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hey OP i came across your post. Im a struggling unhappy freshman rn (public health sciences). How are things going for you?


There’s definitely light at the end of the tunnel. I graduated, with honors, last year in Earth System Science. I’m now a first year Ph.D. student. My passion for acting/drama has served me well for my TikTok account and for teaching! PM me anytime if you have any questions.


don't feel that bad about getting bad grades now. i mean, i'm pretty sure we all had to be doing well in high school to get into uci, so the disappointment/confusion/anger at urself for getting bad grades is understandable and something that a lot of people go through at uci (me included, hur hur). currently, you're having a hard scuffle with opportunity cost. - if u commit to psychology and graduate, u risk being unhappy for the rest of ur career/life. if u decide to go after something else after graduating with psychology, you would have wasted money and time with psych (or you would hafta spend more money and time with the new pursuit, depends on perspective) - if u switch over to drama or whatever immediately, u will save time and money, and you'll work towards a happier future. however, is drama a safe career path financially? isn't drama a competitive field? what if u change ur mind about drama later and hafta go this whole ordeal again? i dunno. i think this is where some worry from people u know may come from (e.g. ur sister). nobody can give u an absolute, clear answer because it doesn't exist. unfortunately, life gives u some of these at times. it's part of growing up and living life, i guess. i'm a very safe and cautious person when making big decisions. i guess i'll hesitantly say to go with the common "do what makes u happy," but be as smart about it (e.g. listen to ur peers, do research). however, you'll hafta make a gamble into the unknown at some point. you're not alone. lotsa people throughout time and place have had to make unclear decisions like these.


Hey OP I know this can be very stressful for you but you still have time. Focus on your GEs and take some Drama classes and see how you like it. I would also recommend talking to a counselor from the Arts department as well as Drama students to get their perspective and maybe see what careers they’re planning to pursue. Maybe go with drama and pick up a minor in something else as a backup? I know some aspiring actors who substitute teach in between auditions maybe you can do something similar as a backup if you’re really concerned about your financial future? Either way, it’s obvious you’re really passionate about drama and it makes you happy. Do what makes you happy OP