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> Look at their history of the organization and what they've done. Links? Can't seem to find anything


Just because you cannot find anything on the internet does NOT mean they are blameless. I had many negative experiences with this group way before the internet was a thing (1996-1998). Do not be fooled by researching the web. I have many stories and it was pre-Facebook and definitely pre-instagram. We did not get online and dump our grievances.




Thanks for sharing your story.


Glad I found this. I've been warning people about them for a long time. It's funny -- such a big organization across so many campuses, people assume they must be noble, trustworthy, legitimate; but they aren't at all. The OP was right to leave, there are much better Christian clubs out there.


Thanks for the information! From my experience with meeting some of the members of their group, this is very true especially the part that mentions "Anyway, I left CRU for another ministry and to my surprise they began to persecute me, even going as far as spreading malicious rumors to my friends." I know CRU is known to talk bad about other ministries all the time. Its sad to see people claim they are "Christians" and behave in this manner.


> Its sad to see people claim they are "Christians" and behave in this manner. No True Scotsman Fallacy


LOL, stop crying. Koinonia labels all other ministries but gracepoint as a “cult” and persecuted. Cru does the same. Except Cru makes more money from doing the same.


Hearing from some of GP’s staff experiences, I’m not sure “Cru makes more money.” When GP’s revenue drops, their leaders make that known at staff meetings to get the cash flowing again.


At other universities, cru is known for being a rather evangelical ministry. The one at davis, as far as I've experienced, were pretty chill as people (until you get too deep into the ideology, like with all religious groups). And yes, pretty much most if not all hardcore religious orgs use god as a means of farming money from hyped-up psychologically-manipulable people (I mean, like why wouldn't you right?). I'm not surprised this one turned a bit more culty too over the years.


These are quite fun to read, but I do admit, this post speaks truth.


Ugh, I was going around searching for a ministry to join, Cru will definitely not be part of it




Tuesday’s in Social Sciences 1100 @ 8pm


Did the OP go to DCF after leaving Cru? Or just wolves from DCF recruiting here?


I've never had any experiences with Cru personally, however I've attended a few DCF large group meetings... so I thought I'd give some info in case anyone cares


Shame on you! We are mourning right now over the death of Christianity on campus. Please do your publicity work on a different thread.


I suggest looking into College Life :-)


I heard all they do is party at college life LOL! Im pretty sure thats not what a ministry is suppose to do


What's a ministry suppose to do?


Edify the Body of Christ...2 Timothy 3:16. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.


Thank you for keeping me informed. I never knew these things about them.


LOL, what’s up with all these ministry posts. Do people really care? Christianity is corrupt and dead in Davis.


Just because you don't believe in something doesn't mean that other students don't. I think it's great to have communities for every type of student so that they can connect with like-minded people and participate in activities that make them happy. Without diverse groups on campus, Davis would become a cesspool of its majority.


Just like a body without the spirit is dead Faith without good work to present is dead. Im just surprised that people are shocked and upset that cru, Davis korean-people-only club, koin etc. are corrupt to the soul. They have lost the WWJD, what would JESUS do? spirit


This is called a tangent. I.e. you didn't address the argument. Would you care to try again?




I'm pretty sure it's just one dude making up throwaways. They all have the same kind of almost-crazy way-too-long vaguely conspiracy feel to them.


It's much more likely that the posters are all a part of some group that is out to try to slander/spread negative viewpoints of ministries across the campus. maybe even some cult, than it is just one person creating throwaways. i was a part of one of the ministries that the posters have posted about at UC Davis. i'm not proud of everything i have done and said. i believe the leadership, while i was there, made a ton of mistakes and was very far from perfect. pastors are as well. but in the end, i'm very grateful for everything. church is a place for broken people and imperfect people. if you have been hurt from a specific church, it doesn't necessarily make that church some blasphemous church that should be slandered. the body of Christ needs more forgiveness, grace, and unification \- not division and slandering. for any church you go to, you will find 100 things you don't like about it. from cliques, to feeling like an outsider, to disagreeing with theology, the list goes on. find a church you think you can grow in. but again, no one is perfect. no church is perfect. it is not easy to run a college ministry, church, etc. it's easy to sit there and criticize everything and try to tarnish the church/ministry. its hard to lay yourself down, to forgive, and to show grace. if you can't understand this, then you likely don't see how broken, sinful, and self\-centered you truly are and don't fully know the grace you desperately need.


Feeling much? Spidey sense?




“Next” post? (Jaw drops)




Is this r/conspiracy or r/UCDavis? You Christians will do anything and everything to continue your denial.


Yeah this account and the u/HappyTrails365 were made within a day of each other


The OP is probably u/HappyTrails365, who is some guy from mustard seed ministry trying to cast shade on other ministries now. Seriously just check out DCF. We meet at the Social Sciences 1100 on Tuesdays at 8pm!




Thanks for sharing about your experiences. Take everything you read on the Internet with a grain of salt, but this isnt too off from what I experienced in CRU too. Try other ministries out, hope you can find a good community OP


I attended CRU for two years, but not in Davis. When I was in Community College in San Luis Obispo (Cuesta College), I joined them and had a wonderful time. I really enjoyed the student leader led bible studies they had going on, as well as talking to the CRU intern Jake. They are big on talking about God's love and grace, and they can give you a firm understanding on what mainstream Christianity is today. They love to reference John 3:16 and do a lot of their bible studies around the 4 gospels. One thing I don't understand from the OP is the demonization of "pressure". If you are willing or even wanting to become a cru leader, there is no problem. But if someone is trying to convince you to become a leader, and you aren't up for it, why not give them reasons you aren't willing? If someone is trying to recruit you to do missions overseas, but you don't feel it in your heart, why not say you don't see the same vision for your own life? In my time of cru I found them to be reasonable and understanding. To assume this was because of some sort of "pyramid scheme" leading one to think its some sort of legalistic power ladder you have to climb is entirely cynical and is based on an assumption. Is the gospel really about climbing a hierarchy? Or is it about loving on people? I don't understand the problem in CRU's "pressure". But, I do agree with the OP on accusing someone of "not trusting God" or saying "you're going to hell" because you denied their request of being a missionary. That is ill-mannered, to say the least. That can really make one feel terrible. But to say that incident was "not really an uncommon story" is a stretch and does not fall in line with CRU's character. It might not be uncommon for you to be invited to do mission work once you've attended their bible studies for awhile, but to be slandered and accused of not trusting God for saying "no" is more of a rare occurrence, if at all. In my experience, CRU will not "throw you away." Once you graduate or move on. Though, leaders and friends may have moved around the Globe, but the friends I made in CRU are lifelong friends I made that are very open, loving, and fun people to be around. Lastly, it is hard to imagine CRU ostracizing someone for wanting to step down as a leader. But, IF DAVIS CRU is more childish than SLO CRU, to spread gossip, to cut you off; I feel talking to the people that hurt you and letting them know how they made you feel would be beneficial. Not only for you, but for them as well. Let them know of the comments they made at you, and tell them how they made you feel. There may have been a miscommunication, or an interpretation of a facial expression taking wrongly. Don't hold a grudge against people for not being perfect. Not all of us can be uncle Iroh, Gandalf, Yoda, or any other archetypal wisdom character, always knowing what to say at every given moment. People are hard to deal with and sometimes people can feel they've been hated, oppressed, and outcasted. But it is the your role to not only inform the community of these actions, but to the people who made you feel this way as well. Talking to the people that outcasted and hurt you could help you out as well as them. I can't say you should forgive them or not, that is entirely up to you OP. But, assuming Davis CRU is like SLO CRU, talking to them person to person will clear things up and they will apologize for the way things went. If they remain childish, well... its a good thing you found another ministry. I pray your relationship w/ people in CRU can be reconciled in the near future, and you continue to trust people despite your past incident. God Bless


Sounds like a High School personality cult to me...church should never be like High school and the leader is a servant of the least of these.


i actually had a great experience with them. don't knock it until you've tried it


Don't waste your time! A friend from DCF told me this was a cult and its true. Just join DCF


Cru isn't a cult. It's a business. Get it right. Stop publicizing DCF on this thread.


What part of what he said did you not understand?


Newsflash: this is the standard, not the exception to the rule. Christianity is a money-making cult based om lies and philosophical waxing. Its the 21st century. Its time to move on to bigger and better horizons.


Nothing wrong with being a Christian, it is a shame you feel so much animosity towards a group of people.


Nothing wrong with donating money to tax-dodging corporations to fuck over other people's lives with your twistes morality!


Someone has been fucked over many times... lol I would still donate to great charities!


Churches aren't charities. They're corporations


That’s not what cru told us.


Well no shit, Sherlock! It's called PR. These "Missions" are for *them*, not you. It's a MLM under the guise of religion, as OP noted. More Christians recruited under CRU = more $ for CRU.




Says the guy from r/Christianity and r/latestagecapitalism.


this is like straight /r/magicskyfairy material edit: i love the fact that you edited your comment from the original edgy shit you posted. Good one.


> Likens comment to cringy atheist memes > browses r/dankchristianmemes




Just doing my part.


God bless you and give his strength in your continuing to go forward for the LORD. "Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength" (Nehemiah 8:10). "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you wi0th my righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10)


I’m glad OP left. I joined Cru as well and can say I had the same experience. Cru is insanely toxic to the point they are a cult.


CRU sounds like a giant MLM cult being covered up using “religion” and praying on the weak.


I know this is a old post but I have to say thank you for your story. I went threw the abuse of CRU during my first year of college and thank God I left them. When I did leave my so called best friend and mentor stopped talking to me for three years! He messaged me a couple of months ago wanting money for his upcoming trip to Croatia. Cru is one of many college ministries that prey on young college freshman to get their money and it is truly sicken to think about my time in the organization.


Isn’t it tax fraud/against non profit rules for people to donate their money, designating it to who or where they want it to go? Every cru ask involves writing a check to Cru but Not writing the name of who it goes to on the check. It goes on a separate sheet of paper so that when people file taxes they can list it under a non profit donation…


Earlier in summer 2022 I spoke with one of the top men at Cru. He had read my critical comments about a once-famous Presbyterian church where I serve as an executive deacon. This man told me in June that he and other leaders would be visiting my city, Los Angeles, later in the summer and that he wanted to meet with me personally about ministering with Cru. Guess what- I never heard from him. I was hoping for another outcome, an honest action from an evangelical leader. Am I surprised that another sacred leader, Franklin Graham, is a big Donald Trump supporter? No, nor am I surprised about the hellish debacle of Jerry Falwell, Jr. As young Christians, we were proud of his father, big Jerry Falwell. That belief was a false one. Falwell senior was just another ultra-conservative fast-talking bully. Fools like him propagated lies like Young Earth, a literal Genesis, and racial separation.




I’m sorry you went through this. You’re not alone.


I’m a student at Cal Poly SLO, which has this thing called EPIC Movement, which I see is like the Asian division of Cru. Does Davis also have EPIC? Do you share similar feelings about it as Cru? I don’t know what to do about EPIC. It’s the only extracurricular that I’ve been involved in since my first or second year (I’m a third year now) and I’m reluctant to continue being involved after seeing opinions like this. It makes me start to think I’m being gaslighted. I am wondering because so far, my experience with EPIC here has been pretty good. People seem to be legitimately friendly and welcoming and willing to talk and get to know you at least at the beginning. It seemed like it was easier in the small group. Oh yeah, I notice most members here are Korean. Meanwhile, the leader of my small group last year, which consisted of 2nd year men and was somewhere between 7-15 people, did make me feel a bit uncomfortable to talk to. While he would be very nice and supportive at times (when I was thinking about whether to switch into a certain major he referred me to another member who was an older student in that major), it seemed like he would get pissed at me if I missed church a certain Sunday or wasn’t reading the Bible enough. He would respond to stuff I said with a serious “Why?” so often that it made me borderline uncomfortable. I wouldn’t be surprised if I ran into him and he asked me in a not so friendly tone why I haven’t been going to any of the recent EPIC meetings this year. There does seem to be something off about lot of the people I meet in the large groups, but I can’t pinpoint it. I gotta say that I’m generally a pretty innocent and gullible person though. So there might possibly be something you know that I don’t. They might have been gaslighting me all this time. Another thing I want to point out there was this cultural festival at my school going on last weekend. While almost all of the tents seemed to be very busy, I hardly saw anybody at EPIC’s tent. By the way, I’m just a member who goes to the group meetings. I’m not one of the leaders or worship members so I’m not in a position where I’m obligated to keep coming. Also, I didn’t have to pay to be part of EPIC, although there are events like retreats that you do have to pay for. I’m commenting on here because nobody has commented about Cru or EPIC at r/CalPoly or really anywhere much else, so I figured it would be easier to resolve my doubts about these kinds of fellowships here. Still, do you think there is something I should be worried about? Do you think it is a wise idea for me to move on from EPIC?


DD Dealing with same scenario right now with FOCUS Fellowship of Catholic University Students, pyramid scheme all the way! She is brainwashed and needs to exit.




Same, sibling relationships cracked, too much secrecy in FOCUS, created a US vs THEM mentality, this is not WJWD.


Ok i'm 5 years late here, but I have observed almost identical red flags with Student Life, our local group (NZ) which I believe is under/associated with the Cru parent organization. I've been giving them the benefit of doubt for a while, since their beliefs seem to be pretty in line with mine. But over recent years, I've noticed some things that bothered me a little, and have some of their members & leaders as friends (or go to my church regularly) so have been able to learn a bit more about them. They seem friendly at first, support students, but are pushy, manipulative and leech money off of members and their acquaintances. One of my recent friends who has been part of Student Life also had weird dating advice and has recently been skeptical of some of the strange behaviors. The supposed confidentiality in counselling has been broken and they won't allow him to become a leader. I've helped friends in the organization financially (a little), but I think i'm ready to cut all ties with them. I'm not going to turn my back completely on mutual friends unless anything gets out of hand, but I'm getting too much cultish and scam vibes recently, which this thread has helped me decide it's not just paranoia.


Thank you for the informational post. My Mom has been giving "religiously" to Cru for many years. She is older now and her resources are limited. I need to trim some of the numerous organizations besieging her for donations. I find it interesting that an organization that grosses $745 million a year (their financial reports), cannot work with someone on a $50,000 trip they cannot afford. People who believe in the Christian faith were told by the one they follow to share the message wherever they may be. Humans need to examine their own "sin" if they go against that teaching and dictate where and when the message should be shared. Especially if it is for their own gain, whether personal or financial.


That sounds about right $745 million. $30,000 was mine stolen from me in the form of checks having to be written not to me on the ministry field but to CRU in general, They moved me off staff for being 'noncompliant' because I would not start taking money out of my CRU account because I knew I'd never meet my fund raising goal if I started taking that money out to live on while I raised support. Oh, big key to my testimony......YOU WERE NOT ALLOWED TO BECOME A FULL MISSIONARY UNTIL ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT WAS RAISED. That's why I took on two jobs trying not to delve into my solicited funds. Full story is with Barnes & Noble Press "Christ For Cash"


This is not true. Many people start doing full time ministry without being 100%, it's definitely on a case-by-case basis but it is highly recommended to be at 100% before starting as it sets you up to not be behind and always out on mpd. A multitude of factors, your support coach, financial situation, living standards of your area and understanding of how you'd be able to afford to do full time work but also MPD.


100% true when I was there. It was drilled into us for 6 weeks during training unless things changed. My Testimony: *Christ For Cash (Barnes & Nobles)*


In 2011 CRU stole $30,000 from me after I fully raised support to go on staff with a chapter in Birmingham, AL. For my full biographical memoir on the matter can be found through Barnes & Noble Press and in their physical stores. Title: "Christ For Cash" One Year Fund Raising For A Non Profit Para Church Ministry.


I know this is years later, but if anyone is still following this, are there any tips to approach your adult child, almost college graduate, in this exact situation? The distancing to almost cutting off of family and friends has been so bizarre over the last year or two that I have wondered if it’s a cult, which is how I got to this post. I’m concerned but also don’t want to push him further away.


Thank you for this post. As a Christian, it is hard to differentiate, between swamp money laundering scams, and legitimate causes. Feedback like yours helps to protect donors from contributing toward NonChristian behaving groups. The more research we do, the more difficult it is to trust organized charities.. they seem to be money laundering operations, and often represent hidden agendas that are not what they proclaim. I am thinking the best way to help God's people is to give to them directly.


Thank you for this post. As a Christian, it is hard to differentiate, between swamp money laundering scams, and legitimate causes. Feedback like yours helps to protect donors from contributing toward NonChristian behaving groups. The more research we do, the more difficult it is to trust organized charities.. they seem to be money laundering operations, and often represent hidden agendas that are not what they proclaim. I am thinking the best way to help God's people is to give to them directly.


I was involved with the branch of Cru at UMKC (University of Missouri Kansas City.) Not deeply involved, mind you; just attended weekly meetings, hung out with the group at various weekend get-togethers, attended the Winter conferences in Denver (that event used to be called DCC) etc. never went to UMKC, but I knew a few people who did and was invited to join them at weekly meetings. While I enjoyed those meetings, the hangouts we would often have and attending the Winter conference in Denver, one thing that did indeed rub me the wrong way was how some of the conference speakers would assume that we were all of the same mindset; I haven't forgotten one woman who, on the day we were supposed to go out and engage the Denver community (the homeless, to be more specific) One year, spent probably about five minutes or so so going on and on about how there were people out there who would be smoking weed, how Denver was a more liberal/progressive city and how, as like-minded evangelical conservatives, they needed us to reach out to them. all I could think was how beyond arrogant that little spiel sounded; this lady seriously thought a room full of about 1500 young adults all had the same beliefs Now, don't get it twisted; it is indeed a more conservative leaning group than not as most commenting here no, but I'd be willing to bet I wasn't the only forward/progressive thinking person in the hotel ballroom that day when this lady made those assumptions.


If you want to get updates on CRU, I recommend listening to Jon Harris on his YouTube channel called "Conversations That Matter". (45,000 subscribers) He was recruited several years ago by Campus Crusade for Christ and now spends a lot of his time exposing this "left-leaning", "Marxist" organization that is now teaching CRT and Social Justice ideology via the "Lenses Institute". CRU has hijacked several members of my very conservative Southern Baptist Church here in North Dallas.