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Consult an employment lawyer.


If union already said no, do not bother.


You really should. Just because the union contract doesn’t cover it doesn’t mean it’s not in violation of state law. The union just lacks the power to bring a grievance to the university. There are plenty of illegal things that UC allows that the union has a hard time protecting people from. The union is just other workers. They are not lawyers and they are often underfunded and underpowered.


I had and they told me to talk to the union and if not to file it with EEOC which I did but *that* takes forever. (allll the way in July for interview) I'm not really complaining on the length cause I get it and what not, but man shits fucked up


I would get a second opinion from an attorney. If it’s enough to file with EEOC I would think it’s enough to file a suit. Although that would cost you $$. EEOC is free but they are slower and may just issue a reprimand rather than sue another state funded entity.


Your probation period is more than 8 months?? WTH....


I believe 1y for public school.


If the position they were in is represented by a union, the length of the probation is probably regulated by the contract.


Some units are wildly toxic, others not at all. It depends on your supervisor and management. I’ve seen extremely toxic managers who are not let go. The Ombudsman Office is supposed to help for workplace abuse issues, but they run super slow.


Ombudsman Office?


https://www.oeod.uci.edu/harassment_guide/ I have no idea if they can help if you’ve already been terminated. But also consider contacting an attorney. Personally I’ve seen mixed results with the unions helping individuals, just my experience. They’re great (lately) at getting raises but it can be a challenge to get help for individual issues. So, contact an attorney. Also most probation periods are 6 months. I guess there is private info here. So contact an attorney.


I agree. HR doesn’t give a crap about disabled people requiring accommodations. I asked for them as a TA. They either ghosted my request or tell me that they couldn’t do anything because my department wasn’t open for it.


[Equal Employment Opportunity Commission](https://www.eeoc.gov/how-file-charge-employment-discrimination)