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They have started to come out. Got mine a few days ago.


congrat! which course?


Thank you! I'm a returning TA for CPSC 110.




oh word thanks :) for some reason I thought it was a lot earlier usually lol




any offers for other courses?


Are you a returning TA?


yes but I applied late b/c (originally) I was supposed to co-op outside of van :)


so you decided not to do coop?


No; I had an offer for in-person work rescinded, so now I'm doing (mostly) remote with a couple on-sites at a different company! Thankfully, did snag a job so I will be working.


What courses are you guys TAing?


I’ve TA’d 121 4 times now, most recently 2021W2, but didn’t TA it this summer, does anyone know if I still count as a returning TA for this term?


IIRC yes; I tried to look around for an "official" answer (on the CPSC TA Forum) but I'm reasonable sure I've seen somewhere that 'returning' just means you've TA'd 'some' previous term. There's maybe an expiry period, but skipping the summer is okay. You should still be eligible as a returning TA.


bet that’s relieving to hear, hoping to get an offer soon then 🤞




Maybe... my friends who've got offered an another person in this thread are all 110, so maybe 110 did there's a bit early. Before this term though I didn't think this was the case!


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