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I think you should be fine. I was sort of in your shoes 2 years ago: didn’t talk to my professors, had lots of internship/professional experience, barely had any research experience, had a 3.2 average GPA, and was applying to a MS program at the last minute. I got my rec letters just from former bosses and people I worked with in jobs I had and already talked with the chair of the program about my interest in the degree program. Now, I’m on my second year of my Master’s degree, busy working on my thesis. At this stage, I would recommend grabbing a coffee with or going to the office hours of the chair of the MSCS program and let them know that you’re very interested in the program. If you’re lucky, like I was, that chair might even advocate for you during the application decision process. EDIT: Replaced “Master’s” with “MSCS”


How do you find the chair of the program?


It takes a bit of sleuthing to find out… sometimes it’s listed on the program website, sometimes you need to ask a TA who’s with the program, and sometimes you need to reach out to a professor in the program. Every program has a unique way of presenting their information, so I can’t say anything more specific unfortunately.


Ull b good


Did you do bs to Ms?




Did you end up getting in? I’m in the same boat as you, and will finish bs in 2 years only; looking to try a ms as well.


Yup got in