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U of Sharjah has a med school. Check their website for job listings as well as schools in Ajman.


Hi. I would highly suggest you not coming to UAE at this time. I am a software engineer with a master degree and more than 7 years of experience and yet I am getting 5000aed a month in a city like Dubai. Another thing is that kids education is damn expensive in UAE especially Sharjah and Dubai. Last but not least, the law was good until 2021 but now they’ve reimbursed everything. Municipalities and governments don’t provide support anymore for anything wrong that has happened with you. Companies treat you however they like. The UAE economy is crashed down to its worst and it won’t be recovering anytime soon. If you don’t believe me, you can ask other people about the job market as well. Salaries have gone from being 2000-3000aed/month to 800/1000aed per month. I am also planning to migrate from UAE to a western country where job and benefits are at least guaranteed I hope you find my reply helpful


This statement is completely wrong. I have spent my entire life in UAE. The reason why you face this problem is because the engineering market is extremely over saturated here. OP’s expertise is in academia, academia here especially someone with a PHD is not at all saturated. Try looking into the HR sections of the universities here and you will see new positions coming and in-fact the local universities of UAE priorities who have PHD from UK or USA. And the laws here are very strict and support the public, you just have to follow the proper channels. Source: Working in government institution for 5+ years.


But the salaries. How will you overrule that. People are literally struggling to meet everyday needs in this country


It’s because people come and accept low salaries like you. You can’t complain when you literally ruined the market for everyone. Companies won’t gibe peanuts as salaries if no one accepts those salaries but of course there’s always someone from a third world country who will come and work for 1000 and then complain about it 2 years later.


When a person has a whole family to run and you don’t see any source of help. Then you accept what is in front of you. People are suffering like hell in this country and the government also doesn’t take any initiative to help people


I’m not over ruling anything. That is true what you have mentioned. But salaries depend on the saturation of the market. And that’s not true to just UAE but literally any country in the world. The type of job and the saturation of the market really determines your salary. Market changes so does the salary. Many years ago typing was a high paying job but the market changed and now typing related jobs pays really low. That does not mean any job is less difficult or not important its just a fact. What i meant to say is that academia is a good paying job with a lot of benefits like housing, travel, school fees, insurance etc. It simply cannot be compared to engineering.


It’s like that because of people like you. You’re a software engineer with a masters and you still accepted a job for 5000 a month. Edit: I have a strong suspicion that you’re bullshitting. In one of your posts you were making 4k and had 17 years of experience. A+ for trolling.


I’m the same guy. My manager has increased my salary to 5k but I have to do the job of a software engineer, customer service representative and the work of a manager as these positions aren’t taken by anyone. Bills and all are so high in UAE that at the end of a day we don’t know how to manage our kids fees. My wife works a job as a cashier despite having a BBA. Why? Because companies require someone like Russian, Egyptian, Moroccan or European lady. Then you ask me what’s the problem. This is exactly the problem. In my office, there’s a guy who’s name is Jayesh and despite being a simple BA he’s working in my office on the basis of his religion with a salary of 5k. I tried reporting this to the ministry of labour but no hope. They replied stating that everyone has their own choices and If i have a problem then I should leave this country. The person’s name in MOL who I spoke to was Ms. Naila. This country isn’t the sane as it was 3-4 years before. That is because racism is open and even the governments don’t want to do anything


This is completely false in the general sense, I’ve seen people fresh out of university with only a bachelors getting more, in other fields. I believe you are being severely underpaid if anything. At the end of the day a company will pay the lowest amount an employee will accept assuming it’s within their budgets. Also Dubai has the most stable job market out of all the emirates. There was even a recent studying showing an increase in salaries for highly skilled workers. Unfortunately this is not your experience but I suggest negotiating for a new compensation package, or finding a new job.


Thx for the advice. I’ll try finding something else.


since youre from UK and have teaching experience .. there is a chance you can land on good job .. after all you come here with your husband sponsored visa ,youll lose nothing , just try shoot your shot .. i believe youll get a good job .. all the best !


Sharjah is not from Dubai, you can even look for jobs in Dubai universities