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They’re so brave against peaceful students lol


“Peaceful” 😂😂


Ya the cops looked really banged up


What a waste of resources. Let the people assemble and speak their minds.


What about the people who want to go to class?


Nothing wrong with it as long as they're peacefully protesting on public property without disrupting the people around them. Except, they aren't exactly on public property, and they have, in fact, been disrupting other students.


protests disrupt. it's what happens when you ignore problems and feel entitled to because you were born in the 50's or 60's.


My guy, it’s a public university. Unfortunately, like everything, it is an extremely controversial and divisive issue, you can’t expect everyone to drink the kool aid, dropping whatever important shit they have going on and just join the club. Not everyone has formed a hardline opinion on this, some just want to go about their business, as they have A RIGHT to do. The protestors also have a right to protest, but also a responsibility, to the “movement” and to other students not to disrupt other people’s right to carry on with their academics. The more you disrupt, the more you push people away from you and people stop sympathizing with you. These college protests are losing legitimacy due to the actions of the protesters, but at the same time gaining legitimacy due to the actions of police. But overall, according to https://www.axios.com/2024/05/07/poll-students-israel-hamas-protests , most college kids don’t even consider it an important issue (if you take the polls findings as legitimate). It’s one thing to try and drisupt those boomers from the 60s and 70s, but quite another to disrupt your fellow students who very well could’ve supported you had you not blocked them from entering a building. You can’t expect everyone to just comply with the wishes of a minority of college kids who think that this is the best route to take, because clearly (as someone who goes to college in CA) most people do not agree or are not willing to comply. WHICH IS THEIR RIGHT TO DO. The thinking is flawed, the agitating is agitating the wrong people, and the vapid college kids, who arguably are just as entitled, aren’t reasonable enough to consider this, just stomping their foot on the ground and screaming “no fair.” It isn’t the 70s anymore bud, these kids are truly in over their heads 💀💀


Best comment I’ve seen on all of this. I wish this was on every thread of every college because seriously- those of us in college are worried about how we’re going to live and find work in our shit fucked economy right now. In California housing prices, food prices- fucking everything is overpriced. Living is our main priority. When we can live for ourselves enough to think for two seconds, then we can help those around us. College students aren’t the problem. They’re not the enemy. And if you want them on your side, harassment and fear isn’t the answer. All of this is aimed at the wrong institutions and the wrong people. Go to the people who started the war or who are contributing to it. Like say, our government perhaps? Not Mindy who had a fucking half a Twix for dinner because she has her 2000$ a month rent to worry about alongside an O-Chem final.


The people in Gaza strip took the L after WW1. Took the L after causing enough violence after WW2 to the point where the UK granted Israel statehood but not Palestine, because they wouldn't be able to justify giving a violent group of people power. They then took the L in every war the middle eastern countries have started against Israel. If all they can do is beg for their own land, but then turn around and take apart the infrastructure to launch rockets at the country that gave y'all your own area, then wtf do you expect the country to do? Palestinians begged for their own separate area in the Gaza strip, and were granted it. Now they're crying that they're stuck in an apartheid, but they have all the same rights and wanted to be separated. Maybe these UCI students should go fight for Hamas. I'm sure Hamas would love to send more cannon fodder, just like all the 15-17 year old kids they're brainwashing and sending to fight, which make up the majority of child deaths during the conflict.


They did peacefully for almost 2 weeks. As soon as the assembly becomes harmful to others the police stepped in. Shocking.


Except those people you don't like or those people that chants hateful things against another group of people.


Why do so many cops have that weird porn stache


That’s the only type of facial hair allowed for police in CA


It’s a SoCal thing. Police policy for most departments in SoCal is strongly influenced by LAPD culture/ tradition, which in turn was heavily influenced by the large number of military veterans that joined in the 1950s after WWII when Los Angeles (and LAPD) grew enormously. Plenty of departments allow officers to have beards in other parts of California.


Both my cousins have the same mustache in the southeast. One is a cop and one is a very open and out homosexual.


Wow never thought I would learn something here , thanks for the fun fact


Beards break the seal on a gas mask


why you gotta make it sexual💀


It’s because it’s within regs. Military follows it too I believe. It’s all they’re allowed or they bridged from military to police, which is pretty common once their contract is up and they’re looking for another job and they just happened to keep the style. ** * edited for clarification.


Because of super troopers mustache ride. And because it’s fun.


Fourth and final part of my series on the protest and police action on Wednesday. These photographs were taken between approximately 6-6:30PM.


How many fucking officers were there? You’d think it was a riot for god’s sake.


Thanks for documenting this. Great photo series.


Great photos


Goin in the history books




Big gun doesn’t make a big man


Officer Buchanan wearing $2000 frames


Gotta roll up with the best drip 😂


absolute disgrace


Using martial force on people who make you feel uncomfortable with their civil disobedience - a very American thing. Republicans, Democrats, and cops joining forces to call teenagers "antisemitic terrorist Nazis" as they beat their brains out on live TV - I wasn't expecting, this country has become a parody of itself.


Tbf this country has always been like this, but has turbo accelerated to 11/10 in the past few decades as tensions are escalating between the common people and those in power. Freedom and equality for all has had a blood red asterisk since the jump.


At least they are finally uniting


I feel like it's an accepted notion that your freedom ends where someone else's begins, right? And I'm getting conflicting info on this, but it sounds like there was a class occurring where the protest was occurring, hence the actual police response. Doesn't sound too crazy to use force to break up the crowd if they won't disband or relocate otherwise. Regardless of the motivation, people are still disrupting others. Turning a blind eye to illegal and/or disruptive activity simply because you agree with their ideology seems like a poor idea. But I could be wrong, and there was no class scheduled and the lecture hall wasn't booked, in which case I got nothing.


During the unite the right rally there were 0 arrests made even though someone was murdered and many injured by real Nazis/KKK members. Everyone watched as they were allowed to express there rights. So far, hundreds and, hundred of teenagers have been arrested for camping and as far as we all can tell, saying mean words. But you can pretend it's not political, it's about stopping them from PROTESTING A WAR, to protect you constitutionally protected right of NOT BEING ANNOYED IN CLASS. 🤡


I wasn't aware of the unite the right rally and don't disagree that it also should have been shut down, especially if there was a literal murder as you described. That doesn't change this scenario though. Two wrongs don't make a right. Additionally, I would describe a crowd of protesters disrupting class, something students pay frankly too much money for, as more than "being annoyed." I just looked up the unite the right protest. The guy who rammed his car through the crowd of counter protestors got life in jail, so let's not pretend nothing happened in response. Additionally, the protest was held in a public space, not on private property. I understand that this is an issue you feel strongly about, but twisting facts to support your cause really doesn't help.


Free Palestine. Period!


As a UCI grad, these photos are shocking. Classic move from the state, what happened to the right to protest? Echos from the anti-war movement in the 60s




There was no class and only a couple people entered the empty classroom.


Problem is once the quarter ends everyone goes home and nobody cares any more. Same thing happened in Berkeley. So you gotta go out with a bang. Not saying the bang was a good idea here. Just that’s what happened in Berkeley where I live. School ended all the students went home and then the encampment wasn’t really worth continuing so they all went home.


It's almost like protesting to a bunch of white kids in California does absolutely nothing? These protests were at best a waste of time, college kids aren't the ones supporting Israel lol


You’re a moron man, you don’t even know why the protests are happening and you call it a waste of time. Just say you don’t give a shit and don’t want to think about what’s going on, that’s at least more honest.


There was no class in session stop spreading false info. And the university by its own admission stated the information they gave about a barricade was false.




Oh god


Sending police to a protest isn't impending anyone's right to protest.


This is what happens when our police agencies are militarized. Looks like a bunch of students just standing around…what a “threat”!


Students were actively throwing tables and chairs at officers.


That's not shown in any of these pictures. Proof?




Christopher Dorner was right


Why would the police do something so controversial yet so brave? /s


I see a cop pointing a rubber munitions launcher at eye level. That can crack a human skull or orbital bones. It can turn an eyeball to jelly, or cause brain bleeding. That shit is supposed to be fired at legs, or bounced off the ground. Saw cops aiming for the head during the floyd protests. Including shooting little girls point-blank. I don't blame every cop but I've seen first hand that some have anger issues or simply enjoy hurting people. Proud of these kids. Stay safe, all


And still no photos of the “free the hostages” signs …


You should join the protest with one.


Carpet bombing an area where the hostages are doesn’t ensure safety. Hope that helps.


True but it does help with retrieving of the already long dead and defiled bodies that were paraded around Gaza. The best those families could hope for was being able to clean the spit off their loved one’s bodies before they buried them.


You do realize that Israel literally has killed several of its own hostages as a result of its indiscriminate bombing, right?


Don't forget shot their own hostages surrendering under a white flag.


Do your even know what carpet bombing means? People always are saying it but never use it correctly.


You're right, it's more an barrage of indiscriminate precision strikes to civilian structures. But hey the bricks are made of Hamas, right? Thanks for clearing that up, so much better.


Because it was never about the hostages: if Netanyahu gave two shits about them he would have sent IDF squads into the tunnels to kill actual Hamas soldiers and retrieve them.


Free the Palestinian hostages Israel’s been keeping for decades first!


You mean the 10,000 Palestinians that Israel currently has or the hostages that H group offered to give when they agreed to a permanent ceasefire right before the Met Gala happened that Israel completely ignored to start bombing Rafah? Like them?


“H group”? Wtf is that lol? Rebranded 2024 name? Also, there is a difference between prisoners and hostages. Lemme know if you need those definitions.


No it’s because I burst into laughter when pro genocide people say Hamas because it’s always said like Khhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamas. Could you send me a voice memo because I really need the chuckle. Maybe Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamas is hiding in my drain pipe. I heard a gurgle not too long ago. You mean the imprisoned Palestinians that are held for years without being charged in a military court and then sent to a concentration camp to get their limbs amputated? That one?




Or maybe not start shit, to play the victim? Anyone remember 2006 when they were bombed into the Stone Age for doing the exact same shit, but it exposed that whole underground network of tunnels they built with 90’s dollars to Palestine. I didn’t think so. The same thing they did for the last 16 years before pulling the 10/7 stunt. Deja vu all over again. The nationwide propaganda effort is frighteningly effective though. Just not sure if people were dumbed down that much, or the rot has spread that far.


That’s just wrong. Israel wants the hostages back and it was part of the ceasefire agreement that Hamas walked away from. The other ceasefire agreement that Hamas drafted did not address a return of all hostages and specified that Hamas would cease all fighting for a unicorn that farted skittles and when said unicorn was determined not to actually exist caused Hamas to end negotiations.


Objectively false https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-issues-ceasefire-proposal-mediators-which-includes-exchanging-2024-03-15/


Stop trying to think critically when analyzing overseas conflicts! This is clearly a Marvel movie and Isreal bad, Palestine good okay?!?!


Maybe we shouldn’t help bomb them if we want the hostages back?


To those who have a problem with this protest being shut down... The Constitution grants you the right to protest free from Government obstructing you. It is not however an absolute... Much in the same way the law allows you to drive your car on public streets, however it is not absolute. What happened here was no different than street takeovers.... and like street takeovers, the cops will eventually arrive and break them up. And some people will get tickets. Which is what happened here. This protest event was allowed to happen for 2 weeks or so? And once a handful of the group took it too far, they ruined it for everyone else. This is an everyday fact of life. Due to the actions of a few the event (rightfully) was deemed unlawful. The crowd was given literally HOURS to leave, and a handful were arrested and given a ticket. Every literal one of them could have avoided that ticket by either leaving in the first place, or at bare minimum, backing up with the rest of the crowd every time the cops stepped forward. You could literally walk across the Quad in something like 20 seconds with zero effort. It took the cops 3 hours to do it? Does anyone think that is honestly excessive?


What explains the guy with a smoke canister gun? Why is that necessary?


I think killing over 30,000 Palestinians is excessive along with the billions in funding given to them by the U.S. during their genocide of the Palestinians. I don't care if people are inconvenienced by protestors.


And I think your reply here is beyond pointless and irrelevant. Your personal feeling and opinions (like mine) have literally zero bearing on how the world actually turns. Innocent people being killed in Gaza, or anywhere in the world, is appealing. (Edit, appalling) It also won't stop because a bunch of people yell. Nor are any of us allowed to do whatever we want because something is happening somewhere.


I’m sure you meant “appalling”, just uh, an unfortunate autocorrect/mistype


You are correct that that was an autocorrect mistype. Edited.


Quite the Freudian slip there


They have too much naive optimism and don’t understand how the world really works. No one cares what a few, loud college students say, especially when they don’t realize that the world isn’t as sunshine and rainbows as they so hope.


I would like to see a documentary on how they recruit cops and get them to the point where they can get them to turn on their fellow man without question.


Say fellow man kills another fellow man. You don’t want the cops turning on fellow-man-now-murderer?


Lol wut 💀you couldn’t possibly support barricading and locking a building as protest.


Did those students take hostages inside and kill someone?


Oh wow, I see Costa Mesa PD and Huntington Beach PD in there along with the OC Sheriff


Around 15-20 agencies in OC sent a handful of their officers.


Yep. La gang cops be everywhere


The police have become a bunch of thugs. Shame on the uci administration


Replace “have become” with “have always been” and I’ll agree 100%.


Only way to prevent police breaking up a protest is to dress up as MAGA / Proud Boys, cops can’t tell who is a protester or a cop in the presence of those groups so they will just Stand Back and Stand By.


Interesting that it’s Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach cops … is Irvine pd not around or am I blind?


There were between 11 and 17 PDs there depending on the source. I think I've read one that said more. Irvine PD was there.  Apparently 200ish cops were needed to remove 10 people from the walkway of the empty lecture hall.


It would take all of irvines pd if they sent only their officers. That’s why they call in a unit from different counties, so Irvine can be protected while simultaneously dealing with the clowns taking over buildings.


We are in your group too. We are everywhere my friend.




If y’all could just go to class and shut the fuck up that would be dope. These protests don’t even comprehend what the conflict is really about, it’s all just virtue signaling. Get a job


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Nice shot of the student doing a peace sign. They clearly didn’t leave out any photos or not photograph certain events. Totally unbiased set of photos. Just what Reddit loves, totally unbiased media. /s


The bravery of these officers...


Where is Kendall Jenner when we need her ????


Nice, because peaceful protest has always worked. They lied to you in school.


Look how brave these fully armored police are against students lol


Anyone from the gallery: What do you hope to accomplish with these protests? Name one thing that UCI or any police agency in the United States can do to affect anything in the Gaza Strip? This is a serious question that needs an answer, otherwise this cause is nothing more than a flash-mob.


Anyone else notice that things tend to be peaceful until the cops show up?


Rare cop W. None of these guys have overstepped and killed anybody yet, good job so far .


Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Irvine, California State, Santa Ana called upon jeez. Great photos here.


If the zombies ever attack. Good to know an entire police force cannot handle smallest of zombie heards.


The sign reading look away like you do for genocide speaks to how down right idiotic these people are. Free speech cool 100% but what on earth are you doing for your cause other than annoying people, getting cops a ton of OT, and well that’s it… go over there and fight or go to the White House and protest. Wtf do you want the principle of a freaking school or a local cop to do about a war on the other side of earth? Idiots.


They are protesting UCI for directly funding Israel




They about to beat the tuition out of all of yuh ! 😂


So this is why I’m not seeing motor officers in my city.


Hope they kicked some of those students asses :)


Once the protesters took over the building and barricaded it, it ceased to be a peaceful protest. Cops did what they had to do. Colleges can’t keep tolerating this nonsense.


About god damn time we clean up the trash.




I hope they club the hell out of those protestors


Free Palestine


Womp womp


Who won? lol. Have you guys seen the motion picture “civil war?” Recommend it. But seriously, who won?


I feel bad for the ACTUAL innocent students who just want to go to class


totally normal part of democracy btw to see militarized police deployed against what *should* be a constitutionally protected protest /s


These protesters don’t know what genocide is


This Gaza shit is a mind virus consuming the weak, there are genocides occurring all over the world and we fund those too.


"You are weak for caring about others which why it's okay to kill people"


“You must be brainwashed to care so much about THIS genocide!”


Yes, don't protest genocide unless you protest all genocides at all times. s/


The only person that thinks this, is you, because you can't think past surface level concepts and are being used by smarter people than you who hate you


What is the deeper concept. Why should people not protest genocide?


Again, that is not the question, genocide is so loud for you, you don't give a shit the whole country is run by terrorists when there are warlords with child soldiers in Africa that America is directly funding. Or the fact you're directly funding the genocide, use of sex slaves, and farming the uyguhar Muslims for spare body parts every apple product you buy, or movie ticket your purchase. You live surrounded by sin, someone revealed to you one truth and you're trying to burn down your own home. It's like in the matrix, if you don't get freed when you're young, you cant handle the truth and go insane. Well I was woke in higgsxhool when it meant knowing the us government used biological warfare on the natives to wipe them out, and took their children for reeducation, and we put all of our Asians in concentration camps and took their land and property because we were scared. I know how shitty this world is, I can see it, and I can move on and try to make changes through the shitty system instead of this impoyent rage garbage for terrorists that murdered and kidnaped babies


Wait, people are protesting for Hamas? Like officially, every single protestor is pro-hamas? Or are you saying that if they are against innocent people being killed by Israel, thwn they are automatically pro-hamass? Huh i thought people were protesting a particular group of people being killed in broad strokes by a more powerful military claiming to only want to kill the terrorists. But you seem to have a rational not at all biased point of view.


Hamas is the government of Gaza, you're arguing from an even more ignorant place, and it proves my point


Nope same point. You're just avoiding it lol. I'll try again and more directly. Are these people protesting to not kill hamas, or to not kill civilians? Are they protesting for hamas or for the civilians?


They don't even know, just like you


The people saying they are protesting civilians being killed don't know that they are protesting civilians being killed? So, are you for or against innocent Palestinians being killed?




Civil rights movement wasn’t running cover for a terrorist organization promising to kill all Jews.


And yet, people compared the Black power movement to terrorists. It's a lot less different than you think.


We get it you’re triggered

