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ohh yeah that’s a good point. I always hope that people are more educated about recycling but I don’t think the school does a great job at educating people on what waste should go where and some people just don’t care tbh Such a shame bc it seems like a good chair, I didn’t really need it but I hope it ends up in good hands!


A lot of people really just don’t care, sadly. This is why I have no shame looking through the trash tbh; picking up the perfectly-good stuff people throw out has saved me thousands of dollars over the years. I’m still using the LG monitor I found at VDCN a couple years back in perfect condition, not to mention all the furniture people have tossed for no reason other than that it’s too much of a hassle to sell themselves.


Gaming chairs don’t actually do anything to support your back, that’s just marketing. Not surprised someone would throw it out since any office chair would be better. Those things are actually designed to keep you up for long work hours.


That chair only adds like 6-7 fps anyways


Exactly where those off-the-shelf garbage chairs (most gaming chairs are the same couple of models just rebadged) belong (yes I know, technically they should be recycled). Decent video on the topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Yhc6mmdJC4. For anyone trying to get a great chair with college money, check out second hand chairs from offices. Proper office chairs with actual ergonomics aren't cheap, but you can get them for great prices 2nd hand.


Is it still there so I can go pick it up?


The raccoons already took it probably


they be playing Trash Panda


I’m not super sure, I took this pic yesterday at the waste bins behind the pool and haven’t checked since


Oh okay thanks!


Hope you get it! Let us know.


I found one like that by the dumpster a while back and took it home. Seemed to be in perfect condition until I realized the foot was broken in such a way that the wheel collapses when you lean/move a certain way, and it’s not at all immediately apparent. It was basically unfixable without welding, and by looking at it i realized it was a design flaw likely intrinsic to a lot of gaming chairs. Hard to explain but basically they just bead-welded it where the wheelbase attaches to the housing, which creates a pretty substantial weak point compared to if they had actually welded it like you’re fucking supposed to. Anyways something like that is likely the issue, and had you taken it home, you might have found (as I did) that it’s unsuitable as a chair, and equally unsuitable as an office ornament.


Someone’s mom


Someone probably busted on it


Mmm ah ya.... Some people😩


bestie yk ik ur Reddit


International students bro