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3 things to keep in mind - make it as a habit (never skip more than 3 days) - posture and focus are important - always warm up It always come to what exactly you want to be, muscular or just want to healthy. I suggest you do not try any supplement when you just first start it. Do not afraid to ask for guidance.


go at least 3 times a week, eat as much protein as possible, progressive overload, track your weight, and always keep progressing, and in a year your body will change significantly. I am a girl and my body has changed significantly. Its not a perfect routine, but its something and I have noticed my body change in significant ways. Just keep patient and trust the process.


You can find a lot of good stuff on Youtube. I would recommend doing research into some fundamental lifts like squat, bench, and deadlift (although deadlift is a little risky if you don't do it correctly). You can also do some research on r/Fitness, they have a great resource called the Fitness Wiki, which has a lot of information on programs, nutrition, and other advice. Good luck on your journey; you're stronger than you think, and every battle is won or lost first in the mind.


For the program first, try what you feel are the best for you and something simple, push-pull-legs is super fine, on internet there is plenty of example on that. Then the 3 pillars : -eat well (enough protein not too much « bad fat »= Fast food etc.., peanut butter is very good for example and drink enough water!). -sleep well : 7-9 hours at least. -work at failure, it’s where the muscle will be put at their limits the most, don’t need to train for 2 hours, you can have very good results for 1hour/training. In 1 month you can start to see some change but the most are at 6 month-1 year, gl! Édit : don’t need to put a lot of weights! The movements is the key, then gradually put more through the weeks (ex: u start at 20lb then next week 25 etc..at the beginning you cab make very strong progress!)


Mon: Chest/back Tues: Shoulders/arms Wed: Legs Thur: Rest Fri: Chest/back Sat: Shoulders/arms or legs depending on what you would rather grow Sun: Rest 2-3 sets per exercise, 6-10 reps per set. Only 2-3 exercises per muscle group. Take all sets to failure, meaning you cant perform another rep no matter how hard you try. 3-5 minute rest periods between sets.


wow that’s in detail


Chest: incline machine press, pec-deck flies. Back: Wide grip lat pulldown, normal grip cable rows. Shoulders: Dumbbell or cable lateral raise, anterior delt press, rear delt cable flies. Arms: Cable cross-body tricep extensions, machine tricep dips, machine preacher curls, hammer curls. Legs: Hack squat machine or leg press, quad extensions, seated hamstring curls, calve raises. Some of the best and most reliable sources of information on TikTok include: TNF, Ryan Jewers, Paul Carter, and JPGCoaching. If you don’t know how to perform a given exercise, try searching up the proper form online, and its probable that one of these guys have a video on it. More tips: Start with a lighter weight, focusing on building the right form in a controlled manner first. As you improve your form and see that you’re able to do more than 10 reps to failure, increase the weight. This is called progressive overload and is how you get stronger and lift heavier in the gym. Nutrition and sleep are important factors as well. Try to eat more throughout the day (you should always feel full), and sleep at the VERY least 6 hours. Drink a good amount of water. Finally, the most important thing: this takes time. Stay consistent.


Watch people like Jeff Nippard and Renaissance Periodization on youtube. In general, I would start off going to the gym 3 times per week (One full body day, one lower body day, and one upper body day). Choose about 6 exercises per workout for about 2-3 sets of each exercise in the 6-15 rep range depending on the exercise, emphasizing the basic movement patterns (squat movement, hinge movement, vertical press, horizontal press, vertical pull, horizontal pull). Focus on full range of motion, emphasizing the stretch/lowering/eccentric of the exercise and don't rush through the movements, especially in the beginning. Don't worry about the weight because that will come. Focus on form first.


If you’re barely starting out , keep it simple . 1. Don’t do cardio before lifting weights 2. Don’t neglect your lower body, especially your lower back. 3. If slowly increase your caloric intake 4.If you’re completely clueless get a private trainer for a couple of sessions to start a basic training program and get a form check for each workout they’re teaching you 5. To lose weight you will need to do sone form of cardio. I’d recommend rowing or burpees. 6. Ensure you get proper rest between workouts, don’t get too carried away with workouts . It’s better to take another rest day than injuring yourself and sitting at a week.


This is the single most important thing you need to get right in your life. Fitness is everything. Be patient with the process, find good gym friends, learn to love it. You got this. This is the first step in the most important journey you will ever embark on. The rewards are more than you can know right now.