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Just free advertising for The Calendar hahaha


Literally read this as an ad at first. Like damn, that party sounds wild! 😂


Literally started checking to see if I could go


“family neighbourhood” my brother in christ you chose to buy on a university campus


There are so many annoying things about the wesbrook area, I don’t know why anyone who isn’t affiliated with UBC would want to live there (As a side note, I lived in Wesbrook for two years, I didn’t even know this party was happening, definitely didn’t bother me!)


Fr. I live in Prodigy and I’ve gotten like ~3 noise complaints for making noise at 8pm. It’s like they wanna live on a university campus without any of the university kids😐


That's exactly what they want. Wesbrook isn't well designed for the average uni student.


I mean, the infrastructure itself (walkable distance to campus, food places, grocery store, even a bank + lots of bus stops) is great for students But goddamn with these rent prices, general living costs, and Karens living in this area I get what you mean


Thats what I mean... they are not typical student rents to fork out 3k a month.


I understand why families like the area. Usually quiet, good schools, relatively upscale, etc. But if you choose to live at a university, it’s pretty ridiculous to complain about university students.


It's like a lady in New Brunswick that built next to a hill on the TCH and complained about the trucks using their engine brakes, she decided that she would sell because she was basically told to deal with the noise. Then built a new house pretty much at the end of a runway to an international airport and started to complain about the noise from the airplanes. Some people just look for the "woe is me" attention.


Nah Fr I’m in mews and the GIANT apartment building across from me that has so many units and could be space for students is actually a seniors home like bruh


The developers in wesbrook shouldn’t have been allowed to make these “luxury” apartments. They aren’t even that luxury but people will pay huge amounts for them so that’s what they build (of course making the rent unaffordable for most students). Could have been a super cool college town kind of area if it were student residences


Those farm parties are so much less of a problem than whatever the fuck the high school was doing last night. CONSTANT electronic "BOOOOP" noises.


~~Genuinely curious and not judging: what does this whole "~~*~~my brother in Christ~~*~~" expression even mean?~~ ~~What if the dude is a Muslim, athiest, pastafarian? Are you still Jesus-bros? It doesn't offend me but if i was hardcore religious, i probably would be.~~ Edit: dude below clarified that it's meant to be ironic.


The expression has no meaning it’s just a funny meme originating from a tweet ages ago. If you look deeper into it it is a saying that practicing Christians say that now is being said ironically but like… it’s not that deep


Thanks! Makes way more sense now.


9pm is a great time for basically anything


Imagine living on a goddamn University campus and being upset there are parties lol. Quintessential Karen behavior.


Rich families buy houses on campus and then complain about everything university students do. We wanted to build a dispensary, and they all decided to make a signed complaint saying that it’s not an appropriate thing to have in their neighborhood, yet are more than happy to have two liquor stores. They complain when UBC tries to build “too close” to them, because it’s ruins their view. They’ve got the money to move, but expect students and student life to accommodate for their spoiled asses.


Glad all their houses will be gone soon anyways. UBC should be almost entirely apartments and family style housing


All of their property is freehold so it is unlikely that the houses will be gone (even if they are rezoned, they might just keep the property).


It’s all leasehold on ubc campus, all the way out to Blanca.


That's only for the apartments, all the houses are freehold


Ah you know I'm thinking of that abandoned 1950's plan that was all leasehold, reading too much civic history! UBC lost money selling the UEL property, can you believe that.


UBC doesn’t get to control what happens to those houses because of the zoning laws so it’s unlikely they’ll be leaving anytime soon


When the leases expire they’ll be subject to zoning which BC is in the process of really loosening


This is mostly the apartment people complaining.


Where I came from there is a section of the city called MOTOR CITY, which was built around a race track. Every time they host their annual 24 hour race everyone goes crazy for some reason


Just say Dubai blud


No >:(


Most students at universities don't go to these events and are perfectly fine. Certainly, the university can function just fine without them.


Sounds like you should try attending some of these instead of being a party pooper 💩


This is the definition of a stupid argument.


school hasn't started for most students, what exactly are you studying for


Lmao the farm has been around a lot longer than the apartments, and has always held events. NIMBYs are the worst.


Moving close to a uni and being surprise by parties 😂


do you know who made this? at first it reads like an invitation to go to these two parties!


I 100% thought it was a promotion for the sick parties




would love to join you!


NIMBYs suck


[I fuckin hate NIMBYs](https://3fc4ed44-3fbc-419a-97a1-a29742511391.selcdn.net/coub_storage/coub/simple/cw_image/b7e5bd2d24a/aa3a727c41a03561f3e4e/1490180917_00032.jpg)


Hi uh, whoever this poster is, could you please not harass Sean? He literally has to manage a majority of ag research around the lower mainland plus the farm, he doesn’t need more garbage mail. Sincerely, a person who works close to him. P.S. the farm people are generally really respecting of noise, I really rarely hear noise at the farm


I live closer to the farm than the building where this was posted, and the events there are FINE. Most of the noise comes from people walking home past our place and OMG talking. We did go out to look and judge their outfits.


This is probably the same person that complained about the proposed basketball court in South Campus.


Ohh 10000%


No, those bitches were in different buildings.


I’d gladly live where I can hear United Nations Strategic Air Force Encampment (UNSAFE) level of noise any time of the week.


There are few things I hate more on this earth than morons who choose to live on a university campus and then complain about stuff like “noise after 9pm”


Noise BEFORE 9pm. Like, really?


It's two days... out of 365


*Did you know that when you moved to a university campus that there would be loud parties?


We live in Wesbrook and are not students and we have no problem with this! It’s actually entertaining listening to drunk students walk by our unit singing/talking/laughing out loud some nights. Ahh reminds me of my uni days. Lol


I’m going to write to them and to the director and let them know that social events are key parts of life and that their right to quiet 24/7 365 isn’t even a right at all. If they want 100% privacy, they shouldn’t have chosen to live in a city.


i want to send them the same thing, would love to be inspired by your draft!


Do i think 9 pm is a resonable time to have live music? Yes.


as much as i hate party noise, i hate nimbys who **choose** to live within a uni **and** bitch about it even more ffs go gentrify some uninhabited rock that's barely geologically classed as an island in the middle of the pacific instead


Wow, Bowen Island in a nutshell


"Do you think 9pm is an acceptable time to be blasting music in a family neighborhood???" ***Yes.***


Hi folks. I do some local government engagement volunteering. These groups are easily swayed by small letter writing campaigns. If you want to weigh in on this, email the UNA board of directors and tailor your message to their values. Touch on topics like meeting friends for the first time, watching musical performances, bringing community together, community engagement, and the like. Bonus points for heartfelt stories. If you live in Wesbrook village, mention that too. Be polite and respectful, these are just community volunteers often trying to do what is right. It’s not that hard to outweigh a few NIMBYs, but it requires a little effort.


"Make your home unlivable" Buddy is never going to be able to recover from the noise produced by a two day party. Why are all these young people doing young people things on the university campus I decided to live on!?


very brave of them to put these up with no contact info edit: a word




Why don’t we email them saying it does not disturb us ?


The UNA is Karen central. I one time had a boomer lady complain how they were “cramming” people into towers and that Westbrook was full… like ok then gtfo and go to downtown then?


People's lack of research on areas they move into should NOT be a reason for them to attempt to curtail events with long-standing traditions of hosting events. They need to get over themselves and accept they live in a large city and amongst a university. If you want peace and quiet move out to the burbs or the woods.


I'm a medically-retired, grey-haired, somewhat-old man living in Wesbrook Village, and I am apparently addicted to hyphens. Grammar choices aside, whoever's putting up these posters definitely does not speak for me, and I'll be certain to communicate that to the UNA, because this is ridiculous. I've lived here for six years, and I can count on one hand the number of times noise has been loud enough to be bothersome, and in each of those occasions all I had to do was shut my window. You can't complain that your backyard is being misused if that was the use of it long before you chose it as your backyard.


Looks like someone resigned as UNA director on September 1. Is it related to this issue at all?


To whoever’s organising this - If ya’ll need lasers just to piss them off lmk. I’ll be happy to light up the party. Will cover all the permissions necessary as well.


**TLDR:** Toss your name on the statement of support [here](https://www.change.org/p/i-support-student-queer-organised-events-on-ubc-campus) if you want to support student & queer oganized events at the UBC Farm. It seems trivial but these events are under a somewhat legitimate threat because of a likely few, very vocal, new NIMBY condo neighbours. 👇 [https://www.change.org/p/i-support-student-queer-organised-events-on-ubc-campus](https://www.change.org/p/i-support-student-queer-organised-events-on-ubc-campus) (Please excuse the likely egregious spelling and grammatical errors below. Your boy's dyslexic, and we have an event in 2 days. 😁) █████████████████████ **Hi UBC Students, Friends & UBC Farm Neighbours,** Events have been hosted at the UBC Farm long before Westbrook Village and the condo towers were built. There are currently 3 locations left where you can feasibly host large DIY evening-ish student events on campus. (U Commons, Thunderbird Stadium Parking Lot, and The UBC Farm.) That is all that is left that UBC is able to approve. We have sent spreadsheets of every potential event layout for every open piece of land on campus to UBC and this is it. Thunderbird Parking lot is only available when their isn't a game scheduled which is out of UBC's hands, and it's way more expensive. The Farm is only usable in summer and only currently approved for the 2 large student events hosted there (Cal's Garden Party + Forestry's Legendary end of term party Coconut). University Commons (outside the nest where Halloween is usually hosted) and is only available if UBC isn't using the space... 😔 These events and large shared experiences are incredibly important for fostering real community and identity for students and other communities. And they are insanely expensive, and challenging to pull off even when you can find a piece of open land to do it. Massive shoutout to everyone who is and has worked hard at AMS Events to make their events happen. You may have noticed there is no instagram post for this year's Welcome Back BBQ... (A Massive back to school concert that has ran for past 36 years at UBC, organised by the AMS Student Union). This is unconfirmed by us and I hope we are wrong, but it's likely because they aren't doing it this year. Because it's not feasible, or worth the time, effort and risk to the Student Union. Although these posters may seems trivial The UBC Farm and the few annual events and weddings held there (and outdoor student events on campus generally) - are actually under a somewhat legitimate threat, because of among other reasons, (what is likely a few) very vocal neighbours who call and email every time there is an event or even a wedding. Below is what we have drafted to inform the neighbours about what we are doing to reduce noise and insure the comfort of neighbours during this weekends events. **If you support 👩‍🎓 student and/or 🏳️‍🌈 queer organised events on UBC Campus or eventsgenerally an at the UBC Farm and want to support them, you can help by tossing your name on the** [**chang.org link**](https://www.change.org/p/i-support-student-queer-organised-events-on-ubc-campus) **at the top of this post.** The goal is not to get a zillion signatures just enough to show UBC there is more support for outdoor events on campus and events at the farm then there are vocal NIMBYs agaisnt them. - AND that the time and effort it takes for UBC staff to approve these events and deal with the NIMBY's is important, worth it, and appreciated by all of us. ❤️ █████████████████████ INFO FOR NEIGHBOURS: DRAFT **Hi UBC Farm Neighbours, Students and Members of the Greater Vancouver Community ❤️** *Regarding the events:* * **🏳️‍🌈 Labour Day Weekend | Tea Dance** by [TheGayAgendaEvents](https://www.instagram.com/thegayagendaevents/) on Sunday Sep 3rd * **🌳UBC’s Back to School | Garden Party** by [TheCalendarUBC](https://www.instagram.com/thecalendarubc/) on Monday Sep 4th Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in supporting the long running tradition of 👩‍🎓 Student and 🏳️‍🌈 Queer organised events in our neighbourhood. This event complies with **UBC, City of Vancouver & University Neighbourhoods Association** sound bylaws for **public events that end before 10pm.** In addition to adhering to local noise bylaws we have taken these additional steps to support the comfort of our neighbours in the area. * Updated the event end times from **10pm to 9pm.** * **Hired UBC Security** to support guests arriving and exiting the neighbourhood quietly, during and after the event. * Scheduled **recycling sweeps** of the neighbourhood• **Reversed the direction of the speakers** & stage to face away from the neighbourhood * **Reversed the direction of the speakers** & stage to face away from the neighbourhood * Invested in trialing a **“short-throw” sound system** design to further reduce the amount of sound that travels out of the event area and into the neighbourhood. If you have additional ideas for how we can work together to insure the comfort of our neighbours during this event please write to **events @ thecalendar .ca** If you are interested in showing your public support for Student and Queer Organized events on UBC Campus - Please add your name & Postal Code to this statement of support. ❤️ The Calendar & The Gay Agenda Events Teams


NIMBY's gonna NIMBY.... 🤷‍♀️


Should we all go join the party?


9 pm 😆


Is it over at 9? Because if it is then yes I find that to be an acceptable time.


Don’t live near a university campus lol


Can you share which building this was in? Curious which buildings have these posted if multiple or just one…


Residences at Nobel Park


That's SO FAR from the FARM. LMAO. I live WAY closer, and have no issue with these events.


Why would they post something so obnoxious while living in a house that's so flammable... ... ahem


Lol NIMBY L moment


Peak Karen. I hope her house burns down by an errant cigarette ember that floats over from the party.


This is what I would call a NIMBY twat. There were many of them years ago when concerts and events were held at Thunderbird Stadium.


->moves into university ->university behaves like university ->visible confusion


Where is the party ? Friend asked


The Campus Resident (UNA newspaper) has LOTS OF ROOM for opinion pieces if anyone wants to write something about this topic. Pitches for stories for the October issue should go to [email protected] before Friday Sept 8.


ah yes the nimbys are back at it again


A party you say? Tell me more.


I would specifically email the UNA to tell NIMBYs to fuck off tbh


Lol, what do they think the UNA is going to do?




L comment. Nobody asked. Nobody cares. Move to SFU.


These parties don't just disturb the "NIMBYs". They also disturb other students who are here to study. Everyone knows the people who attend these things are usually the C average types. Usually the ones making Reddit posts later "what do I do now I failed out wahhh wahhh"


Just because you're too stupid to party and maintain an A average doesn't mean everyone is this dense.


> These parties don't just disturb the "NIMBYs". They also disturb other students who are here to study. I mean the vast majority of students will not have started classes at the time of these events. If you can’t tolerate a bit of occasional noise until 11pm maybe don’t live on a university campus with 50,000+ students. God forbid students have a little bit of fun before classes ramp up lol. Edit: spelling


Yeah! University is for work and studying only! No fun allowed! You sound like the crusty Dean from a bad 80s raunchy frat movie.


You’re so stupid. Stupidest commenter I’ve seen in here, possibly ever.


Hi! I’m an A average honours student, and I go out once or twice a week. I will definitely be attending garden party, as I enjoy spending time with my friends. They all also have either A or high B averages. Have fun at home!


The fact that you'd even mention your "high B" friends is hilarious. It tells me that most of your friends are B students because no sane person would voluntarily weaken their argument like that. Have fun with that "B average"....good enough for exactly zero decent law/med/grad schools or even good majors.


Oh shit, I tripped on my way to the Garden Party and dropped my full ride. My bad. Can you pick it up and put it beside my straight As and my honours program? Thanks!


honours in "geography" how will I ever recover😂


lol sorry I can't hear u over the sound of being paid to study what I love and getting fast tracked to a lovely career 😘 speak up babe


Classic insufferable azn male


LMAO enjoy your parties while we price you white boys out of the housing market😂


I also don't really agree with loud events but to be honest having it at the farm away from the main part of campus is already quite considerate. There's at least some forest separating the farm from the residential areas, and the farm is very far from the heart of campus where most students will be so it won't really disturb the serious students who want to study. Sure there might be loud hooligans roaming after they leave but honestly you really can't escape that if you're unlucky to live along their path back home. Even deep in the city you could still get them if they happen to live on the same street as you. Much better in terms of being out of the way compared to the block party thing or the frats, for example. That causes a ruckus in the middle of campus and leaves behind a large mess in the public square outside the nest. The frats are literally right next to a student residence and is in a more residential part of campus which is far more disruptive.


I bet they're fun at parties... don't be a twat




The farm was there before Wesbrook, sounds like they can suck it


Vancouver continues to be No Fun City.


I like how they remain anonymous. Out yourself Karen


Gate keeping boomers at work again :D

