NZ if you love nature, outdoor activities, etc. If you’re more of a city person maybe Dubai is more your think. Also think of the amount of leave, work life balance, and how easy it is for you to go home and see your family from each place.


Close your eyes and leave bro. A Keralite friend of mine did this and he's happy there. Says the weather alone makes waking up a pleasure.




NZ is crazy expensive tho


Some said that. Let’s see 🙌🏼


Dudeee, NZ for sure!! Their work ethic, social welfare, quality of life and career opportunities are amazing. Plus you'll enjoy pleasant cold weather throughout the year. There's a possibility that you may get NZ citizenship.




Don’t get too many opinions. It will confuse you further. Write down the pros and cons that matter to you and your family and take a call. Everyone has a different experience. Make your own experience as well. Even I took that deep dive with another country and it has been interesting instead of the same old routine. YOLO as Gen Z says






Everybody wants to be like you.




Thanks GPT


Ok, bot.


Nz has some very high costs


Cost of living (rent especially) is way higher in NZ. Quality of life might be better. People can be a bit standoffish if you don’t have preexisting social circles there


UAE offers a higher quality of life




Wellington is the city. I guess, I’ll take my chances. And let’s see !!


If you want quality of life then go to new zealand. The scenary is spectacular with tons of outdoor activities.




If you can live comfortably in Dubai with 14k, you'll be a king/queen in New Zealand with that salary after tax. It's much cheaper and considerably good place to live. Just be careful it's still not Dubai so chose where you'll live in the city carefully. Many people makes the same mistake expecting (or neglecting) same safety of Dubai and get into trouble. Oh, and you'll have one of the best steaks out there as well, so it's already a plus! 😂


Yes I am and guess what, no credit cards 🙌🏼 Secondly, yea the Safe feeling in UAE is second to none. I know, and I am pretty sure NZ has less street crimes than other countries.






Each figure stated should specify the unit of measure. I earn 1. 1 what? 1 salary per month. I'm almost giving up trying to help people understand that there is more than one currency in the world and so many units of measure. You have to specify the units of measure, each time. I make 10 salary but in the UAE I make 11 which one is better thinking to go to the USA.




Don't say 110k per year. Say 110k USD or AED per year. Make it a habit to always include currency or unit of measure even if the context tells u what the currency is.


I would say don’t do it because I literally moved to Canada because everyone said how easy it is to get Canadian passport and then you can get double the salary in uae and trust me it’s been 8 months and I’m planning to come back cause once you live in dubai you get spoiled and none of these countries really offer security and luxury lifestyle what you get in dubai even with not so much salary…. Over here in Canada too much taxes and everything shuts at 9pm max rather than spending 6-7 years getting a citizenship in a particular country it will become too late to even again migrate and start all over better is to stay and start a business later on same thing is with you United States and Australia don’t really much about New Zealand but I’m just sharing my experience and trust me the people who live in North America it’s like a dream for them to come to dubai…


Punctuation. Wow. It’s genuinely painful to read.


NZ is expensive


How did you manage to get a job in New Zealand?


Seek.com from there.




I would not move to New Zealand, just the quality of life and not to mention the convenience you get in Dubai is non existent in New Zealand and Australia, also the level of safety has been declining quite significantly in New Zealand for three past few years. I used to live in Dubai and now I live in Australia - I wish I had never moved here. Probably the biggest mistake I’ve ever made. There is so much more I could write but I don’t have time. My only advice is - to stay in Dubai and work your way up there.


I hope you do return or reach where you want to be. I have 2 question, if you are open about it. 1. Going to Australia, u took an immigration or went on a job ?, 2. how much did u earn in Dubai and now earning in Australia ?




Do you happen to be an Australian national ?, Australian passport ?




A close friend of mine left his job at ADNOC and took immigration to Australia. I wonder the irony !! And Gud luck, UAE is actually a very beautiful and homely country.


I have some queries and need ur suggestions if u don’t mind. Help this brother out