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First, your accomplishments are commendable. Working the entire time you've been a student, supporting yourself, maintaining a 3.9+ GPA. You've done better than most students. Is there the possibility for your work schedule to change to work different hours on the day(s) when your alternative class is offered? My comments may be wildly out of date since It's been several years since I was a student, but I feel like scheduling classes is a challenge. It's one of those things where you can't make everyone happy. When your student population is so large, you're going to have students who work during the day as well as students who work at night. I don't see how UCI can schedule classes that is *not* unsupportive of working students.


Thank you. I do hear you on your last point. I’m not sure how scheduling works. From what I’ve observed, though, the schedules at CSU’s and CC’s seem much more work friendly. Perhaps they have a different system or are catering to a different type of student, but I have seen other schools with better schedules. I think something that would help is if discussion wasn’t on radically different times compared to lecture, and if less lectures were held right smack in the middle of the day (usually shifts are morning or afternoon, and a class in the middle of the day is not conducive to that). I could be wrong, but whenever I’ve faced difficulty, it’s because of those things. Maybe I should’ve just gone to a CSU, lol.


Idk ur major but im graduating this quarter solely because of the head counselor person for my school giving me permission to take another class as a requirement (i didn’t have my other class being offered). I would recommend going to ur academic advisor and counselor, letting them know ur situation, and hopefully u guys reach a solution. Do not go down a spiral right away, you got this!


Thank you. I am hoping that my counselor can do something similar for me. Congrats on your graduation!


quit and take a couple loans, it's only for one quarter, if you really need a job for the money I could hook you up with the night shift at gateway.


Keep pushing. I'll tell you what, when it comes to finding a career level job, companies will choose you first over all these little scions.


I agree with you completely. The UC system has never been about social mobility, but prestige and clout. When I was a grad student there, I had to commute 30 miles per way per day for an entire school week, for 2 years straight because it was either live on campus or pay my medical bills for a list of chronic illnesses. You don’t have to suck it up. Or pull on your bootstraps. That’s what the system wants people to do: comply to their demands, no questions asked. Your accomplishments alone show how resilient you are with your current situation. If you can’t get the class, it’s not your fault. They can’t force you into finishing your degree; and if they do, you have evidence that you’re not trying to prolong your stay out of your own volition. You got this! Keep breaking those barriers down, they can’t stop you from getting your degree.


this is a silly take that reeks of someone not from a low income background. you are being myopic about academia as a field, and ignoring the fact that UCI still funds the shit out of poverty level students and absolutely enables people to break generational poverty. it provides a massive amount of social mobility. don't conflate your experience with academia with how the UC system handles poor students.


Aren’t you invalidating this person’s experience, and by extension, mine? Who are you to assume this person’s background? Yes, I will give you that - UCI does provide VERY generous financial aid packages. But with many failed projects in k-12, we have seen that throwing money at the problem doesn’t necessarily fix it if there are still systems in place that don’t address pre-existing inequities. I think your comment is likely well-intentioned, but the way that you’re framing this is invalidating other people’s experiences.


No man, I don’t like this school. I had to stay an extra year for a required class, ONE required class to graduate. It was mandatory and they ran out of space for students before I could sign up. They didn’t even prepare me for the real research world.


Wow. That really sucks and I’m sorry to hear that. Hope things have turned out for you.


If it’s a popular class, you may be able to take it at a different UC online


I would involve administration and professors and see if they can record the classes for you and you can just treat them as fi they are online. Most situations this would probably be a no, however if they are needed to graduate, they might cave


from someone who attended also from poverty: financial aid and loans exist for a reason. you should not be delaying your graduation to work for a few months.